Publix Grocery Store Under Fire For Refusing to Write Pro-Trans Message On A Cake

NONE of those books are banned. You want to buy your kids porn? You can get all of those books on Amazon.

Which of those books is porn?

These are books that center on stories about women or people of color. And per the 'Stop WOKE Act', that's more than enough to ban them in Florida schools.

With DeSantis targetting Disney with special law after special law to suppress political speech.

But tell us more about 'free speech'.
You want to go through the banned book list?

The Bluest Eye is porn?

Brave New World is porn?

The Poet X is porn?

Girls Like Us is porn?

The Haters is porn?

Florida banned all these books. For crying out loud, y'all are doing formal investigations of teachers for showing Disney Movies in class.

And of course, DeSantis targeted Disney to shut down political speech.

But tell us more about 'free speech'.

None of those books have been banned. You can still buy them and expose your little kids to it (but if you do, someone should call CPS).
None of those books have been banned. You can still buy them and expose your little kids to it (but if you do, someone should call CPS).

All of them have been banned in Florida schools. And not one of them is 'porn'. They focus on women or characters of color. Which is more than enough for the 'Stop WOKE Act' to authorize their banning in schools.

Teachers are investigated for showing Disney movies.

And the governor is targetting Disney to suppress political speech.

But tell us more about 'free speech'. For the giggles.
Which of those books is porn?

These are books that center on stories about women or people of color. And per the 'Stop WOKE Act', that's more than enough to ban them in Florida schools.

With DeSantis targetting Disney with special law after special law to suppress political speech.

But tell us more about 'free speech'.
All DeSantis has done is revoke the special laws that gave Disney special rights and protection. He has not imposed any special laws on Disney that are not imposed on everybody in Florida.

You can argue whether the laws are fair or appropriate. But for those who are alarmed at the directions the left is pushing this country, one huge reason for DeSantis's popularity is he works to allow Americans their traditional rights and values and that means protecting the children from inappropriate curriculum, activities, entertainment etc.

That is what this thread is about, i.e. whether people should have the right to live their lives, conduct business, make choices that reflect their traditions and values short of treading on somebody else's right to do the same.

We all have a constitutional right to our personal values, beliefs, opinions. We do not have the right to demand that others agree with them or accommodate them. Any court ruling differently is in my opinion wrong.
All of them have been banned in Florida schools. And not one of them is 'porn'. They focus on women or characters of color. Which is more than enough for the 'Stop WOKE Act' to authorize their banning in schools.

Teachers are investigated for showing Disney movies.

And the governor is targetting Disney to suppress political speech.

But tell us more about 'free speech'. For the giggles.

Where in the "Stop WOKE" act does it say that focusing on women or characters of color is cause to prohibit a book in a school? Cite the page and paragraph, please.
All DeSantis has done is revoke the special laws that gave Disney special rights and protection.

More accurately, DeSantis specifically and repeatedly targeted Disney with laws that apply to NO other district. There are over 2000 of them in Florida, and ONLY Disney was subject to these laws. With DeSantis putting Disney's property under the direct control of his political allies.

For the express purpose of supressing political speech. This isn't a secret. DeSantis BRAGS about how he shut down Disney's political speech.

The big issue with Disney was they exercised a lot of political influence in this town,” DeSantis said in an interview with Newsmax. “And they tried to fight us on things like parents’ rights and things that are really important to the people of Florida. We beat them on that. We signed a parents’ rights bill and we’ve expanded protections and we’ve done a lot of stuff to go back and fight woke ideology.”

“Since our skirmish last year, Disney has not been involved in any of those issues,”
he added. “They have not made a peep. That ultimately is the most important – that Disney is not allowed to pervert the system to the detriment of Floridians. So that’s a win for the people of Florida.”

How is that 'free speech'? Y'all are literally using the power of the State to suppress political speech. Y'all BRAG about it and tout suppression of political speech as an accomplishment.

And of course, nothing says 'free speech' like banning books about women and people of color in Florida schools.
It doesn't. It DOES have the right to prohibit government endorsed content promoting things like CRT.

With CRT being whatever the fuck y'all want it to be. The law is intentionally vague to facilitate book banning of ideas that you guys don't like.

Including books that have NOTHING to do with porn. But are about women or people of color.

But tell us more about 'free speech'.
More accurately, DeSantis specifically and repeatedly targeted Disney with laws that apply to NO other district. There are over 2000 of them in Florida, and ONLY Disney was subject to these laws. With DeSantis putting Disney's property under the direct control of his political allies.

For the express purpose of supressing political speech. This isn't a secret. DeSantis BRAGS about how he shut down Disney's political speech.

The big issue with Disney was they exercised a lot of political influence in this town,” DeSantis said in an interview with Newsmax. “And they tried to fight us on things like parents’ rights and things that are really important to the people of Florida. We beat them on that. We signed a parents’ rights bill and we’ve expanded protections and we’ve done a lot of stuff to go back and fight woke ideology.”

“Since our skirmish last year, Disney has not been involved in any of those issues,”
he added. “They have not made a peep. That ultimately is the most important – that Disney is not allowed to pervert the system to the detriment of Floridians. So that’s a win for the people of Florida.”

How is that 'free speech'? Y'all are literally using the power of the State to suppress political speech. Y'all BRAG about it and tout suppression of political speech as an accomplishment.

And of course, nothing says 'free speech' like banning books about women and people of color in Florida schools.
I disagree. DeSantis has removed a lot of protection Disney had--they practically had their own country within a state before--once they crossed the line into perceived grooming of young children. Disney objected to being subject to the same rules, regulations, and laws everybody else in Florida has to obey.

And no books about women and people of color in Florida schools have been banned except those pushing unacceptable doctrines like CRT.

Meanwhile lefts demand that books like "Huckleberry Finn" and "Gone with the Wind" be removed from libraries because they portray women and people of color in an 'unwoke' manner however historically correct those books might be.
With CRT being whatever the fuck y'all want it to be. The law is intentionally vague to facilitate book banning of ideas that you guys don't like.

Including books that have NOTHING to do with porn. But are about women or people of color.

But tell us more about 'free speech'.
When a book contains inappropriate sexual content or is thinly veiled promotion of a particular doctrine that is deemed inappropriate for children to deal with, protection of children should always be the first concern.

You would no doubt agree with that if the book promoted a woman, black or white, pushing the MAGA doctrine in a way to influence the kids or some such as that even if it didn't specifically call it that.
I disagree.

It doesn't matter if you 'disagree'. DeSantis is *bragging* about shutting down Disney's political speech.

The big issue with Disney was they exercised a lot of political influence in this town,” DeSantis said in an interview with Newsmax. “And they tried to fight us on things like parents’ rights and things that are really important to the people of Florida. We beat them on that. We signed a parents’ rights bill and we’ve expanded protections and we’ve done a lot of stuff to go back and fight woke ideology.”

“Since our skirmish last year, Disney has not been involved in any of those issues,” he added. “They have not made a peep. That ultimately is the most important – that Disney is not allowed to pervert the system to the detriment of Floridians. So that’s a win for the people of Florida.”

If the laws that DeSantis signed and championed applied to all of the 2000 special districts, then there would be no problem. But DeSantis targeted ONLY Disney, for the express purpose of suppressing political speech.

That alone makes this a wild violation of free speech.

And then to create a NEW distinct out of an existing property, to put Disney's property under the authority of the cronies of the State? And ONLY Disney's property? With other threats to build prisons near them?

That's isn't free speech. That's using the power of the State to punish those who express political views you disagree with, and creating laws to suppress that political speech.

And then BRAGGING about it.

And this is what conservatives want for the whole country.

No thank you.
DeSantis has removed a lot of protection Disney had--they practically had their own country within a state before--once they crossed the line into perceived grooming of young children. Disney objected to being subject to the same rules, regulations, and laws everybody else in Florida has to obey.

And no books about women and people of color in Florida schools have been banned except those pushing unacceptable doctrines like CRT.

Meanwhile lefts demand that books like "Huckleberry Finn" and "Gone with the Wind" be removed from libraries because they portray women and people of color in an 'unwoke' manner however historically correct those books might be.

So you don't deny the book banning. You just use 'whataboutry' to just an explain away any culpability that conservatives have for violating free speech.

Thank you for again demonstrating my point perfectly.
With CRT being whatever the fuck y'all want it to be. The law is intentionally vague to facilitate book banning of ideas that you guys don't like.

Including books that have NOTHING to do with porn. But are about women or people of color.

But tell us more about 'free speech'.
Sorry but I stand by my post.
It doesn't matter if you 'disagree'. DeSantis is *bragging* about shutting down Disney's political speech.

The big issue with Disney was they exercised a lot of political influence in this town,” DeSantis said in an interview with Newsmax. “And they tried to fight us on things like parents’ rights and things that are really important to the people of Florida. We beat them on that. We signed a parents’ rights bill and we’ve expanded protections and we’ve done a lot of stuff to go back and fight woke ideology.”

“Since our skirmish last year, Disney has not been involved in any of those issues,” he added. “They have not made a peep. That ultimately is the most important – that Disney is not allowed to pervert the system to the detriment of Floridians. So that’s a win for the people of Florida.”

If the laws that DeSantis signed and championed applied to all of the 2000 special districts, then there would be no problem. But DeSantis targeted ONLY Disney, for the express purpose of suppressing political speech.

That alone makes this a wild violation of free speech.

And then to create a NEW distinct out of an existing property, to put Disney's property under the authority of the cronies of the State? And ONLY Disney's property? With other threats to build prisons near them?

That's isn't free speech. That's using the power of the State to punish those who express political views you disagree with, and creating laws to suppress that political speech.

And then BRAGGING about it.

And this is what conservatives want for the whole country.

No thank you.

So you don't deny the book banning. You just use 'whataboutry' to just an explain away any culpability that conservatives have for violating free speech.

Thank you for again demonstrating my point perfectly.
And the reading dysfunction of the left continues unabated. Do have a great day.
And the reading dysfunction of the left continues unabated. Do have a great day.
So much for your claims of 'free speech'.

I accept your concession with all the grace and patience it deserves.
So much for your claims of 'free speech'.

I accept your concession with all the grace and patience it deserves.
Ha. You wish. I concede nothing. There is nobody on USMB or anywhere else who is a stronger advocate for free speech than I am. And there is nobody quicker to ban free speech they don't like than a leftist.

If as a librarian put a book in the school library that promotes, even subtly, marriage as being only between a man and a woman or the traditional family as the ideal, I'm pretty sure you would lead the charge to have it removed.
Which of those books is porn?

These are books that center on stories about women or people of color. And per the 'Stop WOKE Act', that's more than enough to ban them in Florida schools.

With DeSantis targetting Disney with special law after special law to suppress political speech.

But tell us more about 'free speech'.

None of those books are banned.
None of those books are banned.

All of them have been banned in Florida schools.

And none of them are porn.

They're all stories about women or people of color. And using the Stop WOKE Act, that's enough to get them banned in a florida school.

But tell us more about 'free speech'. As nothing says 'free speech' like book banning.
All of them have been banned in Florida schools.

And none of them are porn.

They're all stories about women or people of color. And using the Stop WOKE Act, that's enough to get them banned in a florida school.

But tell us more about 'free speech'. As nothing says 'free speech' like book banning.

The only point that matters is that those books are not banned. You want your kids to read woke nonsense, you can buy those books on Amazon.
The only point that matters is that those books are not banned. You want your kids to read woke nonsense, you can buy those books on Amazon.

The point is, y'all are banning books in schools......and laughably claiming free speech.

Y'all are using the power of the State to punish political speech you don't like in order to suppress political speech......and laughably claiming free speech.

Neither book banning nor using the power of the state to suppress political speech is free speech.

Especially with DeSantis BRAGGING about suppressing Disney's political speech.

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