Proxy Voting

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
Voting by proxy is when you ask another member to vote for you. It's been going on since the summer and nobody is even reporting on the trend.

Here's a list of all who voted by proxy yesterday...

Anyway. It's hard to fathom how any congressional oversight of the executive branch is possible in a legitimate way with this continuing. And certainly this trivializes any genuine expectation that they'll be held accountable. How do you hold someone accountable who doesn't even care to show up?

There's quite a few outlying issues with this. Why would a congressman from one state have any attachment to the people of another state whose representative was derelict? For starters. Or maybe Washington starts calling in laws to the states over the telephone? lol.

At least one of the scoundrels had the fortitude to apologize after attending a hearing from his boat.
Voting by proxy is when you ask another member to vote for you. It's been going on since the summer and nobody is even reporting on the trend.

Here's a list of all who voted by proxy yesterday...

Anyway. It's hard to fathom how any congressional oversight of the executive branch is possible in a legitimate way with this continuing. And certainly this trivializes any genuine expectation that they'll be held accountable. How do you hold someone accountable who doesn't even care to show up?

There's quite a few outlying issues with this. Why would a congressman from one state have any attachment to the people of another state whose representative was derelict? For starters. Or maybe Washington starts calling in laws to the states over the telephone? lol.

At least one of the scoundrels had the fortitude to apologize after attending a hearing from his boat.
Your lists did not specify voting by proxy. Spit it out Nat. What were those lists about? Did you cut off a heading that would have said voting by proxy or in absentia? What does constitution or rules of the house specify and if rules, when were they first written that way?
Your lists did not specify voting by proxy. Spit it out Nat. What were those lists about? Did you cut off a heading that would have said voting by proxy or in absentia? What does constitution or rules of the house specify and if rules, when were they first written that way?

It's the list of all who voted by proxy yesterday. Everyone on the list voted by proxy yesterday. That list was shared by Congressman Massie.

I believe it was back in May or June that Congress voted to allow a temporary rules change that permitted a single member to both represent and vote on behalf of up to ten other members.

The Constitution, however, requires that all legislation be passed with a quorum of members physically present at the Capitol. House Republicans sued, making the case for constitutional requirements, but the court decided that legal precedent trumps constitutional precedent. This is actually why the Founders didn't grant the courts the power of judicial review in Article III. That's a completely different discussion, though.
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Some examples of how the 'temporary' rules are abused....

Rep. Charlie Crist was derelict for hearings as a result of what he called an 'ongoing public health emergency'...


Yet he was remarkably present for the SpaceX Launch in Florida...

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Rep. Darren Soto also claimed to be ''unable to physically attend proceedings in the House Chamber due to the ongoing public health emergency"...


But Soto was enjoying the SpaceX launch while someone else voted for him, due to the ''ongoing public health emergency.''
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Really, it's basically handing over full control to Speaker Pelosi.

I had a thread on just that very thing some place around here a while back. I'm not digging it up, though.

Actually, I dug it up anyway. I'll cross-reference, since it's relevant here...

''Pelosi referred to Rep. Massie as a 'dangerous nuisance' after demanding that Congress come to work and do its job during the corona 3.0 legislation, the largest spending bill in history at 6 trillion dollars at the time. It's a small victory to know that she and the President view at least on Republican as dangerous to their agenda. Apparently Pelosi herself is comfortable not only with the notion that the rest of the Republican party are not in any way a danger to her agenda, but that they're wilfully complicit.''

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Your lists did not specify voting by proxy. Spit it out Nat. What were those lists about? Did you cut off a heading that would have said voting by proxy or in absentia? What does constitution or rules of the house specify and if rules, when were they first written that way?

It's the list of all who voted by proxy yesterday. Everyone on the list voted by proxy yesterday. That list was shared by Congresman Massie.

I believe it was back in May or June that Congress voted to allow a temporary rules change that permitted a single member to both represent and vote on behalf of up to ten other members.

The Constitution, however, requires that all legislation be passed with a quorum of members physically present at the Capitol. House Republicans sued, making the case for constitutional requirements, but the court decided that legal precedent trumps constitutional precedent. This is actually why the Foundes didn't grant the courts the power of judicial review in Article III. That's a completely different discussion, though.
Gotcha. Can understand if actually sick in the hospital or quarantined, though understand there is probably no a provision in the constitution to make ok. Understanding is different than constitutional legality and more to support (in a way), there is no way that many congressmen and women are hospitalized. Phoning it in while on vacation is indeed bullsh#t. I would not care if they were physically picked up by marshals on order of Sargent at Arms of the House and dragged to the capital to do the job they are paid to do. Don't care about their personal convenience or Nancy's.
Thanks for clarifying. Your point is made.
Gotcha. Can understand if actually sick in the hospital or quarantined, though understand there is probably no a provision in the constitution to make ok. Understanding is different than constitutional legality and more to support (in a way), there is no way that many congressmen and women are hospitalized. Phoning it in while on vacation is indeed bullsh#t. I would not care if they were physically picked up by marshals on order of Sargent at Arms of the House and dragged to the capital to do the job they are paid to do. Don't care about their personal convenience or Nancy's.
Thanks for clarifying. Your point is made.

They changed the rules, again ''temporarily'', to allow for teleconferencing as well. So their bases are basically covered.

Unfortunately, they're now trying to change the entire quorum rule structure to allow for it permanantly. They're also creating a system for secure filing and some other more permanent infrastructure. So 'temporary' seems more like a temporary excuse while a more long-term plan to avoid having to actually come to work physically is being refined.

If I'm not mistaken, I believe Rep Stanton only apologized about the boat thing because the majority of his constituents were locked down at the time, due to local decree, while he was having a party or something like that on his boat with his family.
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Voting by proxy is when you ask another member to vote for you. It's been going on since the summer and nobody is even reporting on the trend.

Here's a list of all who voted by proxy yesterday...

Anyway. It's hard to fathom how any congressional oversight of the executive branch is possible in a legitimate way with this continuing. And certainly this trivializes any genuine expectation that they'll be held accountable. How do you hold someone accountable who doesn't even care to show up?

There's quite a few outlying issues with this. Why would a congressman from one state have any attachment to the people of another state whose representative was derelict? For starters. Or maybe Washington starts calling in laws to the states over the telephone? lol.

At least one of the scoundrels had the fortitude to apologize after attending a hearing from his boat.
You can't expect them to actually show up to work all the time can you?
Another 197 members just voted by proxy yesterday. They all wrote a letter designating another member to vote on their behalf.

That's a new record for proxy voting on a single day.

So much for representation.

Each member of the 197 who signed the letter continue to maintain that they cannot vote in person ''due to the ongoing public health emergency.''

This was the 5 PM vote series.

Bunch of gosh darned lazy scoundrels, if you ask me.
Damnit bro. All this shit you posting today. Are you trying to piss me off?

It's crazy what's going on.

The irony here is they just raised the debt limit $480,000,000,000 using legislation entitled ''Promoting Physical Activity for Americans Act''

What the actual heck.

Clearly these people have no regard or respect for the American electorate. None. Just...none.
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It's crazy what's going on.

The irony here is they just raised the debt limit $480,000,000,000 using legislation entitled ''Promoting Physical Activity for Americans Act''

What the actual heck.

Clearly these people have no regard or respect for the American electorate. None. Just...none.

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