Protests, Then and Now - Note the Difference

Please note that the money that was seized from the truckers was returned to the donors who gave it to them.

The truckers were using the money to drink beer, party all night, and destroy the city of Ottawa. The courts decreed their action illegal and told them to go home.

While right wing media has chosen to portrayed this as draconian, the money was returned to the AMERICAN donors trying to stir up trouble in Canada.

These agents/agitators that are being

Speaking of agents and agitators. . . I no more than mention them. .. and boom. . .


You just got to show up and stir shit up. . .
I think a lot of this generation, just isn't content to protest and show their displeasure.

They feel they need to have a strategy to get media attention, which means. . . . causing a disturbance and violating some law or the rights of others.

In the past, others were not so worried about getting media attention or popularity, they were more concerned with their cause.

In their defense, today's media isn't quite what it was in the past Mr B

Their cause , or anyone's cause for that matter, is filtered through the lense of partisan journalism ,much of which has no respect for the 1st Amd ,nor these kids the right to it.

For example, they (the kids) are labeled the 'haters' , for simply pointing out all the M.E. haters , they are the ones seen as wanting violence via pointing out the M.E. are the boiling point of it, they are the ones pointing out our allies aren't living up to, nor are one.....

Lastly, they are pointing out we're on the cusp of WW3 ,riding on the tails of the good lord's biggest hatefest incarnate , where we have no dog in the fight and they'll be the first to go

Canadian wait times cost billions in lost wages:

Health care "crisis"

No doctors in rural SK

And on and on and on.

Talk to the wall, Canadian.

Nothing published by the Fraser Institute, has any bearing or relation to fact or truth about public policy in Canada. The Fraser Institute is libertarian, extremely right wing and opposes public education and public health care. Their “studies” are junk science asking leading questions to get the required response.

There are no doctors in Rural Appalachia either. There are shortages of doctors in all rural areas of the United States and Canada.

Your life expectancy is declining Sue. You’re the only country in the first world where life expectancy is going down, not up.
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In their defense, today's media isn't quite what it was in the past Mr B

Their cause , or anyone's cause for that matter, is filtered through the lense of partisan journalism ,much of which has no respect for the 1st Amd ,nor these kids the right to it.

For example, they (the kids) are labeled the 'haters' , for simply pointing out all the M.E. haters , they are the ones seen as wanting violence via pointing out the M.E. are the boiling point of it, they are the ones pointing out our allies aren't living up to, nor are one.....

Lastly, they are pointing out we're on the cusp of WW3 ,riding on the tails of the good lord's biggest hatefest incarnate , where we have no dog in the fight and they'll be the first to go

I'll take your word for it, or anyone elses perception of it.

I'm not here to change anyone's mind, just here to share my PoV, and give some information.

I seriously haven't watched any of it. Really I haven't. I stopped watching nightly news around 2005, and cable a few years before.

The only time I will turn on any MSM news show at all, is, if I am up, and feeling well on Sunday morning, I will check out the CBS morning show. Mostly because that is what my folks used to watch, (and still do,) and I know at least 50% of it is just fluff. Background feel good crap while I putter around on the PC.

It reminds me of being a kid again. Mom was raised by Catholics, pretty liberal, & Dad, by very conservative parents. Hell, his mom was a former Mennonite.

The one show that never seemed to put either of them off was CBS Sunday Morning. That jingle and the smell of coffee, still makes it feel like Sunday. I missed it this past week. Its been a rough few months for me.

From the archives: The 1979 debut of "Sunday Morning," Part 1​

Campus unrest: Will protests make a difference?​

Nothing published by the Fraser Institute, has any bearing or relation to fact or truth about public policy in Canada. The Fraser Institute is libertarian, extremely right wing and opposes public education and public health care. Their “studies” are junk science asking leading questions to get the required response.

There are no doctors in Rural Appalachia either. There are shortages of doctors in all rural areas of the United States and Canada.

Your life expectancy is declining Sue. You’re the only country in the first world where life expectancy is going down, not up.

Cherry picking a disaster, I see. Have fun with that
Nothing published by the Fraser Institute, has any bearing or relation to fact or truth about public policy in Canada.
Canada is in deep shit, and YOU? Are in serious denial.

That RCMP report was pulled from


But not before someone downloaded it. :auiqs.jpg:

Stay Informed
Story #1: Secret RCMP Report Warns Canadians May Revolt Once They Realize How Broke They Are

RCMP: Whole of Government Five-Year Trends For Canada

"A 'Secret' Royal Canadian Mounted Police report paints a dark picture of Canada's future due to climate change, misinformation, a global recession and other troubling trends."
When they come do that to me, they're done. I wouldn't suggest trying it, because I will fuck you up.

Have you ever held back a mob of 50 with only 3 people?

I don't think so, and I am no coward, liar. You ever stop 3 big black boys from terrorizing a little young black guy with violence?

I did, and he loves me to death to this day. Fuck You! :fu:

It's called right and wrong, something I doubt you have a good grasp of.
Yeah you're a coward. Nobody cares about you so nobody is "coming for you" you fucking deranged lunatic.
Yeah you're a coward. Nobody cares about you so nobody is "coming for you" you fucking deranged lunatic.
Say it to my face, pussy. Try me. You'll soon realize you made a big mistake.

I've backed whole bars full of angry people down before. Go on and step up, I'll knock you right on out the park, and your jaw, too. Bitch. I'm no super badass, and I can lose on any given day, but I have forgotten more ways to hurt a human being than you ever thought about learning.
I could lose, but I know a lot of tricks.
Say it to my face, pussy. Try me. You'll soon realize you made a big mistake.

I've backed whole bars full of angry people down before. Go on and step up, I'll knock you right on out the park, and your jaw, too. Bitch.
Now we both know a coward such as yourself isnt going to do anything. But one must ask, why are you hanging out with a bunch of little black boys?
Now we both know a coward such as yourself isnt going to do anything. But one must ask, why are you hanging out with a bunch of little black boys?
What?! Really the only little black boys in my life were a friend who was funny from the bus stop and another big boy's little brother. Wtf are you talking about?
Well, besides the 8 that tried to jump me out back of the locker rooms. A black guy from the football team saved me from that, and them 8 little motherfuckers had me too.
OOo! I had one. Fist in his solar plexus, swinging him around to hit the other 7 munchkins with his legs and feet, but they were going to overcome me like Army Ants. I needed help, and by the grace of God I got it.
I still remember his name to this day.

I remember everybody's names, who am I kidding? I may have killed the one I was swinging around at the others if someone had not have helped me, that's reality.

That day I very easily could have killed a kid and been beaten half to death by munchkins, but it didn't happen like that, Thank God. That's only 1 time out of many that things could have gone a very different way.
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It wasn’t the Democrats who were marching through Charlottesville with their tiki torches saying chanting, “The Jews will not replace us”.

What about the Soros hate???
Sure it was, well at least they were biden voters
Voting for your demklan has give us the worse slaughter on Jews since hitler

Record numbers of Americans worse off

And war in Europe

You aren’t black, you’re just dumb
The dummy is you, that's why you can't point to ANY republican policies or bills that have actually helped black folks. There are no Jewish folks being slaughtered in America, fool. The only folks that have been slaughtered in this country are black folks. It's amazing how you can never and never back up any of that right wing bullshit you are always spewing.
You're conveniently forgetting a few things OP.

Remember how the government sniped a few protesters at the college back during your era?

And also how the reason for the masks today is due to the threat of doxxing by the Establishment that has already been recently carried out.

Just a couple of things to consider.
Doxxing is a tool of the Leftist Establishment; the side you vote with. Terrorists use masks because they are cowards yet want to instill fear.

I know, you will now use word play, the typical Marxist Playbook, by saying, there was no "HAMAS" terror threat.
Nope, I'll just remind you that Christopher Wray is part of the Deep State and connected to a globalist agenda to strip you of your first Amendment.

The only thing he knows how to do is lie, cheat, steal, and otherwise create false narratives, in order to increase the power of the military-industrial-establishment. He traffics in lies, fear and paranoia, like anyone that usually occupies that seat. I can't tell you how many times I have seen him questioned by a Senator or congressional rep., and could clearly see, for myself, that he is a liar.

If you want to bleev what he tells you? Feel free. I am not that gullible. :rolleyes:

Another thing to consider OP, when you look at what the critics back then were saying about those Civil Rights protests, you'll quickly discover they sound eerily similar aka EXACTLY like the criticism occurring today.

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