Protesters topple Confederate monument on UNC campus


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Protesters topple Confederate monument on UNC campus
08/20/18 10:20 PM EDT --- Protesters on the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill campus on Monday night brought down a controversial monument dedicated to Confederate soldiers, according to media reports. The fate of monuments honoring Confederate soldiers have become a hot-button issue in the wake of last year's violent white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va.

I don’t seem to see any white supremacy in the world today. What I'm seeing is an awful lot of black supremacy and racism and Marxist Socialist terrorism in America. Seems the vandals are now setting the rules. Can the Cheka be close behind?
No one can change history by toppling statues. It shows mental impotence. You gain your rightful place in the world by building not destroying.
I doubt the average Southern foot soldier owned slaves. They were called and served in both the North and the South. Will the memorial to the Black soldiers that served in the 1st Kansas Colored Volunteers. also be toppled soon?
Should we be looking forward to seeing the Memorials to those that served in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam also destroyed by the terrorists that mask themselves like the KKK?
Not hardly. UNC is in Chapel Hill. A Democrat town, and whose County Commission are leftists, approving of the illegal vandalism. And the state has a Democrat governor.

Vandals have politics on their side. Look what happened in Durham, NC last February. Vandals tore down a Confederate statue, got arrested, all charges dropped. Statute still gone.

All depends on which political party is in control. If you got Republicans, you got law & order. if you got Democrats, you don't.

How Democrats Disrespect & Destroy Law in America

Why the Durham Confederate-Statue Charges Were Dropped - The Atlantic
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No one can change history by toppling statues.
Its history is as a monument erected in 1913 to the Jim Crow laws which were keeping the blacks in their place. It glorifies men who fought for a government based on the inferiority of the black man, which intended to preserve slavery. History will record that such men were less likely to be glorified 150 years after the war.
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Its history is as a monument erected in 1913 to the Jim Crow laws which were keeping the blacks in their place. It honours men who fought for a government based on the inferiority of the black man, which intended to preserve slavery. History will record that such men were less likely to be glorified 150 years after the war.
That's one (limited) way of looking at it. Here's another. Southern soldiers (many of them civilians, unaffiliated with the Confederacy) fought to DEFEND themselves and their towns from attackers, who came to them from hundreds of miles away.

If someone sees themselves being shot at, their buildings blown up, their churches being burned down, what does one do ? Nothing ?
That's one (limited) way of looking at it.
What, you mean after they'd won they wouldn't have maintained a government based on the inferiority of the black man and would have ended the peculiar institution? That's not what the government they were supporting was all about?
If someone sees themselves being shot at, their buildings blown up, their churches being burned down, what does one do ? Nothing ?
Well they could have not fired on Federal property, but after that they could have surrendered the property they'd stolen and admitted it was wrong to treat people as chattels and started behaving as real Christians. But no. So they end up as statues to reinforce their loser Jim Crow laws and let the blacks know their place. Which was better?
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What, you mean after they'd won they wouldn't have maintained a government based on the inferiority of the black man and would have ended the peculiar institution? That's not what the government they were supporting was all about?
I stated what I "mean" in Post # 8. If you can read, then YOU KNOW what I mean.
Well they could have admitted it was wrong to treat people as property and started behaving as real Christians. But no. So they end up as statues to reinforce their loser Jim Crow laws and let the blacks know where their place was. Which was better?
That wasn't the question.
Protesters topple Confederate monument on UNC campus
08/20/18 10:20 PM EDT --- Protesters on the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill campus on Monday night brought down a controversial monument dedicated to Confederate soldiers, according to media reports. The fate of monuments honoring Confederate soldiers have become a hot-button issue in the wake of last year's violent white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va.

I don’t seem to see any white supremacy in the world today. What I'm seeing is an awful lot of black supremacy and racism and Marxist Socialist terrorism in America. Seems the vandals are now setting the rules. Can the Cheka be close behind?
No one can change history by toppling statues. It shows mental impotence. You gain your rightful place in the world by building not destroying.
I doubt the average Southern foot soldier owned slaves. They were called and served in both the North and the South. Will the memorial to the Black soldiers that served in the 1st Kansas Colored Volunteers. also be toppled soon?
Should we be looking forward to seeing the Memorials to those that served in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam also destroyed by the terrorists that mask themselves like the KKK?
Doc, are these your words or an unsourced link? The terms 'black supremacy' instead of 'black equality' and 'Marxist Socialist terrorism' are a pretty significant tell. The white supremacy advocates of the past few centuries in Europe and America is afraid of equality. To some people the only thing that gives them a sense of special value, and advantage, is a white skin and loss of that fantasy would be devastating.

Another thought is that while no one can change history by toppling statues, no one can change history by erecting statues either, especially by erecting them some 50 years after the event they signify. The average southern foot soldier did not own slaves, just like the average German foot soldier did not partake in genocide, but they were convinced to make it possible with their lives if necessary. The reference to the 1st Kansas (bloody Kansas?) Colored Volunteers reminds me that Ira Hayes couldn't vote in America even as he participated in raising the Stars and Stripes on Iwo Jima too.

I agree that toppling the statue is vandalism IF the statue was on private property. Is the school public or private? There is something unpleasant about all this toppling, IMHO, simply because I admire sculpture. But I see the value of removing them from public display.
Public, or private land, the destruction of property is illegal, vandalism, and shows how violence, and destruction is accepted if those in power agree politically. It is disgusting, and evidence of a society in decline. It has to stop.
Public, or private land, the destruction of property is illegal, vandalism, and shows how violence, and destruction is accepted if those in power agree politically. It is disgusting, and evidence of a society in decline. It has to stop.

Guy, I'm an old man, and I heard the same kind of stuff said i the 1960's...

Society is going to be fine.

The question is, should we keep up statues that were only erected in the first place to denigrate and intimidate a large portion of the population?

Nobody put these statues up in the 1870's... People were damned mad about the ruin Davis and Lee had inflicted on them.

they put them up in the 1920's to put the Darkies in their place.

Now people of color are saying, "No More".

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