Protesters swarm Capitol rotunda to demand Israel-Hamas ceasefire

You saw how they hated leaving the slaughter house of Afghanistan. They wanted more American deaths.
its the way we left idiot ... instead of a strategic withdrawal the dems made it look like we cut and ran leaving billions of dollars worth of weapons behind for the enemy to use . the left once again made the US look weak ! and what has it gotten us when it comes to emboldened bad actors eh ?
You saw how they hated leaving the slaughter house of Afghanistan. They wanted more American deaths.

Hamas sympathizers storm Capitol office building, draw GOP criticism:

'Insurrection on Capitol Hill'

18 Oct 2023 ~~ By Jackson Walker

WASHINGTON (TND) — A wave of Hamas sympathizers stormed the Cannon Rotunda on Capitol Hill Wednesday, chanting and waving banners urging President Joe Biden to demand a ceasefire.
U.S. Capitol Police announced the disturbance via X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, saying “demonstrations are not allowed inside Congressional Buildings.”
In a follow-up post, the officials explained “we warned the protestors to stop demonstrating and when they did not comply we began arresting them.”
Many major Republican figures took to social media to compare the incident to the events of January 6.

I don't think Democrats will be hold investigations or prosecuting any of these individuals or insurrection.
Washington D.C. law declares it “unlawful” to “parade, demonstrate, or picket within any of the Capitol Buildings.” Such a violation can be punishable by a felony charge, $5,000 fine or imprisonment up to five years.
There you have it. Although only MAGA people have been arrested tried ad sent to jail up to 20 years.

Hamas sympathizers storm Capitol office building, draw GOP criticism:

'Insurrection on Capitol Hill'

18 Oct 2023 ~~ By Jackson Walker

WASHINGTON (TND) — A wave of Hamas sympathizers stormed the Cannon Rotunda on Capitol Hill Wednesday, chanting and waving banners urging President Joe Biden to demand a ceasefire.
U.S. Capitol Police announced the disturbance via X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, saying “demonstrations are not allowed inside Congressional Buildings.”
In a follow-up post, the officials explained “we warned the protestors to stop demonstrating and when they did not comply we began arresting them.”
Many major Republican figures took to social media to compare the incident to the events of January 6.

I don't think Democrats will be hold investigations or prosecuting any of these individuals.
Washington D.C. law declares it “unlawful” to “parade, demonstrate, or picket within any of the Capitol Buildings.” Such a violation can be punishable by a felony charge, $5,000 fine or imprisonment up to five years.
There you have it. Although only MAGA people have been arrested tried ad sent to jail up to 20 years.
Ooooohhhh...waving banners and chanting! Gosh!

No windows smashed. No doors kicked in. No smearing of their shit on the walls. No takeover of the House chamber or legislators offices. No trashing of the premises No evacuation. No mass injuries of the police. No stampeding one of their own to death. No guns. No bear spray.

My oh my, look how desperate you are to make this sound like January 6. :laughing0301:

At least 100 people were arrested, dumbass. Do try to catch up.
Ooooohhhh...waving banners and chanting! Gosh!

No windows smashed. No doors kicked in. No smearing of their shit on the walls. No takeover of the House chamber or legislators offices. No trashing of the premises No evacuation. No mass injuries of the police. No stampeding one of their own to death. No guns. No bear spray.

My oh my, look how desperate you are to make this sound like January 6. :laughing0301:

At least 100 people were arrested, dumbass. Do try to catch up.

Where you there Charlie? How do you know if there was or wasn't any damage done? Certainly the biased media would reveal it.

Protesters swarm Capitol rotunda to demand Israel-Hamas ceasefire

18 Oct 2023 ~~ By Mike Bedigan

Hundreds of protesters have swarmed the Cannon rotunda at the US Capitol in Washington DC to demand an immediate ceasefire in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.
Footage online showed a large group of people, some sitting on the floor, gathered the famous building, waving a large banner that read “Jews say ceasefire now” – and chanting.
More stood on the balcony of the rotunda also waving a banners calling for a ceasefire. One read “mourn the dead and fight like hell for the living”.
Many of those gathered were dressed in Jewish attire including the Tallit prayer shawls and Kippahs. Others wore black t-shirts emblazoned with the words “not in our name”.
Despite appearing to be a peaceful protest, Capitol police soon moved to arrest members of the demonstration. By this time the number of people gathered looked to have risen.
“A group of protesters are demonstrating inside the Cannon Rotunda. Demonstrations are not allowed inside Congressional Buildings,” the force wrote on X.
“We warned the protestors to stop demonstrating and when they did not comply we began arresting them.”
Footage also showed police begin to arrest protesters one at a time, with some being forced to the ground.

The U.S. Capitol rotunda is packed with protesters. Large group of protesters outside too. Described as Jewish protesters yelling for Israel ceasefire and "free Palestine."
Looks like a bloody INSURRECTION!!
For MAGA its insurrection, for Democrat Socialists of America Progressives and Palestinian sympathizers it's a protest.
Will these anti-semetic racist Jew haters be arrested and get 10-20 years and solitary confinement?

In return, Joe Biden will let 2 million of their closest Palestinian relatives into the USA by the end of the year. Mostly peaceful relatives, of course.

That's odd, so where on earth were all these protestors wanting a cease fire in the Russia/Ukraine war ??????

Oh that's right, over there it's just a bunch of white supremacists killing a bunch of white supremacists, and that means less white supremacist in the world, so yeah kill, kill, kill or let them kill each other, and here's another $1.2 billion more in order to make sure that it gets done more efficiently. No peace or peace negotiations for that region of the world.

Meanwhile the outrage is off the chain when people of a specific ethnic origin, cultural and/or religious background, somehow becomes entangled or involved in a hot war in which they may have brought on themselves, otherwise if caught up in that war together as a people, and especially if they are losing that war..... So the people around the world are saying "hey Israel it's time to STOP THIS BULL SHITE IMMEDIATELY" regardless of what might have happened to your loved one's.

Can't go along with that one. Hamas needs to be rooted out of that territory in which they have been abusing for way far too long now.
I certainly hope you have not produced any children, but if you have, you would be singing a different time of yours were beheaded.

Ooooohhhh...waving banners and chanting! Gosh!

No windows smashed. No doors kicked in. No smearing of their shit on the walls. No takeover of the House chamber or legislators offices. No trashing of the premises No evacuation. No mass injuries of the police. No stampeding one of their own to death. No guns. No bear spray.

My oh my, look how desperate you are to make this sound like January 6. :laughing0301:

At least 100 people were arrested, dumbass. Do try to catch up.
officers were assaulted ..
What's wrong with peace?

Haven't got enough bloodlust, yet?
History will indubitably be forced to point out hard
reality.That our Mainstream media are purposeful in their
denials of Reality all in an effort to help One Party.
The Drat Democrats.Who aren't just spoiled brats but ingrate
bullies of the first order.
Hugh Hewitt { surely must feel like a major league schumck
getting a paycheck from The Washington Post }.Plus was a
contributor at MSNBC until he decided to leave.
Hewitt spent this morning using the term " blood lust ".
I go back to something that one of - The Five - panelists
at Fox { 5 pm } made a strong assertion about.That Biden
was " The Grown-up in the Room ". Jessica Tarlov said it
often while Biden was running for President in the fall of
2020.That sums up what we're dealin' with here.
Plus Cher just came out { pathetically predictable } saying
she'll leave the country if Trump runs and wins.
History will indubitably be forced to point out hard
reality.That our Mainstream media are purposeful in their
denials of Reality all in an effort to help One Party.
The Drat Democrats.Who aren't just spoiled brats but ingrate
bullies of the first order.
Hugh Hewitt { surely must feel like a major league schumck
getting a paycheck from The Washington Post }.Plus was a
contributor at MSNBC until he decided to leave.
Hewitt spent this morning using the term " blood lust ".
I go back to something that one of - The Five - panelists
at Fox { 5 pm } made a strong assertion about.That Biden
was " The Grown-up in the Room ". Jessica Tarlov said it
often while Biden was running for President in the fall of
2020.That sums up what we're dealin' with here.
Plus Cher just came out { pathetically predictable } saying
she'll leave the country if Trump runs and wins.
Cher ? Not again... 😂
officers were assaulted ..
Why did Officers allow ANY Protestors into the Capitol.
because they were given some version of a Green Light.
Because it's precisely the same crap as when Protestors
of the Abortion debate { Dodd Decision being overturned }
were Permitted to Protest right outside the Residences of
a couple-three Supreme Court Justices.AG Garland did
not even attempt to enforce the law about Protesting
outside a Judges residence while a Trial is ongoing.
Our Country is being Taken over right before our eyes.
Lying,Projection,double standards,outright lawlessness.
Targetting of Innocents and freeing of those commiting
crimes. This has become the new standard.
This is exactly how Country's fall.
Cher ? Not again... 😂

Cher ? Not again... 😂
This is not some petty juvenile use of names or slogans
Like ... Drank the Kool-aid.
This is a full blown effort to overturn { using every snarky
propagandist tool at the ready } to frustrate any positivity
that exists as to the greatness of our Country.
And reversing it in the most despicable attempt to
overturn what once was.The Goodness and blessing
to live and thrive in such a bountiful and compassionate
This is no different than during the Middle Ages,and Rats
taking over the sewers and spreading plague.
The Black Death.But Historians claim that the Black Death
was spread too fast to be blamed on rats.It was humans
who also had fleas and lice that probably did more to
spread the death.
The United States is now spreading a mental version of
the plague.By rotting our brains with distortions and lies
and sickly humor as if funny and cutesy.
Ooooohhhh...waving banners and chanting! Gosh!

No windows smashed. No doors kicked in. No smearing of their shit on the walls. No takeover of the House chamber or legislators offices. No trashing of the premises No evacuation. No mass injuries of the police. No stampeding one of their own to death. No guns. No bear spray.

My oh my, look how desperate you are to make this sound like January 6. :laughing0301:

At least 100 people were arrested, dumbass. Do try to catch up.

How could things be going any worse for you all?

Gosh, I hate to ask that question....

the ONLY thing you got going now is the Speaker situation, which NO ONE cares about

Protesters swarm Capitol rotunda to demand Israel-Hamas ceasefire

18 Oct 2023 ~~ By Mike Bedigan

Hundreds of protesters have swarmed the Cannon rotunda at the US Capitol in Washington DC to demand an immediate ceasefire in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.
Footage online showed a large group of people, some sitting on the floor, gathered the famous building, waving a large banner that read “Jews say ceasefire now” – and chanting.
More stood on the balcony of the rotunda also waving a banners calling for a ceasefire. One read “mourn the dead and fight like hell for the living”.
Many of those gathered were dressed in Jewish attire including the Tallit prayer shawls and Kippahs. Others wore black t-shirts emblazoned with the words “not in our name”.
Despite appearing to be a peaceful protest, Capitol police soon moved to arrest members of the demonstration. By this time the number of people gathered looked to have risen.
“A group of protesters are demonstrating inside the Cannon Rotunda. Demonstrations are not allowed inside Congressional Buildings,” the force wrote on X.
“We warned the protestors to stop demonstrating and when they did not comply we began arresting them.”
Footage also showed police begin to arrest protesters one at a time, with some being forced to the ground.

The U.S. Capitol rotunda is packed with protesters. Large group of protesters outside too. Described as Jewish protesters yelling for Israel ceasefire and "free Palestine."
Looks like a bloody INSURRECTION!!
For MAGA its insurrection, for Democrat Socialists of America Progressives and Palestinian sympathizers it's a protest.
Will these anti-semetic racist Jew haters be arrested and get 10-20 years and solitary confinement?

In return, Joe Biden will let 2 million of their closest Palestinian relatives into the USA by the end of the year. Mostly peaceful relatives, of course.

Wake up!

These "anti Semitic, racist Jew hating" protesters are Jewish.

Yes,, there are plenty of ethical Jews who are getting fed up with 75 years of criminal, Zionist ethnic cleansing:

- "Young Jews Fed Up With Israel Says Tom Friedman"

EXCERPT " I don’t know if this can be fixed. But Israel should start by ending the occupation. Another Yitzhak Rabin would sure help too. (Israel’s popularity was at an all-time high when he was prime minister and pursuing an agreement with the Palestinians).

One thing is clear. The people who support the status quo are no friends of Israel. J Street can try to make the difference but, with young Jews indifferent to Israel, even J Street faces a very steep uphill climb."CONTINUED

- "Are American Jews Giving Up on Israel?"

Some diaspora Jews, furious with a series of legislative blows from Israel’s ultra-Orthodox religious establishment, are now threatening to stitch up their deep pockets once and for all.

“The rift is real,” says Seth Farber, a modern Orthodox rabbi who leads ITIM, an organization that offers assistance to Israelis in navigating the country’s religious bureaucracy. “[Jews who are not ultra-Orthodox] are not just shifting uncomfortably. They are saying: This is not the Israel that we know.”CONTINUED
How could things be going any worse for you all?

Gosh, I hate to ask that question....

the ONLY thing you got going now is the Speaker situation, which NO ONE cares about
Yes,I guess if Lenny { Of Mice and Men } 1939 was around he'd
be laser-focused on them rabbits.Where'd they'd all done gone to.
Not in the field of Alfalfa.Or near the brook stream.
because as George told Lenny :
" Keep lookin'.Just keep lookin'.It's gonna be nice
Lenny.They'r ain't gonna be no trouble.No fights.They'r
ain't gonna be nobody mean or nobody to steal from.
It's gonna be Nice."
What did George know that Lenny was incapable
of comprehending.What did the Great Writer
John Steinbeck know and was relaying to his readers.
As he did with - The Grapes of Wrath -
That Man is supposed to be a Rational animal.
That elements of life often times cannot be
eluded or outsmarted.That whatever promised land
exists may not be attainable and in the least will
be a hard road to trek.Such is Life.
Democrats don't know or care a whit about any of that.
" ... For most of us,this is the aim
Never here to be realised;
Who are only undefeated
Because we have gone on trying .... "
T.S. Eliot


Protesters swarm Capitol rotunda to demand Israel-Hamas ceasefire

18 Oct 2023 ~~ By Mike Bedigan

Hundreds of protesters have swarmed the Cannon rotunda at the US Capitol in Washington DC to demand an immediate ceasefire in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.
Footage online showed a large group of people, some sitting on the floor, gathered the famous building, waving a large banner that read “Jews say ceasefire now” – and chanting.
More stood on the balcony of the rotunda also waving a banners calling for a ceasefire. One read “mourn the dead and fight like hell for the living”.
Many of those gathered were dressed in Jewish attire including the Tallit prayer shawls and Kippahs. Others wore black t-shirts emblazoned with the words “not in our name”.
Despite appearing to be a peaceful protest, Capitol police soon moved to arrest members of the demonstration. By this time the number of people gathered looked to have risen.
“A group of protesters are demonstrating inside the Cannon Rotunda. Demonstrations are not allowed inside Congressional Buildings,” the force wrote on X.
“We warned the protestors to stop demonstrating and when they did not comply we began arresting them.”
Footage also showed police begin to arrest protesters one at a time, with some being forced to the ground.

The U.S. Capitol rotunda is packed with protesters. Large group of protesters outside too. Described as Jewish protesters yelling for Israel ceasefire and "free Palestine."
Looks like a bloody INSURRECTION!!
For MAGA its insurrection, for Democrat Socialists of America Progressives and Palestinian sympathizers it's a protest.
Will these anti-semetic racist Jew haters be arrested and get 10-20 years and solitary confinement?

In return, Joe Biden will let 2 million of their closest Palestinian relatives into the USA by the end of the year. Mostly peaceful relatives, of course.

If they were Trump supporters all of them would be sent to prison.