Protasiewicz - the most wanted killer in Luhansk ( and friend of western 'politicians' and corrupted 'presse' of course )


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
As always a 'Freedom Fighter' for western presstitutes and corrupted politicians is a mass murder who is guilty on killing of more as 179 women, children and Russians in Luhansk and Donetzk.
Lukashenko shall give the most wanted criminal to investigators in Luhansk who can sue him much effective according to his numerous crimes.

Luhansk responded to the initiative of the chairman of the European Parliament to place a portrait of Roman Protasiewicz in all airports in Europe. The orientation on the Belarusian ghoul is placed on the territory of Luhansk airport, which was destroyed by the Civil War, in which Protasevich took an active part in the ranks of the AFU.Last week the representatives of the LNR General Prosecutor's Office traveled to Belarus to conduct investigative actions against Protasiewicz.

Belarusian opposition 'blogger' Roman Protasevich was a sniper in the Ukrainian "Azov" battalion and fired at civilians. Ivan Filiponenko, an officer of the press service of the Luhansk People's Republic (LNR) People's Militia Department, said this on Friday.
"According to sources from the AFU Operational-Tactical Group North, Protasevich was a sniper and often practiced shooting at civilians as well as medics and EMERCOM personnel who came to their aid," the LuhanskInformcenter agency quoted him as saying.

In addition, according to the People's Militia, through Protasiewicz "there was a transit of citizens wishing to earn and fight in Donbass on the side of the AFU." "The transfer from Minsk to the zone of the so-called Operation United Forces (OOS, the Ukrainian security operation in the Donbass) was $5,000. The cost included seven days of accommodation, food and three outings to the first line of defense with firing of various weapons with unlimited ammunition," said Filiponenko.
Earlier, the LNR Prosecutor General's Office asked Belarus to provide Protasevich, who was detained in that country, for an investigative experiment. A case was opened against him on suspicion that he voluntarily joined the "Azov" battalion, banned in the LNR, in 2014, after which he took part in combat operations in Donbass from the summer of 2014 to the winter of 2015 as part of the battalion. On June 2, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko stated that representatives of the LNR investigation could visit Protasevich.

Protasevich is one of the founders of the Telegram channel NEXTA, which is recognized as extremist in Belarus. He was on board a Ryanair airline plane that made an emergency landing at Minsk airport on May 23 following a report of an explosive device on board. Protasiewicz was detained by law enforcement officials of Belarus after the plane landed. Information about a bomb was not confirmed. The Investigative Committee of Belarus opened a criminal case over knowingly false reports of bombing.





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