Prostitution is legal in Nevada. Why not make it legal everywhere?

We have illegal prostitution and a lot of women (children too) get hurt,
The reason they get hurt is in your post....

If it wasn't illegal they could report crimes against their person. But because it is illegal they are FORCED to remain silent.
Uhh nonsense. When prostitutes are abused by a pimp they are afraid of him throwing them out, not being prosecuted for prostitution. When a woman is rented out for the purpose of being beaten, no way will she report it and give up that money .

Prostitution is far more complicated than fucking for cash. In time to come there will be sex robots and the whole subject will be a non issue .
Women don't need pimps. The smart women run their shit on their own. You can't create laws simply to cater to stupidity or you punish everyone else. See leftist gun proposals for proof.

It all comes back to personal responsibility and making smart decisions for yourself.
I don't like prostitution, but when it's legal the women are safer, if they get abused they can go to the cops without getting arrested themselves.

It's a state's rights issue. Any state, county, or whatever can have it if they want. The Federal Government doesn't have the power.
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If I want to put an add online to sell my body to the highest bidder who the fuck is the government to tell me I can't do that?

The only difference between me buying dinner for a date in the hope's of sex is she got food instead of cash. So if she put out is that not a crime?
That's why it's not possible to make prostitution a legal activity for the exchange of money. What you want is just ignore the whole thing.
Honestly it's really not that big a deal to me. The thread just caught my eye. It's certainly not a hill I'm willing to shed blood over.
We have illegal prostitution and a lot of women (children too) get hurt,
The reason they get hurt is in your post....

If it wasn't illegal they could report crimes against their person. But because it is illegal they are FORCED to remain silent.
Uhh nonsense. When prostitutes are abused by a pimp they are afraid of him throwing them out, not being prosecuted for prostitution. When a woman is rented out for the purpose of being beaten, no way will she report it and give up that money .

Prostitution is far more complicated than fucking for cash. In time to come there will be sex robots and the whole subject will be a non issue .
Women don't need pimps. The smart women run their shit on their own. You can't create laws simply to cater to stupidity or you punish everyone else. See leftist gun proposals for proof.

It all comes back to personal responsibility and making smart decisions for yourself.

It's an 'industry' full of people who don't really want to be there. Often times from broken homes where they've already been abused.
I don't agree, because where you have prostitution you also have sex slavery.

But if prostitution was legal, the police could go into brothels and make sure the women aren't being forced into it.
So you want to regulate sex between consenting adults....

That is literally no different than the government outlawing it.

We are either a free nation or we are not. The middle ground is the playground of false prophets and leftists.
Actually, I said I wanted to make it harder for women to be forced into prostitution. Were you even paying attention to what I said?
I absolutely was. You implied that the women need special treatment and government protection.

They don't. They are grown adults just like you and me. If you make poor decisions in life, like selling your ass, do you deserve extra protection?
Grandpa, a lot of prostitutes are sex slaves. Are you not aware of this?
They are sex slave precisely because it is illegal.

If ANYONE can sell sex the need for forced prostitution disappears
Because not everyone sells sex. Then there are what's called the exotics. Mostly those are all forced in one degree or another. Strange sex fetishes that are generally illegal.
Sex is a private choice. The fact that we ALLOW the government to regulate it to appease the feelings of the religious is troublesome
I don't agree, because where you have prostitution you also have sex slavery.

But if prostitution was legal, the police could go into brothels and make sure the women aren't being forced into it.
So you want to regulate sex between consenting adults....

That is literally no different than the government outlawing it.

We are either a free nation or we are not. The middle ground is the playground of false prophets and leftists.
Actually, I said I wanted to make it harder for women to be forced into prostitution. Were you even paying attention to what I said?
I absolutely was. You implied that the women need special treatment and government protection.

They don't. They are grown adults just like you and me. If you make poor decisions in life, like selling your ass, do you deserve extra protection?

We have illegal prostitution and a lot of women (children too) get hurt, addicted to drugs and raped on a frequent basis. Why deprive them of rights when every other worker in the country has them?
Years ago, for a very short time, I drove for a "dancer" and her only slave was the shit she put in her veins. It was a good paying dangerous job. The danger for me wasn't the "Johns" but others that wanted my job.
We have illegal prostitution and a lot of women (children too) get hurt,
The reason they get hurt is in your post....

If it wasn't illegal they could report crimes against their person. But because it is illegal they are FORCED to remain silent.
Uhh nonsense. When prostitutes are abused by a pimp they are afraid of him throwing them out, not being prosecuted for prostitution. When a woman is rented out for the purpose of being beaten, no way will she report it and give up that money .

Prostitution is far more complicated than fucking for cash. In time to come there will be sex robots and the whole subject will be a non issue .
Women don't need pimps. The smart women run their shit on their own. You can't create laws simply to cater to stupidity or you punish everyone else. See leftist gun proposals for proof.

It all comes back to personal responsibility and making smart decisions for yourself.

It's an 'industry' full of people who don't really want to be there. Often times from broken homes where they've already been abused.
Oftentimes kidnapped from their homes and sold. Even when prostitution is legal it degenerates into criminal activity. There's legal prostitution and just as much illegal prostitution as ever, or more.
I don't agree, because where you have prostitution you also have sex slavery.

But if prostitution was legal, the police could go into brothels and make sure the women aren't being forced into it.
So you want to regulate sex between consenting adults....

That is literally no different than the government outlawing it.

We are either a free nation or we are not. The middle ground is the playground of false prophets and leftists.
Actually, I said I wanted to make it harder for women to be forced into prostitution. Were you even paying attention to what I said?
I absolutely was. You implied that the women need special treatment and government protection.

They don't. They are grown adults just like you and me. If you make poor decisions in life, like selling your ass, do you deserve extra protection?

We have illegal prostitution and a lot of women (children too) get hurt, addicted to drugs and raped on a frequent basis. Why deprive them of rights when every other worker in the country has them?
Years ago, for a very short time, I drove for a "dancer" and her only slave was the shit she put in her veins. It was a good paying dangerous job. The danger for me wasn't the "Johns" but others that wanted my job.

Yeah. I think if you legalize prostitution then you're still going to have much of the illicit behaviors such as drug addiction, abuse and the spread of disease if you don't have some amount of regulation to ensure everyone's safety.
We have illegal prostitution and a lot of women (children too) get hurt,
The reason they get hurt is in your post....

If it wasn't illegal they could report crimes against their person. But because it is illegal they are FORCED to remain silent.
Uhh nonsense. When prostitutes are abused by a pimp they are afraid of him throwing them out, not being prosecuted for prostitution. When a woman is rented out for the purpose of being beaten, no way will she report it and give up that money .

Prostitution is far more complicated than fucking for cash. In time to come there will be sex robots and the whole subject will be a non issue .
Women don't need pimps. The smart women run their shit on their own. You can't create laws simply to cater to stupidity or you punish everyone else. See leftist gun proposals for proof.

It all comes back to personal responsibility and making smart decisions for yourself.

It's an 'industry' full of people who don't really want to be there. Often times from broken homes where they've already been abused.
Oftentimes kidnapped from their homes and sold. Even when prostitution is legal it degenerates into criminal activity. There's legal prostitution and just as much illegal prostitution as ever, or more.

I'm not one who really thinks prostitution should be legal. Not for prudish reasons I just happen to think that line of work is unhealthy physically and psychologically. I'm not 100% tied to that, but I think there is a downside to legalized prostitution where the state would earn some amount of revenue by people abusing themselves and others.
I don't like prostitution, but when it's legal the women are safer, if they get abused they can go to the cops without getting arrested themselves.
It's only legal in counties that want it legal. Like Wet and Dry counties in Southern States.

Prostitution is illegal in the County of Las Vegas, many thing that is to keep the Mob rich.
I don't really care since none of the ills caused by prostitution are cured by legalization. The very naive think that prostitution can be taxed and regulated. Some can. Most of it, no.
I don't like prostitution, but when it's legal the women are safer, if they get abused they can go to the cops without getting arrested themselves.
It's only legal in counties that want it legal. Like Wet and Dry counties in Southern States.

Prostitution is illegal in the County of Las Vegas, many thing that is to keep the Mob rich.
Las Vegas is in Clarke county. All the legal brothels in the state have not taken one whore off the strip.
There are sex slavery rings BECAUSE prostitution is illegal.
Any & every illegal activity has a seemly underbelly surrounding it.

Any woman in a FREE society should be able to hire security and sell her ass just like any other business can hire security and sell their services.
If ANYONE can sell sex the need to break the law to get sex would obviously decline

Legalizing recreational marijuana hasn't slowed the illegal trade of the drug.

It is legal in Nevada but only seven counties allow the practice with 21 brothels. If it was such a good thing, wouldn't there be thousands by now?
Legalizing recreational marijuana hasn't slowed the illegal trade of the drug.

This a serious attempt at an argument? Pot is illegal in the vast majority of the country. And the areas where it isn't charge such HIGH TAXES that they drive the black market. The man on the corner doesn't have to give uncle sam his cut.

Just more proof that the government isn't the solution
I don't like prostitution, but when it's legal the women are safer, if they get abused they can go to the cops without getting arrested themselves.
It's only legal in counties that want it legal. Like Wet and Dry counties in Southern States.

Prostitution is illegal in the County of Las Vegas, many thing that is to keep the Mob rich.
Las Vegas is in Clarke county. All the legal brothels in the state have not taken one whore off the strip.
Thank you for the correction.

It's probably added prostitutes to the strip, since the outlying counties attract whoremongers.
Also, the children part. They won't be prosecuted for prostitution yet face a lot of risk in this environment. Who is going to ensure the brothels do not employ minors?
Same people who ensure that any other business does not employ minors. The government and police.
Wrong. As they discovered in Amsterdam few of the women were prostitutes voluntarily. That's why so much of the red light district was shut down. The rest of it will go too. The whole thing was fueled by sex slavery.

Prostitution is one of those activities whose ills cannot be cured by legalization. The best you can get is legal prostitution and illegal prostitution.
If the government is doing its # 1 job (protection of the people), nobody would be forced to do anything (including prostitution). This applies to anything in society.
Uhh nonsense. When prostitutes are abused by a pimp they are afraid of him throwing them out, not being prosecuted for prostitution. When a woman is rented out for the purpose of being beaten, no way will she report it and give up that money .

Prostitution is far more complicated than fucking for cash. In time to come there will be sex robots and the whole subject will be a non issue .
None of this post seems to make any sense. Let the prostitutes do their job (supervised by the government like any other industry). Any harm coming to them now is a result of the illegality, and thus, lack of govt supervision.

The only reason why prostitution is illegal, is because the religious extremist do-gooders don't like it. Screw them. Is anybody being shot ? Stabbed ? Having their money taken from them against their will ? Let people have fun.

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