Proposal To Study Ideological Impulses Of Jihadists Defeated In House


Diamond Member
Sep 11, 2015
This proposal makes too much sense. Let's not do it.

"On July 13, Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) offered an amendment to H.R. 2810 which would have required the Secretary of Defense to “conduct two concurrent strategic assessments” on “the use of violent or unorthodox Islamic religious doctrine to support extremist or terrorist messaging and justification” in order to better understand the root of modern day terror at the hands of radical Muslims.

House Amendment 185 was defeated the following day, 208 to 217.

The DoD would “study individuals who have been captured on the battlefield, or study the background of terrorists. They would also examine their writings, and the things that they proclaim in their manifestos, so that we could begin to ascertain the patterns that foment terrorism or foment terrorists.”

Digging up the ideological roots of the enemy is paramount, because “if you can take away the motivation,” asserted Franks, you can unravel the larger structure.

We do this in every other area of criminal activity. Why can't we study the ideological genesis and impulses of an activity that leads to the murder of innocent men, women, and children all over the world?"

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Proposal To Study Ideological Impulses Of Jihadists Defeated In House
Skip a rope------LISTEN TO WHAT THE CHILDREN SAY...... there are enough muslim kids
in the general population of the USA to attain an understanding of that which "islam teaches"
by simply paying attention to what THE MUSLIM CHILDREN SAY
What Is the FBI’s Role in National Security?

in 2015 the agency had more than twelve thousand employees [PDF] working on counterterrorism and counterintelligence, as well as nearly seven thousand working on intelligence. But the agency still covers a wide range of national security matters, as well as organized crime, white-collar crime, public corruption, and civil-rights violations. Without a legislative charter, the FBI’s mandate has grown over the past century as has federal law. Its priorities and policies are shaped by piecemeal legislation, executive branch directives, and the prerogatives of its own leadership, which have led to charges of overstepping its bounds.

Counter-Terrorism Analyst Requirements

Educational Requirements
The CIA requires counter-terrorism analysts to have a bachelor's or master's degree in national security studies, international affairs, or related subjects, such as political science with an emphasis on global politics and national security. The CIA states on its website that these degrees preferably have a strong focus on particular regions of the world, such as the Middle East or South Asia. The FBI requires its counter-terrorism and intelligence analysts to have a graduate degree in such fields as international relations, sociology, psychology, political science, public policy, Middle Eastern languages or regional studies, especially Middle Eastern affairs. Men and women with law degrees or graduate degrees in business also are eligible for employment as counter-terrorism analysts.
Redundant spending.

The FBI, CIA, DHS, NSA, Naval War College ALL have counter terrorism groups and specialists.

10's of thousands are already doing what the new amendment is requesting. Why do we need to spend more money when so many are already doing it already.

This proposal makes too much sense. Let's not do it.

"On July 13, Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) offered an amendment to H.R. 2810 which would have required the Secretary of Defense to “conduct two concurrent strategic assessments” on “the use of violent or unorthodox Islamic religious doctrine to support extremist or terrorist messaging and justification” in order to better understand the root of modern day terror at the hands of radical Muslims.

House Amendment 185 was defeated the following day, 208 to 217.

The DoD would “study individuals who have been captured on the battlefield, or study the background of terrorists. They would also examine their writings, and the things that they proclaim in their manifestos, so that we could begin to ascertain the patterns that foment terrorism or foment terrorists.”

Digging up the ideological roots of the enemy is paramount, because “if you can take away the motivation,” asserted Franks, you can unravel the larger structure.

We do this in every other area of criminal activity. Why can't we study the ideological genesis and impulses of an activity that leads to the murder of innocent men, women, and children all over the world?"

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Proposal To Study Ideological Impulses Of Jihadists Defeated In House
It sounds to me as if Rep. Ellison got this one wrong. But have hope. I'm sure those areas of "study" are ongoing in the intelligence community, especially in the CIA. It is going to be up to the Muslim world to counteract this, not us. I don't see what's wrong with getting more information, though, about a dangerous enemy everyone admits will be with us for a long time.

good point-----it should just be done BETTER -----throwing money at such projects is not
the answer
You get no better studies than the military................The military doesn't really give a shit about politics........The Naval War College is just one of many think tanks performing studies.
I'm glad to hear that profiling/studying the perps is going on. It may be so that we don't need more. Maybe what we need is to acknowledge/study the backgrounds of terrorists when they attack instead of worrying that we might hurt the feelings of someone is isn't a terrorist.

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