Pronoun fines and jail time for librarians: Republicans target LGBTQ+ rights with new laws

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I would say that your statement is anti scientific. Part of the treatment is a considerable amount of counseling over a long period of time. What exactly do you consider “real help”?

Here is an example of what a standard protocol would be.

Actual psychological counseling. Takes lots of time, and lots and lots of patience.
Actual psychological counseling. Takes lots of time, and lots and lots of patience.
They should get actual counseling though it can’t be forced, and that is also involved in the diagnostic phase. There is also a distinction mental health officials make between nonconformity and dysphoria.

What do you consider “actual counseling”? Is it defined only by an end result of “you don’t have gender dysphoria “?
They should get actual counseling though it can’t be forced, and that is also involved in the diagnostic phase. There is also a distinction mental health officials make between nonconformity and dysphoria.

What do you consider “actual counseling”? Is it defined only by an end result of “you don’t have gender dysphoria “?
Its some dude waving a cross in a guys face to strike out the gay.
They should get actual counseling though it can’t be forced, and that is also involved in the diagnostic phase. There is also a distinction mental health officials make between nonconformity and dysphoria.

What do you consider “actual counseling”? Is it defined only by an end result of “you don’t have gender dysphoria “?

Actual counseling doesn't reinforce dysphoria. Actual counseling diagnoses the cause of the dysphoria and corrects it.
Actual counseling doesn't reinforce dysphoria. Actual counseling diagnoses the cause of the dysphoria and corrects it.
I would disagree. Actual counseling would differentiate between non conformity and actual gender disphoria and treatment be based on that and the individual person.

Most of a time a “cause” can’t be identified, so you need to deal with what you have in front of you in a way that is in line with established practice and does the least harm to the person.

What you are saying sounds like what is called conversion therapy and in regards to gay people, it both abusive and didn’t work. It might be the best practice accept what that person is, and that the path towards better mental health is to allow that person to transition.
I would disagree. Actual counseling would differentiate between non conformity and actual gender disphoria and treatment be based on that and the individual person.

Most of a time a “cause” can’t be identified, so you need to deal with what you have in front of you in a way that is in line with established practice and does the least harm to the person.

What you are saying sounds like what is called conversion therapy and in regards to gay people, it both abusive and didn’t work. It might be the best practice accept what that person is, and that the path towards better mental health is to allow that person to transition.

Nope. I don't care if someone is Trans. They are free to do anything they want, except alter the English language to suit THEIR needs.

That is a non starter.
Nope. I don't care if someone is Trans. They are free to do anything they want, except alter the English language to suit THEIR needs.

That is a non starter.
Good. Glad to hear that. Then you don’t have an issue when counseling is supportive of someone who is trans?

North Dakota seems to be a problematic place. Are they really going to send librarians to jail for stocking dirty books ?

This seems to be absurd on a taliban level. It seems like the argument has moved on from protecting the kids to protecting the adults. What sort of libraraies will these places be ?

Will Librarians be expected to read every book on their shelves to protect themselves ? I would if I was threatened with a jail sentence.

Libraries are places of learning. Where we go to learn about the world. This bill seems to be the antithesis of that aim. These people are bringing shame to America.

I would say that your statement is anti scientific. Part of the treatment is a considerable amount of counseling over a long period of time. What exactly do you consider “real help”?

Here is an example of what a standard protocol would be.

There is no such thing as non-binary. There are 2 sexes.. male & female. That's it.
Good. Glad to hear that. Then you don’t have an issue when counseling is supportive of someone who is trans?

Of course not. I DO care when that "counseling" reinforces anti scientific paradigms.
Meaning what?

Meaning that if counselors tell you it is fine for you to sexually identify as an attack helicopter then that is not going to help.

There are two sexes. There are not 98 genders. That is a fallacy that is being perpetuated by truly evil people.

If someone is Trans, that's fine. They can't change their pronouns. There is no person who's pronoun is they.

That is stupid. Use the English language properly. It has been developed over centuries to ensure people can ACCURATELY communicate.
Tommy doesn't realize we were founded as a Christian country.

Yes, these freaks realize that; it's why they hate the country and want it destroyed. They have nothing to replace it with except pagan hedonism and Red Chinese style 'liberation', but they're stupid and think that's 'enlightened and sophisticated'. Armchair commie college perverts told them so.

Just posting here that I don’t support libraries carrying books with pornography, gay or straight. I especially do not support putting books in libraries with any sex with children, again gay or straight.

You seem to have stirred up a hornet’s nest and I wanted to see what you thought.

Just posting here that I don’t support libraries carrying books with pornography, gay or straight. I especially do not support putting books in libraries with any sex with children, again gay or straight.

You seem to have stirred up a hornet’s nest and I wanted to see what you thought.
My thought is this. Libraries should not carry books that are primarily graphic sex or are illustrated with graphic sex, not sure what redeeming literary value is in it and we used to call it porn. Gender Queer seems to be in this category and did rather shock me.

Books need to be appropriate for age groups and after talking with a mother, I question how publishers are rating some of them. Books can have some sexual content, but still have a literary value and we shouldn’t throw out the baby with the bath water.

On the issue of sex with children, I wouldn’t automatically ban it for this reason (and I am willing to bet a certain member here who will take this and twist it out of context against me). This happens to kids. It is not only horrible but incredibly isolating. The child can’t talk about it, is usually threatened, shamed or faulted by the perpetrator and feels alone in the experience. Sometimes being able in a book can help them realize they are not alone, not at fault and there is help. Also in this category are non graphic books about teen sex or pregnancy. This happens. All depends on how it is written and of course the age group.
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