Progs teaching kindergarteners about transgender issues

My only problem is this,

"I Am Jazz is about a child 'with a boy's body and a girl's brain' who eventually finds a doctor that tells the family the boy is a transgender"

If you have a boy's body your brain's that of a boy too. You may be a different kind of boy, but you're a boy. No such thing as being born int he wrong body. Is such a thing as body dysmorphic disorders.

Very true. Just surprising to hear it from you.
That she and her fellow classmates weren't going to be merely teachers, but that they were assuming a co-parenting role. Now how freaking scary is that? And I've seen this in action. They believe they are co-parenting.

Well I taught for 10 years and I understand this point of view a bit. One of the big problems in schools today is that many parents are not doing any parenting. Thus, the teacher becomes the primary authority figure because the parents themselves are not taking care of their responsibilities and teaching their kids accountability, moral behavior, etc. In some cases, the teacher must parent because there is no one else to do it. This creates major problems when a teacher runs into parents that actually do take their responsibilities seriously, but from my experience I think people would be shocked to learn just how many parents are happy to leave it to the teacher because it just makes their own lives easier.

I understand where you are coming from and I do admire many teachers. It's the system and how it has morphed education into becoming a social engineering project on a grand scale that I detest.

Here's one of my favorite examples of "co-parenting" going horribly wrong because in this case the school worked with the state and not the parents. And the arrogance of the administrators is glaring as well as breath taking on how this situation was handled.

It was called "gun gate" up here and it raised more than a few hackles.

"A father is demanding answers from police after he was arrested because his four-year-old daughter drew a picture of a handgun in class.

Jessie Sansone, 26, arrived to Forest Hills public school in Waterloo, Ontario to pick up his daughter, Neaveh, when he was hauled to a station and strip-searched.

No charges were filed, however, a voluntary search of the family home uncovered no more than a plastic toy gun."

All of this happened because of his daughter's imagination and fib she told the teacher.

''That’s my daddy’s. He uses it to shoot bad guys and monsters,' she was quoted as saying. "

:) Oh and not only was Daddy arrested........

"Mr Sansone told the website he was called into the principal's office when he arrived to pick up Neaveh and her two siblings last Wednesday.

Three officers were present, and he was handcuffed and taken into custody for possession of a firearm.

His wife, Stephanie Squires, who was waiting at home with their 15-month-old baby, was made to come in to the police station while the children were taken in for interviews at Family and Children's Services, The Record reports. "

Toy gun. Just a toy gun was found in the home. No one even told the father that his daughter had drawn a gun in class until he was being released and that was the reason for his arrest.

Jessie Sansone Canadian man shocked by arrest after his daughter drew a picture of a gun at school Daily Mail Online
That she and her fellow classmates weren't going to be merely teachers, but that they were assuming a co-parenting role. Now how freaking scary is that? And I've seen this in action. They believe they are co-parenting.

Well I taught for 10 years and I understand this point of view a bit. One of the big problems in schools today is that many parents are not doing any parenting. Thus, the teacher becomes the primary authority figure because the parents themselves are not taking care of their responsibilities and teaching their kids accountability, moral behavior, etc. In some cases, the teacher must parent because there is no one else to do it. This creates major problems when a teacher runs into parents that actually do take their responsibilities seriously, but from my experience I think people would be shocked to learn just how many parents are happy to leave it to the teacher because it just makes their own lives easier.

I understand where you are coming from and I do admire many teachers. It's the system and how it has morphed education into becoming a social engineering project on a grand scale that I detest.

Here's one of my favorite examples of "co-parenting" going horribly wrong because in this case the school worked with the state and not the parents. And the arrogance of the administrators is glaring as well as breath taking on how this situation was handled.

It was called "gun gate" up here and it raised more than a few hackles.

"A father is demanding answers from police after he was arrested because his four-year-old daughter drew a picture of a handgun in class.

Jessie Sansone, 26, arrived to Forest Hills public school in Waterloo, Ontario to pick up his daughter, Neaveh, when he was hauled to a station and strip-searched.

No charges were filed, however, a voluntary search of the family home uncovered no more than a plastic toy gun."

All of this happened because of his daughter's imagination and fib she told the teacher.

''That’s my daddy’s. He uses it to shoot bad guys and monsters,' she was quoted as saying. "

:) Oh and not only was Daddy arrested........

"Mr Sansone told the website he was called into the principal's office when he arrived to pick up Neaveh and her two siblings last Wednesday.

Three officers were present, and he was handcuffed and taken into custody for possession of a firearm.

His wife, Stephanie Squires, who was waiting at home with their 15-month-old baby, was made to come in to the police station while the children were taken in for interviews at Family and Children's Services, The Record reports. "

Toy gun. Just a toy gun was found in the home. No one even told the father that his daughter had drawn a gun in class until he was being released and that was the reason for his arrest.

Jessie Sansone Canadian man shocked by arrest after his daughter drew a picture of a gun at school Daily Mail Online

No question it gets out of hand sometimes. The OP is a very good example of this. In my professional opinion the teacher had no business whatsoever reading that book to a kindergarten class. The example you cite doesn't shock me a bit. The whole system has gotten quite irrational. I taught at the college level so it was rare that I ever dealt directly with parents, but when I did it was an experience I can tell you. I can give you two examples of how fucked up things are.

First, on day one of my class I got to the point where I had to make the statement "Your tuition did not buy you an education. Your tuition bought you the opportunity to become educated." I started saying this because of the frequency that students argued that since they paid their tuition they deserved an A in my class whether they did their homework or not.

Second, my step-daughter was getting bullied by another child at school. After dealing with the administration for a while, the school counselor finally admitted they were not willing to take action because the bully was the child of illegal immigrants and if they took disciplinary action they risked a lawsuit. Their solution was to buy a ton of small packets of M&Ms and give the kid a packet every day he didn't hit my step-daughter. It didn't take long until the kid started bullying my neighbor's son and eventually demanded two packets a for not bullying my step-daughter and one for not bullying my neighbor's son. They just taught the kid how to run a shakedown operation. Brilliant, huh?
That she and her fellow classmates weren't going to be merely teachers, but that they were assuming a co-parenting role. Now how freaking scary is that? And I've seen this in action. They believe they are co-parenting.

Well I taught for 10 years and I understand this point of view a bit. One of the big problems in schools today is that many parents are not doing any parenting. Thus, the teacher becomes the primary authority figure because the parents themselves are not taking care of their responsibilities and teaching their kids accountability, moral behavior, etc. In some cases, the teacher must parent because there is no one else to do it. This creates major problems when a teacher runs into parents that actually do take their responsibilities seriously, but from my experience I think people would be shocked to learn just how many parents are happy to leave it to the teacher because it just makes their own lives easier.

I understand where you are coming from and I do admire many teachers. It's the system and how it has morphed education into becoming a social engineering project on a grand scale that I detest.

Here's one of my favorite examples of "co-parenting" going horribly wrong because in this case the school worked with the state and not the parents. And the arrogance of the administrators is glaring as well as breath taking on how this situation was handled.

It was called "gun gate" up here and it raised more than a few hackles.

"A father is demanding answers from police after he was arrested because his four-year-old daughter drew a picture of a handgun in class.

Jessie Sansone, 26, arrived to Forest Hills public school in Waterloo, Ontario to pick up his daughter, Neaveh, when he was hauled to a station and strip-searched.

No charges were filed, however, a voluntary search of the family home uncovered no more than a plastic toy gun."

All of this happened because of his daughter's imagination and fib she told the teacher.

''That’s my daddy’s. He uses it to shoot bad guys and monsters,' she was quoted as saying. "

:) Oh and not only was Daddy arrested........

"Mr Sansone told the website he was called into the principal's office when he arrived to pick up Neaveh and her two siblings last Wednesday.

Three officers were present, and he was handcuffed and taken into custody for possession of a firearm.

His wife, Stephanie Squires, who was waiting at home with their 15-month-old baby, was made to come in to the police station while the children were taken in for interviews at Family and Children's Services, The Record reports. "

Toy gun. Just a toy gun was found in the home. No one even told the father that his daughter had drawn a gun in class until he was being released and that was the reason for his arrest.

Jessie Sansone Canadian man shocked by arrest after his daughter drew a picture of a gun at school Daily Mail Online

No question it gets out of hand sometimes. The OP is a very good example of this. In my professional opinion the teacher had no business whatsoever reading that book to a kindergarten class. The example you cite doesn't shock me a bit. The whole system has gotten quite irrational. I taught at the college level so it was rare that I ever dealt directly with parents, but when I did it was an experience I can tell you. I can give you two examples of how fucked up things are.

First, on day one of my class I got to the point where I had to make the statement "Your tuition did not buy you an education. Your tuition bought you the opportunity to become educated." I started saying this because of the frequency that students argued that since they paid their tuition they deserved an A in my class whether they did their homework or not.

Second, my step-daughter was getting bullied by another child at school. After dealing with the administration for a while, the school counselor finally admitted they were not willing to take action because the bully was the child of illegal immigrants and if they took disciplinary action they risked a lawsuit. Their solution was to buy a ton of small packets of M&Ms and give the kid a packet every day he didn't hit my step-daughter. It didn't take long until the kid started bullying my neighbor's son and eventually demanded two packets a for not bullying my step-daughter and one for not bullying my neighbor's son. They just taught the kid how to run a shakedown operation. Brilliant, huh?

Ok those are hair raising! I love your line. Well done.

"Your tuition did not buy you an education. Your tuition bought you the opportunity to become educated."

If we think our education systems have gotten wonky I guess we're not completely over the top yet. My eldest just got back from Sweden and was telling me how insane the elementary school system was that Harley had been enrolled in. My grandson went thru a bit of an endurance test for the small about of time he was registered.

The tale of Harley's school time sounded like a Swedish version of "Lord of the Flies" since the teachers were not allowed to discipline and the children had an enormous amount of unsupervised playtime.

Famous last words "what could possibly go wrong?" :lol:

I try never to broad brush so I hope I'm not coming off that way about all teachers. I just read a fabulous article about my kind of teacher who found a great way to connect with her grade three students.

Gives me hope. :)

I wish my teacher knew Teacher s third grade assignment goes viral online

'I wish my teacher knew': Teacher's third grade assignment goes viral online
That she and her fellow classmates weren't going to be merely teachers, but that they were assuming a co-parenting role. Now how freaking scary is that? And I've seen this in action. They believe they are co-parenting.

Well I taught for 10 years and I understand this point of view a bit. One of the big problems in schools today is that many parents are not doing any parenting. Thus, the teacher becomes the primary authority figure because the parents themselves are not taking care of their responsibilities and teaching their kids accountability, moral behavior, etc. In some cases, the teacher must parent because there is no one else to do it. This creates major problems when a teacher runs into parents that actually do take their responsibilities seriously, but from my experience I think people would be shocked to learn just how many parents are happy to leave it to the teacher because it just makes their own lives easier.

I understand where you are coming from and I do admire many teachers. It's the system and how it has morphed education into becoming a social engineering project on a grand scale that I detest.

Here's one of my favorite examples of "co-parenting" going horribly wrong because in this case the school worked with the state and not the parents. And the arrogance of the administrators is glaring as well as breath taking on how this situation was handled.

It was called "gun gate" up here and it raised more than a few hackles.

"A father is demanding answers from police after he was arrested because his four-year-old daughter drew a picture of a handgun in class.

Jessie Sansone, 26, arrived to Forest Hills public school in Waterloo, Ontario to pick up his daughter, Neaveh, when he was hauled to a station and strip-searched.

No charges were filed, however, a voluntary search of the family home uncovered no more than a plastic toy gun."

All of this happened because of his daughter's imagination and fib she told the teacher.

''That’s my daddy’s. He uses it to shoot bad guys and monsters,' she was quoted as saying. "

:) Oh and not only was Daddy arrested........

"Mr Sansone told the website he was called into the principal's office when he arrived to pick up Neaveh and her two siblings last Wednesday.

Three officers were present, and he was handcuffed and taken into custody for possession of a firearm.

His wife, Stephanie Squires, who was waiting at home with their 15-month-old baby, was made to come in to the police station while the children were taken in for interviews at Family and Children's Services, The Record reports. "

Toy gun. Just a toy gun was found in the home. No one even told the father that his daughter had drawn a gun in class until he was being released and that was the reason for his arrest.

Jessie Sansone Canadian man shocked by arrest after his daughter drew a picture of a gun at school Daily Mail Online

No question it gets out of hand sometimes. The OP is a very good example of this. In my professional opinion the teacher had no business whatsoever reading that book to a kindergarten class. The example you cite doesn't shock me a bit. The whole system has gotten quite irrational. I taught at the college level so it was rare that I ever dealt directly with parents, but when I did it was an experience I can tell you. I can give you two examples of how fucked up things are.

First, on day one of my class I got to the point where I had to make the statement "Your tuition did not buy you an education. Your tuition bought you the opportunity to become educated." I started saying this because of the frequency that students argued that since they paid their tuition they deserved an A in my class whether they did their homework or not.

Second, my step-daughter was getting bullied by another child at school. After dealing with the administration for a while, the school counselor finally admitted they were not willing to take action because the bully was the child of illegal immigrants and if they took disciplinary action they risked a lawsuit. Their solution was to buy a ton of small packets of M&Ms and give the kid a packet every day he didn't hit my step-daughter. It didn't take long until the kid started bullying my neighbor's son and eventually demanded two packets a for not bullying my step-daughter and one for not bullying my neighbor's son. They just taught the kid how to run a shakedown operation. Brilliant, huh?

Ok those are hair raising! I love your line. Well done.

"Your tuition did not buy you an education. Your tuition bought you the opportunity to become educated."

If we think our education systems have gotten wonky I guess we're not completely over the top yet. My eldest just got back from Sweden and was telling me how insane the elementary school system was that Harley had been enrolled in. My grandson went thru a bit of an endurance test for the small about of time he was registered.

The tale of Harley's school time sounded like a Swedish version of "Lord of the Flies" since the teachers were not allowed to discipline and the children had an enormous amount of unsupervised playtime.

Famous last words "what could possibly go wrong?" :lol:

I try never to broad brush so I hope I'm not coming off that way about all teachers. I just read a fabulous article about my kind of teacher who found a great way to connect with her grade three students.

Gives me hope. :)

I wish my teacher knew Teacher s third grade assignment goes viral online

'I wish my teacher knew': Teacher's third grade assignment goes viral online

Wow...some of those are real tear-jerkers. Some give insight into the lack of guidance some of the children are receiving at home. You know...we can hammer teachers for co-parenting and to some degree teachers deserve the criticism. But at the same time I have to say "parent yourself and the teacher won't have to". If parents are going to leave the responsibility to teachers they can't complain about what the teacher decides to do. They have ceded their authority to the school.

I definitely believe there is a line that teachers should not cross and that more and more, that line is getting crossed. But I don't think it is as simple as "blame the institution". Parents need to do their part and again...I think people would be surprised to learn just how many parents don't
Liberals should be run out of education altogether. Really? My gosh teaching young girls how to use dildos isn't enough? Now you want to tell little kids they might not be what they are? We are screwed, liberalism has already ruined black families, now they want to destroy the rest of families. What's next, fuck rooms in elementary school? Liberals are sick human beings.

It's a book. Calm down. I know this is hard for your small brain to understand but there are different people in the world.

And guess what? That's okay. Who cares that they read a story that includes a transgender person in it. There are a person who deserves dignity and respect.

They exist, tough shit. What should we teach kids? To bully and beat transgender people?
Liberals should be run out of education altogether. Really? My gosh teaching young girls how to use dildos isn't enough? Now you want to tell little kids they might not be what they are? We are screwed, liberalism has already ruined black families, now they want to destroy the rest of families. What's next, fuck rooms in elementary school? Liberals are sick human beings.

It's a book. Calm down. I know this is hard for your small brain to understand but there are different people in the world.

And guess what? That's okay. Who cares that they read a story that includes a transgender person in it. There are a person who deserves dignity and respect.

They exist, tough shit. What should we teach kids? To bully and beat transgender people?
Because that's the only other option, right?
Liberals should be run out of education altogether. Really? My gosh teaching young girls how to use dildos isn't enough? Now you want to tell little kids they might not be what they are? We are screwed, liberalism has already ruined black families, now they want to destroy the rest of families. What's next, fuck rooms in elementary school? Liberals are sick human beings.

It's a book. Calm down. I know this is hard for your small brain to understand but there are different people in the world.

And guess what? That's okay. Who cares that they read a story that includes a transgender person in it. There are a person who deserves dignity and respect.

They exist, tough shit. What should we teach kids? To bully and beat transgender people?

No but kindergarten is a bit young to be introducing such concepts. My daughter is a lesbian and her response is (and this is a direct quote I am writing from her lips as she stands next to me) "that's total bullshit. Kindergarten is too early to start making them think about shit like that."
Liberals should be run out of education altogether. Really? My gosh teaching young girls how to use dildos isn't enough? Now you want to tell little kids they might not be what they are? We are screwed, liberalism has already ruined black families, now they want to destroy the rest of families. What's next, fuck rooms in elementary school? Liberals are sick human beings.

It's a book. Calm down. I know this is hard for your small brain to understand but there are different people in the world.

And guess what? That's okay. Who cares that they read a story that includes a transgender person in it. There are a person who deserves dignity and respect.

They exist, tough shit. What should we teach kids? To bully and beat transgender people?
No dumb ass, they don't need to be taught about sexual issues at that young of an age. I know, let them be kids.
It's kindergarten for crying out loud. Finger painting and reading the Bobbsey Twins. Double dutch. Hopscotch.

Not explaining "Why Mary's Daddy now has Boobs" when they're only five freaking years old.
It's always good to educate the young on sexual topics, although I'm not one to follow social norms.

There's a time and a place for everything. Kindergarten is neither the right time nor the right place.
As dictated by social norms, which I don't follow.

I don't care what they call it, social norms or whatever, these are 4 and 5 year old children they are not ready for this sort of thing and for that very reason it reeks of indoctrination
4 and 5 year old children also aren't ready for religion, doesn't stop parents from teaching that shit to their kids as a truth.
Oh goody. Another I hate Jesus poster.
Obviously there is no such thing as a perfect childhood ( for anyone) but it really should be a time of innocence.
If you want to deal specifically with " least wait till middle school. Blows me away the same people having fits over "filling kids heads with nonsense" easily accepts lessons like this. lol
At the kindergarten level a story on general tolerance maybe?? "not being mean to people different than you".
...maybe she was getting them ready for the story in first grade "gender reassignment".:rofl:
4 and 5 year old children also aren't ready for religion, doesn't stop parents from teaching that shit to their kids as a truth.
I remember fondly the bible stories of Jesus and the Prophets. Who can't get inspired by Daniel in the lion's den? If you missed going to Sunday School before morning worship, I feel sorry for you.
4 and 5 year old children also aren't ready for religion, doesn't stop parents from teaching that shit to their kids as a truth.
I remember fondly the bible stories of Jesus and the Prophets. Who can't get inspired by Daniel in the lion's den? If you missed going to Sunday School before morning worship, I feel sorry for you.
I'm not a lunatic who wants to brainwash children.

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