Progs teaching kindergarteners about transgender issues

So many American adults have this nostalgic delusion of what they feel "childhood" should be like, which they feel they must force everyone else's children to experience themselves... even if it goes against the weltanschauung, general culture and/ or the religion of those raising the children.

It seems to me it's the progtards doing the forcing. This garbage does not belong in a classroom

Yet you are the one saying

"This garbage does not belong in a classroom"

Indeed I did and indeed it does not. Stay away from the children, progs. They are not yours, learn it and live it and everything will be fine. Keep it up and expect blow back

My eldest who btw is a lib (I know, I know where did I go wrong?But I'm turning her into a classical liberal now that she's older, but I digress) lived her dream of becoming a teacher for a very short period of time because she really does believe in the three R's and not the social agenda they are advancing in elementary schools.

Guess what she was taught though in her training to become a teacher?

That she and her fellow classmates weren't going to be merely teachers, but that they were assuming a co-parenting role.

Now how freaking scary is that? And I've seen this in action. They believe they are co-parenting.

How crazy is this? This is liberalism in a nutshell: Only men can be sexist and only whites can be racist.

This school textbook is proof that parents need to pay close attention to what their kids are learning brainwashed with in school:


Disturbing LOOK What We Found In This Liberal Textbook

I never thought I'd see the day come when I would come to regard the education system on all levels become our enemy (parents). But that's what the system has become.
Nothing wrong with this.

It's kindergarten for crying out loud. Finger painting and reading the Bobbsey Twins. Double dutch. Hopscotch.

Not explaining "Why Mary's Daddy now has Boobs" when they're only five freaking years old.
It's always good to educate the young on sexual topics, although I'm not one to follow social norms.
Not that young in a public setting. If you want to make your child a pervert at 6 years old you are sick. I wanted my child to worry more about playing, chores, and hygiene. Then telling him he might be a girl in a boys body. My gosh, what's the hell is wrong with you people.
Nothing wrong with this.

It's kindergarten for crying out loud. Finger painting and reading the Bobbsey Twins. Double dutch. Hopscotch.

Not explaining "Why Mary's Daddy now has Boobs" when they're only five freaking years old.
It's always good to educate the young on sexual topics, although I'm not one to follow social norms.

That's a parent's job, not a school and certainly not in kindergarten.
If you had any remaining doubts that progs are mentally ill, degenerates looking to brainwash children, you can no longer have those doubts and be honest with yourself and others. Public schools are the reproductive system of liberalism.
Nothing wrong with this.

It's kindergarten for crying out loud. Finger painting and reading the Bobbsey Twins. Double dutch. Hopscotch.

Not explaining "Why Mary's Daddy now has Boobs" when they're only five freaking years old.
It's always good to educate the young on sexual topics, although I'm not one to follow social norms.

There's a time and a place for everything. Kindergarten is neither the right time nor the right place. Five year olds do not need to be discussing transgender issues.

They need to be discovering finger paint and the joy of a class hamster.
Nothing wrong with this.

It's kindergarten for crying out loud. Finger painting and reading the Bobbsey Twins. Double dutch. Hopscotch.

Not explaining "Why Mary's Daddy now has Boobs" when they're only five freaking years old.
It's always good to educate the young on sexual topics, although I'm not one to follow social norms.

There's a time and a place for everything. Kindergarten is neither the right time nor the right place.
As dictated by social norms, which I don't follow.
Nothing wrong with this.

It's kindergarten for crying out loud. Finger painting and reading the Bobbsey Twins. Double dutch. Hopscotch.

Not explaining "Why Mary's Daddy now has Boobs" when they're only five freaking years old.
It's always good to educate the young on sexual topics, although I'm not one to follow social norms.

There's a time and a place for everything. Kindergarten is neither the right time nor the right place.
As dictated by social norms, which I don't follow.

I don't care what they call it, social norms or whatever, these are 4 and 5 year old children they are not ready for this sort of thing and for that very reason it reeks of indoctrination
Nothing wrong with this.

It's kindergarten for crying out loud. Finger painting and reading the Bobbsey Twins. Double dutch. Hopscotch.

Not explaining "Why Mary's Daddy now has Boobs" when they're only five freaking years old.
It's always good to educate the young on sexual topics, although I'm not one to follow social norms.

There's a time and a place for everything. Kindergarten is neither the right time nor the right place.
As dictated by social norms, which I don't follow.

I don't care what they call it, social norms or whatever, these are 4 and 5 year old children they are not ready for this sort of thing and for that very reason it reeks of indoctrination
4 and 5 year old children also aren't ready for religion, doesn't stop parents from teaching that shit to their kids as a truth.
It's kindergarten for crying out loud. Finger painting and reading the Bobbsey Twins. Double dutch. Hopscotch.

Not explaining "Why Mary's Daddy now has Boobs" when they're only five freaking years old.
It's always good to educate the young on sexual topics, although I'm not one to follow social norms.

There's a time and a place for everything. Kindergarten is neither the right time nor the right place.
As dictated by social norms, which I don't follow.

I don't care what they call it, social norms or whatever, these are 4 and 5 year old children they are not ready for this sort of thing and for that very reason it reeks of indoctrination
4 and 5 year old children also aren't ready for religion, doesn't stop parents from teaching that shit to their kids as a truth.

Religion isn't taught in on your part
It's always good to educate the young on sexual topics, although I'm not one to follow social norms.

There's a time and a place for everything. Kindergarten is neither the right time nor the right place.
As dictated by social norms, which I don't follow.

I don't care what they call it, social norms or whatever, these are 4 and 5 year old children they are not ready for this sort of thing and for that very reason it reeks of indoctrination
4 and 5 year old children also aren't ready for religion, doesn't stop parents from teaching that shit to their kids as a truth.

Religion isn't taught in on your part
Some places do teach it, the point I'm trying to make is, many people will want to decide what children should be taught, in my opinion, they should be exposed to as much as possible.
I believe that progs in their quest to destroy any value system of any faith are so hell bent for leather that they wish to destroy the innocence of childhood.

That innocence comes only once in life. It appears they are determined to ruin childhood.

Now that said, it really shows that none of this is about preventing bullying or any other "'s best for the children" lie.

Basically progs are showing themselves to be really sick pricks. There's no nice way to put it.

Pardon my french.
There's a time and a place for everything. Kindergarten is neither the right time nor the right place.
As dictated by social norms, which I don't follow.

I don't care what they call it, social norms or whatever, these are 4 and 5 year old children they are not ready for this sort of thing and for that very reason it reeks of indoctrination
4 and 5 year old children also aren't ready for religion, doesn't stop parents from teaching that shit to their kids as a truth.

Religion isn't taught in on your part
Some places do teach it, the point I'm trying to make is, many people will want to decide what children should be taught, in my opinion, they should be exposed to as much as possible.

I see your point and my point is it's a parent's job AND 4 and 5 is entirely too young for the topic in the OP
I believe that progs in their quest to destroy any value system of any faith are so hell bent for leather that they wish to destroy the innocence of childhood.

That innocence comes only once in life. It appears they are determined to ruin childhood.

Now that said, it really shows that none of this is about preventing bullying or any other "'s best for the children" lie.

Basically progs are showing themselves to be really sick pricks. There's no nice way to put it.

I can assure you that if a school tried to "teach" any of our children this perversion it would get very ugly very quickly.
I believe that progs in their quest to destroy any value system of any faith are so hell bent for leather that they wish to destroy the innocence of childhood.

That innocence comes only once in life. It appears they are determined to ruin childhood.

Now that said, it really shows that none of this is about preventing bullying or any other "'s best for the children" lie.

Basically progs are showing themselves to be really sick pricks. There's no nice way to put it.

I can assure you that if a school tried to "teach" any of our children this perversion it would get very ugly very quickly.
Perversion? I know trans individuals, you're uninformed and ignorant.
I believe that progs in their quest to destroy any value system of any faith are so hell bent for leather that they wish to destroy the innocence of childhood.

That innocence comes only once in life. It appears they are determined to ruin childhood.

Now that said, it really shows that none of this is about preventing bullying or any other "'s best for the children" lie.

Basically progs are showing themselves to be really sick pricks. There's no nice way to put it.

I can assure you that if a school tried to "teach" any of our children this perversion it would get very ugly very quickly.
Perversion? I know trans individuals, you're uninformed and ignorant.

Now now don't get testy with me or I will get testy back and I can be really testy
Ugh, indoctrination!!!!!

Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4-years-old

TORONTO, April 20, 2015 ( -- A primary grade lesbian teacher from an Ontario public school revealed in a workshop at a homosexual activist conference for teachers earlier this month how she uses her classroom to convince children as young as four to accept homosexual relationships.

“And I started in Kindergarten. What a great place to start. It was where I was teaching. So, I was the most comfortable there,” Pam Strong said at the conference, attended by LifeSiteNews.

The conference, hosted by the homosexual activist organization Jer’s Vision, now called the Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity, focused on the implementation of Bill 13 in Ontario classrooms. Bill 13, called by critics the ‘homosexual bill of rights,’ passed in June 2012 and gave students the right to form pro-gay clubs in their school, including Catholic ones, using the name Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA).

Lesbian teacher How I convince kids to accept gay marriage starting at 4-years-old News LifeSite
That she and her fellow classmates weren't going to be merely teachers, but that they were assuming a co-parenting role. Now how freaking scary is that? And I've seen this in action. They believe they are co-parenting.

Well I taught for 10 years and I understand this point of view a bit. One of the big problems in schools today is that many parents are not doing any parenting. Thus, the teacher becomes the primary authority figure because the parents themselves are not taking care of their responsibilities and teaching their kids accountability, moral behavior, etc. In some cases, the teacher must parent because there is no one else to do it. This creates major problems when a teacher runs into parents that actually do take their responsibilities seriously, but from my experience I think people would be shocked to learn just how many parents are happy to leave it to the teacher because it just makes their own lives easier.

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