I don't condone the women's actions or the foolishness of the man who chased her. But you give one example of two fools and paint all of the "left" as the same. Give me 100 credible examples to prove what I perceive as hyperbole at best, and while your at it, prove you talk to God.
I've given more than enough examples in this thread (so many that it ran off Lone Liar with his tail between his legs). Around a dozen or so. I'm not going to play your research assistant (unless you pay me to) just so you can tie up my time for something you already know to be true. You're a big girl - hop on Google and find the 100 yourself. If you're truly not capable of it for some reason, then ask an adult for help.
Well what do you know Wry Catcher - yet another example of of the left-wing lunatics showing intolerance. It is daily in this country. This is how fascist progressives have become. These miserable fascist dirtbags can't even handle free speech anymore. They can't handle a man they don't like running for president (even though conservatives have peacefully handled having a man they don't like actually be president for 8 years). They continue to resort to criminal acts (assault, theft, vandalism, etc.). We're all waiting for your "mea culpa".

WATCH: Man Gets Electric Shock When Trying To Steal Booby-Trapped Trump Sign | The Sean Hannity Show
Two more progressives...

Boom! More indisputable evidence of the progressive march towards extreme fascism. From the article:
  • But an infinite number of pronouns may still be insufficient. UWM reminds us that some particularly precious snowflakes are offended by all pronouns — even fake ones – and so they may demand that people speak like malfunctioning robots in their presence: “Just my name please! (Xena ate Xena’s food because Xena was hungry.) Some people prefer not to use pronouns at all, using their name as a pronoun instead.”
  • He managed to highlight not only the absurdity but the astonishing arrogance of this ”choose your own pronoun” thing. Every pronoun on the list may as well be “His Majesty” because that’s the kind of power and authority someone is claiming when they begin dictating how you must speak to them.
  • Our steadfast belief in our own importance has brought us finally to this point, where we think we can not only reject the laws of biology and the English language, but insist that everything within earshot plays along. And not only those within earshot. Indeed, we demand that strangers refer to us in a way consistent with the fantasies we’ve concocted in our heads even when they aren’t in our presence, which is like assigning everyone a list of adjectives that they may use to describe you when in conversation with one another. Anyone who wants to converse with us or about us must obey our arbitrary rules, like little kids who won’t let you into their tree fort unless you can repeat the secret password.
  • That said, all of this pronoun madness does come in handy for one reason: it finally puts to bed the false notion that the progressive LGBT agenda is only about giving LGBT folks the freedom to live as they wish. It’s now abundantly clear that they want to control not only how they conduct themselves, but how the rest of us speak, live, and behave.
  • But it is not “living as one wishes” to demand that others participate in the fantasy by using words that aren’t applicable or even real when referring to you.
Gee....see a pattern here folks? I sure do. The left is pure, unadulterated, fascism. Control actions. Control language. Hell, even control thought.

I don’t care about your ‘preferred pronoun.’ I’ll simply call you what you are.
I'm so tired of whiny, desperate little progressives trying to influence everyone in very inappropriate settings. The idiotic people cannot seem to learn how to be professional, mature, adults. One has no business bringing up their political ideology, their religion, their sexual preferences, or anything else in the work place. Let's hope this results in the professor being terminated and that potential employers at other colleges see this and reject him.

Math professor caught on video getting political during class: ‘I’m not gonna tell you who to vote for, but…’

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