Progressives Launching 'October Offensive' To Rival Tea Party

Most of them are so doped up they don't know what the hell is going on
Iran's government officially threw their support behind the Occupy Wall Street protesters.

They eagerly look forward to the downfall of our economic system....
So has the communist party of America and the American Nazi Party.

You can find it or ignore it if you want, but they've made official statements of support.
They're "kitchen sink" fighting. Can't win an argument on merits? Throw anything and everything, pray something sticks.
Have you gone downtown yet to see the Occupados living up to their namesake yet?

I have.

If we have nothing why can't any Occupados answer one simple question.

"If you desire to change Wall Street, what do you wish to change it TO, and how do you suggest, logistically, we go about doing it?"

I don't want platitudes and pleas... I want a plan.

This question has gone unanswered since late September. Let's see if the streak is kept alive.
I hate to quibble with you T, but actually most of them don't know who's paying for lunch let alone all the glue they seem to sniff. If you questioned most of them on specifics, they couldn't give you one because they're there mostly to 'feel' things.

Many want to feel important, and aren't.
Many want to feel powerful, and never will be.
Many want to feel relevant, and can't be.
Many want to feel like they are making an impact, and won't.
Many want to feel superior, and aren't.

Many want to be with loose women, and have no problems.
Many want to be accepted by peers, and find tons of loser support groups.
Many want to be in touch with friends, and hang out with them there.
Many want to feel validation, and get tons of it from those playing the same self-congratulatory game.

It's pathetic, but it's all leftie socialisting... I mean socializing with the trappings of a cause and no clue as to what's really going on.

Those who DO know what's going on, and there is maybe a half-dozen of them, lead these useless idiots around blocking traffic and screaming slogans on street corners like a fucking pre-school class of retards on a field trip... they know who's cutting their checks.

The rest need to remember to hold onto the class rope to walk in line and obey, teacher.

But Reuters did find indirect financial links between Soros and Adbusters, an anti-capitalist group in Canada which started the protests with an inventive marketing campaign aimed at sparking an Arab Spring type uprising against Wall Street. Moreover, Soros and the protesters share some ideological ground.


Adbusters, whose magazine has a circulation of 120,000 and which is known for its spoofs of popular advertisements, came up with the Occupy Wall Street idea after Arab Spring protests toppled governments in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia, said Kalle Lasn, 69, Adbusters co-founder.

"It came out of these brainstorming sessions we have at Adbusters," Lasn told Reuters, adding they began promoting it online on July 13. "We were inspired by what happened in Tunisia and Egypt and we had this feeling that America was ripe for a Tahrir moment."

So much for the myth that OWS is organic and spontaneous.

But Reuters did find indirect financial links between Soros and Adbusters, an anti-capitalist group in Canada which started the protests with an inventive marketing campaign aimed at sparking an Arab Spring type uprising against Wall Street. Moreover, Soros and the protesters share some ideological ground.


Adbusters, whose magazine has a circulation of 120,000 and which is known for its spoofs of popular advertisements, came up with the Occupy Wall Street idea after Arab Spring protests toppled governments in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia, said Kalle Lasn, 69, Adbusters co-founder.

"It came out of these brainstorming sessions we have at Adbusters," Lasn told Reuters, adding they began promoting it online on July 13. "We were inspired by what happened in Tunisia and Egypt and we had this feeling that America was ripe for a Tahrir moment."

So much for the myth that OWS is organic and spontaneous.
No, all those "independent thinkers" all had the same idea at the same time. :lol:

But Reuters did find indirect financial links between Soros and Adbusters, an anti-capitalist group in Canada which started the protests with an inventive marketing campaign aimed at sparking an Arab Spring type uprising against Wall Street. Moreover, Soros and the protesters share some ideological ground.


Adbusters, whose magazine has a circulation of 120,000 and which is known for its spoofs of popular advertisements, came up with the Occupy Wall Street idea after Arab Spring protests toppled governments in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia, said Kalle Lasn, 69, Adbusters co-founder.

"It came out of these brainstorming sessions we have at Adbusters," Lasn told Reuters, adding they began promoting it online on July 13. "We were inspired by what happened in Tunisia and Egypt and we had this feeling that America was ripe for a Tahrir moment."

So much for the myth that OWS is organic and spontaneous.
No, all those "independent thinkers" all had the same idea at the same time. :lol:

Well maybe not the "G" part. Nothing great in there.
The Russians love this. While Putin consolidates his power making millions while doing so these ant-American, anti-Capitalist protesters give our advisories a platform

BRAVE Occupy Wall Street Protester Speaks Out - YouTube

RT, previously known as Russia Today, is a global multilingual television news network based in the Russian Federation run by RIA Novosti, the 100% government controlled[1] state-run[2] Russian media outlet.

Bravest thing about THAT protester is the fact that she goes out in public with that hair.
Who is that, "Buckwheat" in drag?
They're "kitchen sink" fighting. Can't win an argument on merits? Throw anything and everything, pray something sticks.
So you cannot confirm Soros is NOT funding these creeps?
Unless we see documented proof, we'll have to assume that is the case.
This kind of crap is right in Soros' wheelhouse.
Is Soros paying OWS?

Well they are certainly communally living... That includes food..

Who the fuck you think is paying for them to eat??

These monkeys are eating cake and shit - who the fuck you think buys that?

For a bunch of people who are allegedly "poor" they live like communal kings...

Free food, free bongo drumming, free yoga, free everything...

Yet they're not communists????

They're communists by de facto...

It's funny to watch....
They're "kitchen sink" fighting. Can't win an argument on merits? Throw anything and everything, pray something sticks.
So you cannot confirm Soros is NOT funding these creeps?
Unless we see documented proof, we'll have to assume that is the case.
This kind of crap is right in Soros' wheelhouse. cannot confirm that you are NOT a heroin-addicted, frequent glory-hole customer?
Unless we see documented proof, we'll have to assume that is the case.


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