Proctalgia fugax... a Pain in the Ass


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2016
Williamsburg, KY
Anyone ever heard of Proctalgia fugax? Yeah.. I don't really know you guys so I'll bring this up here. I've had a few episodes, which are usually late at night while sleeping, and I always forget to look up what is going on. Well this morning it woke me up at about 7 am so once it subsided I searched the internet to find out wtf it was. Well now I know, and thankfully it isn't a fatal disease, but it is a disorder that doesn't really have a treatment, and it will happen several times per year. So I'm going to give you the description of it now in case you don't know what it is. And for your information, I don't stick anything up my butt, this is just a genetic disorder.

Proctalgia fugax (fugax-fleeting) is characterized by brief episodes of rectal pain. Although a common problem, information regarding this disorder is limited because the published medical literature consists mostly of anecdotal reports and small case series. Several prospective studies, however, have determined that the prevalence of proctalgia ranges from 3% to 14%.1 Proctalgia occurs worldwide and affects men and women of all races and socioeconomic status, although there appears to be a slight female predominance.

Rectal pain is the defining characteristic of proctalgia.2 Patients generally have fairly stereotypical episodes, although there is great variability in symptoms among patients. Proctalgia occurs unpredictably and without warning. Patients may describe the pain as sharp, stabbing, twisting, cramping, or lancinating in nature. Although patients often vividly remember nocturnal episodes because they cause sudden awakening, proctalgia can occur just as frequently during the day as well. The pain generally remains localized within the rectum, although occasionally the pain may radiate into the gluteal or perineal region. Episodes are generally brief in nature, ranging from seconds up to 30 minutes, with each painful episode resolving spontaneously. The exceptional patient may have an episode that lasts for days. Most patients have several episodes per year; it is the rare patient who has 2 or more episodes per month.}/what-is-proctalgia-fugax

So is anyone else willing to admit this happens to them? Oh my lord it hurts... it hurts SOOOOO bad. I've had an episode last over 15 minutes before and I thought I was going to die.
So you're medically butthurt because Trump won?

Maybe you can sue the electoral college for damages.

Actually I'd like to keep this as a fairly serious thread about the subject and not politics. That's why I put it in the health forum.
I'm being serious.

I'm attempting to diagnose the cause of your pain, and try and find a way for you to be compensated.

Anyone ever heard of Proctalgia fugax? Yeah.. I don't really know you guys so I'll bring this up here. I've had a few episodes, which are usually late at night while sleeping, and I always forget to look up what is going on. Well this morning it woke me up at about 7 am so once it subsided I searched the internet to find out wtf it was. Well now I know, and thankfully it isn't a fatal disease, but it is a disorder that doesn't really have a treatment, and it will happen several times per year. So I'm going to give you the description of it now in case you don't know what it is. And for your information, I don't stick anything up my butt, this is just a genetic disorder.

Proctalgia fugax (fugax-fleeting) is characterized by brief episodes of rectal pain. Although a common problem, information regarding this disorder is limited because the published medical literature consists mostly of anecdotal reports and small case series. Several prospective studies, however, have determined that the prevalence of proctalgia ranges from 3% to 14%.1 Proctalgia occurs worldwide and affects men and women of all races and socioeconomic status, although there appears to be a slight female predominance.

Rectal pain is the defining characteristic of proctalgia.2 Patients generally have fairly stereotypical episodes, although there is great variability in symptoms among patients. Proctalgia occurs unpredictably and without warning. Patients may describe the pain as sharp, stabbing, twisting, cramping, or lancinating in nature. Although patients often vividly remember nocturnal episodes because they cause sudden awakening, proctalgia can occur just as frequently during the day as well. The pain generally remains localized within the rectum, although occasionally the pain may radiate into the gluteal or perineal region. Episodes are generally brief in nature, ranging from seconds up to 30 minutes, with each painful episode resolving spontaneously. The exceptional patient may have an episode that lasts for days. Most patients have several episodes per year; it is the rare patient who has 2 or more episodes per month.{bbb8179d-8c12-4b63-b23c-6fd23806b5b1}/what-is-proctalgia-fugax

So is anyone else willing to admit this happens to them? Oh my lord it hurts... it hurts SOOOOO bad. I've had an episode last over 15 minutes before and I thought I was going to die.

Do you also have a sore throat?
Yeah, I started this specifically in the health forum to keep this serious IN the Health forum. I already asked nicely once, now I guess I'll start reporting posts.
Anyone ever heard of Proctalgia fugax? Yeah.. I don't really know you guys so I'll bring this up here. I've had a few episodes, which are usually late at night while sleeping, and I always forget to look up what is going on. Well this morning it woke me up at about 7 am so once it subsided I searched the internet to find out wtf it was. Well now I know, and thankfully it isn't a fatal disease, but it is a disorder that doesn't really have a treatment, and it will happen several times per year. So I'm going to give you the description of it now in case you don't know what it is. And for your information, I don't stick anything up my butt, this is just a genetic disorder.

Proctalgia fugax (fugax-fleeting) is characterized by brief episodes of rectal pain. Although a common problem, information regarding this disorder is limited because the published medical literature consists mostly of anecdotal reports and small case series. Several prospective studies, however, have determined that the prevalence of proctalgia ranges from 3% to 14%.1 Proctalgia occurs worldwide and affects men and women of all races and socioeconomic status, although there appears to be a slight female predominance.

Rectal pain is the defining characteristic of proctalgia.2 Patients generally have fairly stereotypical episodes, although there is great variability in symptoms among patients. Proctalgia occurs unpredictably and without warning. Patients may describe the pain as sharp, stabbing, twisting, cramping, or lancinating in nature. Although patients often vividly remember nocturnal episodes because they cause sudden awakening, proctalgia can occur just as frequently during the day as well. The pain generally remains localized within the rectum, although occasionally the pain may radiate into the gluteal or perineal region. Episodes are generally brief in nature, ranging from seconds up to 30 minutes, with each painful episode resolving spontaneously. The exceptional patient may have an episode that lasts for days. Most patients have several episodes per year; it is the rare patient who has 2 or more episodes per month.{bbb8179d-8c12-4b63-b23c-6fd23806b5b1}/what-is-proctalgia-fugax

So is anyone else willing to admit this happens to them? Oh my lord it hurts... it hurts SOOOOO bad. I've had an episode last over 15 minutes before and I thought I was going to die.

Do you also have a sore throat?

Is this a serious question and have anything to do with what I posted?
Anyone ever heard of Proctalgia fugax? Yeah.. I don't really know you guys so I'll bring this up here. I've had a few episodes, which are usually late at night while sleeping, and I always forget to look up what is going on. Well this morning it woke me up at about 7 am so once it subsided I searched the internet to find out wtf it was. Well now I know, and thankfully it isn't a fatal disease, but it is a disorder that doesn't really have a treatment, and it will happen several times per year. So I'm going to give you the description of it now in case you don't know what it is. And for your information, I don't stick anything up my butt, this is just a genetic disorder.

Proctalgia fugax (fugax-fleeting) is characterized by brief episodes of rectal pain. Although a common problem, information regarding this disorder is limited because the published medical literature consists mostly of anecdotal reports and small case series. Several prospective studies, however, have determined that the prevalence of proctalgia ranges from 3% to 14%.1 Proctalgia occurs worldwide and affects men and women of all races and socioeconomic status, although there appears to be a slight female predominance.

Rectal pain is the defining characteristic of proctalgia.2 Patients generally have fairly stereotypical episodes, although there is great variability in symptoms among patients. Proctalgia occurs unpredictably and without warning. Patients may describe the pain as sharp, stabbing, twisting, cramping, or lancinating in nature. Although patients often vividly remember nocturnal episodes because they cause sudden awakening, proctalgia can occur just as frequently during the day as well. The pain generally remains localized within the rectum, although occasionally the pain may radiate into the gluteal or perineal region. Episodes are generally brief in nature, ranging from seconds up to 30 minutes, with each painful episode resolving spontaneously. The exceptional patient may have an episode that lasts for days. Most patients have several episodes per year; it is the rare patient who has 2 or more episodes per month.{bbb8179d-8c12-4b63-b23c-6fd23806b5b1}/what-is-proctalgia-fugax

So is anyone else willing to admit this happens to them? Oh my lord it hurts... it hurts SOOOOO bad. I've had an episode last over 15 minutes before and I thought I was going to die.

Do you also have a sore throat?

Is this a serious question and have anything to do with what I posted?

Just inquiring if there were any other symptoms.
Actually I'd like to keep this as a fairly serious thread about the subject and not politics. That's why I put it in the health forum.
If true, then I respectfully suggest you bring it up on a medical forum, or better yet, an actual fucking doctor.

You being an ardent LWer is sure see you reap what you have sown on a political forum.

As for medical issues, I have nocturnal flatulence. Nothing genetic, mostly like dietary. Flatulence (Farting): Causes, Symptoms and Remedies
...I already asked nicely once, now I guess I'll start reporting posts.
You should do would go with a case of Limpus Dickus.

Was that your immature plan all the time, Lewy? Bait people with a thread titled "A Pain in the Ass" then report people for being a pain in the ass?
Anyone ever heard of Proctalgia fugax? Yeah.. I don't really know you guys so I'll bring this up here. I've had a few episodes, which are usually late at night while sleeping, and I always forget to look up what is going on. Well this morning it woke me up at about 7 am so once it subsided I searched the internet to find out wtf it was. Well now I know, and thankfully it isn't a fatal disease, but it is a disorder that doesn't really have a treatment, and it will happen several times per year. So I'm going to give you the description of it now in case you don't know what it is. And for your information, I don't stick anything up my butt, this is just a genetic disorder.

Proctalgia fugax (fugax-fleeting) is characterized by brief episodes of rectal pain. Although a common problem, information regarding this disorder is limited because the published medical literature consists mostly of anecdotal reports and small case series. Several prospective studies, however, have determined that the prevalence of proctalgia ranges from 3% to 14%.1 Proctalgia occurs worldwide and affects men and women of all races and socioeconomic status, although there appears to be a slight female predominance.

Rectal pain is the defining characteristic of proctalgia.2 Patients generally have fairly stereotypical episodes, although there is great variability in symptoms among patients. Proctalgia occurs unpredictably and without warning. Patients may describe the pain as sharp, stabbing, twisting, cramping, or lancinating in nature. Although patients often vividly remember nocturnal episodes because they cause sudden awakening, proctalgia can occur just as frequently during the day as well. The pain generally remains localized within the rectum, although occasionally the pain may radiate into the gluteal or perineal region. Episodes are generally brief in nature, ranging from seconds up to 30 minutes, with each painful episode resolving spontaneously. The exceptional patient may have an episode that lasts for days. Most patients have several episodes per year; it is the rare patient who has 2 or more episodes per month.{bbb8179d-8c12-4b63-b23c-6fd23806b5b1}/what-is-proctalgia-fugax

So is anyone else willing to admit this happens to them? Oh my lord it hurts... it hurts SOOOOO bad. I've had an episode last over 15 minutes before and I thought I was going to die.

Do you also have a sore throat?

Is this a serious question and have anything to do with what I posted?

Just inquiring if there were any other symptoms.

No, no other symptoms.
Actually I'd like to keep this as a fairly serious thread about the subject and not politics. That's why I put it in the health forum.
If true, then I respectfully suggest you bring it up on a medical forum, or better yet, an actual fucking doctor.

You being an ardent LWer is sure see you reap what you have sown on a political forum.

As for medical issues, I have nocturnal flatulence. Nothing genetic, mostly like dietary. Flatulence (Farting): Causes, Symptoms and Remedies

It's a fucking health sub forum. There are subforms for a reason. I can't help it if you can't control your political bullshit in other subforums.

I will bring it up with my doctor, but I know what it is now, and everything I've read says there is really no treatment for it.

You do understand if you don't like something on here you don't HAVE to read it? And you most certainly DON't have to respond to it.
It's a fucking health sub forum. There are subforms for a reason. I can't help it if you can't control your political bullshit in other subforums.

I will bring it up with my doctor, but I know what it is now, and everything I've read says there is really no treatment for it.

You do understand if you don't like something on here you don't HAVE to read it? And you most certainly DON't have to respond to it.
Have you tried shoving an electric probe up your ass?

Proctalgia fugax - Wikipedia
High-voltage pulsed galvanic stimulation (HGVS) has been shown to be of prophylactic benefit, to reduce the incidence of attacks. The patient is usually placed in the left lateral decubitus position and a sterile probe is inserted into the anus. The negative electrode is used and the stimulator is set with a pulse frequency of 80 to 120 cycles per second. The voltage (intensity) is started at 0, progressively raised to a threshold of patient discomfort, and then is decreased to a level that the patient finds comfortable. As the patient's tolerance increases, the voltage can be gradually increased to 250 to 350 Volts. Each treatment session usually lasts between 15 to 60 mins. Several studies have reported short-term success rates that ranged from 65 to 91%,.
I asked twice for people to keep it on topic. This isn't the politics forum, this is a health suforum and I asked to keep it serious. I even asked twice, so yes now I am reporting every troll post.
It's a fucking health sub forum. There are subforms for a reason. I can't help it if you can't control your political bullshit in other subforums.

I will bring it up with my doctor, but I know what it is now, and everything I've read says there is really no treatment for it.

You do understand if you don't like something on here you don't HAVE to read it? And you most certainly DON't have to respond to it.
Have you tried shoving an electric probe up your ass?

Proctalgia fugax - Wikipedia
High-voltage pulsed galvanic stimulation (HGVS) has been shown to be of prophylactic benefit, to reduce the incidence of attacks. The patient is usually placed in the left lateral decubitus position and a sterile probe is inserted into the anus. The negative electrode is used and the stimulator is set with a pulse frequency of 80 to 120 cycles per second. The voltage (intensity) is started at 0, progressively raised to a threshold of patient discomfort, and then is decreased to a level that the patient finds comfortable. As the patient's tolerance increases, the voltage can be gradually increased to 250 to 350 Volts. Each treatment session usually lasts between 15 to 60 mins. Several studies have reported short-term success rates that ranged from 65 to 91%,.

No I haven't and I definitely wouldn't use wikipedia for medical treatment advice.
No I haven't and I definitely wouldn't use wikipedia for medical treatment advice.
1) Maybe you should. While electric shock may only temporarily relieve your symptoms, maybe it will kill that bug up your ass.

2) Yet you think using a political forum, albeit the health subforum, is better than Wiki? Do you know how fucked up that is, kid? Wiki articles are only as good as their references. Have you considered looking at the references? Especially in light of your previous false statement "there is no treatment"?

References in the previous Wiki link:

Proctalgia Fugax and Anal Pain Information. Anal Symptoms | Patient

Common Anorectal Conditions

Proctalgia fugax
Last edited:
No I haven't and I definitely wouldn't use wikipedia for medical treatment advice.
1) Maybe you should. While electric shock may only temporarily relieve your symptoms, maybe it will kill that bug up your ass.

2) Yet you think using a political forum, albeit the health subforum, is better than Wiki? Do you know how fucked up that is, kid? Wiki articles are only as good as their references. Have you considered looking at the references? Especially in light of your previous false statement "there is no treatment"?

References in the previous Wiki link:

Proctalgia Fugax and Anal Pain Information. Anal Symptoms | Patient

Common Anorectal Conditions

Proctalgia fugax

I I didn't ask this for a fucking cure from a doctor. I asked if anyone had had similar problems. You realize that just because this is a political message board, everyone is a person (though I wonder sometimes) and thus have health issues.
No I haven't and I definitely wouldn't use wikipedia for medical treatment advice.
1) Maybe you should. While electric shock may only temporarily relieve your symptoms, maybe it will kill that bug up your ass.

2) Yet you think using a political forum, albeit the health subforum, is better than Wiki? Do you know how fucked up that is, kid? Wiki articles are only as good as their references. Have you considered looking at the references? Especially in light of your previous false statement "there is no treatment"?

References in the previous Wiki link:

Proctalgia Fugax and Anal Pain Information. Anal Symptoms | Patient

Common Anorectal Conditions

Proctalgia fugax

I I didn't ask this for a fucking cure from a doctor. I asked if anyone had had similar problems. You realize that just because this is a political message board, everyone is a person (though I wonder sometimes) and thus have health issues.
No worries. I'll just chalk up your anger and stupidity to youth and inexperience. Live and learn, kid. Best of luck with your medical condition.....which despite your claim, does have treatment options.

FYI, none of us are perfect and all of us have some medical issues. The older we become, the more medical conditions people end up having, including yours truly. I just don't put them on a political forum asking for help or sympathy. ;)

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