Pro-lifers cannot have it both ways

They can’t tell an impoverished pregnant woman she has to carry the baby to term and then not have her kids receive any government benefits like SNAP after they are born.

Now the automatic response to this is always “well should have never gotten pregnant!”

Uh yeah no shit. Here’s the issue though: the kids exist. They exist right? Should they starve because of something their mom did? Probably not right? You guys get so caught up in shaming the woman that you forget why they get SNAP in the first place. The benefits they get is a small fraction of the full cost to raise a kid every year therefore it’s ridiculous to suggest the mom is profiting off of having kids.

Now some republicans’ fascist solution to this is to force the mom to put the kids up for adoption. Well that’s obviously a stupid idea. It’s not like people are lining up to adopt the kids huh? Meanwhile such a foster system would cost the government an astronomical amount of money per year. Far more than the cost of SNAP.

Do republicans realize how insane it is to suggest a ludicrous idea like this just so that mere PENNIES will not be taken out of their OWN paychecks to pay for this program?

Yeah really Christian of you guys! Jesus would be proud.

Sure they can....if you understand what republicans are actually aiming for.

Republicans don't actually give a fiddler's fuck about children. Abortion isn't about kids. Abortion is about forcing women to bear children against their will. Its about controlling them and trying to impose upon them a lifestyle they don't want.

Which is why they force this onto girls as young as 10, even when they've been raped. Women are forced to bear their rapists babies. And if they can't prove the rape in a court of law, share custody with the men who raped them.

That's the republican way.

And its about forcing women to be dependent on men. And restoring a man's place as the head of a household, with a woman dependent upon him to live. Men in such positions won't need to be better partners, or treat their wives better. By nature of their need, a woman will be forced to endure more abuse, less independence, more subjugation.

That's the republican way.

*Especially* if this subjugation is wrapped in evangelical Christianity. So women can be pressured externally and internally to accept their status as less than the men they depend on. Women are much easier to control when you can raise them to believe that men should have dominion over them.

If there was a strong social support system, it would undermine their primary goal: subjugating women by forcing them into dependency on men. If there was a strong social support system: healthcare for children, day care, food assistance women could support their children without men.

Which is why republicans will try and erode such networks. The fewer options they have, the greater their burden, the harder is to avoid dependency on a man. As this was always, always about the sexual subjugation of women.
You are spiritually blind and ill my brother.
Wrong, no brother of mine is a idiot.
Sure they can....if you understand what republicans are actually aiming for.

Republicans don't actually give a fiddler's fuck about children. Abortion isn't about kids. Abortion is about forcing women to bear children against their will. Its about controlling them and trying to impose upon them a lifestyle they don't want.

Which is why they force this onto girls as young as 10, even when they've been raped. Women are forced to bear their rapists babies. And if they can't prove the rape in a court of law, share custody with the men who raped them.

That's the republican way.

And its about forcing women to be dependent on men. And restoring a man's place as the head of a household, with a woman dependent upon him to live. Men in such positions won't need to be better partners, or treat their wives better. By nature of their need, a woman will be forced to endure more abuse, less independence, more subjugation.

That's the republican way.

*Especially* if this subjugation is wrapped in evangelical Christianity. So women can be pressured externally and internally to accept their status as less than the men they depend on. Women are much easier to control when you can raise them to believe that men should have dominion over them.

If there was a strong social support system, it would undermine their primary goal: subjugating women by forcing them into dependency on men. If there was a strong social support system: healthcare for children, day care, food assistance women could support their children without men.

Which is why republicans will try and erode such networks. The fewer options they have, the greater their burden, the harder is to avoid dependency on a man. As this was always, always about the sexual subjugation of women.
LIke all the hate party issues, the rights gibberish is for their micro minds that make up their party , their issues across the board are none issues having absolutely nothing to do with politics , Just hate lies and waving of the flag and thumping the bible. Their issues are geared for the stupid. The right exist for one reason, and that is the transfer of all the new wealth of this country to the golden few at the top. To achieve that, they keep them blind ignorant with make believe issue while they cut taxes for the rich and get rid of regulation that without which big B will eat our children. Abortion bad big business eating our live children good.
There is no devil. Only in the mind of people who need such a stupid thing. Hell, it is not even in the bible .

Luke 10:18

English Standard Version

18 And he said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.
LIke all the hate party issues, the rights gibberish is for their micro minds that make up their party , their issues across the board are none issues having absolutely nothing to do with politics , Just hate lies and waving of the flag and thumping the bible. Their issues are geared for the stupid. The right exist for one reason, and that is the transfer of all the new wealth of this country to the golden few at the top.

How does this transfer take place? Please explain.

It's not the right that are transferring wealth to the top, it's you; you are the one transferring wealth to the top.

Where do you think your money goes when you purchase gasoline for your personal vehicle? Where do you think your money goes when you stop at McDonald's and buy breakfast? Where do you think your money goes when you pay your cell phone bill, your cable bill, your internet bill? It all goes to the top!

If you don't like your money going to the top, quit sending it there. Buy a windmill for your electricity and heat. Take public transportation. Get a landline phone instead of that fancy smart phone you have. Grow your own food and eat at home every day of the week. And when your hypocritical ass decides not to pay that internet bill, we will miss you........really.

When taxes are lowered on the wealthy, it helps create jobs. It helps stop them from increasing prices on the products and services they provide us. Lower taxes do not transfer anything. All it does is force government to do with less, but it doesn't affect you one iota.
If there was a strong social support system, it would undermine their primary goal: subjugating women by forcing them into dependency on men. If there was a strong social support system: healthcare for children, day care, food assistance women could support their children without men.

Which is why republicans will try and erode such networks. The fewer options they have, the greater their burden, the harder is to avoid dependency on a man. As this was always, always about the sexual subjugation of women.

So replace a male mate with government and they will no longer be "subjugated?"

Luke 10:18​

English Standard Version​

18 And he said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.
The word Satan mean adversary, how in the hell can that be turned into what you need to operate in your world. The word Lucifer means morning star, when the only morning star in the bible is Jesus himself. But you need that to control and to be controlled. Literally, Lucifer has been taken out of the bible.In many of the forms or writings of the bible.. You can live in your world where god throws devils at you, but no one has to. BY the way my side is winning, only 26% of Christians think Satan is real. You in your little mind will try to make those Christian not Christian for that, but it won't work. The devil is nothing but a way to control.
Why because you say so, Jump right up and wave your hand and yell I'm a dumb fuck. You know shit.
You responded to a query of mine to another poster.......and you just jumped up and waved your hand......LOL

That's not how it works, idiot, it's up to you to prove your point BOZO. You brought it up not me.
Recent court decision put abortion decisions to the states to be decided by their voters.
They can’t tell an impoverished pregnant woman she has to carry the baby to term and then not have her kids receive any government benefits like SNAP after they are born.
No one is denying food stamps to poor kids, dipshit.
Lol this is such a nonsense notion. There is no way enough charity exists for the people who actually need it.

When our government decides to sort out who "needs" these programs and who is taking advantage of them, then you can make that claim. But I'm willing to bet that if we had stricter requirements to get on these programs, charities would be able to handle these truly in need just fine.

It will never happen because the more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.
Sure they can....if you understand what republicans are actually aiming for.

Republicans don't actually give a fiddler's fuck about children. Abortion isn't about kids. Abortion is about forcing women to bear children against their will. Its about controlling them and trying to impose upon them a lifestyle they don't want.

Which is why they force this onto girls as young as 10, even when they've been raped. Women are forced to bear their rapists babies. And if they can't prove the rape in a court of law, share custody with the men who raped them.

That's the republican way.

And its about forcing women to be dependent on men. And restoring a man's place as the head of a household, with a woman dependent upon him to live. Men in such positions won't need to be better partners, or treat their wives better. By nature of their need, a woman will be forced to endure more abuse, less independence, more subjugation.

That's the republican way.

*Especially* if this subjugation is wrapped in evangelical Christianity. So women can be pressured externally and internally to accept their status as less than the men they depend on. Women are much easier to control when you can raise them to believe that men should have dominion over them.

If there was a strong social support system, it would undermine their primary goal: subjugating women by forcing them into dependency on men. If there was a strong social support system: healthcare for children, day care, food assistance women could support their children without men.

Which is why republicans will try and erode such networks. The fewer options they have, the greater their burden, the harder is to avoid dependency on a man. As this was always, always about the sexual subjugation of women.
No, it’s about preventing or punishing murder, lying trash.

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