Pro-choicers know it's a baby, that's not the point...

.You know and I know that that’s never going to happen.

It will if we start forcing these people to deal with the consequences....

For her: 9 months of pregnancy, child birth, 18 years as a parent.

For Him: Paying for or providing insurance and financial support for her and the kid for almost 19 years.
Yes the choice should be the mothers to make. If you dont want an abortion dont have one.
The choice should be, if you don't want a baby don't engage in sex ---- simple choice.
Thats kind of stupid. Having sex is an instinct. Things dont typically work when you attempt to change an instinct. If you dont want to have sex then thats your problem. Dont try to tell others they must participate.
So how do explain the drive to rip a child out of your womb? Isn't the instinct here to breed offspring, that's what sex is all about. If you don't want offspring, don't have sex. You state: "Don't try to tell others they must participate." OK, that's fair, so why in hell is it acceptable to force others to financially participate in subsidizing your poor, impulse-driven choices?
Thats a personal choice contingent on many factors and the instinct to breed is not the instinct to give birth. If there was an instinct to give birth it would be enjoyable like having sex. Having sex is also a stress reliving instinct so its not limited to simple getting pregnant. We know this because you can have sex and not get pregnant.

For the same reason you find it acceptable to force taxpayers to pay for your poor decisions to go to war.
Yes the choice should be the mothers to make. If you dont want an abortion dont have one.
The choice should be, if you don't want a baby don't engage in sex ---- simple choice.
Then make that choice for yourself. It's not the duty of the world to cater to your fetishes and superstitions.
Then why do you find it to be the duty of the rest of us pay up for other peoples' poor choices?
For the same reasons our taxes go to bolster the war machine.
Unless you’re a woman, it’s none of your business.

That is only true if the Man is not expected to support the child. If He is required to materially support her and the child then He definitely needs to be involved in ALL decision making.
He only needs to be involved if he is going to carry the child in his stomach 4.5 months of the incubation period.
Democrats are okay with crushing the head of an unborn child. Many others are good with seeing children being raped and murdered.

It’s one of the reasons why democrats are seeing society kicking they’re their ass to the curb.
A total fabricated lie based on troll tactics. Prove that abortions are only obtained and performed by Democrats.
Why, though, when the baby has a beating heart and unique DNA?
Because the mother is a person with memories, social ties, etc etc. To say she should have no choice is more absurd.So a choice must be made about her choice. Pretty easy call for me.

I don't dismiss all of your points. I just say that you seem to have thought it out for yourself, and that's how it should stay. While I am personally against abortion, I don't feel it is my choice to make for anyone else.
The point is? What happens in my doctor’s office is NONE of your fucking business.

The right to privacy is the point.
Unless you’re a woman, it’s none of your business.

Hey you know that six inches of birth canal is some real magic ain't it? On the north side, it's entirely the mother's, and according to the heinous Democrats, you can waltz right into an abortion clinic up to the day before delivery and abort that baby. No harm, no foul, not the guy's issue. "None of his business". However, a few days later, and it sure enough is his business, and his WALLET'S business, for the next 18 years.

Don't try to figure this out. It makes absolutely no sense.
That’s a blatant lie.
Anyone who pays taxes to bomb civilians has forfeited the right to tell a woman she has to have a baby.

Anyone who is fine with starving, caging, refusing to educate or play any part in making them a productive member of society — ditto.

“We’re going to remove the social safety net, and may the odds be ever in your favor.”
I reiterate: I don't care if someone makes a choice to use abortion as a solution for poor impulse control. I don't care whether the incubator includes the sperm donor in her decision to abort a child. I do care that I am coerced by force of law to finance poor choices and subsequent decisions to correct the results of those poor choices.
Yes the choice should be the mothers to make. If you dont want an abortion dont have one.
The choice should be, if you don't want a baby don't engage in sex ---- simple choice.
Then make that choice for yourself. It's not the duty of the world to cater to your fetishes and superstitions.
Then why do you find it to be the duty of the rest of us pay up for other peoples' poor choices?
For the same reasons our taxes go to bolster the war machine.

False equivalency and off topic. If you want to discuss the wisdom of financing wars, start a new thread.
I reiterate: I don't care if someone makes a choice to use abortion as a solution for poor impulse control. I don't care whether the incubator includes the sperm donor in her decision to abort a child. I do care that I am coerced by force of law to finance poor choices and subsequent decisions to correct the results of those poor choices.
So youre against paying taxes then?
I reiterate: I don't care if someone makes a choice to use abortion as a solution for poor impulse control. I don't care whether the incubator includes the sperm donor in her decision to abort a child. I do care that I am coerced by force of law to finance poor choices and subsequent decisions to correct the results of those poor choices.
Fair enough. The avenues of due process are as open to you as they are anyone else.
Anyone who is fine with starving, caging, refusing to educate or play any part in making them a productive member of society — ditto.

“We’re going to remove the social safety net, and may the odds be ever in your favor.”

Again, those are the responsibilities and consequences of those who choose to have children; not those of us who don’t have kids.
Yes the choice should be the mothers to make. If you dont want an abortion dont have one.
The choice should be, if you don't want a baby don't engage in sex ---- simple choice.
Then make that choice for yourself. It's not the duty of the world to cater to your fetishes and superstitions.
Then why do you find it to be the duty of the rest of us pay up for other peoples' poor choices?
For the same reasons our taxes go to bolster the war machine.

False equivalency and off topic. If you want to discuss the wisdom of financing wars, start a new thread.
No its not false equivalency unless you can show us a receipt where you were forced to pay for someones abortion.
The point is? What happens in my doctor’s office is NONE of your fucking business.

The right to privacy is the point.
Quite right, what happens in the doctor's office, your bedroom, etc. is your business. The results should be your responsibility. If you insist in including the public in the financial subsidy of your private decisions, they you should accept the public's input.
...the point is they don't care it's a baby, they still want to do it.

They seek to change the language because they recognize how foul their intent and methods are.

They have always known it is a baby. People who support state funded abortion are nazis, pure and simple. They are willing to torture and kill women, children and babies if they think it will help them advance their ideology..which is first and foremost that they should be able to kill at will and take whatever they want from anybody who can be forced to provide it to them.
Quite right, what happens in the doctor's office, your bedroom, etc. is your business. The results should be your responsibility.
In all cases? That's overreach. You're going to have to better qualify your argument. Why does this apply to abortion, but not liver disease?

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