Pro-choicers know it's a baby, that's not the point...

Yes the choice should be the mothers to make. If you dont want an abortion dont have one.
The choice should be, if you don't want a baby don't engage in sex ---- simple choice.
Thats kind of stupid. Having sex is an instinct. Things dont typically work when you attempt to change an instinct. If you dont want to have sex then thats your problem. Dont try to tell others they must participate.
...the point is they don't care it's a baby, they still want to do it.
The point is that the mother's rights come first.

Why, though, when the baby has a beating heart and unique DNA?

Because we can see the mother? Because in a situation unique to that time of pregnancy, she has to house the life for 9 months? I mean I can see not forcing the woman to raise the baby. But why should she have the unquestioned right to off the baby, just because she created it?

That's ghastly when you think about it.
Unless you’re a woman, it’s none of your business.

Hey you know that six inches of birth canal is some real magic ain't it? On the north side, it's entirely the mother's, and according to the heinous Democrats, you can waltz right into an abortion clinic up to the day before delivery and abort that baby. No harm, no foul, not the guy's issue. "None of his business". However, a few days later, and it sure enough is his business, and his WALLET'S business, for the next 18 years.

Don't try to figure this out. It makes absolutely no sense.
If we can elect enough socially conservative republicans, we can finally become as enlightened and modern as these enviable red and orange countries:


That map is inaccurate. In at t least one Australian state that I know of, Queensland, abortion is illegal.
Anyone who pays taxes to bomb civilians has forfeited the right to tell a woman she has to have a baby.

"Yeah, we've done a few wrong things over here, so we're just gonna look the other way while millions and millions and millions of our own future citizens are murdered over here."

How does that make sense? Oh yeah, it doesn't.
Anyone who truly believed abortion is murder would be stopping it at an abortion clinic. Otherwise, we understand they don't really believe that.
Anyone who truly believed abortion is murder would be stopping it at an abortion clinic. Otherwise, we understand they don't really believe that.

Not that kind of war. I suspect you know it, and are demagoguing.

You have to unbrainwash people from thinking it's a "clump of cells". The ultrasound--"SCIENCE!"--has done wonders, thank God.
"Unbrainwash" people that life begins at some arbitrary contemporary moment when it began a very, very long time ago.
"Unbrainwash" people that life begins at some arbitrary contemporary moment when it began a very, very long time ago.

The science is not in your favor. If you have appreciation for science I suspect you can understand this.

The "clump of cells" argument is spurious at best.
...the point is they don't care it's a baby, they still want to do it.
Who told you it was a baby?
Who told you it wasn't?
The bible.

Chapter and verse. Pony up.
Genesis 2:7

"The LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being."

Obviously you arent considered a living being until you draw a breath.

Numbers 5:20-22

Bible Gateway passage: Numbers 5:20-22 - King James Version

Here god is actually telling the priests to curse unfaithful women and god will perform the abortions.

Now you pony up where someone told you it was a baby?
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Yes the choice should be the mothers to make. If you dont want an abortion dont have one.
The choice should be, if you don't want a baby don't engage in sex ---- simple choice.
Then make that choice for yourself. It's not the duty of the world to cater to your fetishes and superstitions.
Then why do you find it to be the duty of the rest of us pay up for other peoples' poor choices?
Yes the choice should be the mothers to make. If you dont want an abortion dont have one.
The choice should be, if you don't want a baby don't engage in sex ---- simple choice.
Thats kind of stupid. Having sex is an instinct. Things dont typically work when you attempt to change an instinct. If you dont want to have sex then thats your problem. Dont try to tell others they must participate.
So how do explain the drive to rip a child out of your womb? Isn't the instinct here to breed offspring, that's what sex is all about. If you don't want offspring, don't have sex. You state: "Don't try to tell others they must participate." OK, that's fair, so why in hell is it acceptable to force others to financially participate in subsidizing your poor, impulse-driven choices?

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