The FDIC is running out of funds. Let's be consistent. Let's get the government out of the insurance business.
I do not want my tax dollars to cover deposits of irresponsible depositors.
Let's get the conservatives behind abolishing the FDIC. We need to be consistent. Then we privatize Medicare and Medicaid.
Let's follow through on Bush's initiative to privatize social security.
It is not too late to pull back Tarp funds.
It is ridiculous to sit around and criticize health care reform. That is easy.
Conservatives need to go on the offense and start going after the already established government entitlements.
That is the heavy lifting that takes guts.
Don't be wooses by criticizing reform that will never happen. Go after the already established government backed programs.
In politics offense is tough, defense is easy. Come on conservatives let's start playing offense.
I do not want my tax dollars to cover deposits of irresponsible depositors.
Let's get the conservatives behind abolishing the FDIC. We need to be consistent. Then we privatize Medicare and Medicaid.
Let's follow through on Bush's initiative to privatize social security.
It is not too late to pull back Tarp funds.
It is ridiculous to sit around and criticize health care reform. That is easy.
Conservatives need to go on the offense and start going after the already established government entitlements.
That is the heavy lifting that takes guts.
Don't be wooses by criticizing reform that will never happen. Go after the already established government backed programs.
In politics offense is tough, defense is easy. Come on conservatives let's start playing offense.