Princess AOC is Forgetful When it Comes to Paying Her Bills

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
I guarantee you that this stupid bimbo thought that the exposure she provided to these workers at the Met Gala was, itself, generous compensation. Why should she be expected to pay for anything? She is the queen, after all. She did not have to lend her presence to them, but she graciously did. She appeared among the little people out of the kindness of her heart. Of course, most will find this sort of attitude puzzling when it comes to AOC since she is the "living wage", power-to-the-people pol who is fight for the people!!!

As with everything in DC, especially with the leftist vomit, nothing is real. Narratives are created and prescribed, and actors are engaged to play certain roles in these narratives. AOC is the epitome of this. She is no leader. She is dumber than shit and emotionally stunted. She is playing a role. Hell, she responded to a Justice Democrats advertisement to run as a candidate for their little fucked up, America hating leftist group.

Fake runs on both sides. Remember "Q"? I knew that shit was fake from the beginning. I had arguments with Q believers during Trump's presidency and any suggestion that they were not who they said they were evoked near violent ridicule. For those who have never been subjected to ridicule from retards, I can tell you that it is painless. I voted for Trump both times. It was by far the only choice for any real American. But that Q shit was over-the-top horseshit, and people should have known it. And if their intellectual incapacity and/or highly suggestable state prevented them from know it, then they are no better for America than the Democrat zombie herd.

Of course, I feel like most of the fake shit is generated on the left. I admit to be biased against the thumb-sucking, gender-fetish perv commies who call themselves "Democrats", so that may account for my conclusion that most bullshit comes from the left. I am convinced I am correct on this, though I admit my bias.

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I guarantee you that this stupid bimbo thought that the exposure she provided to these workers at the Met Gala was, itself, generous compensation. Why should she be expected to pay for anything? She is the queen, after all. She did not have to lend her presence to them, but she graciously did. She appeared among the little people out of the kindness of her heart. Of course, most will find this sort of attitude puzzling when it comes to AOC since she is the "living wage", power-to-the-people pol who is fight for the people!!!

As with everything in DC, especially with the leftist vomit, nothing is real. Narratives are created and prescribed, and actors are engaged to play certain roles in these narratives. AOC is the epitome of this. She is no leader. She is dumber than shit and emotionally stunted. She is playing a role. Hell, she responded to a Justice Democrats advertisement to run as a candidate for their little fucked up, America hating leftist group.

Fake runs on both sides. Remember "Q"? I knew that shit was fake from the beginning. I had arguments with Q believers during Trump's presidency and any suggestion that they were not who they said they were evoked near violent ridicule. For those who have never been subjected to ridicule from retards, I can tell you that it is painless. I voted for Trump both times. It was by far the only choice for any real American. But that Q shit was over-the-top horseshit, and people should have known it. And if their intellectual incapacity and/or highly suggestable state prevented them from know it, then they are no better for America than the Democrat zombie herd.

Of course, I feel like most of the fake shit is generated on the left. I admit to be biased against the thumb-sucking, gender-fetish perv commies who call themselves "Democrats", so that may account for my conclusion that most bullshit comes from the left. I am convinced I am correct on this, though I admit my bias.

Glad she was able to eventually pony up the 50K or so money necessary to pay for these expenses. But, I guess this means since she has this kind of money, she must not be paying her fair share in taxes. I guess she's hoping her student loans will be forgiven.

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