President's Trump's D-Day Speech Confirms Him Among The Top 5 Presidents in US History.

Post your proof of any sexual assaults by Trump idiot. Oh, you can't. So it appears YOU are demented, stupid, and a whiner to boot.

You ignorant loser...the human rat admitted to doing it...on tape.

Trump Was Recorded in 2005 Bragging About Grabbing Women “by the Pussy”


Grabbing women by the crotch without their consent is - by definition -sexual assault.

Sexual Assault | RAINN

I realize misogynist's like you consider it 'having a little fun'. But it IS sexual assault.

Game. Set. Match.

We are done here as I try not to waste time morally slumming it with 'people' like you.

Have a nice day.

Sorry loser, you show your ignorance yet again. Trump stated that famous people COULD do that. He never said he did it himself. Proving you a liar of the first order. Since he never did that, he did not commit sexual assault. See, you need something called proof to make that charge idiot. Yes, game, set match, I beat you 6-0 6-0 6-0. Yes I m done here as talking to uneducated brain dead idiots is a waste of time. Now cry some more since you just got owned.
Oh that is just hysterical lol. So Trump said because you are famous they let you do it but you are pretending Trump, a famous person, refrained from doing that because?

You may want to learn to read. The idiot claimed he did so. He did not, he stated that famous people can get away with it, Show some actual proof of Trump doing this or just STFU. You lose too.
Lol wtf? What difference would it make if famous men in general would do this if Trump did famous at the time time or not?

Lol right Trump was very careful with his words with Billy Bush, huh? He wanted to make sure George’s cousin knew he was a gentleman who was above fucking random women. That’s obviously the most manly approach Trump could have taken. Never mind the fact that he said this immediately before talking about impulsively kissing beautiful women lol.

Trouble with reading comprehension much? I never said Trump was a perfect gentleman. Just stated the fact that he stated that famous men could do this. That does not give any evidence that he did that act. Talking about Trumo being manly? How would you know anything about being manly?
lantern2814, post: 22523411
Just stated the fact that he stated that famous men could do this.

Why do you lie for TrumpO?

“You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them,” Trump said. “It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”

“Whatever you want,” Bush chimed in.

“Grab them by the pussy,” Trump said. “You can do anything.”

Billy Bush, the host who laughed as Trump bragged about sexually assaulting women, is back

Now look at that in context:

TrumpO says: “And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”

Was TrumpO a “star” when he said that? Of course he was. TrumpO is referring to himself.

Literally TrumpO is saying Billy Bush is doing it, but in the context of the interview every literate hunan being recognizes that TrumpO bragging that women let him do it because he is a star.

Billie Bush did not understand what TrumpO was saying literally. Because he immediately asked:

Whatever you want,” Bush chimed in.

That’s “whatever TrumpO wants”

So TrumpO answers Bush:

“Grab them by the pussy,”

TrumoO Confessed sexually assaulted women by kissing them without consent and grabbing their pussy.

And laughs about getting away with it because he is a star.

Laugh laugh laugh.
So proud President Trump is our (normal, intelligent, mentally and physically healthy US citizens) President. Meanwhile Kenyan, Barry Butthurt Hussaine is in Argentina telling the morons you can buy machine guns over the internet in the USA. :p So gross. What fucktard here voted for the Butthurt one? Speak up. Be proud to be a fucking ignoramous moron.
Cowards give the best speeches they never wrote.
lantern2814, post: 22523411
Just stated the fact that he stated that famous men could do this.

Why didnt TrumpO use that bogus explanation. Instead of apologizing?

Simply saying that famous men not including hinself could grab a pussy in some uncrontrikkabke urge wouid not have too inappropriate for s man like TrumpO.

Why lie for TrumpO when he does it so well for himself?
Well, GolfGator, you're just a bipartisan butthurt whiner, aren't you?

Grow up.

Admit it when you lose and you might stop being a loser.

Maybe not, but it's a start.
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Fat Donnie is medically obese

Not too fat to live in your head.

America's leaders need to understand the difference between Normandy and Saigon.

in Trump, we have that leader!
Cowards give the best speeches they never wrote.

President Trump is standing up against all enemies of the USA, foreign and domestic. President Trump's bravery is unmatched as he exposes the most dangerous enemy of America in history, the Deep State. Streets and high schools should be named after President Trump right now in fact.
how fucked up is it that very soon, the first american soldier born AFTER AFTER AFTER 9/11 will be killed in combat. who needs speeches? WHO NEEDS SPEECHES?


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