Presidents Day ?


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Um ... Like President Who_Or President Why.
Maybe President What.We already knowed
President How.
You or We the People must meanie the guy whose
been wrong the last 40 years on virtually every Foreign
Affairs matter.Not just a tad or skosh but major league
as if Ted Williams was up to bat.All time Slugger of a
Generation.Known by many nicknames as in " the Thumper ".
Disliked his nickname { Teddy } and officially changed it to
" Theodore " in honor of Teddy { Theodore Roosevelt }.
So some Presidents have names they can play around with.
Furthermore I highly doubt that Former President Trump
is one bit interested in having or building a Bunker.He's very
outdoorsy.Like being out and about.We've already noticed how
the current President likes to remain in some Bunker like all
throughout the Fall of 2020.Where Potus Trump couldn't stay
inside long enough to take a good poop.He likes to be out
and around his flock.Like good bird breeds.
I wonder what Potus Biden will likely do on His Day.
Presidents Day.Maybe look at new sketches of fancy bunkers
like the One Mark Zuckerberg is having constructed.
Or many New World Order Oligarchs.Talk about a James
Bond world of creepiness.Otherworldly.Like what was
supposed to be light fiction as in :
- Brave New World -.
or possibly - Farenheit 451 -.
" That men do not learn very much from the
lessons of history is the most important of all
lessons of history ".
" An unexciting truth may be eclipsed by a
thrilling Lie."
-- Aldous Huxley
considering the presidents we've had for the last 30 years, I see no reason to consider it a holiday.

I'd prefer to go back to celebrating Lincolns Birthday on the 12th, and Washingtons on the 22nd.
I'm honoring the President Day by eating ice cream and watching a Gomer Pyle USMC marathon,just like Sleepy Joe likes to do.
Trump is “outdoorsy?????” Other than parking his fat ass on a golf cart, I doubt that Trump has ever went hiking or rode a bicycle.
Resident Robert L Peters is celebrating by opening up 2 more shell companies and having a President's Day "Too Stupid to Prosecute" Sale on classified material.

See Hunter for details (or underaged girls, if that's your thing).

biden shit your pants 884.jpg
I'm honoring the President Day by eating ice cream and watching a Gomer Pyle USMC marathon,just like Sleepy Joe likes to do.
Yeah like dig-on cutey pie Lou-Ann Poovie.
One would never spot how she was taught
acting {coached } by the likes of Uta Hagen and Herbert Berghof.
She lost out to Jean Seberg for the title role
of Joan of Arc - Saint Joan - { 1957 } directed by
the notorious Otto Preminger.
Lou-Ann Poovie { Elizabeth MacRae } did 15 episodes
on Gomer Pyle and she is still with us.
Born in 1936.
Trump is “outdoorsy?????” Other than parking his fat ass on a golf cart, I doubt that Trump has ever went hiking or rode a bicycle.
I grant you that.But he is seldom not on the links.
That can be a work out.Plus Trump's a good golfer.
He could easily fill-in { more than a Cameo role }
for any remake of - Caddyshack - { 1980 }.
considering the presidents we've had for the last 30 years, I see no reason to consider it a holiday.

I'd prefer to go back to celebrating Lincolns Birthday on the 12th, and Washingtons on the 22nd.
By most accounts Ronnie Reagan was a very good Potus.
If not for {Watergate} Nixon would be in a similar class
of Very good to Great Presidents.
I grant you that.But he is seldom not on the links.
That can be a work out.Plus Trump's a good golfer.
He could easily fill-in { more than a Cameo role }
for any remake of - Caddyshack - { 1980 }.

President Trump plays golf with some of the top players around and holds his own.

I'd love to see him go out and do some senior tour events when he retires from politics.

President Trump plays golf with some of the top players around and holds his own.

I'd love to see him go out and do some senior tour events when he retires from politics.

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Rushbo died 3 days ago { 3 years ago } Feburary 17,2021.
That pic looks like it might have been taken before Trump
was President.

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