President Walker 2016

Who should Walker pick as his running mate in 2016?

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The problem for Walker or any other GOP candidate is that they cannot present sane policies in the primary and become the candidate. But in the general, those policies they presented in the primary will destroy them with the electorate. The GOP is going to have to do some deep introspection after 2016, if they do not wish to go the way of the Whigs.
"Sane policies"? You mean like controlling spending and not adding $10 trillion to the debt in 8 years? Securing our borders so terrorists can't come in and blow us up? Creating jobs instead of putting as many people as possible on welfare? Yeah, those are all losing issues, aren't they?
Walker all the way. He is the best qualified in all senses of the word.
He needs a Washington insider as VP, someone who can negotiate Congress. I'd say Kay Bailey Hutchison is about perfect.
But can she win votes in battleground states?
Walker will do fine in WI and Ohio. Those are pretty big battleground states.
BUt it will be no contest. Hillary is old, tired, and shrewish. She is nothing, offers nothing but the usual politics of personal destruction and class envy. Walker is afresh upbreat face. No contest.
Walker all the way. He is the best qualified in all senses of the word.
He needs a Washington insider as VP, someone who can negotiate Congress. I'd say Kay Bailey Hutchison is about perfect.
But can she win votes in battleground states?
Walker will do fine in WI and Ohio. Those are pretty big battleground states.
BUt it will be no contest. Hillary is old, tired, and shrewish. She is nothing, offers nothing but the usual politics of personal destruction and class envy. Walker is afresh upbreat face. No contest.
Hillary would beat walker in Wisconsin
Trump Leads Among GOP Voters Nationwide
July 14, 2015By Taegan Goddard

A new Suffolk University/USA TODAY national poll finds Donald Trump leading the Republican presidential field with 17%, followed by Jeb Bush at 14%, Scott Walker at 8%, Ted Cruz at 6%, Marco Rubio at 5%, Ben Carson at 4%, Mike Huckabee at 4% and Chris Christie at 3%.

Said pollster David Paleologos: “Trump is making daily headlines in advance of the primary season. This has vaulted him to the top of the pack on the backs of conservative voters.”
Problem for Walker is nobody knows who he is, he lacks charisma to stand out in a crowd of 15 candidates and risks getting lost in the shuffle

I don't see any issue that makes him stand out

It doesn't help that WI isn't exactly doing great. Our country needs jobs, walker has shown he can't deliver.
Walker all the way. He is the best qualified in all senses of the word.
He needs a Washington insider as VP, someone who can negotiate Congress. I'd say Kay Bailey Hutchison is about perfect.
But can she win votes in battleground states?
Walker will do fine in WI and Ohio. Those are pretty big battleground states.
BUt it will be no contest. Hillary is old, tired, and shrewish. She is nothing, offers nothing but the usual politics of personal destruction and class envy. Walker is afresh upbreat face. No contest.
Hillary would beat walker in Wisconsin
Of course she would. I am sure you are looking at a McGovern style blow out, right?
The problem for Walker or any other GOP candidate is that they cannot present sane policies in the primary and become the candidate. But in the general, those policies they presented in the primary will destroy them with the electorate. The GOP is going to have to do some deep introspection after 2016, if they do not wish to go the way of the Whigs.
Yepp. The "red meat" in the primary becomes a poison pill in the General.

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Walker all the way. He is the best qualified in all senses of the word.
He needs a Washington insider as VP, someone who can negotiate Congress. I'd say Kay Bailey Hutchison is about perfect.
But can she win votes in battleground states?
Walker will do fine in WI and Ohio. Those are pretty big battleground states.
BUt it will be no contest. Hillary is old, tired, and shrewish. She is nothing, offers nothing but the usual politics of personal destruction and class envy. Walker is afresh upbreat face. No contest.
Hillary would beat walker in Wisconsin
She already is. In every match up he trails her in the Badger State by between 7 and 11 points.

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Walker all the way. He is the best qualified in all senses of the word.
He needs a Washington insider as VP, someone who can negotiate Congress. I'd say Kay Bailey Hutchison is about perfect.
But can she win votes in battleground states?
Walker will do fine in WI and Ohio. Those are pretty big battleground states.
BUt it will be no contest. Hillary is old, tired, and shrewish. She is nothing, offers nothing but the usual politics of personal destruction and class envy. Walker is afresh upbreat face. No contest.
Hillary would beat walker in Wisconsin
Of course she would. I am sure you are looking at a McGovern style blow out, right?
No. But Hillary will sail easily over 370 EV.

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I still think that its going to to Be Rubio/Kasich. Conservatives are five times more intelligent that democrats, they will be looking for the ticket that will win most of the crucial states. Nothing against Walker, i think the world of him, but the 2016 race will be a fight for the hispanic vote. Rubio will eat away from the votes Obama got.
I still think that its going to to Be Rubio/Kasich. Conservatives are five times more intelligent that democrats, they will be looking for the ticket that will win most of the crucial states. Nothing against Walker, i think the world of him, but the 2016 race will be a fight for the hispanic vote. Rubio will eat away from the votes Obama got.

That would probably be the most likely combo to win, I don't expect that's what we'll get. It will be Jeb who will lose.
I still think that its going to to Be Rubio/Kasich. Conservatives are five times more intelligent that democrats, they will be looking for the ticket that will win most of the crucial states. Nothing against Walker, i think the world of him, but the 2016 race will be a fight for the hispanic vote. Rubio will eat away from the votes Obama got.

That would probably be the most likely combo to win, I don't expect that's what we'll get. It will be Jeb who will lose.
i dont think Jeb will even come close to first place in the first three primaries.
I still think that its going to to Be Rubio/Kasich. Conservatives are five times more intelligent that democrats, they will be looking for the ticket that will win most of the crucial states. Nothing against Walker, i think the world of him, but the 2016 race will be a fight for the hispanic vote. Rubio will eat away from the votes Obama got.

That would probably be the most likely combo to win, I don't expect that's what we'll get. It will be Jeb who will lose.
i dont think Jeb will even come close to first place in the first three primaries.

I think he will be the nominee. Look at how much $$$$ he has. It will be a mistake, but it will be him.
I know Trump has been gaining popularity lately but at this point in the race I'm gonna stick with Walker for a lot of reasons. But assuming he gets the nomination (which I believe he will), who should he pick as his running mate? Who would you choose for Walker?

That's a tough one because I truly believe each candidate on the list has much to offer in a campaign.

Whoever gets the nomination I personally hope they look at their former competitors for cabinet positions. Cruz for AG for example. Or Carson for Surgeon General.

This is the best field of candidates I have ever witnessed going for the top job. It's great.
Walker all the way. He is the best qualified in all senses of the word.
He needs a Washington insider as VP, someone who can negotiate Congress. I'd say Kay Bailey Hutchison is about perfect.
But can she win votes in battleground states?
Walker will do fine in WI and Ohio. Those are pretty big battleground states.
BUt it will be no contest. Hillary is old, tired, and shrewish. She is nothing, offers nothing but the usual politics of personal destruction and class envy. Walker is afresh upbreat face. No contest.
Hillary would beat walker in Wisconsin
Of course she would. I am sure you are looking at a McGovern style blow out, right?
Depends who Hillary runs against

She would beat Bush by around 100 EVs
Walker by 200
Any other Republican by 300 EVs
Walker all the way. He is the best qualified in all senses of the word.
He needs a Washington insider as VP, someone who can negotiate Congress. I'd say Kay Bailey Hutchison is about perfect.
But can she win votes in battleground states?
Walker will do fine in WI and Ohio. Those are pretty big battleground states.
BUt it will be no contest. Hillary is old, tired, and shrewish. She is nothing, offers nothing but the usual politics of personal destruction and class envy. Walker is afresh upbreat face. No contest.
Hillary would beat walker in Wisconsin
Of course she would. I am sure you are looking at a McGovern style blow out, right?
No. But Hillary will sail easily over 370 EV.

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From your mouth to Gd's tuchas.
Walker all the way. He is the best qualified in all senses of the word.
He needs a Washington insider as VP, someone who can negotiate Congress. I'd say Kay Bailey Hutchison is about perfect.
But can she win votes in battleground states?
Walker will do fine in WI and Ohio. Those are pretty big battleground states.
BUt it will be no contest. Hillary is old, tired, and shrewish. She is nothing, offers nothing but the usual politics of personal destruction and class envy. Walker is afresh upbreat face. No contest.
Hillary would beat walker in Wisconsin
Of course she would. I am sure you are looking at a McGovern style blow out, right?
Depends who Hillary runs against

She would beat Bush by around 100 EVs
Walker by 200
Any other Republican by 300 EVs
You must be smoking better shit than anyone else has.
Walker all the way. He is the best qualified in all senses of the word.
He needs a Washington insider as VP, someone who can negotiate Congress. I'd say Kay Bailey Hutchison is about perfect.
But can she win votes in battleground states?
Walker will do fine in WI and Ohio. Those are pretty big battleground states.
BUt it will be no contest. Hillary is old, tired, and shrewish. She is nothing, offers nothing but the usual politics of personal destruction and class envy. Walker is afresh upbreat face. No contest.
Hillary would beat walker in Wisconsin

Walker all the way. He is the best qualified in all senses of the word.
He needs a Washington insider as VP, someone who can negotiate Congress. I'd say Kay Bailey Hutchison is about perfect.
But can she win votes in battleground states?
Walker will do fine in WI and Ohio. Those are pretty big battleground states.
BUt it will be no contest. Hillary is old, tired, and shrewish. She is nothing, offers nothing but the usual politics of personal destruction and class envy. Walker is afresh upbreat face. No contest.
Hillary would beat walker in Wisconsin
Of course she would. I am sure you are looking at a McGovern style blow out, right?
No. But Hillary will sail easily over 370 EV.

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You said 400 earlier.

By next summer, you'll be down to 280!

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