President Trump’s interaction with NK is delivering results: North Korea suspends missile testing


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 22, 2016
New York
North Korea suspends missile testing, closing nuclear test site.
Libs prepare their congratulatory response to the president.... nah just kidding they never would give him credit.
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/——/ Libs prepare their congratulatory response to the president.... nah just kidding they never would give him credit.
They're suing him instead.


/——/ Libs prepare their congratulatory response to the president.... nah just kidding they never would give him credit.

History has shown there is only one manner in which to deal with a tyrant. Trump understands this lesson well, and I have seen an old video of him I believe on Oprah stating something to the effect, I paraphrase, "if you are going to deal with North Korea, better to do it sooner rather than later". I agree without reservation.

So, first you apply heavy sanctions designed to crush his rule. Then you reach out to their host nation, China, tell them that you mean business and will take him out if nukes are pursued further. It brought him to the table, as Kim cares little about his citizens, I still say this even if they flourish in the future (assuming a peaceful resolution). He sure as hell though cares about his own existence. America threatens this, if HE continues to threaten America and the world.

I am still cautious, but I really the direction obviously. It also reinforces the need to have Pompeo in his seat and working with the presidents team to help him succeed. He ran the CIA, he is well up to speed and knows more than anyone else about this threat.

No more politics. America First, starts with National Security and one less serious threat. Give him his team for crying out loud.
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Liberals absolutely do NOT want anything good to come out of North Korea. Hell, if Korea were to peacefully unity under South Korean rule during the Trump Administration, the only ones that would be more upset than the Chinese would be American liberals.
Liberals absolutely do NOT want anything good to come out of North Korea. Hell, if Korea were to peacefully unity under South Korean rule during the Trump Administration, the only ones that would be more upset than the Chinese would be American liberals.

Ya, if Trumped could walk on water they'd say "Trump can't swim."
North Korea suspends missile testing, closing nuclear test site.
Libs prepare their congratulatory response to the president.... nah just kidding they never would give him credit.
This thread didn't age well.
You liberals don't need to worry. It won't be long before Trump will treat North Korea like he's treating Iran.
How do you know the poster is a ‘liberal.’

Facts and the truth know no political ideology.

Although lies and dishonesty seem the sole purview of conservatives, this thread being one of many examples.

And the fact is that Trump’s NK ‘policy’ continues to fail, just as the thread premise is proven to be wrong.
Kim will never sacrifice anything to any westerner. It would be the end of his reign.
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North Korea suspends missile testing, closing nuclear test site.
Libs prepare their congratulatory response to the president.... nah just kidding they never would give him credit.

Wrong again, but right, in that we are not giving Trump credit for yet another thing he claimed to do, but did not.
North Korea suspends missile testing, closing nuclear test site.
Libs prepare their congratulatory response to the president.... nah just kidding they never would give him credit.

Wrong again, but right, in that we are not giving Trump credit for yet another thing he claimed to do, but did not.
/——/ Looks like your hero Rocket Man needs another smack down.
North Korea suspends missile testing, closing nuclear test site.
Libs prepare their congratulatory response to the president.... nah just kidding they never would give him credit.
Hey man, if he can actually get them to close a nuclear test site and stop testing, it would be great.

However, they may have another and that one could be collapsing or something.

It's not that I want Trump to fail in this, it's just hard to believe that it's that simple.
North Korea suspends missile testing, closing nuclear test site.
Libs prepare their congratulatory response to the president.... nah just kidding they never would give him credit.

Wrong again, but right, in that we are not giving Trump credit for yet another thing he claimed to do, but did not.
/——/ Looks like your hero Rocket Man needs another smack down.

I'm still waiting for the first one.

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