
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
President Trump's first 50 days were incredible. His first 100 days were even better. He has proven me completely wrong so far. He continues to do get the job done in a big way with his latest Executive Order (a constitutional Executive Order by the way) directing the executive branch to consolidate their IT resources. A move which will cut waste - saving valuable tax payer dollars - while limiting the cybersecurity risks associated with unnecessary and/or redundant IT assets.

Trump pushes US government to the cloud with cybersecurity order
He has had to gut a lot of buildings to make them beautiful again
President Trump's first 50 days were incredible. His first 100 days were even better. He has proven me completely wrong so far. He continues to do get the job done in a big way with his latest Executive Order (a constitutional Executive Order by the way) directing the executive branch to consolidate their IT resources. A move which will cut waste - saving valuable tax payer dollars - while limiting the cybersecurity risks associated with unnecessary and/or redundant IT assets.

Trump pushes US government to the cloud with cybersecurity order
the very fact we have a hysterical press foaming at the mouth over Trump proves just how successful he has been so far....
What are the odds in Vegas on his time in office before impeachment or simply quitting? Pence though is a bigot and homophobe in hock to the Kochs.

"For the last month, I’ve been writing about the links between the British right, the Trump administration and the European right. And these links lead to Russia from multiple directions. Between Nigel Farage and Donald Trump and Cambridge Analytica."

"A shadowy global operation involving big data, billionaire friends of Trump and the disparate forces of the Leave campaign influenced the result of the EU referendum. As Britain heads to the polls again, is our electoral process still fit for purpose?""

"There are three strands to this story. How the foundations of an authoritarian surveillance state are being laid in the US. How British democracy was subverted through a covert, far-reaching plan of coordination enabled by a US billionaire. And how we are in the midst of a massive land grab for power by billionaires via our data. Data which is being silently amassed, harvested and stored. Whoever owns this data owns the future.

My entry point into this story began, as so many things do, with a late-night Google. Last December, I took an unsettling tumble into a wormhole of Google autocomplete suggestions that ended with “did the holocaust happen”. And an entire page of results that claimed it didn’t."

The great British Brexit robbery: how our democracy was hijacked
President Trump's first 50 days were incredible. His first 100 days were even better. He has proven me completely wrong so far. He continues to do get the job done in a big way with his latest Executive Order (a constitutional Executive Order by the way) directing the executive branch to consolidate their IT resources. A move which will cut waste - saving valuable tax payer dollars - while limiting the cybersecurity risks associated with unnecessary and/or redundant IT assets.

Trump pushes US government to the cloud with cybersecurity order

incredible indeed ..

The latest figures for Trump include 27% who Strongly Approve of the way Trump is performing and 46% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -19. (see trends).

hes back to when Hillary was kicking his ass, and shes no longer in the picture/

Jan 26 he was +13 ... now hes -19.

When I voted for Trump, I well knew there was a particle of risk involved. He does have that occasional personality disorder...lurking not very far below the surface. Don't we all? But hiding them is the art of the politician and he is no politician.

I think he is doing pretty well, and when he goes off the rails a bit, I try to remind myself that my other choice back in November was simply....depraved.

The primary way I am going to judge how well he is doing, is to watch how often he literally lights the hair on Fire....of the Liberal Pinhead Democrats...and their New York AssHole Media.

"Has Trump got the Assholes at CNN and MSNBC running down the street calling him Caligula this morning?"

"Well, of course."


By that simple test, he is on his way to being our best President since Washington. Lord knows we need it. Almost half the Congress is filled with Bolsheviks.....unfortunately most of the rest of Congress are Pussies.
When I voted for Trump, I well knew there was a particle of risk involved. He does have that occasional personality disorder...lurking not very far below the surface. Don't we all? But hiding them is the art of the politician and he is no politician.

I think he is doing pretty well, and when he goes off the rails a bit, I try to remind myself that my other choice back in November was simply....depraved.

The primary way I am going to judge how well he is doing, is to watch how often he literally lights the hair on Fire....of the Liberal Pinhead Democrats...and their New York AssHole Media.

"Has Trump got the Assholes at CNN and MSNBC running down the street calling him Caligula this morning?"

"Well, of course."


By that simple test, he is on his way to being our best President since Washington. Lord knows we need it. Almost half the Congress is filled with Bolsheviks.....unfortunately most of the rest of Congress are Pussies.

I will give him one thing ... he has dopes like you completely fooled. COMPLETELY!

best POTUS since Washington..

Trump's election single-handedly halted the global populist movement. Nobody thought the U.S. would actually go ahead and off itself, and it did. Who will fill the power vacuum once Trump makes the U.S. obsolete?
Snowflake...why do you attribute all of Barack Insane Obama's failures to President Trump? :cuckoo:
But hiding them is the art of the politician and he is no politician.
That is on of the best parts about him. I think it is repulsive the way sleazy politicians like Barack Insane Obama and Hitlery Clinton lie about who and what they are, what they believe, what they will do, etc.

That's what power-hungry fascists do.
I will give him one thing ... he has dopes like you completely fooled. COMPLETELY!
I will give him one other thing as well...he has angry little fascists like you really mad because he's restoring constitutional government. I love that.
Only an anti-American, anti-constitution racist could hate President Trump. The work he is doing is exceptional.
Secretary Shulkin announced this morning that the VA will announce and modernize its medical records to use the same system as the Department of Defense. No more complications. The records will now be able to follow the veteran when they leave service -- meaning faster, better, and far better quality care. (Applause.) Thank you. This is one of the biggest wins for our veterans in decades.
Of course - caring for veterans infuriates the left. They don't like people who serve the United States or people who earn their healthcare. But rational, appreciative Americans love this.

Remarks by President Trump at Announcement of Air Traffic Control Initiative
Considering the headwinds, Trump is doing magnificently. He's been fulfilling his campaign promises, as much as possible considering the obstructionism. The democrats just need to be further marginalized and fully made the party of the jetsam and flotsam, the dregs that the culture has left behind.

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