President Trump w/ Tariffs Will Just Alienate Mexicans Not Help The Problem!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
President Trump is not acting responsible with his tariff initiative against Mexico over the illegal immigration crisis. The President of the United States has an obligation to try to maintain friendly relations with a neighboring country and not to alienate the population of that country toward America and the American people without compelling reasons. Blaming the country of Mexico for America's illegal immigration crisis on the southern border is unjust the reason for this problem is America's asylum laws which basically gives any illegal immigrant a right to make an asylum claim the laws are too generous. President Trump in this latest immigration confrontation is ignoring reality is ignoring the facts on the ground these caravan movements of illegal immigrants from South American countries thru Mexico have demonstrated clearly that the Mexican public supports helping these fleeing people get to the American border the evidence is overwhelming that Christian churches in Mexico are helping these people with food, drink sleeping accommodations and transportation. No Mexican President can stop this flow of illegal immigrants Mexico's southern border is too long and too much of the Mexican support helping these people the only way to really solve this crisis is too change America's asylum laws.

In President Trump's first term he will never be able to change America's asylum laws because he needs Democrats to do it and they will never agree. Democrats see this asylum law change as a bargaining chip to be used to get people with DACA status permanent legal status in America and to get most of the eleven million illegal immigrants in the U.S. legal status. Plus President Trump poisoned for his first term any chance of getting a major immigration bill through Congress with his Declaration of an emergency at the border so he could circumvent the Congressional appropriation process to get money to build his border wall. President Trump should stop his present tariff campaign which will alienate the Mexican people against America and focus on practical things he can do to lessen the problem. He should do what the CNN host Chris Cuomo has cited several times use this declared emergency power to build tent cities at the southern border to house these illegal immigrants and use this power to dramatically expand the immigrant courts and process these asylum seekers at a very high rate likewise deporting these people that lose their cases at a high rate thereby sending a message to people from South America inclined to illegally emigrate to America it is a foolish and futile effort! Further President Trump should reverse his position on aid to these south American countries any significant progress that can be made in making these countries a good place to live accomplished by this aid helps the problem for America reduces the number of these asylum seekers America has to deal with. President Trump needs to wake-up and smell the coffee the only alternatives he has is too make incremental helps on this problem and he needs to do it responsibly not make these anger tirades threatening tariffs like a bratty child!
President Trump is not acting responsible with his tariff initiative against Mexico over the illegal immigration crisis. The President of the United States has an obligation to try to maintain friendly relations with a neighboring country and not to alienate the population of that country toward America and the American people without compelling reasons. Blaming the country of Mexico for America's illegal immigration crisis on the southern border is unjust the reason for this problem is America's asylum laws which basically gives any illegal immigrant a right to make an asylum claim the laws are too generous. President Trump in this latest immigration confrontation is ignoring reality is ignoring the facts on the ground these caravan movements of illegal immigrants from South American countries thru Mexico have demonstrated clearly that the Mexican public supports helping these fleeing people get to the American border the evidence is overwhelming that Christian churches in Mexico are helping these people with food, drink sleeping accommodations and transportation. No Mexican President can stop this flow of illegal immigrants Mexico's southern border is too long and too much of the Mexican support helping these people the only way to really solve this crisis is too change America's asylum laws.

In President Trump's first term he will never be able to change America's asylum laws because he needs Democrats to do it and they will never agree. Democrats see this asylum law change as a bargaining chip to be used to get people with DACA status permanent legal status in America and to get most of the eleven million illegal immigrants in the U.S. legal status. Plus President Trump poisoned for his first term any chance of getting a major immigration bill through Congress with his Declaration of an emergency at the border so he could circumvent the Congressional appropriation process to get money to build his border wall. President Trump should stop his present tariff campaign which will alienate the Mexican people against America and focus on practical things he can do to lessen the problem. He should do what the CNN host Chris Cuomo has cited several times use this declared emergency power to build tent cities at the southern border to house these illegal immigrants and use this power to dramatically expand the immigrant courts and process these asylum seekers at a very high rate likewise deporting these people that lose their cases at a high rate thereby sending a message to people from South America inclined to illegally emigrate to America it is a foolish and futile effort! Further President Trump should reverse his position on aid to these south American countries any significant progress that can be made in making these countries a good place to live accomplished by this aid helps the problem for America reduces the number of these asylum seekers America has to deal with. President Trump needs to wake-up and smell the coffee the only alternatives he has is too make incremental helps on this problem and he needs to do it responsibly not make these anger tirades threatening tariffs like a bratty child!

Maybe we can alienate them right back to Mexico and Central America.

Please leave as soon as possible and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
President Trump is not acting responsible with his tariff initiative against Mexico over the illegal immigration crisis. The President of the United States has an obligation to try to maintain friendly relations with a neighboring country and not to alienate the population of that country toward America and the American people without compelling reasons. Blaming the country of Mexico for America's illegal immigration crisis on the southern border is unjust the reason for this problem is America's asylum laws which basically gives any illegal immigrant a right to make an asylum claim the laws are too generous. President Trump in this latest immigration confrontation is ignoring reality is ignoring the facts on the ground these caravan movements of illegal immigrants from South American countries thru Mexico have demonstrated clearly that the Mexican public supports helping these fleeing people get to the American border the evidence is overwhelming that Christian churches in Mexico are helping these people with food, drink sleeping accommodations and transportation. No Mexican President can stop this flow of illegal immigrants Mexico's southern border is too long and too much of the Mexican support helping these people the only way to really solve this crisis is too change America's asylum laws.

In President Trump's first term he will never be able to change America's asylum laws because he needs Democrats to do it and they will never agree. Democrats see this asylum law change as a bargaining chip to be used to get people with DACA status permanent legal status in America and to get most of the eleven million illegal immigrants in the U.S. legal status. Plus President Trump poisoned for his first term any chance of getting a major immigration bill through Congress with his Declaration of an emergency at the border so he could circumvent the Congressional appropriation process to get money to build his border wall. President Trump should stop his present tariff campaign which will alienate the Mexican people against America and focus on practical things he can do to lessen the problem. He should do what the CNN host Chris Cuomo has cited several times use this declared emergency power to build tent cities at the southern border to house these illegal immigrants and use this power to dramatically expand the immigrant courts and process these asylum seekers at a very high rate likewise deporting these people that lose their cases at a high rate thereby sending a message to people from South America inclined to illegally emigrate to America it is a foolish and futile effort! Further President Trump should reverse his position on aid to these south American countries any significant progress that can be made in making these countries a good place to live accomplished by this aid helps the problem for America reduces the number of these asylum seekers America has to deal with. President Trump needs to wake-up and smell the coffee the only alternatives he has is too make incremental helps on this problem and he needs to do it responsibly not make these anger tirades threatening tariffs like a bratty child!

tariffs were never meant to be used as a weapon,,,

what he needs to do is shut down all imports from mexico until they stop their invasion of our country
President Trump is not acting responsible with his tariff initiative against Mexico over the illegal immigration crisis. The President of the United States has an obligation to try to maintain friendly relations with a neighboring country and not to alienate the population of that country toward America and the American people without compelling reasons. Blaming the country of Mexico for America's illegal immigration crisis on the southern border is unjust the reason for this problem is America's asylum laws which basically gives any illegal immigrant a right to make an asylum claim the laws are too generous. President Trump in this latest immigration confrontation is ignoring reality is ignoring the facts on the ground these caravan movements of illegal immigrants from South American countries thru Mexico have demonstrated clearly that the Mexican public supports helping these fleeing people get to the American border the evidence is overwhelming that Christian churches in Mexico are helping these people with food, drink sleeping accommodations and transportation. No Mexican President can stop this flow of illegal immigrants Mexico's southern border is too long and too much of the Mexican support helping these people the only way to really solve this crisis is too change America's asylum laws.

In President Trump's first term he will never be able to change America's asylum laws because he needs Democrats to do it and they will never agree. Democrats see this asylum law change as a bargaining chip to be used to get people with DACA status permanent legal status in America and to get most of the eleven million illegal immigrants in the U.S. legal status. Plus President Trump poisoned for his first term any chance of getting a major immigration bill through Congress with his Declaration of an emergency at the border so he could circumvent the Congressional appropriation process to get money to build his border wall. President Trump should stop his present tariff campaign which will alienate the Mexican people against America and focus on practical things he can do to lessen the problem. He should do what the CNN host Chris Cuomo has cited several times use this declared emergency power to build tent cities at the southern border to house these illegal immigrants and use this power to dramatically expand the immigrant courts and process these asylum seekers at a very high rate likewise deporting these people that lose their cases at a high rate thereby sending a message to people from South America inclined to illegally emigrate to America it is a foolish and futile effort! Further President Trump should reverse his position on aid to these south American countries any significant progress that can be made in making these countries a good place to live accomplished by this aid helps the problem for America reduces the number of these asylum seekers America has to deal with. President Trump needs to wake-up and smell the coffee the only alternatives he has is too make incremental helps on this problem and he needs to do it responsibly not make these anger tirades threatening tariffs like a bratty child!
I will speak for all poor Americans FCUUK YOU

WE ARE STRUGGLING for our wages, health care, schools are flooded with foreigner that have no respect for the west.. Mexico has always been a shiat hole and democrats are taking the greatest culture that ever was created and destroying all because they want slavery
I prefer Alienation rather than Accommodation of 'mexico' in TRUMPS next months ahead and then a possible 4 years in his possible next term as President JimPA ,
President Trump is not acting responsible with his tariff initiative against Mexico over the illegal immigration crisis. The President of the United States has an obligation to try to maintain friendly relations with a neighboring country and not to alienate the population of that country toward America and the American people without compelling reasons. Blaming the country of Mexico for America's illegal immigration crisis on the southern border is unjust the reason for this problem is America's asylum laws which basically gives any illegal immigrant a right to make an asylum claim the laws are too generous. President Trump in this latest immigration confrontation is ignoring reality is ignoring the facts on the ground these caravan movements of illegal immigrants from South American countries thru Mexico have demonstrated clearly that the Mexican public supports helping these fleeing people get to the American border the evidence is overwhelming that Christian churches in Mexico are helping these people with food, drink sleeping accommodations and transportation. No Mexican President can stop this flow of illegal immigrants Mexico's southern border is too long and too much of the Mexican support helping these people the only way to really solve this crisis is too change America's asylum laws.

In President Trump's first term he will never be able to change America's asylum laws because he needs Democrats to do it and they will never agree. Democrats see this asylum law change as a bargaining chip to be used to get people with DACA status permanent legal status in America and to get most of the eleven million illegal immigrants in the U.S. legal status. Plus President Trump poisoned for his first term any chance of getting a major immigration bill through Congress with his Declaration of an emergency at the border so he could circumvent the Congressional appropriation process to get money to build his border wall. President Trump should stop his present tariff campaign which will alienate the Mexican people against America and focus on practical things he can do to lessen the problem. He should do what the CNN host Chris Cuomo has cited several times use this declared emergency power to build tent cities at the southern border to house these illegal immigrants and use this power to dramatically expand the immigrant courts and process these asylum seekers at a very high rate likewise deporting these people that lose their cases at a high rate thereby sending a message to people from South America inclined to illegally emigrate to America it is a foolish and futile effort! Further President Trump should reverse his position on aid to these south American countries any significant progress that can be made in making these countries a good place to live accomplished by this aid helps the problem for America reduces the number of these asylum seekers America has to deal with. President Trump needs to wake-up and smell the coffee the only alternatives he has is too make incremental helps on this problem and he needs to do it responsibly not make these anger tirades threatening tariffs like a bratty child!

“Alienate filthy wetbacks”
Are you fucking kidding me...that’s exactly what ALL good, legitimate, real Americans want...fuck all those disgusting subhuman pieces of shits.
Send them more money and the savage subhumans just make more babies. FICK THEM, LET THEM ALL DIE.
There are many logical solutions...the problem is the ignorant bleeding heart fools see all of them as cruel and inhumane.
By not cooperating the tariffs are the fault of democrats. Trump should close the border and put a heavy tax on remittances.
Oh no we might alienate Mexico a country that allows its rapists and murderers to flood into our country raping and killing Americans. /sarcasm
President Trump is not acting responsible with his tariff initiative against Mexico over the illegal immigration crisis. The President of the United States has an obligation to try to maintain friendly relations with a neighboring country and not to alienate the population of that country toward America and the American people without compelling reasons. Blaming the country of Mexico for America's illegal immigration crisis on the southern border is unjust the reason for this problem is America's asylum laws which basically gives any illegal immigrant a right to make an asylum claim the laws are too generous. President Trump in this latest immigration confrontation is ignoring reality is ignoring the facts on the ground these caravan movements of illegal immigrants from South American countries thru Mexico have demonstrated clearly that the Mexican public supports helping these fleeing people get to the American border the evidence is overwhelming that Christian churches in Mexico are helping these people with food, drink sleeping accommodations and transportation. No Mexican President can stop this flow of illegal immigrants Mexico's southern border is too long and too much of the Mexican support helping these people the only way to really solve this crisis is too change America's asylum laws.

In President Trump's first term he will never be able to change America's asylum laws because he needs Democrats to do it and they will never agree. Democrats see this asylum law change as a bargaining chip to be used to get people with DACA status permanent legal status in America and to get most of the eleven million illegal immigrants in the U.S. legal status. Plus President Trump poisoned for his first term any chance of getting a major immigration bill through Congress with his Declaration of an emergency at the border so he could circumvent the Congressional appropriation process to get money to build his border wall. President Trump should stop his present tariff campaign which will alienate the Mexican people against America and focus on practical things he can do to lessen the problem. He should do what the CNN host Chris Cuomo has cited several times use this declared emergency power to build tent cities at the southern border to house these illegal immigrants and use this power to dramatically expand the immigrant courts and process these asylum seekers at a very high rate likewise deporting these people that lose their cases at a high rate thereby sending a message to people from South America inclined to illegally emigrate to America it is a foolish and futile effort! Further President Trump should reverse his position on aid to these south American countries any significant progress that can be made in making these countries a good place to live accomplished by this aid helps the problem for America reduces the number of these asylum seekers America has to deal with. President Trump needs to wake-up and smell the coffee the only alternatives he has is too make incremental helps on this problem and he needs to do it responsibly not make these anger tirades threatening tariffs like a bratty child!

tariffs were never meant to be used as a weapon,,,

what he needs to do is shut down all imports from mexico until they stop their invasion of our country

Boy, are you stupid.

That is exactly what Tariffs are for.

To Punish Evil Doers who abuse America economically, and that is what Mexico is doing.

Why shut down all trade, when you can collect punitive Tariffs off of it?

Yes, Virginia, Mexico is paying for that wall.
Just curious Dems and stupid leftists....

Why do you all have the need to weaponize everything Trump is doing? Just because you don't like the way he is doing, or don't like him period, doesn't mean that he uses everything in his power as a weapon.

Poor argument Dems and leftists out there....

Alienate Mexicans??

Tell me. Just who the hell gives a shit about alienating Mexicans??

Mexicans who come across our border illegally in the thousands and cost we American tax payers billions every year.

Whoever thinks that is a moron.
President Trump is not acting responsible with his tariff initiative against Mexico over the illegal immigration crisis. The President of the United States has an obligation to try to maintain friendly relations with a neighboring country and not to alienate the population of that country toward America and the American people without compelling reasons. Blaming the country of Mexico for America's illegal immigration crisis on the southern border is unjust the reason for this problem is America's asylum laws which basically gives any illegal immigrant a right to make an asylum claim the laws are too generous. President Trump in this latest immigration confrontation is ignoring reality is ignoring the facts on the ground these caravan movements of illegal immigrants from South American countries thru Mexico have demonstrated clearly that the Mexican public supports helping these fleeing people get to the American border the evidence is overwhelming that Christian churches in Mexico are helping these people with food, drink sleeping accommodations and transportation. No Mexican President can stop this flow of illegal immigrants Mexico's southern border is too long and too much of the Mexican support helping these people the only way to really solve this crisis is too change America's asylum laws.

In President Trump's first term he will never be able to change America's asylum laws because he needs Democrats to do it and they will never agree. Democrats see this asylum law change as a bargaining chip to be used to get people with DACA status permanent legal status in America and to get most of the eleven million illegal immigrants in the U.S. legal status. Plus President Trump poisoned for his first term any chance of getting a major immigration bill through Congress with his Declaration of an emergency at the border so he could circumvent the Congressional appropriation process to get money to build his border wall. President Trump should stop his present tariff campaign which will alienate the Mexican people against America and focus on practical things he can do to lessen the problem. He should do what the CNN host Chris Cuomo has cited several times use this declared emergency power to build tent cities at the southern border to house these illegal immigrants and use this power to dramatically expand the immigrant courts and process these asylum seekers at a very high rate likewise deporting these people that lose their cases at a high rate thereby sending a message to people from South America inclined to illegally emigrate to America it is a foolish and futile effort! Further President Trump should reverse his position on aid to these south American countries any significant progress that can be made in making these countries a good place to live accomplished by this aid helps the problem for America reduces the number of these asylum seekers America has to deal with. President Trump needs to wake-up and smell the coffee the only alternatives he has is too make incremental helps on this problem and he needs to do it responsibly not make these anger tirades threatening tariffs like a bratty child!

President Trump is not acting responsible with his tariff initiative against Mexico over the illegal immigration crisis. The President of the United States has an obligation to try to maintain friendly relations with a neighboring country and not to alienate the population of that country toward America and the American people without compelling reasons. Blaming the country of Mexico for America's illegal immigration crisis on the southern border is unjust the reason for this problem is America's asylum laws which basically gives any illegal immigrant a right to make an asylum claim the laws are too generous. President Trump in this latest immigration confrontation is ignoring reality is ignoring the facts on the ground these caravan movements of illegal immigrants from South American countries thru Mexico have demonstrated clearly that the Mexican public supports helping these fleeing people get to the American border the evidence is overwhelming that Christian churches in Mexico are helping these people with food, drink sleeping accommodations and transportation. No Mexican President can stop this flow of illegal immigrants Mexico's southern border is too long and too much of the Mexican support helping these people the only way to really solve this crisis is too change America's asylum laws.

In President Trump's first term he will never be able to change America's asylum laws because he needs Democrats to do it and they will never agree. Democrats see this asylum law change as a bargaining chip to be used to get people with DACA status permanent legal status in America and to get most of the eleven million illegal immigrants in the U.S. legal status. Plus President Trump poisoned for his first term any chance of getting a major immigration bill through Congress with his Declaration of an emergency at the border so he could circumvent the Congressional appropriation process to get money to build his border wall. President Trump should stop his present tariff campaign which will alienate the Mexican people against America and focus on practical things he can do to lessen the problem. He should do what the CNN host Chris Cuomo has cited several times use this declared emergency power to build tent cities at the southern border to house these illegal immigrants and use this power to dramatically expand the immigrant courts and process these asylum seekers at a very high rate likewise deporting these people that lose their cases at a high rate thereby sending a message to people from South America inclined to illegally emigrate to America it is a foolish and futile effort! Further President Trump should reverse his position on aid to these south American countries any significant progress that can be made in making these countries a good place to live accomplished by this aid helps the problem for America reduces the number of these asylum seekers America has to deal with. President Trump needs to wake-up and smell the coffee the only alternatives he has is too make incremental helps on this problem and he needs to do it responsibly not make these anger tirades threatening tariffs like a bratty child!

tariffs were never meant to be used as a weapon,,,

what he needs to do is shut down all imports from mexico until they stop their invasion of our country

Boy, are you stupid.

That is exactly what Tariffs are for.

To Punish Evil Doers who abuse America economically, and that is what Mexico is doing.

Why shut down all trade, when you can collect punitive Tariffs off of it?

Yes, Virginia, Mexico is paying for that wall.
under the constitution that is not what tariffs are used for,,,if otherwise please show where it says different,,,
Mexico escorts thousands of people through their country to our border. Who gives a shit if we alienate them?
I remember Trump being interviewed in the eighties about being president. His response had to do with using America's economic power. I thought only military power mattered and gave it no further thought till now....
I remember Trump being interviewed in the eighties about being president. His response had to do with using America's economic power. I thought only military power mattered and gave it no further thought till now....
just goes to show over 30 yrs a person POV can change,,,

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