President Trump & Sec. 4 of the 25th Amendment

Is Donald Trump fit to be POTUS

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Clearly I posted No. My reasons for doing so are listed in the OP, I believe, based on my education and experience, President Trump's behavior is unfit for, and he is incapable of adhering to the oath of office of the President of The United States:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

I also believe The President is being protected by the Sessions (AG), Rep. Nunes (chairman of the Intelligence committee), and especially the VP and The Speaker of the House, both who have the power to invoke Sec. 4 of the 25th Amendment to COTUS

What part of Constitution has he not protected?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Art. II, Sec. 1 Clause 2, 7 & 8; He has not nominated Ambassadors ("""Shall appoint Ambassadors); Is profiting from his Hotel interests ("He shall not receive other Emolument from the US, or any of them"); And, he has not "faithfully executed the the Office of President of the United states" (his behavior in firing Comey and McCabe (Misfeasance), his attacks on the free press (First Amendment), and his attacks on segments of the US Population.

In addition his acts are efforts to obstruct Justice, a high crime along with the misdemeanors noted above.
And I believe you need to add another layer of tinfoil to your hat.

You are trying to use mechanism designed to remove a president due to real mental defect or something like a heart attack that puts them in a coma to remove a legally elected sitting president for purely political reasons.

It would be nothing more than a coup, and that you would support something of that nature shows what a fascist prick you are.

Sec. 4, to Wit:

"Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

"Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.[3]"

Furthermore, Article II, Section 1, Clause 6 of the Constitution states:

"In Case of the Removal of the President from Office, or of his Death, Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office, the Same shall devolve on the Vice President, and the Congress may by Law provide for the Case of Removal, Death, Resignation or Inability, both of the President and Vice President, declaring what Officer shall then act as President, and such Officer shall act accordingly, until the Disability be removed, or a President shall be elected."

I don't wear a hat, and if I did it would not require tin foil. The facts lay out due process, your use of the word coup is incorrect, and your inclusion of two personal attacks (ad hominems) are the product of someone incapable of writing a rebuttal to any of my posts on this thread.

Continuous wishful thinking with no chance of actual occurrence is nothing more than fantastical obsession.

Quite a mental skew in itself.

I suppose you believe you are clairvoyant, or maybe Nostradamus reincarnated, or an agent provocateur for Putin.

I do pretty well in prescient mode actually, due to a fine education and an ability to make the obvious connections.

Trump is inept, unfit and not capable of being and effective POTUS.

I think he's just dreamy. He certainly has you people running around like proverbial headless chickens, has dismantled much of his predecessor's nonsense and is moving rapidly forward on issues in ways with which I agree.

Since his inauguration he has lied repeatedly, started fights and created enemies in the press, in the congress, his Administration, and in the general population

Ain't it grand? You realize, of course, that about a third of the colonists felt the same about the Founders? Those people supported the side that lost.

he has alienated our allies, provided aid and comfort to the Russians and no one in the past has created the chaos we have seen almost from day one of his presidency.

Our allies are often infected with the same idiocy as you people, sanctions are not aid and comfort and certainly killing 200-300 of Vladimir's Finest in one easy swat did not endear us, and the chaos created is frustration caused by the absence of Obama long and freely-offered ass.

The world got used to a certain way of things. That way is no more.

Since you do well in predicting the future, tell us who will win the 2018 World Series.

The winning team, as always. Prove me wrong.

Your effort to spin my comments is laudable, sad that you used square bearings and it won't turn.

The only spin here is your Sufi-like dervish dance.
IMO, Trump manifests Cluster B Personality Disorders, thus, he feels he does not need to prepare himself for tasks he is not familiar with, he actually believes he can con everyone; he will continue these behaviors, until the day he leaves office, to believe he can outsmart or destroy those who dare to challenge him. Below Are characteristics which may describe Trump's behavior as President, during the campaign, when seeking the nomination and during his years as a real estate/casino owner.

301.7 Antisocial Personality Disorder (PD):
  • Aggression against people
  • Often starts fights
  • Uses power against others
  • Showed Cruelty to people
  • Force sex upon someone
301.50 Histrionic P.D.
  • Discomfort when not the center of attention
  • Relationships often fraught with inappropraite seductive or sexually provocative behavior
  • Expressions of emotions that are shallow (false pathos)
  • Speech which is vague and lacks detail (Crooked Hillary)
  • Overly Dramatic
  • Easily suggestible
301.81 Narcissistic P.D.
  • Grandiose sense of self-importance
  • Preoccupation with fantasies of beauty, brilliance, power or limitless success
  • Believe that personal uniqueness renders him fit only for associations with people or institutions of rarefied status
  • Need for excessive admiration
  • A sense of entitlement, expects favorable treatment or automatic granting of his own wishes.
Those who watch Trump, listen to his words and read his tweets may agree with this assessment of The President. Those who do not are fully free to offer a rebuttal

Is this YOUR professional assessment? Or did you boost it from someone QUALIFIED to a massive psych workup on a patient you've never examined?? The APA has officially denounced all this bullshit "remote diagnoses.. You really want to be taken seriously?
It does not take an MD with a specialty in Psychiatry to rule out anyone of these factors listed in the DSM-V. I proffered what I have watched, listen to and read, since President Trump announced his intention to run for the office of President. In doing so and reading the factors outlined in the subsets of Personality Disorders it become obvious to me many apply and are easy to spot. I did rule out the few which did not apply.

Wow... This is fun.. Here's my DSM workup on your post..

Overly Dramatic -- Check...
Often Starts Fights -- Check
Easily Suggestible -- Check
Grandiose sense of self-importance (impersonating a licensed physician) --- check

I also tossed out a few that did not apply... But your DIAGNOSIS is --

Who's Judmental? Five Key Symptoms

There is a problematic psychological disposition that is aptly called "being judgmental." It is getting a kick out of making negative moral assessments of other people. It's enhancing your own sense of moral worth by comparisons with the (supposed) lesser moral status of others. It's finding satisfaction in seeing others fail because it shows you are better than they are. People who tend to feel morally inferior feel relief when they see others fail; by comparison that they are not so bad after all. People who lack appreciation of their own potential for moral failure enjoy having their false sense of moral superiority reinforced. Those who are judgmental are invested in one-up-manship.

What are the signs of being judgmental? Here are five:

1. Making a lot of negative moral evaluations of others.

2. Having a moral rating system that is skewed in your own favor.

3. Jumping to negative moral conclusions about others; being inclined to believe the worst.

4. Moving very quickly from judgments of the form "This action is morally wrong" to ones of the form "This person is morally corrupt." (see Don't Be Judgmental, Be Discerning).

5. Acting as if you can know that what so-and-so did was wrong even though you know much less about the context of so-and-so's action than so-and-so.

I think I just nailed your disorder... :5_1_12024: Here's what you should watch for...

Being judgmental distorts our perception of other people, of ourselves and of what matters most in living a well-lived human life. It feeds on and engenders a lack of sympathetic understanding of others. It is often linked with other related character flaws: hypocrisy, self-righteousness, malice, insensitivity, and the enjoyment of destructive gossip.

It does not take an MD with a specialty in Psychiatry to rule out anyone of these factors listed in the DSM-V. I proffered what I have watched, listen to and read, since President Trump announced his intention to run for the office of President. In doing so and reading the factors outlined in the subsets of Personality Disorders it become obvious to me many apply and are easy to spot. I did rule out the few which did not apply.

Wow... This is fun.. Here's my DSM workup on your post..

Overly Dramatic -- Check...
Often Starts Fights -- Check
Easily Suggestible -- Check
Grandiose sense of self-importance (impersonating a licensed physician) --- check

I also tossed out a few that did not apply... But your DIAGNOSIS is --

Who's Judmental? Five Key Symptoms

There is a problematic psychological disposition that is aptly called "being judgmental." It is getting a kick out of making negative moral assessments of other people. It's enhancing your own sense of moral worth by comparisons with the (supposed) lesser moral status of others. It's finding satisfaction in seeing others fail because it shows you are better than they are. People who tend to feel morally inferior feel relief when they see others fail; by comparison that they are not so bad after all. People who lack appreciation of their own potential for moral failure enjoy having their false sense of moral superiority reinforced. Those who are judgmental are invested in one-up-manship.

What are the signs of being judgmental? Here are five:

1. Making a lot of negative moral evaluations of others.

2. Having a moral rating system that is skewed in your own favor.

3. Jumping to negative moral conclusions about others; being inclined to believe the worst.

4. Moving very quickly from judgments of the form "This action is morally wrong" to ones of the form "This person is morally corrupt." (see Don't Be Judgmental, Be Discerning).

5. Acting as if you can know that what so-and-so did was wrong even though you know much less about the context of so-and-so's action than so-and-so.

I think I just nailed your disorder... :5_1_12024: Here's what you should watch for...

Being judgmental distorts our perception of other people, of ourselves and of what matters most in living a well-lived human life. It feeds on and engenders a lack of sympathetic understanding of others. It is often linked with other related character flaws: hypocrisy, self-righteousness, malice, insensitivity, and the enjoyment of destructive gossip.


Trump's attorney's have been subpoenaed to provide documents related to the Russian Investigaton, they responded they would review them, and provide a summary.

LOL, Nixon tried that, it didn't work and it won't work this time.
It does not take an MD with a specialty in Psychiatry to rule out anyone of these factors listed in the DSM-V. I proffered what I have watched, listen to and read, since President Trump announced his intention to run for the office of President. In doing so and reading the factors outlined in the subsets of Personality Disorders it become obvious to me many apply and are easy to spot. I did rule out the few which did not apply.

Wow... This is fun.. Here's my DSM workup on your post..

Overly Dramatic -- Check...
Often Starts Fights -- Check
Easily Suggestible -- Check
Grandiose sense of self-importance (impersonating a licensed physician) --- check

I also tossed out a few that did not apply... But your DIAGNOSIS is --

Who's Judmental? Five Key Symptoms

There is a problematic psychological disposition that is aptly called "being judgmental." It is getting a kick out of making negative moral assessments of other people. It's enhancing your own sense of moral worth by comparisons with the (supposed) lesser moral status of others. It's finding satisfaction in seeing others fail because it shows you are better than they are. People who tend to feel morally inferior feel relief when they see others fail; by comparison that they are not so bad after all. People who lack appreciation of their own potential for moral failure enjoy having their false sense of moral superiority reinforced. Those who are judgmental are invested in one-up-manship.

What are the signs of being judgmental? Here are five:

1. Making a lot of negative moral evaluations of others.

2. Having a moral rating system that is skewed in your own favor.

3. Jumping to negative moral conclusions about others; being inclined to believe the worst.

4. Moving very quickly from judgments of the form "This action is morally wrong" to ones of the form "This person is morally corrupt." (see Don't Be Judgmental, Be Discerning).

5. Acting as if you can know that what so-and-so did was wrong even though you know much less about the context of so-and-so's action than so-and-so.

I think I just nailed your disorder... :5_1_12024: Here's what you should watch for...

Being judgmental distorts our perception of other people, of ourselves and of what matters most in living a well-lived human life. It feeds on and engenders a lack of sympathetic understanding of others. It is often linked with other related character flaws: hypocrisy, self-righteousness, malice, insensitivity, and the enjoyment of destructive gossip.


Trump's attorney's have been subpoenaed to provide documents related to the Russian Investigaton, they responded they would review them, and provide a summary.

LOL, Nixon tried that, it didn't work and it won't work this time.

OK doc.. Anything you spurt out is golden. Even if it's not related to the OP... :icon_rolleyes:
Trump can (and should) be removed from office pursuant to Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution, the 25th Amendment, or the political process, where the voters remove him from office by electing someone else president in 2020.

Whatever the means, Trump needs to be gone – the sooner the better.
You are trying to use mechanism designed to remove a president due to real mental defect or something like a heart attack that puts them in a coma to remove a legally elected sitting president for purely political reasons.

Um, no, the 25th Amendment was put into place SPECIFICALLY for this reason.

The problem is, too many people who KNOW Trump is unfit for the presidency are hoping to advance their own agendas while the rest of us are rubbernecking at the train wreck.
It is unfortunate that Trump supporters/wry catcher haters can't read without their biases reading and seeing what is not there, and supplanting it with ad hominems and denial.

Maybe their denial is built on ignorance and wishful thinking, because a reading of my post was framed by the term "ruled out". Their defense of Trump is a minority opinion, even among other Republicans and conservatives (who, BTW, are being called RINO's by many of those who echo each other).

Time will tell, I predict Trump will continue what appears to be decompensation, and continue to provide substance to the Mueller Investigation. By that, I mean if he fires Mueller, chaos will spread from The District, and the entire nation will become more divided than it became with Lincoln's election in 1860.

Of course some Trump supporters will get what they want, a crisis of government and the end of democracy in America.
IMO, Trump manifests Cluster B Personality Disorders, thus, he feels he does not need to prepare himself for tasks he is not familiar with, he actually believes he can con everyone; he will continue these behaviors, until the day he leaves office, to believe he can outsmart or destroy those who dare to challenge him. Below Are characteristics which may describe Trump's behavior as President, during the campaign, when seeking the nomination and during his years as a real estate/casino owner.

301.7 Antisocial Personality Disorder (PD):
  • Aggression against people
  • Often starts fights
  • Uses power against others
  • Showed Cruelty to people
  • Force sex upon someone
301.50 Histrionic P.D.
  • Discomfort when not the center of attention
  • Relationships often fraught with inappropraite seductive or sexually provocative behavior
  • Expressions of emotions that are shallow (false pathos)
  • Speech which is vague and lacks detail (Crooked Hillary)
  • Overly Dramatic
  • Easily suggestible
301.81 Narcissistic P.D.
  • Grandiose sense of self-importance
  • Preoccupation with fantasies of beauty, brilliance, power or limitless success
  • Believe that personal uniqueness renders him fit only for associations with people or institutions of rarefied status
  • Need for excessive admiration
  • A sense of entitlement, expects favorable treatment or automatic granting of his own wishes.
Those who watch Trump, listen to his words and read his tweets may agree with this assessment of The President. Those who do not are fully free to offer a rebuttal

Many of these apply to Bubba Clinton, hiLIARy Clinton and Barack Obabble.

Just sayin'.

Off topic ^^^ though most pols will be characterized in this way, by those with biases.

I doubt very few exhibit the same extreme behaviors and actions taken by Trump since he began his quest to the White House. In my opinion he is unfit to hold the power given to him, and needs to be evaluated by professionals, before he does more damage to our nation and its people.

Of course I'm biased, I don't trust Trump and I've posted many times that I believe he is inept, incompetent, insincere and self serving.

I'm flabbergasted that any patriot supports him and defends him. His treatment of others is horrific, his promises hollow and his concern for others the definition of false pathos.

What is on topic is that these type of diagnoses are only valid based on qualified specialists examining the individual.

That hasn't happened; so all you are doing is maligning someone for political purposes.

there are many psychologists on the record that have diagnosed him based on the very obvious signs that somethin' just ain't right & to totally deny it as if he is normal is both political & a mental illness itself.

psychologists trump - Google Search
IMO, Trump manifests Cluster B Personality Disorders, thus, he feels he does not need to prepare himself for tasks he is not familiar with, he actually believes he can con everyone; he will continue these behaviors, until the day he leaves office, to believe he can outsmart or destroy those who dare to challenge him. Below Are characteristics which may describe Trump's behavior as President, during the campaign, when seeking the nomination and during his years as a real estate/casino owner.

301.7 Antisocial Personality Disorder (PD):
  • Aggression against people
  • Often starts fights
  • Uses power against others
  • Showed Cruelty to people
  • Force sex upon someone
301.50 Histrionic P.D.
  • Discomfort when not the center of attention
  • Relationships often fraught with inappropraite seductive or sexually provocative behavior
  • Expressions of emotions that are shallow (false pathos)
  • Speech which is vague and lacks detail (Crooked Hillary)
  • Overly Dramatic
  • Easily suggestible
301.81 Narcissistic P.D.
  • Grandiose sense of self-importance
  • Preoccupation with fantasies of beauty, brilliance, power or limitless success
  • Believe that personal uniqueness renders him fit only for associations with people or institutions of rarefied status
  • Need for excessive admiration
  • A sense of entitlement, expects favorable treatment or automatic granting of his own wishes.
Those who watch Trump, listen to his words and read his tweets may agree with this assessment of The President. Those who do not are fully free to offer a rebuttal

Many of these apply to Bubba Clinton, hiLIARy Clinton and Barack Obabble.

Just sayin'.

Off topic ^^^ though most pols will be characterized in this way, by those with biases.

I doubt very few exhibit the same extreme behaviors and actions taken by Trump since he began his quest to the White House. In my opinion he is unfit to hold the power given to him, and needs to be evaluated by professionals, before he does more damage to our nation and its people.

Of course I'm biased, I don't trust Trump and I've posted many times that I believe he is inept, incompetent, insincere and self serving.

I'm flabbergasted that any patriot supports him and defends him. His treatment of others is horrific, his promises hollow and his concern for others the definition of false pathos.

What is on topic is that these type of diagnoses are only valid based on qualified specialists examining the individual.

That hasn't happened; so all you are doing is maligning someone for political purposes.

Bullshit. Qualified professionals making this diagnosis rely on the records and interviews available form parents, siblings, spouse(s), teachers, Police and Probation Officers, Medical & Military records, Etc., and the behavior which is presented at the time of the referral.

Why do you post lies, and on matters of which you have no understanding?

This. And political opponents' spin isn't on your list of acceptable diagnostic sources.

Today, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) reiterates its continued and unwavering commitment to the ethical principle known as "The Goldwater Rule." We at the APA call for an end to psychiatrists providing professional opinions in the media about public figures whom they have not examined, whether it be on cable news appearances, books, or in social media. Armchair psychiatry or the use of psychiatry as a political tool is the misuse of psychiatry and is unacceptable and unethical.

APA Calls for End to 'Armchair' Psychiatry

trump has been around for decades & there are some drs that are willing to override that 'rule' because capt. crazy pants is really that nuts.
IMO, Trump manifests Cluster B Personality Disorders, thus, he feels he does not need to prepare himself for tasks he is not familiar with, he actually believes he can con everyone; he will continue these behaviors, until the day he leaves office, to believe he can outsmart or destroy those who dare to challenge him. Below Are characteristics which may describe Trump's behavior as President, during the campaign, when seeking the nomination and during his years as a real estate/casino owner.

301.7 Antisocial Personality Disorder (PD):
  • Aggression against people
  • Often starts fights
  • Uses power against others
  • Showed Cruelty to people
  • Force sex upon someone
301.50 Histrionic P.D.
  • Discomfort when not the center of attention
  • Relationships often fraught with inappropraite seductive or sexually provocative behavior
  • Expressions of emotions that are shallow (false pathos)
  • Speech which is vague and lacks detail (Crooked Hillary)
  • Overly Dramatic
  • Easily suggestible
301.81 Narcissistic P.D.
  • Grandiose sense of self-importance
  • Preoccupation with fantasies of beauty, brilliance, power or limitless success
  • Believe that personal uniqueness renders him fit only for associations with people or institutions of rarefied status
  • Need for excessive admiration
  • A sense of entitlement, expects favorable treatment or automatic granting of his own wishes.
Those who watch Trump, listen to his words and read his tweets may agree with this assessment of The President. Those who do not are fully free to offer a rebuttal

Many of these apply to Bubba Clinton, hiLIARy Clinton and Barack Obabble.

Just sayin'.

Off topic ^^^ though most pols will be characterized in this way, by those with biases.

I doubt very few exhibit the same extreme behaviors and actions taken by Trump since he began his quest to the White House. In my opinion he is unfit to hold the power given to him, and needs to be evaluated by professionals, before he does more damage to our nation and its people.

Of course I'm biased, I don't trust Trump and I've posted many times that I believe he is inept, incompetent, insincere and self serving.

I'm flabbergasted that any patriot supports him and defends him. His treatment of others is horrific, his promises hollow and his concern for others the definition of false pathos.

What is on topic is that these type of diagnoses are only valid based on qualified specialists examining the individual.

That hasn't happened; so all you are doing is maligning someone for political purposes.

there are many psychologists on the record that have diagnosed him based on the very obvious signs that somethin' just ain't right & to totally deny it as if he is normal is both political & a mental illness itself.

psychologists trump - Google Search

Those psychologists are the professional equivalent of the social scientists who opine about Glowball Worming.

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