President Trump Rally in Wilmington NC tonite 9/23/22

Here's two pieces of advice that I would have given to Trump for free decades ago:

1. Hey Donald, if you're going to commit fraud on a massive scale, don't leave a paper trail of thousands of legal documents that can be used in court.

2. If you're going to inflate the value of your properties, only do it as a 10% to maybe 20% increase. But tripling the size and value of your own apartment, or claiming that a $750,000 apartment in one of your buildings is actually worth $50 million dollars can only be seen as intentional fraud by a man who has contempt for the truth.

What is now legally happening to the Trump family never had to happen at all. Trump had money, and lots of it. There was no need to do any of this. It reminds me of a quote that I believe is attributed to Carrie Fisher. "Excess is never enough!"
Is your net worth more than Trump's? No? Maybe you should just STFU then.

Who the fuck are you to be giving advice to anyone?

When you're twice as rich as Trump, maybe then your words may carry more weight, but not now, sorry!
Here's two pieces of advice that I would have given to Trump for free decades ago:

1. Hey Donald, if you're going to commit fraud on a massive scale, don't leave a paper trail of thousands of legal documents that can be used in court.

2. If you're going to inflate the value of your properties, only do it as a 10% to maybe 20% increase. But tripling the size and value of your own apartment, or claiming that a $750,000 apartment in one of your buildings is actually worth $50 million dollars can only be seen as intentional fraud by a man who has contempt for the truth.

What is now legally happening to the Trump family never had to happen at all. Trump had money, and lots of it. There was no need to do any of this. It reminds me of a quote that I believe is attributed to Carrie Fisher. "Excess is never enough!"
/———/ Gee thanks for the advice…. BWHAHAHAHA BWHAHAHAHA
If you want to talk about getting screwed over by people who don't give a fuck about you, we can have that conversation. Because here's what you and the rest of you inbred Crayola-eating morons voted for:

Gasoline that rose to twice the price it was during 2018, an inflation rate that rose as high as 9.1%, which was almost 5 times higher than it was in 2019, a recession, the average middle-class family coming up about $6,000 short of disposable income, hefty taxes coming for the lower and middle class, and retirement accounts losing $3 trillion dollars just over the last year. The price of oil jumping up to $130 per barrel, having to beg Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for oil while draining our own strategic reserves, sporadic shortages on the store shelves, supply line disruptions, a monumental trade imbalance with China, an exponentially- spiraling epidemic of violent crime and drugs, hundreds of migrants dying while crossing the border, more than enough fentanyl to kill everyone in the country, 4 million more illegals within only two two years, more COVID deaths than in 2020, a dishonorable withdrawal from Afghanistan that cost 13 American soldiers their lives, leaving billions of dollars worth of military equipment to the Taliban, a weakened, emasculated military, the IRS arming and training to be home invaders, using the DOJ and the FBI to harass political opponents by conducting covert raids on American citizens and confiscating personal property, Iran's nuclear program having enough nuclear material to build a bomb and conducting attacks on US citizens, a revitalized Russian oil industry, China becoming energy and militarily dominant, a war in Ukraine that has cost us billions of dollars and has killed thousands of people, and a president who is trying to incite a civil war against half the country.
And you attribute these things to what or to whom exactly?
Do some of you guys not get how buying and selling property works?? The banks are not going to LET HIM over value his properties. They don't do that. This is a civil case...a stupid case, but a civil case (with no merit) and he will not go to jail. sheesh.
Do some of you guys not get how buying and selling property works?? The banks are not going to LET HIM over value his properties. They don't do that. This is a civil case...a stupid case, but a civil case (with no merit) and he will not go to jail. sheesh.
For crying out loud, NY State isn't dealing in rumor or insinuation. NY has thousands of documents that the Trump Organization signed and submitted as being accurate and truthful when they clearly were not. Trump's only defense is to claim that he was a hapless dupe of others which will be a damn hard sell when he benefited massively from the fraud and other people stood little to gain from it at all.
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These left loon fcker's last word will be "Truuuump"
For crying out loud, NY State isn't dealing in rumor or insinuation. NY has thousands of documents that the Trump Organization signed and submitted as being accurate and truthful when they clearly were not. Trump's only defense is to claim that he was a hapless dupe of others which will a damn hard sell when he benefited massively from the fraud and other people stood little to gain from it.
That stupid Soros-funded AG will get nowhere and squander NY resident money in the process, fucktard. What ought to be happening is stopping violent crime from increasing over 100% there for an AG. It appears that's not on her dipshit radar. NY has a violent crime increase of over 100% in the past 2 years. Assface. Please talk more shit so I can smack you more.
Here's two pieces of advice that I would have given to Trump for free decades ago:

1. Hey Donald, if you're going to commit fraud on a massive scale, don't leave a paper trail of thousands of legal documents that can be used in court.

2. If you're going to inflate the value of your properties, only do it as a 10% to maybe 20% increase. But tripling the size and value of your own apartment, or claiming that a $750,000 apartment in one of your buildings is actually worth $50 million dollars can only be seen as intentional fraud by a man who has contempt for the truth.

What is now legally happening to the Trump family never had to happen at all. Trump had money, and lots of it. There was no need to do any of this. It reminds me of a quote that I believe is attributed to Carrie Fisher. "Excess is never enough!"
What happened amounts to illegal search and seizure. Nothing can be used as evidence.
Is your net worth more than Trump's? No? Maybe you should just STFU then.

Who the fuck are you to be giving advice to anyone?

When you're twice as rich as Trump, maybe then your words may carry more weight, but not now, sorry!
Being wealthy does not mean one is wise. I remember when the Hunt brothers tried to corner the silver market and got cleaned out back in the 1980s.

Here's the truth: Common sense is not really that common. And unfortunately, some wealthy people think that they can get away with gaming the system. And do you know what? They're right. But that doesn't mean that they can get away with it forever. Trump did it, and when he didn't get caught right away, he amped it up as if he thought he could never be held to account. That's arrogant hubris.

As for me, I'm not rich, but I don't owe any money to anyone, and I'm not under investigation by federal or state officials, and I'm not being sued by anyone. That's certainly more than Trump and his adult kids can say, isn't it?
For crying out loud, NY State isn't dealing in rumor or insinuation. NY has thousands of documents that the Trump Organization signed and submitted as being accurate and truthful when they clearly were not. Trump's only defense is to claim that he was a hapless dupe of others which will a damn hard sell when he benefited massively from the fraud and other people stood little to gain from it.
IT.IS. A. CIVIL. CASE. There is an attorney who posts at this site. SHE CAN TELL YOU what that means. HE. IS NOT. GOING. TO JAIL. It is a money dispute. James is fishing....and, barring vote fraud, which dems are SO good at, she is losing to her opponent who happens to be a republican.
That stupid Soros-funded AG will get nowhere and squander NY resident money in the process, fucktard. What ought to be happening is stopping violent crime from increasing over 100% there for an AG. It appears that's not on her dipshit radar. NY has a violent crime increase of over 100% in the past 2 years. Assface. Please talk more shit so I can smack you more.
Are you saying that the ONLY way to fight violent crime is to let White Collar crime and fraud go unpunished?
IT.IS. A. CIVIL. CASE. There is an attorney who posts at this site. SHE CAN TELL YOU what that means. HE. IS NOT. GOING. TO JAIL. It is a money dispute. James is fishing....and, barring vote fraud, which dems are SO good at, she is losing to her opponent who happens to be a republican.
You're not fishing when you have the documentation.
A corrupt Trump hating judge. Is that how you want American justice to work?
Feel free to make the charge that the judge is corrupt but saying it doesn't make it true. You'll be asked to provide evidence just like Trump is being asked to provide evidence of his numerous accusations. My guess is you'll come up just as empty in the evidence department like your Orange Jesus will.
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Feel free to make the charge that the judge is corrupt but saying it doesn't make it true. You'll be asked to provide evidence just like Trump is being asked to provide evidence of his numerous accusations. My guess is you'll come up empty in the evidence department just like your Orange Jesus.
All you have against Trump is what has been said by a weaponized FBI and DOJ.
All you have against Trump is what has been said by a weaponized FBI and I guess this will be the new mantra of criminals everywhere

All you have against Trump is what has been said by a weaponized FBI and DOJ.
I can see it now. Criminals all across the country will say that the FBI and the DoJ has been weaponized against them.

Guess what? That's why they call it "fighting" crime.

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