President Trump erupts, mocks McMaster & "Moderate Dog" Mattis in opposition to the Afghanistan war


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
this is all from Woodward's book:

"Why cant we pay mercenaries to do the work for us?...i'm tired of hearing that we have to do this or that to protect our national security" - Trump

"the soldiers on the ground can run things much better than much more death? how many more lost much longer are we going to be there" Trump told the generals...his anti-war rhetoric right out of a Bob Dylan songbook

"i dont care about you guys" Trump told Mattis & McMaster & Dunford

"i wanna find out why we've been there for 17 years. unanimous. we've got to figure out how we get the fuck out of there. NATO does nothing. total bullshit. the Afghans dont deserve it" - Trump

and none other than Jeff Sessions erupts at HR McMaster in opposition to the Afghanistan war. "you're pushing the president to do the opposite of what he believes in!
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Another Snowflake attempt to make something out of Woodwards latest work of fiction.


Basque is one of yours...

and can you address his points?

I kind of agree with Trump on this one. What are we still doing in Afghanistan at this point.

I have no argument with getting out of Afghanistan. I just don't believe the depiction of the president.
I have no argument with getting out of Afghanistan. I just don't believe the depiction of the president.

No, you just don't want to believe the depiction of Trump (I refuse to call him "President", he hasn't earned the title).

Given his behavior on Twitter and in public, frankly, the behavior described sounds about par for the course.
Another Snowflake attempt to make something out of Woodwards latest work of fiction.


Basque is one of yours...

and can you address his points?

I kind of agree with Trump on this one. What are we still doing in Afghanistan at this point.

No he ain't. he's one of yours, silly boy. And the point remains, woodwards book is ridiculous.
No he ain't. he's one of yours, silly boy. And the point remains, woodwards book is ridiculous.

Only to those of you who drink the Trump Koolaid.

Frankly, what's in his book is really no surprise. Trump acts in private like he does in public... abusive to subordinates, not terribly intelligent and mentally unstable.

All evidence says the other way is true. He DOESN'T abuse his underlings, unlike the shrilary who was known to be particularly vicious to staff. He doesn't put up with bull crap, that's for sure, but fundamentally he seems to be a pretty straightforward guy. Far different from the political whores you admire so much.
All evidence says the other way is true. He DOESN'T abuse his underlings, unlike the shrilary who was known to be particularly vicious to staff. He doesn't put up with bull crap, that's for sure, but fundamentally he seems to be a pretty straightforward guy. Far different from the political whores you admire so much.

Okay, buddy, I realize you guys are in a bad marriage, and are making the best of it.

Hey, kind of like Malaria or whatever her name is.
All evidence says the other way is true. He DOESN'T abuse his underlings, unlike the shrilary who was known to be particularly vicious to staff. He doesn't put up with bull crap, that's for sure, but fundamentally he seems to be a pretty straightforward guy. Far different from the political whores you admire so much.

Okay, buddy, I realize you guys are in a bad marriage, and are making the best of it.

Hey, kind of like Malaria or whatever her name is.

Actually, it's a GREAT marriage. He has kept the Supreme Court from being changed to a progressive bench. That's a win in any thinking persons playbook.
Actually, it's a GREAT marriage. He has kept the Supreme Court from being changed to a progressive bench. That's a win in any thinking persons playbook.

Okay... so it's great that he's turning Europe over to the Russians, has corrupted most agencies, and is about to put a rapist on SCOTUS, because, hey, we wouldn't want to have a progressive bench that might protect workers and consumers from corporations..

Got it.
No he ain't. he's one of yours, silly boy. And the point remains, woodwards book is ridiculous.

Only to those of you who drink the Trump Koolaid.

Frankly, what's in his book is really no surprise. Trump acts in private like he does in public... abusive to subordinates, not terribly intelligent and mentally unstable.

All evidence says the other way is true. He DOESN'T abuse his underlings, unlike the shrilary who was known to be particularly vicious to staff. He doesn't put up with bull crap, that's for sure, but fundamentally he seems to be a pretty straightforward guy. Far different from the political whores you admire so much.

Don't you understand that arguing civily with JoeB131 is a total waste of time?
Actually, it's a GREAT marriage. He has kept the Supreme Court from being changed to a progressive bench. That's a win in any thinking persons playbook.

Okay... so it's great that he's turning Europe over to the Russians, has corrupted most agencies, and is about to put a rapist on SCOTUS, because, hey, we wouldn't want to have a progressive bench that might protect workers and consumers from corporations..

Got it.

No, that was your pal obummer who was doing that. or have you already forgotten this obummer greatest hit?

No, that was your pal obummer who was doing that. or have you already forgotten this obummer greatest hit?

Okay... I remember it... I just don't put the sinister spin you put on it.

One president has a discussion with another President (Although technically, Putin was calling the shots behind the scenes) about possible above board, diplomatic initiatives probably not being possible before an election.

Also had nothing to do with my point.

Don't you understand that arguing civily with JoeB131 is a total waste of time?

When have I not been civil with you?
No, that was your pal obummer who was doing that. or have you already forgotten this obummer greatest hit?

Okay... I remember it... I just don't put the sinister spin you put on it.

One president has a discussion with another President (Although technically, Putin was calling the shots behind the scenes) about possible above board, diplomatic initiatives probably not being possible before an election.

Also had nothing to do with my point.

Don't you understand that arguing civily with JoeB131 is a total waste of time?

When have I not been civil with you?

Of course you don't because you're a stalinist. There is no amount of government power that is too much in your opinion. So long as you get to be the camp guard.
Of course you don't because you're a stalinist. There is no amount of government power that is too much in your opinion. So long as you get to be the camp guard.

You really do need to cut down on the hysterics, buddy.

so let's look at that. One president says to another, "Hey, I can't do any big agreements because I have an election coming up. When the election is over, I will have more flexibility."

Any agreement he reaches would STILL have to go through Congress, where those guys wouldn't want to do any big deals because they had elections coming up, too.

Maybe a difficult thing for a guy who was a fake cutout president to understand, given he was president in name only.

But do go on and try to equate legitimate discussions between world leaders with Trump's treason with Russia.
Of course you don't because you're a stalinist. There is no amount of government power that is too much in your opinion. So long as you get to be the camp guard.

You really do need to cut down on the hysterics, buddy.

so let's look at that. One president says to another, "Hey, I can't do any big agreements because I have an election coming up. When the election is over, I will have more flexibility."

Any agreement he reaches would STILL have to go through Congress, where those guys wouldn't want to do any big deals because they had elections coming up, too.

Maybe a difficult thing for a guy who was a fake cutout president to understand, given he was president in name only.

But do go on and try to equate legitimate discussions between world leaders with Trump's treason with Russia.

Why, as the POTUS would you need, or want "more flexibility" in dealing with a known enemy?:eusa_whistle:

Unless, of course, he is not your enemy, but your master.
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