President Putin on Senator McCain: I like him because of his patriotism

Ruh-roh. "The environmental deterioration which is a threat to all humanity".
Orange Jeebus will haz a sad.
1. If McCain is a spy, he works for Dems and for Global Elites, their bosses.
2. I remember Putin words about McCain's anti-Russian rhetorics: looks like those war events he has to go through have damaged his mind.

Putin: "People with such convictions like the Senator you mentioned, they still live in the Old World. And they’re reluctant to look into the future, they are unwilling to recognize how fast the world is changing."

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John McCain is the living walking talking definition of Stockholm Syndrome.

Trump was 100% correct refusing to call this moldy anachronism a hero.

If the good people of Arizona dumped him his girlfriend from South Carolina would be dumped, too.

It would be a twofor win for America.

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