President Obama is keeping us safe

Obama has kept us safer further into his presidency than Bush did. :cool:

Because President Bush learned that painful lesson very well and, in response, he crafted things like The USA PATRIOT Act which has worked out for us in terms of national security pretty well.

And, to HIS credit, even President Obama is showing a willingness to keep at least certain important aspects of the Patriot Act (to the consternation of many a lib).

Now, to the extent (not yet known) that the reason the FBI, the NYPD Joint Terrorism Task Force and other Homeland Security folks were able to uncover the "Madrid-like" bombing plot was because of the use of tools made available by the PATRIOT Act, I guess all who applaud the OP also must applaud those aspects of the Patriot Act!

I love it when eyes start to open!

And, for the record, I also accord kudos to the President and all of our national security officers for uncovering the alleged terrorist plot. Good jobs! :clap2:
Obama has kept us safer further into his presidency than Bush did. :cool:
What an idiotic statement.

I don't feel any safer with Obama at the helm. I think any success in remaining safe since Obama took over can be attributed to the systems in place when he got there. The continual attack on the CIA is reprehensible. Liberalism and the bleeding heart philosophy of the ACLU in protecting the rights of terrorists do nothing to enhance our safety.

Neither does the removal of missile defense systems in Europe. But Obama is kissing Putin's ass and closing them down. That really makes me feel more safe. Yeah...Obama's my man....NOT!
Obama has kept us safer further into his presidency than Bush did. :cool:
What an idiotic statement.
How is my statement idiotic?

Bush only protected America untill Sept 10th of his first term.

Today is Sept 17th

Obama has kept us safe a week longer than Bush did.

This is a FACT :cool:
The coincidence of such an attack with one's occupation of the office of President has little to do with protecting the country. Just as I do not blame Bush for "letting it happen" as some idiots do, I will not blame Obama for "letting it happen" if an attack occurs before he leaves office.

Obama has done less to protect us than Bush did. The fact that we have not been attacked since 9-11 has absolutely nothing to do with Obama.

I spray elephant repellent in my back yard every Monday. I haven't been bothered by elephants since I started doing that. I am doing a good job protecting my family from rogue elephants, don't you think? No. You see, it's only because elephants have not tried to enter my yard that I can claim I have protected my family from them. It's only because terrorists have not struck the US on Barry's watch that you can claim he's protected me from them. It has nothing to do with what he's actually done. He has actually increased the likelihood of my exposure to terrorism by allowing the outing of the CIA and by his groveling apologies to Muslims and his bowing down to Muslim leaders. He is lucky that no attacks have happened here. Unfortunately, I think his luck will change in that regard. you, President Obama!

Fearful of a Madrid-style subway train bombing, authorities are poised to make more raids to seize bomb-making materials at locations in Queens, sources said Wednesday.
The FBI's elite Hostage Rescue Team arrived in New York in anticipation of the offensive to thwart a Denver-based terror cell with ties to Al Qaeda, police sources told the Daily News.
Another source said an earlier raid uncovered nine backpacks and cell phones, raising memories of the March 2004 bombings in Madrid. A series of terrorist bombs detonated aboard commuter trains killed 191 people.
The source said authorities feared a potential attack on the city subway, with its 5.2 million daily riders.
FBI Director Robert Mueller, speaking at a Senate hearing Wednesday, said the plot posed "no imminent danger."
"New Yorkers are well benefited from the work of the NYPD and (Commissioner) Ray Kelly," said Mueller, offering no other details on the HRT deployment.
Najibullah Zazi, the Colorado man who triggered a rash of Queens raids Monday, was identified through e-mail, wire taps and a confidential informant as part of the plot, the source said. Zazi, 25, told The News he had nothing to do with any terrorist activity.
"No. Of course, I'm not a terrorist," the 25-year-old Afghan national said Tuesday.
A source said Zazi, tipped while visiting Manhattan last weekend that he was under surveillance, fled back to suburban Denver. Even as Zazi, of Aurora, Colo., professed his innocence, counterterrorism agents eyed him as part of the first suspected Al Qaeda cell they've uncovered in the U.S. since 9/11.

So I guess if n00bama inherited that horrible recession from President Bush, he also inherited Bush's safeguards.


Thank you President Bush, you protect us even after you have left office. :clap2:

:lol: dopey libs. You can't have it both ways. :lol::lol::lol:

Bush,like Obama has very little to do with our protection.....its the various police forces around the country who are the ones out there on the streets looking for this kind of stuff......
Obama has kept us safer further into his presidency than Bush did. :cool:
What an idiotic statement.
How is my statement idiotic?

Bush only protected America untill Sept 10th of his first term.

Today is Sept 17th

Obama has kept us safe a week longer than Bush did.

This is a FACT :cool:

Not much of a thinker are you?

Bush made no changes to Clinton's (failed) policies and ended up with 911.

He had to make changes. The changes he implemented has kept us safe since then.

The policies in effect now are the same from Bush, so thank him. Unless you can list for me the specific changes that n00bama contributed?

I didn't think so. :eusa_shhh:

Op = Fail. :lol:
Bush's policies made people want to attack us.

Obama is getting rid of Bush's insane policies and replacing them with common sense policies.

We will all be able tto sleep safely at night because of Obama.

i slept safely under the last 9 presidents...i dont know what the hell your talking about....
Bush's policies made people want to attack us.

Obama is getting rid of Bush's insane policies and replacing them with common sense policies.
We will all be able tto sleep safely at night because of Obama.

Please elaborate on which "Bush's insane policies" Obama is replacing?
Make it easy...start with Homeland Security. Ending the war.... give some examples Sunni

Or do you mean sucking up and bowing?
Please elaborate on which "Bush's insane policies" Obama is replacing?
Make it easy...start with Homeland Security. Ending the war.... give some examples Sunni

Or do you mean sucking up and bowing?

we can start with bush intentionally antagonizing other countries; refusing to engage in diplomacy and villifying Iran at a time when they were actually working with him on the WOT....

that got him real far, eh?

And no...Obama doesn't do those things. There's also a sense that Obama actually thinks about what he does.

The funny part, to me at least is that they yell when he does something different from Bush...and they yell when he doesn't.

kinda goofy if you ask me.

now we need to get out of Iraq and Afghanistan...but I don't think you or anyone else wants him to do that recklessly.
Please elaborate on which "Bush's insane policies" Obama is replacing?
Make it easy...start with Homeland Security. Ending the war.... give some examples Sunni

Or do you mean sucking up and bowing?

we can start with bush intentionally antagonizing other countries; refusing to engage in diplomacy and villifying Iran at a time when they were actually working with him on the WOT....

that got him real far, eh?

And no...Obama doesn't do those things. There's also a sense that Obama actually thinks about what he does.

The funny part, to me at least is that they yell when he does something different from Bush...and they yell when he doesn't.

kinda goofy if you ask me.

now we need to get out of Iraq and Afghanistan...but I don't think you or anyone else wants him to do that recklessly.

My point is that Homeland Security is still in place, along with all "so called illegal wiretaps." We are still in a war with terrorists. I don't feel him appeasing some of the countries is helping us to be any safer. He has turned his back on some of our allies. IMHO, I feel that he has weakened us to a point, in this regard. I'm waiting to see a year from now what the policies will look like.
Just today Obama announced he is scraping the defensive missle shield over Poland and the Czech Republic.

It was just an expensive hold over from the Cold War that Bush wanted to use to beat down Putin.

Obama trashed it as a sign of good will to our Russian friends.
My point is that Homeland Security is still in place, along with all "so called illegal wiretaps." We are still in a war with terrorists. I don't feel him appeasing some of the countries is helping us to be any safer. He has turned his back on some of our allies. IMHO, I feel that he has weakened us to a point, in this regard. I'm waiting to see a year from now what the policies will look like.

I'm hoping they let the warrantless wiretaps sunset, fwiw.

and as i said, i think it's time to extricate ourselves from Bush's wars of choice....

what allies has he turned his back on? cause i don't see it at all. nor do i see him as weakening us. I do believe that Bush did...and I think Bush held us up to ridicule everywhere else in the world.
Didn't the president apologize for our nation to the muslim people everywhere? Why would these people want to hurt us? Why can't we all just get along?
Any answers, lib supporters?
Cuz you're crazy arrogant ignorant religion still clashes with their crazy arrogant ignorant religion.

It's September 16th.

So far he's doing a better job than Cheney/Bush.

And he hasn't surrendered to Osama Bin Laden like so many Republicans said he would. :lol:

obama said he would track him down and bring him to justice....waiting...............
Bush? Yeah I dunno - he's probably wandering around Texas somewhere....

I spray elephant repellent in my back yard every Monday. I haven't been bothered by elephants since I started doing that. I am doing a good job protecting my family from rogue elephants, don't you think?
Dude hook my up with your elephant repellent! I tried ElephEx and it sucks. My crops got trampled like 3 days after I sprayed.

that credit goes to the men and woman of the various police forces around the country.......THEY are the ones to thank....
amen. :)
I do and I did. You have a problem with me posing questions?

I was under the impression that you thought that his anti-terrorist policies had been effective thus far. Are you disputing that, or would you like to see more done. Is the John Adams project related to this (no idea what it is) subject? CIA investigations....I don't think I've heard about that either. Where did you first watch or read this story? Is there a link? Fox, CNN, Washington Post? I'm not trying to trap you with the right vs. left media. I would just like to read or hear the same, so that I can draw my own conclusions, compare medias, etc...

His anti-terrorist policies is an extension of Bush' policies and so far have been effective. However more could be done. Do youthink Bush would allow The jjohn Adams project to to continue doing what they're doing? Do you think Bush would allow his attorney general to investigate CIA agents, that have already been investigated?

If you haven't heard about these news items I suggest you stop watching the so-called mainstream media.

The John Adams Project, affiliated with the ACLU, is secretly photographing CIA agents and showing the pictures to suspected terrorists at Guantanamo Bay, among others. Activist lawyers Joshua Dratel, Edward MacMahon and Nina Ginsberg are just three members of the Adams group who are putting CIA agents in grave danger.

Attorney General Eric Holder named veteran federal prosecutorJohn Durham to investigate CIA terror interrogations, while not heeding warnings from President Obama to avoid becoming mired in past controversies.

I'm sure if you put forth some effort you could find many links to these stories. I just don't have the time nor the will to educate you on current events.

Oh, this is so precious I just couldn't hold myself from reacting on it. Lonestar, you're notorious for not substantiating your claims. That's just something you do. Haha, you've been on this board since May this year and you already have almost 1500 posts yet 'you just don't have the time' ... :rofl: :D

You a funny guy, aren't ya :D
Just today Obama announced he is scraping the defensive missle shield over Poland and the Czech Republic.

It was just an expensive hold over from the Cold War that Bush wanted to use to beat down Putin.

Obama trashed it as a sign of good will to our Russian friends.

Our Russian friends? Seems they are working agianst us in a lot of areas, where they could be helping us. But, you have a right to your own opinion

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