President Donald Trump Addresses United Nations [VIDEO]...

Guess they haven't figured it out yet. They're not running this world... The US is.

China and Russia aren't friends with each other either. And like i said, neither is running this world. The US is.

We were until trump came along Breaking treaties badmouthing leaders of other countries who won't take his shit

He's only "badmouthing" the chubby little Rocket Man in North Korea. Why are you so upset about that? The little Rocket Man likely isn't long for this world. He's set up his own demise. Other than him, i don't see him "badmouthing" other leaders.

you haven't been listening ,,,only one I know of he didn't badmouth was his election helper Putin

Too much Democrat Fake News for ya, kid. Maybe take a break from it for awhile.

China and Russia aren't friends with each other either. And like i said, neither is running this world. The US is.

We were until trump came along Breaking treaties badmouthing leaders of other countries who won't take his shit

He's only "badmouthing" the chubby little Rocket Man in North Korea. Why are you so upset about that? The little Rocket Man likely isn't long for this world. He's set up his own demise. Other than him, i don't see him "badmouthing" other leaders.

you haven't been listening ,,,only one I know of he didn't badmouth was his election helper Putin

Too much Democrat Fake News for ya, kid. Maybe take a break from it for awhile.

Yeah more fake news in trumps face NK says it has the right to shoot down our bombers because your AH declared war
China and Russia aren't friends with each other either. And like i said, neither is running this world. The US is.
We were until trump came along Breaking treaties badmouthing leaders of other countries who won't take his shit

He's only "badmouthing" the chubby little Rocket Man in North Korea. Why are you so upset about that? The little Rocket Man likely isn't long for this world. He's set up his own demise. Other than him, i don't see him "badmouthing" other leaders.
you haven't been listening ,,,only one I know of he didn't badmouth was his election helper Putin

Too much Democrat Fake News for ya, kid. Maybe take a break from it for awhile.
Yeah more fake news in trumps face NK says it has the right to shoot down our bombers because your AH declared war

Still net getting why you're so upset over Trump "badmouthing' the little nutter in North Korea. You probably should lay off the Democrat Fake News for awhile. The Democrats have you all worked-up over nothing. Take a break from their manufactured outrage shite. It isn't healthy for you.
We were until trump came along Breaking treaties badmouthing leaders of other countries who won't take his shit

He's only "badmouthing" the chubby little Rocket Man in North Korea. Why are you so upset about that? The little Rocket Man likely isn't long for this world. He's set up his own demise. Other than him, i don't see him "badmouthing" other leaders.
you haven't been listening ,,,only one I know of he didn't badmouth was his election helper Putin

Too much Democrat Fake News for ya, kid. Maybe take a break from it for awhile.
Yeah more fake news in trumps face NK says it has the right to shoot down our bombers because your AH declared war

Still net getting why you're so upset over Trump "badmouthing' the little nutter in North Korea. You probably should lay off the Democrat Fake News for awhile. The Democrats have you all worked-up over nothing. Take a break from their manufactured outrage shite. It isn't healthy for you.
So NK threatening us makes no difference to you?? And trump is not to blame for our failure?
He's only "badmouthing" the chubby little Rocket Man in North Korea. Why are you so upset about that? The little Rocket Man likely isn't long for this world. He's set up his own demise. Other than him, i don't see him "badmouthing" other leaders.
you haven't been listening ,,,only one I know of he didn't badmouth was his election helper Putin

Too much Democrat Fake News for ya, kid. Maybe take a break from it for awhile.
Yeah more fake news in trumps face NK says it has the right to shoot down our bombers because your AH declared war

Still net getting why you're so upset over Trump "badmouthing' the little nutter in North Korea. You probably should lay off the Democrat Fake News for awhile. The Democrats have you all worked-up over nothing. Take a break from their manufactured outrage shite. It isn't healthy for you.
So NK threatening us makes no difference to you?? And trump is not to blame for our failure?

What's 'our failure?' What do you want Trump to do? My guess is, Trump will force the little nutter to eventually come to the negotiating table. North Korea can't win a conflict with the US. That's just fact. I suspect the North Korean kook will be wanting to talk at some point. So i'm not worried about it. That's how i feel anyway.
you haven't been listening ,,,only one I know of he didn't badmouth was his election helper Putin

Too much Democrat Fake News for ya, kid. Maybe take a break from it for awhile.
Yeah more fake news in trumps face NK says it has the right to shoot down our bombers because your AH declared war

Still net getting why you're so upset over Trump "badmouthing' the little nutter in North Korea. You probably should lay off the Democrat Fake News for awhile. The Democrats have you all worked-up over nothing. Take a break from their manufactured outrage shite. It isn't healthy for you.
So NK threatening us makes no difference to you?? And trump is not to blame for our failure?

What's 'our failure?' What do you want Trump to do? My guess is, Trump will force the little nutter to eventually come to the negotiating table. North Korea can't win a conflict with the US. That's just fact. I suspect the North Korean kook will be wanting to talk at some point. So i'm not worried about it. That's how i feel anyway.
What I want him to do is shut his big yapper Must he incite the other AH from NK ? And his failure is his dividing America worse than it's ever been divided His Poll numbers tell you something ? Or is that false news too?
Yep, diplomats from third world dictatorships hate it when a U.S. president tells the truth.

BTW, is fake news. Citing them only shows that you're a gullible clueless snowflake.

What truth? He lied in front of everybody and they all know it.
WTF kind of president is that attacking his own country and his enemies want to nuke a country?

Huh? What did he lie about? How did he attack his own country?

Talk about lying.
Two years from now its going to be Mueller time!!!!!

Evading the issue: your favorite tactic.


She's the so-called "sportscaster" who called Trump a racist.

Just so we're clear, the NFL is going to lose billions of dollars if it continues to allow this.
What truth? He lied in front of everybody and they all know it.
WTF kind of president is that attacking his own country and his enemies want to nuke a country?

Huh? What did he lie about? How did he attack his own country?

Talk about lying.
Two years from now its going to be Mueller time!!!!!

Evading the issue: your favorite tactic.


She's the so-called "sportscaster" who called Trump a racist.

Just so we're clear, the NFL is going to lose billions of dollars if it continues to allow this.

Trump is a racist That surprise you bri??
Trump is an insane zionistic moron who provokes WWIII and serves Israel Interests only.[/MEDIA]

Sir, I will suggest to you in all seriousness, that you are very mentally ill. Mental illness is no laughing matter. Please seek psychiatric care. Good luck.

And I suggest you are a Zionist Jew and Freemason who wants the war USA vs. NK + Russia + China

I'm a white Christian. I support Israel because they're a good people and a great country. I don't want war.

Do you have a problem with Jews or just Zionist Jews? And, if so, why?

Really? I support Israel but not puppet Bibi who wants to go to war with Iran using US as a pit bull.

You are not fooling anyone. You support Trump waging war and wants to annihilate NK. You support war ---- it's that simple.

These are your lies, k*nt.

Lies? Prove it.
We know your opinion - as deluded as it may be. Answer the damn question.

Let me ask you one more time.
Tell me where my opinion is deluded or where I lied?

What question are you asking me?

You said that Trump disrespected his country during his UN speech. (Post #292)

You were asked where, in the speech, he did that. You ignored the question.

You were asked a second time. You ignored the question.

You were asked a third time, and finally, you backpedaled and gave a bullshit answer like "Well, when he bullied all those other poor little countries, and talked all mean to them" or some such childish nonsense.

You were challenged again to point out where in the speech he did this. Instead of answering it directly - because apparently you couldn't - you pulled out the vaunted post #287, in which you claimed that Trump lied about all these things.

While I recognized that this had absolutely nothing to do with your wild claim in #292, I chose to address it anyway. (Post #326). Each of your erroneous claims was systematically dismantled, and references provided.

You have ignored that challenge.

So, now we're left with #292 undefended, and post #287 proven to be bald-faced lies.

You tell me - what are we supposed to think? (I'll give you a hint ---- I think you pull shit out of your ass in the vain hope that nobody will challenge your stupidity.)

This time you didn't get away with it.

Have I been specific enough, or do you need me to lead you by the hand even further?

Dude I NEVER back pedal or deflect----- I was responding to multiple post so I missed where your posted but I do not back pedal. See my post #330.

Tell me where I lied in my post # 287.
See what I mean?

I challenged your post in 326 - you ignored it. I raised the issue again in 329 ---- and you still don't know where.

You simply don't read the posts ----

As for the nonsense about Trump ---- Jack Nicholson had it right. You can't handle the truth! What Trump said is exactly correct --- Obama was so desperate for a deal - ANY deal - to cement his supposed legacy that he accepted that piece of garbage. Trump called it like it is ...... now, YOU tell me which one sold out his country. YOU tell me which one made the US look weak and feckless.

Look dumb shit I NEVER deflect or back pedal or trying to get away.

I admitted I just missed your posts it's that simple. That doesn't mean I ignored your ignorant nonsense rebuttal.

Just in last 9 months Trump made us weak, dumb, racist, ignorant and a laughing stock all over the world. It's that simple and reality.
Trump calling it as it is because he is dumb fuck. A good example of apprentice, ignorant unfit POTUS.

Spare change. Where is your rebuttal to my post #333 and 334? Especially #333.

You probably went to work or have other things to do. But I will never accused anyone of back pedaling, running away etc etc. But I'm waiting.
America first...always.
Trump will be responsible for starting WW3.....Launch the nukes.

So far the dems are leading the way, 2 to 0, in starting WWs.
Trump will start WW3 and bring back the draft!!!

Another dem did that, LBJ, and 50,000 Americans lost their lives in that Asian adventure. You're batting .000.


You misspelled Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Wrong, that was LBJ's war.
Huh? What did he lie about? How did he attack his own country?

Talk about lying.
Two years from now its going to be Mueller time!!!!!

Evading the issue: your favorite tactic.


She's the so-called "sportscaster" who called Trump a racist.

Just so we're clear, the NFL is going to lose billions of dollars if it continues to allow this.

Trump is a racist That surprise you bri??

It doesn't surprise me that some leftwing media douche bag would call him a racist
Well, you've been swallowed by intolerance and emotional distress so I've decided I'd just be wasting my time and effort on you little blue guy...:itsok:

In short----- You don't have any intelligence for honest rebuttal.

And you lack the honesty to engage in an intelligent discussion. Personal attacks, smears. rhetoric and lies is your contribution.

Lack of honesty? Prove to me where I lied. Or I will climb all over your ass.

I asked you a very simple question----- . Tell us what impresses you from Trump speech at UN because it's a total embarrassment and a joke. Why is that a personal attacks?
Then you started insulting me idiot.
Trump projected strength, resolution, and honesty in his speech - he did not waver, he did not waffle, and he did not apologize for putting the interests of America ahead of all others.

You accused Trump of betraying his country in his speech to the UN - and when challenged - you go into some kind of hissy fit, as if it is supposed to mask your lies. You have yet to tell us just exactly how he did that.

You accuse him of lies, but offer no proof - as if we are supposed to believe you simply because it's you.

Then, the ever-infamous post #287, you say -----

1. Jobs bullshit he created first 8 months is incorrect. Jobs created first 8 months of 2016 is better than 2017. Not to mention he should not get the credit for first quarter of 2017.

You offer no reference - he created jobs at a rate relatively equal to 2016. On the other hand, the unemployment rate went down. At the beginning of his term, there was a marked movement in employment, but it has been stalled by the obstinance of Democrats on both healthcare and tax reform. The rates continue to increase, but at a much lower level.

As for the nonsense about not getting credit for the first quarter of 2017, it is not a coincidence that economic growth catapulted with Trump's election - just like it cratered after the news of Obama's election.

2. Jobs moving back. Few but companies are still moving overseas or Mexico. Even Carrier company that he bragged still moving to Mexico.

Simply partisan prattle - jobs have come back, but again, stalled as a result of the Dems unwillingness to attack the onerous corporate tax. At least be honest enough to lay the blame squarely where it belongs.

3. Because of his EO against regulations there are more people working. Some of those doesn't even take effect till next year.

Uncategorically true. Companies are hiring as the reduction of onerous regulation has opened up new markets, and have lowered the costs of production.

4. Unemployment lowest in 16 years. He need to go back and check.

Yes, you probably SHOULD go back and check. And, here's where you start - Compare Today's Unemployment with the Past

2017 unemployment rate to date is 4.3%. That is the lowest unemployment rate since 2001 (16 years - imagine that!) The next closest was 2006 (4.4%)

So, are you a liar? Only you know - but I think it's clear that you are deluded and misled .... either willingly or duped by fake news and liberal propaganda.

Really? I DO NOT LIE. I'm sure you are going to ask for reference or a link.

The jobs boast in Trump's UN speech was wrong - CNN Video

Obama inherited bad economy.
Do you honestly believe the economy will miraculously excellent first quarter of 2017 without an excellent economy in 2016? The economy was booming start of 2015 and 2016 rolled over to 2017. That's a fact dude. Trump doesn't deserve the credits.

Few jobs had come back but companies are still moving overseas and to Mexico. That's the reality. There is nothing to brag about. That has nothing to do with tax and democrats. Trump bragged every thing even he doesn't deserve the credits.

Because of Trump EO on regulations more people are working, open up new markets ----- BULL FUCKING SHIT. Like what? Post a link to support your lies and stupidity.

The unemployment rate of September
2017 is 4.4 similar to 2005.

Compare Today's Unemployment with the Past
None of what you said validates your lies .... you, of course, move the goalposts when caught. Go back, look at what you said, and prove it.

Or, shut up.
We know your opinion - as deluded as it may be. Answer the damn question.

Let me ask you one more time.
Tell me where my opinion is deluded or where I lied?

What question are you asking me?

You said that Trump disrespected his country during his UN speech. (Post #292)

You were asked where, in the speech, he did that. You ignored the question.

You were asked a second time. You ignored the question.

You were asked a third time, and finally, you backpedaled and gave a bullshit answer like "Well, when he bullied all those other poor little countries, and talked all mean to them" or some such childish nonsense.

You were challenged again to point out where in the speech he did this. Instead of answering it directly - because apparently you couldn't - you pulled out the vaunted post #287, in which you claimed that Trump lied about all these things.

While I recognized that this had absolutely nothing to do with your wild claim in #292, I chose to address it anyway. (Post #326). Each of your erroneous claims was systematically dismantled, and references provided.

You have ignored that challenge.

So, now we're left with #292 undefended, and post #287 proven to be bald-faced lies.

You tell me - what are we supposed to think? (I'll give you a hint ---- I think you pull shit out of your ass in the vain hope that nobody will challenge your stupidity.)

This time you didn't get away with it.

Have I been specific enough, or do you need me to lead you by the hand even further?

Dude I NEVER back pedal or deflect----- I was responding to multiple post so I missed where your posted but I do not back pedal. See my post #330.

Tell me where I lied in my post # 287.
See what I mean?

I challenged your post in 326 - you ignored it. I raised the issue again in 329 ---- and you still don't know where.

You simply don't read the posts ----

As for the nonsense about Trump ---- Jack Nicholson had it right. You can't handle the truth! What Trump said is exactly correct --- Obama was so desperate for a deal - ANY deal - to cement his supposed legacy that he accepted that piece of garbage. Trump called it like it is ...... now, YOU tell me which one sold out his country. YOU tell me which one made the US look weak and feckless.

Look dumb shit I NEVER deflect or back pedal or trying to get away.

I admitted I just missed your posts it's that simple. That doesn't mean I ignored your ignorant nonsense rebuttal.

Just in last 9 months Trump made us weak, dumb, racist, ignorant and a laughing stock all over the world. It's that simple and reality.
Trump calling it as it is because he is dumb fuck. A good example of apprentice, ignorant unfit POTUS.
Done with your little tantrum?
Let me ask you one more time.
Tell me where my opinion is deluded or where I lied?

What question are you asking me?

You said that Trump disrespected his country during his UN speech. (Post #292)

You were asked where, in the speech, he did that. You ignored the question.

You were asked a second time. You ignored the question.

You were asked a third time, and finally, you backpedaled and gave a bullshit answer like "Well, when he bullied all those other poor little countries, and talked all mean to them" or some such childish nonsense.

You were challenged again to point out where in the speech he did this. Instead of answering it directly - because apparently you couldn't - you pulled out the vaunted post #287, in which you claimed that Trump lied about all these things.

While I recognized that this had absolutely nothing to do with your wild claim in #292, I chose to address it anyway. (Post #326). Each of your erroneous claims was systematically dismantled, and references provided.

You have ignored that challenge.

So, now we're left with #292 undefended, and post #287 proven to be bald-faced lies.

You tell me - what are we supposed to think? (I'll give you a hint ---- I think you pull shit out of your ass in the vain hope that nobody will challenge your stupidity.)

This time you didn't get away with it.

Have I been specific enough, or do you need me to lead you by the hand even further?

Dude I NEVER back pedal or deflect----- I was responding to multiple post so I missed where your posted but I do not back pedal. See my post #330.

Tell me where I lied in my post # 287.
See what I mean?

I challenged your post in 326 - you ignored it. I raised the issue again in 329 ---- and you still don't know where.

You simply don't read the posts ----

As for the nonsense about Trump ---- Jack Nicholson had it right. You can't handle the truth! What Trump said is exactly correct --- Obama was so desperate for a deal - ANY deal - to cement his supposed legacy that he accepted that piece of garbage. Trump called it like it is ...... now, YOU tell me which one sold out his country. YOU tell me which one made the US look weak and feckless.

Look dumb shit I NEVER deflect or back pedal or trying to get away.

I admitted I just missed your posts it's that simple. That doesn't mean I ignored your ignorant nonsense rebuttal.

Just in last 9 months Trump made us weak, dumb, racist, ignorant and a laughing stock all over the world. It's that simple and reality.
Trump calling it as it is because he is dumb fuck. A good example of apprentice, ignorant unfit POTUS.

Spare change. Where is your rebuttal to my post #333 and 334? Especially #333.

You probably went to work or have other things to do. But I will never accused anyone of back pedaling, running away etc etc. But I'm waiting.
As i explained earlier, the statements in your original post were false. I provided the counter-argument, It would be expected that you would defend your position by providing the facts on which you based your false premises.

You haven't - you have merely cried "I'm right! I'm right!"

There's nothing to respond to.
Two years from now its going to be Mueller time!!!!!

Evading the issue: your favorite tactic.


She's the so-called "sportscaster" who called Trump a racist.

Just so we're clear, the NFL is going to lose billions of dollars if it continues to allow this.

Trump is a racist That surprise you bri??

It doesn't surprise me that some leftwing media douche bag would call him a racist

Meh.....your post only proves you are a 20th century conservative Ideologue.......come on you stupid idiot conservative get with the times.......NOTHING LAST FOREVER!!!! not even your neanderthal 20th century ideology!!!!
Trump will be responsible for starting WW3.....Launch the nukes.

So far the dems are leading the way, 2 to 0, in starting WWs.
Trump will start WW3 and bring back the draft!!!

Another dem did that, LBJ, and 50,000 Americans lost their lives in that Asian adventure. You're batting .000.


You misspelled Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Wrong, that was LBJ's war.
The GOP and Nixon lost the Vietnam War!!! Fucking Republican's are born LOSERS when it comes to winning wars. Afghanistan has proven to be cluster fuck as well......2001- with no end in sight.

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