Predictions thread


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
Red State! Amen.
Itā€™s still early enough in this new year to start a predictions thread.

1. SCOTUS is going to shit can the Colorado Supreme Court decision which would have taken Trump off of the stateā€™s GOP primary ballot.

2. SCOTUS will make a ruling on the Presidential Immunity claim made by the Trump legal team, and will agree to expand it to encompass criminal charges, under specific circumstances.

3. Trump is going to become the GOP Presidential nominee again.

4. Trump is going to win the Presidential election.

Easy to predict corollary: in the land of our sullen liberals and Democratics, there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth and lamentations.​


Hey. Donā€™t get mad at me. Iā€™ve made correct predictions before and a few that fell quite short.

So, make you own predictions.
Itā€™s still early enough in this new year to start a predictions thread.

1. SCOTUS is going to shit can the Colorado Supreme Court decision which would have taken Trump off of the stateā€™s GOP primary ballot.

2. SCOTUS will make a ruling on the Presidential Immunity claim made by the Trump legal team, and will agree to expand it to encompass criminal charges, under specific circumstances.

3. Trump is going to become the GOP Presidential nominee again.

4. Trump is going to win the Presidential election.

Easy to predict corollary: in the land of our sullen liberals and Democratics, there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth and lamentations.​

View attachment 882840

Hey. Donā€™t get mad at me. Iā€™ve made correct predictions before and a few that fell quite short.

So, make you own predictions.
We have a predictions thread already my friend.

Would you mind if I bring my prediction to this one?
Cold war standoff between Iran and America continues through 2024.

Iran deploys navy to Red Sea ā€“ state media

Iran has deployed its Alborz destroyer to the Red Sea amid a US-led navy operation against Yemenā€™s Houthi militants

Contrary views and predictions are welcome. What can se say?

Iran doesn't possess the technology to go toe to toe with America's navy?

Russia and China have Iran's back?

America will make short work of Iran's navy?

Iran will stick to only a presence in the Red Sea?

No exchange of fire will take place?

Sorry for scaring everybody off, but at least it's become an indication of some lack of confidence!
A Malia Obama sex tape will come out, but quickly be tamped down on by the Obama Gestapo (i.e., FBI). People will die.
Cold war standoff between Iran and America continues through 2024.

Iran deploys navy to Red Sea ā€“ state media

Iran has deployed its Alborz destroyer to the Red Sea amid a US-led navy operation against Yemenā€™s Houthi militants

Contrary views and predictions are welcome. What can se say?

Iran doesn't possess the technology to go toe to toe with America's navy?

Russia and China have Iran's back?

America will make short work of Iran's navy?

Iran will stick to only a presence in the Red Sea?

No exchange of fire will take place?

Sorry for scaring everybody off, but at least it's become an indication of some lack of confidence!
There isn't really a standoff. The Navy isn't afraid of Iran.
Cold war standoff between Iran and America continues through 2024.

Iran deploys navy to Red Sea ā€“ state media

Iran has deployed its Alborz destroyer to the Red Sea amid a US-led navy operation against Yemenā€™s Houthi militants

Contrary views and predictions are welcome. What can se say?

Iran doesn't possess the technology to go toe to toe with America's navy?

Russia and China have Iran's back?

America will make short work of Iran's navy?

Iran will stick to only a presence in the Red Sea?

No exchange of fire will take place?

Sorry for scaring everybody off, but at least it's become an indication of some lack of confidence!
the iranians have the technology to shoot down revese engineer, and manufacture predator missiles currently being used by putin

America will make short work of Iran's navy?
if the bubble drops i am confident in our navy.

Iran will stick to only a presence in the Red Sea?

i can not imagine them operating far from the horn of africa or the west coast of inx\dia.

No exchange of fire will take place?

shit happens. an isolated launch or a ramming i ncident would be routine
A Malia Obama sex tape will come out, but quickly be tamped down on by the Obama Gestapo (i.e., FBI). People will die.
have you ever posted a sex tape?

the kind of trash that would do that should die. if young ms obama is involved, well, treat her the same as anyone else
We have a predictions thread already my friend.

Would you mind if I bring my prediction to this one?
I had not noticed that thread. But it is the Babylon Bee. So itā€™s just satirical.

This thread is for actual predictions.

And of course you can toss in any prediction on any topic. Again, itā€™s a prediction thread. Accuracy isnā€™t a requirement.
America will make short work of Iran's navy?
That's a prediction that would/will bring dire consequences for peace in the world in 24.

Iran could be gambling with their perceived ability to destroy a US aircraft carrier with a couple of dozen hypersonic missiles from a location far from their sunken destroyers?

There could have been an unannounced change in the rules of engagement in this war, that will be similar to America's war against Russia.

I will predict that America will continue to deal with Iran's proxies.
I had not noticed that thread. But it is the Babylon Bee. So itā€™s just satirical.

This thread is for actual predictions.

And of course you can toss in any prediction on any topic. Again, itā€™s a prediction thread. Accuracy isnā€™t a requirement.
Thank you for your polite and rational approach so far today!
1. The FED will cut the discount rate twice, a quarter of a point each time.

2. GDP growth will exceed the current consensus prediction of 2.1%.

3. Inflation will continue to decline but it will not reach the two percent FED target rate. However, wage growth will outstrip inflation for 2024, consumer buying power will improve.

4. Trump will be indicted on multiple charges at both the state and federal level. He will appeal every guilty verdict. His claim to immunity will be shot down by the SCOTUS, they will, however, overturn state decisions leaving him off the ballot.

5. Trump will win the GOP nomination for president. He will pick Elsie Stefanik as his VP. But he will choke to death on a piece of well-done steak smothered in ketchup, before election day after dismissing his secret service detail, watching Hannity on FOX news, and madly tweeting on X. Biden will defeat Stefanik in a landslide.

6. Congress will be led by a Democratic majority, as will the Senate, starting in 2025. Hakeem Jeffries will become speaker of the house. Mike Johnson will not complete his term, being forced to resign due to a gay sex scandal involving teenage boys.

7. Boris Nadezhdin will win the Russian presidential election in a runoff. Putin will refuse to stepdown, Russia will descend into Civil War.
Itā€™s still early enough in this new year to start a predictions thread.

1. SCOTUS is going to shit can the Colorado Supreme Court decision which would have taken Trump off of the stateā€™s GOP primary ballot.

2. SCOTUS will make a ruling on the Presidential Immunity claim made by the Trump legal team, and will agree to expand it to encompass criminal charges, under specific circumstances.

3. Trump is going to become the GOP Presidential nominee again.

4. Trump is going to win the Presidential election.

Easy to predict corollary: in the land of our sullen liberals and Democratics, there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth and lamentations.​

View attachment 882840

Hey. Donā€™t get mad at me. Iā€™ve made correct predictions before and a few that fell quite short.

So, make you own predictions.
A bit of advice....don't anyone bet with the OP on any of this....he's a notorious welcher.
have you ever posted a sex tape?

the kind of trash that would do that should die. if young ms obama is involved, well, treat her the same as anyone else
What does me posting a sex tape have to do with this?
You're back on your obsessions against women again already.
The way you harp on this suggests to me that you are projecting.

Don't bother trying to craft a reply refuting my statement. You are not smart enough.
Itā€™s still early enough in this new year to start a predictions thread.

1. SCOTUS is going to shit can the Colorado Supreme Court decision which would have taken Trump off of the stateā€™s GOP primary ballot.

2. SCOTUS will make a ruling on the Presidential Immunity claim made by the Trump legal team, and will agree to expand it to encompass criminal charges, under specific circumstances.

3. Trump is going to become the GOP Presidential nominee again.

4. Trump is going to win the Presidential election.

Easy to predict corollary: in the land of our sullen liberals and Democratics, there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth and lamentations.​
Donā€™t get mad at me. Iā€™ve made correct predictions before and a few that fell quite short.

So, make you own predictions.
Bookmarked (for stupidity).
I like Brian Beutler's predictions:

The Supreme Court will act with surprising speed to invalidate Donald Trumpā€™s ā€œimmunityā€ defense for his role in the conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election.

Many credulous liberals and anti-Trump conservatives will overinterpret it as a moment of legitimation for the judiciary, and scold those of us who rightly note that the court is stolen and needs to be expanded or otherwise reformed.

Their hubris will be short lived, as the five most corrupt justices (Alito, Thomas, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, and Barrett) use the pretext I described here to delay Trumpā€™s trial for several months, making it practically impossible for him to be tried before the 2024 election.

After making a trial impossible, six justices (the five above plus Roberts) will then rule that Trump canā€™t be removed from the ballot if he hasnā€™t been convicted of any crimes for attempting to overturn the 2020 election. The ā€œstop overreactingā€ crowd will not reassess its reflexive defense of the Court.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg will throw everyone for a loop when he reclaims his trial date in the hush-money case. The same crew will resume tut-tutting Bragg for trying Trump over relatively minor offenses, ignoring the many state prosecutors who point out that the case is open and shut and New York tries businessmen for comparable offenses all the time.

Trump will be convicted of falsifying business records, his sentence will be suspended, and he will head into the election with his federal trials in abeyance until after November.

Economic sentiment will continue to improve as influential liberals become less reticent to observe that the economy is booming and has been for many months. Material developments, such as a slow interest-rate reduction by the federal reserve, will help.

Joe Bidenā€™s approval rating will climb a bit with improved economic sentiment and the reintroduction of Trumpā€™s unhinged behavior to daily mainstream life. The liberals who want to believe politics is little more than a mechanistic extension of material conditions will insist this is purely an artifact of economic well being, which theyā€™ll insist operates on a lag that had somehow gone unnoticed in the literature before.

Benjamin Netanyahu will be deposed, tried, and imprisoned; Prime Minister Benny Gantz will draw down the air war in Gaza, secure the release of remaining, living hostages, drive some Hamas leaders into exile, and treat those who remain as valid targets for assassination. This will put a fine point on how damaging and unjustified Netanyahuā€™s post-10/7 conduct was, and how unnecessary it was for the Biden administration to align itself with him for months. But the political upshot in the U.S. will be a reconsolidation of Bidenā€™s base and the proof of concept that democratic governments can hold their corrupt former leaders accountable under the law.

Joe Biden will win the election by a larger margin than he did in 2020.

Donald Trump will try to incite another insurrection, but it will fail, because he no longer controls the government; his trial for conspiring to overturn the 2020 election will begin in early 2025; his co-conspirators will be charged in a separate indictment.

The incoming Democratic Senate majority will be 50 votes, but with both Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema retired, Democrats will have the power they need to codify Roe by making an exception to the filibuster rules. Liberals will spend the lame-duck period trying to hold the line so that Dems donā€™t chicken out in January 2025.

Republicans will waste the lame-duck period trying to extort Biden into pardoning Trump or using their expiring congressional powers to ā€œexposeā€ evidence that his cases should be tossed. As time goes on they will realize how fruitless this is and instead descend into the civil war they should have had after 2020, but deferred because Trump insisted the election was stolen.

Biden will decline to pardon Trump, but he will soften the blow for MAGA-Americans by offering Ivanka an ambassadorship to somewhere temperate but unimportant. She will accept it because sheā€™s as vain as her father, and will want to redeem the family name; this will be extremely annoying to the anti-Trump movement, but surprisingly effective at managing the idiotic discourse around her fatherā€™s looming imprisonment.

Cancer diagnoses will continue to rise in the U.S. because weā€™ve done little to make our lived environments (pollution, diet, PFAs, etc.) less carcinogenic.

The rate of cancer deaths will fall as miraculous new therapies (short of cures) become more commonplace as treatments.

Despite many disruptive and deadly extreme weather events, global average temperatures will fall slightly as the acute warming effects of a 2022 underwater volcanic eruption in Tonga dissipate (read: water vapor falls out of the stratosphere). Lazy and/or cynical people will cite this as evidence that global warming is fake or reversing or not a problem, and it will be very annoying.

Russia will withdraw behind the lines it created when it occupied Crimea in 2014.

I will end 2024 one year younger than I was when it began.

Elon Musk will shut down Twitter, but only after his efforts to use it to help Trump win the election fail; his net worth will fall by at least 40 percent.
There is going to be a commercial real estate collapse this year. A collapse that every analyst I have seen is saying is larger than the 2008 home mortgage collapse.
If so - nothing else will seem that important.

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