Predict Nov 8th

I'm going poll watching in Minnesota after I vote in the morning. My state, South Dakota, is very good about keeping voting clean but we all know how filthy blue Minnesota is.
Especially Minneapolis. I bet if someone voted republican in Minneapolis you couldn't get them to admit it even by torturing them.
Um no I would not. Wouid you? If you think I would I’m guessing you would.
LOL…you forget the thread I had when Biden won. You said you could not believe I did that as you could never do that if it went the other way. Short memory you dumb Libs have.
Should say “thread”. It’s a thread in the flame zone so all you lefties may freely mock me

well - now that i attended to your thread & my delight in mocking you ...

i was actually referring to my reply to your request to name 3 things we agree on in this here thread. i linked to it.

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