Power the WORLD with solar panels!

Do you have any conception of how much space that area is?

It's much larger than NYC, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, Washington D.C., Boston, San Francisco Miami and Timbuktu combined.

It's about the area of New Mexico. And what if we just put solar panels over every paved road in the U.S. The pavement of just those combined would be enough to pave over the state of West Virginia. Then, bring in rooftops of houses, garages, car ports and buildings. Then what if we put solar panels over all the parking lots. Doing all that you wouldn't be using any unused space at all. Though we still have plenty of useless desert areas that are just begging for large solar arrays.
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Virtual Power Plants are also being put together in many nations as we post. These are many people and businesses using solar and batteries to create a power station measured in hundreds of MW's.

if we need VPP's, that means all installed green clean renewable energy has failed and is obsolete, hence all that propaganda we have called bullshit, is now proven as we stated bullshit.

Of course, this is more bullshit, more propaganda to sell the people on a system that does not work. Lipstick on a pig.
meaningless graphs, you know why, because the change is so very little but the graphs are enlarged and drawn to a scale so that the change looks significant.

draw a graph that covers more than 2 degrees of temperature. Draw a graph that has 20 degrees and these changes disappear.

But hey, you see a colored pics and think you found the holy grail.

I see an insignificant change. Of course, warmer temps do mean higher crop yields and less energy used during winter but that is a topic over most peoples head

Global temperatures haven't been this high in the past 18,000 years. And they got there quickly. Do I need a graph for that?
link liar, link liar!

There are no batteries that can supply any city in the USA with power from solar. Hell, there are not enough installed solar panels to charge said batteries, and there will never be.

Pumped hydro? Sure, that is a good one, so many problems, first and foremost, you will never install enough solar panels to fill a reservoir. And then, where will you get the water? As you have stated, the droughts are bad and only going to get worst?

Hot Sand? I never knew, democrats were this stupid.

Liquid air and hot sand, why not just do hot air, from the hole you live in.
Mrs. Elektra, you are so ignorant;

Global temperatures haven't been this high in the past 18,000 years. And they got there quickly. Do I need a graph for that?
bullshit. there is no proof that you are even close to be right.\

Post a study and I will show you were the study states they are just guessing, that they do not know for sure
link liar, link liar!

There are no batteries that can supply any city in the USA with power from solar. Hell, there are not enough installed solar panels to charge said batteries, and there will never be.

Pumped hydro? Sure, that is a good one, so many problems, first and foremost, you will never install enough solar panels to fill a reservoir. And then, where will you get the water? As you have stated, the droughts are bad and only going to get worst?

Hot Sand? I never knew, democrats were this stupid.

Liquid air and hot sand, why not just do hot air, from the hole you live in.
Liquid air is an old technology easily repurposed, and can be used anywhere;

Umm, you can’t transmit power over huge distances, too much loss. Radio waves is a complete fantasy.
Also the sun goes down and it gets dark...no power generation when peak power consumption is the evenings.

There is no easy way to get “free energy”.

The truth is fossil fuels and nuclear will continue to be our main source of energy for another 75+ years. After that, hopefully we will finally have fusion nuclear energy functional for large scale use. That’s the only real “green energy” that has real potential.
And the automobile will never replace the horse. Where are you going to get all that gasoline? How will you distribute it. Do you know how many horses and wagons it would take to distribute that fuel to ever road intersection? LOL You Luddites are a joke. DC power lines already distribute massive amounts of energy over long distances.
Ivanpah is a solar project you promoted and bragged about old crock, it is a complete failure, which means you were very stupid or a filthy liar. Which is it, you were a liar or stupid. Or is that question to hard for you.
Once more you are a liar. I thought at the time that solar thermal is too complex compared to PV solar. As the material research results in solar panels that are far more efficient, there will be no need for such complex projects.
I'm all for using the Alternative Fossil Fuels.............

By burning these fossils....

Po' baby, your treasonous fat senile old orange clown will be in jail with a jumpsuit that matches his makeup before the 2024 Presidential election. And many of the people that committed treason and sedition in the Cult of Trump, formerly the GOP, will be there with the fat bastard.
Have you any idea of how much agricultural land is available in the US? Were just 1% of that land to use agri-voltaics, that would cover our energy needs, increase yield on that land, decrease the water needs of the crops, and give the farmer a year around income. Just as the wind turbines standing in the wheat fields in Eastern Washington and Eastern Oregon do for the farmers there.

"Agrivoltaics? "I've never even heard that term before.

Got any other links. That guy is a nutjob.
if it is liquid, it is not air,

and now you want to go back to the horse and carriage? back to old technologies? Of course wind and solar are as old as they get.

Horse and Carriage, great idea old crock
OK, Mrs. Elektra, once more I have over estimated your intellect. So there is no such thing as liquid air? Lordy, lordy. LOL!

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