Posting Polls


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
Is there anyway to make it to where one has to vote in a poll to take part in a thread?

Like if I were to start a thread entitled, "Who will win the 2020 Presidential Election". I would post a question "Who will win the Presidential Election" and post the choices of Trump and Biden.... what would happen is that some people would pick Biden, some people would pick Trump and some would comment who voted. But Many would comment without voting. Thus defeating the reason for posting a poll. You'll note that Gallup/PPP/Zogby etc... don't often have a "no response" option on their polling data.

What I would like to see happen is to make it to where someone can't take part in a thread unless they vote in the poll. They see the Title, they see the question, and they see the options....

But only those who take part can see the results, can post comments, etc....

If you're going to have a "Post a Poll" option, why not make it to where those who wish to take part can do so without the trolling that almost always goes along with it? Like Lakhota posted a poll today....

67 replies
11 votes (responses to the poll).

I wouldn't expect there to be 67 votes--people comment multiple times in the threads--but I would expect there to be a lot more votes than 11.

Anyway, I think it would elevate some of the conversation if the respondents have to lay down a marker.
Is there anyway to make it to where one has to vote in a poll to take part in a thread?

Like if I were to start a thread entitled, "Who will win the 2020 Presidential Election". I would post a question "Who will win the Presidential Election" and post the choices of Trump and Biden.... what would happen is that some people would pick Biden, some people would pick Trump and some would comment who voted. But Many would comment without voting. Thus defeating the reason for posting a poll. You'll note that Gallup/PPP/Zogby etc... don't often have a "no response" option on their polling data.

What I would like to see happen is to make it to where someone can't take part in a thread unless they vote in the poll. They see the Title, they see the question, and they see the options....

But only those who take part can see the results, can post comments, etc....

If you're going to have a "Post a Poll" option, why not make it to where those who wish to take part can do so without the trolling that almost always goes along with it? Like Lakhota posted a poll today....

67 replies
11 votes (responses to the poll).

I wouldn't expect there to be 67 votes--people comment multiple times in the threads--but I would expect there to be a lot more votes than 11.

Anyway, I think it would elevate some of the conversation if the respondents have to lay down a marker.

Isn't that just like a Democrat. Remove the right of individual choice.
Is there anyway to make it to where one has to vote in a poll to take part in a thread?

Like if I were to start a thread entitled, "Who will win the 2020 Presidential Election". I would post a question "Who will win the Presidential Election" and post the choices of Trump and Biden.... what would happen is that some people would pick Biden, some people would pick Trump and some would comment who voted. But Many would comment without voting. Thus defeating the reason for posting a poll. You'll note that Gallup/PPP/Zogby etc... don't often have a "no response" option on their polling data.

What I would like to see happen is to make it to where someone can't take part in a thread unless they vote in the poll. They see the Title, they see the question, and they see the options....

But only those who take part can see the results, can post comments, etc....

If you're going to have a "Post a Poll" option, why not make it to where those who wish to take part can do so without the trolling that almost always goes along with it? Like Lakhota posted a poll today....

67 replies
11 votes (responses to the poll).

I wouldn't expect there to be 67 votes--people comment multiple times in the threads--but I would expect there to be a lot more votes than 11.

Anyway, I think it would elevate some of the conversation if the respondents have to lay down a marker.

Isn't that just like a Democrat. Remove the right of individual choice.

First it will be you have to vote to speak.

Then it will be you have to vote properly to speak.
Is there anyway to make it to where one has to vote in a poll to take part in a thread?

Like if I were to start a thread entitled, "Who will win the 2020 Presidential Election". I would post a question "Who will win the Presidential Election" and post the choices of Trump and Biden.... what would happen is that some people would pick Biden, some people would pick Trump and some would comment who voted. But Many would comment without voting. Thus defeating the reason for posting a poll. You'll note that Gallup/PPP/Zogby etc... don't often have a "no response" option on their polling data.

What I would like to see happen is to make it to where someone can't take part in a thread unless they vote in the poll. They see the Title, they see the question, and they see the options....

But only those who take part can see the results, can post comments, etc....

If you're going to have a "Post a Poll" option, why not make it to where those who wish to take part can do so without the trolling that almost always goes along with it? Like Lakhota posted a poll today....

67 replies
11 votes (responses to the poll).

I wouldn't expect there to be 67 votes--people comment multiple times in the threads--but I would expect there to be a lot more votes than 11.

Anyway, I think it would elevate some of the conversation if the respondents have to lay down a marker.

That would be like prohibiting anyone from expressing their opinion, unless they were a registered voter. Isn't that rather "Jim Crow" of you?
Is there anyway to make it to where one has to vote in a poll to take part in a thread?

Like if I were to start a thread entitled, "Who will win the 2020 Presidential Election". I would post a question "Who will win the Presidential Election" and post the choices of Trump and Biden.... what would happen is that some people would pick Biden, some people would pick Trump and some would comment who voted. But Many would comment without voting. Thus defeating the reason for posting a poll. You'll note that Gallup/PPP/Zogby etc... don't often have a "no response" option on their polling data.

What I would like to see happen is to make it to where someone can't take part in a thread unless they vote in the poll. They see the Title, they see the question, and they see the options....

But only those who take part can see the results, can post comments, etc....

If you're going to have a "Post a Poll" option, why not make it to where those who wish to take part can do so without the trolling that almost always goes along with it? Like Lakhota posted a poll today....

67 replies
11 votes (responses to the poll).

I wouldn't expect there to be 67 votes--people comment multiple times in the threads--but I would expect there to be a lot more votes than 11.

Anyway, I think it would elevate some of the conversation if the respondents have to lay down a marker.

Isn't that just like a Democrat. Remove the right of individual choice.
Yea, if Senator Obama had the right to vote “present” then so should we.
Leftists love limiting choices, unless you want to kill a baby.

Kind of like Republicans limiting voting.

Put down the booze and read the tripe you post....

From your link:
"In their opinion, the justices wrote that Abbott's order "provides Texas voters more ways to vote in the November 3 election than does the Election Code. It does not disenfranchise anyone."

More ways to vote, not less.
Leftists love limiting choices, unless you want to kill a baby.

Kind of like Republicans limiting voting.

Put down the booze and read the tripe you post....

From your link:
"In their opinion, the justices wrote that Abbott's order "provides Texas voters more ways to vote in the November 3 election than does the Election Code. It does not disenfranchise anyone."

More ways to vote, not less.

Yeah, Republican appointed justices.

Harris County has 2.4 million voters and one drop off box in an area the size of Rhode Island.

If a Democrat did that, you'd be going apeshit.

Stop pretending you aren't part of the Cult.

Is there anyway to make it to where one has to vote in a poll to take part in a thread?

Like if I were to start a thread entitled, "Who will win the 2020 Presidential Election". I would post a question "Who will win the Presidential Election" and post the choices of Trump and Biden.... what would happen is that some people would pick Biden, some people would pick Trump and some would comment who voted. But Many would comment without voting. Thus defeating the reason for posting a poll. You'll note that Gallup/PPP/Zogby etc... don't often have a "no response" option on their polling data.

What I would like to see happen is to make it to where someone can't take part in a thread unless they vote in the poll. They see the Title, they see the question, and they see the options....

But only those who take part can see the results, can post comments, etc....

If you're going to have a "Post a Poll" option, why not make it to where those who wish to take part can do so without the trolling that almost always goes along with it? Like Lakhota posted a poll today....

67 replies
11 votes (responses to the poll).

I wouldn't expect there to be 67 votes--people comment multiple times in the threads--but I would expect there to be a lot more votes than 11.

Anyway, I think it would elevate some of the conversation if the respondents have to lay down a marker.

That would be like prohibiting anyone from expressing their opinion, unless they were a registered voter. Isn't that rather "Jim Crow" of you?

You can post your opinion on any of the other 300,000 threads on the board. You can also vote in the poll and post your opinion on that thread as well...
Leftists love limiting choices, unless you want to kill a baby.

Kind of like Republicans limiting voting.

Put down the booze and read the tripe you post....

From your link:
"In their opinion, the justices wrote that Abbott's order "provides Texas voters more ways to vote in the November 3 election than does the Election Code. It does not disenfranchise anyone."

More ways to vote, not less.

Yeah, Republican appointed justices.

Harris County has 2.4 million voters and one drop off box in an area the size of Rhode Island.

If a Democrat did that, you'd be going apeshit.

Stop pretending you aren't part of the Cult.

Leftists love limiting choices, unless you want to kill a baby.

Kind of like Republicans limiting voting.

Put down the booze and read the tripe you post....

From your link:
"In their opinion, the justices wrote that Abbott's order "provides Texas voters more ways to vote in the November 3 election than does the Election Code. It does not disenfranchise anyone."

More ways to vote, not less.

Yeah, Republican appointed justices.

Harris County has 2.4 million voters and one drop off box in an area the size of Rhode Island.

If a Democrat did that, you'd be going apeshit.

Stop pretending you aren't part of the Cult.

Texans have more ways to vote now than they did before.

Elections have consequences.

PS- Rhode Island is tiny- you can drive diagonally across the state in an hour with traffic!
Is there anyway to make it to where one has to vote in a poll to take part in a thread?

Like if I were to start a thread entitled, "Who will win the 2020 Presidential Election". I would post a question "Who will win the Presidential Election" and post the choices of Trump and Biden.... what would happen is that some people would pick Biden, some people would pick Trump and some would comment who voted. But Many would comment without voting. Thus defeating the reason for posting a poll. You'll note that Gallup/PPP/Zogby etc... don't often have a "no response" option on their polling data.

What I would like to see happen is to make it to where someone can't take part in a thread unless they vote in the poll. They see the Title, they see the question, and they see the options....

But only those who take part can see the results, can post comments, etc....

If you're going to have a "Post a Poll" option, why not make it to where those who wish to take part can do so without the trolling that almost always goes along with it? Like Lakhota posted a poll today....

67 replies
11 votes (responses to the poll).

I wouldn't expect there to be 67 votes--people comment multiple times in the threads--but I would expect there to be a lot more votes than 11.

Anyway, I think it would elevate some of the conversation if the respondents have to lay down a marker.

That would be like prohibiting anyone from expressing their opinion, unless they were a registered voter. Isn't that rather "Jim Crow" of you?

You can post your opinion on any of the other 300,000 threads on the board. You can also vote in the poll and post your opinion on that thread as well...

All I can tell you, is that what you want to do is either a feature that's not set up by the administrators, or more then likely hasn't been written into the board software.

You might check with the company who wrote the software...

XenForo - Compelling community forum platform
Texans have more ways to vote now than they did before.

Elections have consequences.

Yes they do.

And you are going to feel those consequences since your libertarian credentials went out the door when you started whoring for Authoritarian Orange Jesus.

Yes, I am voting for Trump. He has outperformed my every expectation despite being spied on and villified nonstop for 4 years. He has eliminated reams of federal regulation and red tape across the board. He's cut taxes across the board and simplified the code. He's extricating our troops from foreign wars and hasn't started any new wars. He's executing a succesful peace strategy in the mid-east. He's appointed constitutionalist judges. He's building the wall. He will get even more done in his second term. He's been a great libertarian.

Hell yes I'm voting for him! And I won't lose a minute of sleep over it.

PS- All you have are puerile insults and irrational anger. Over consumption of booze does that......I hope you get help for your problem.
Texans have more ways to vote now than they did before.

Elections have consequences.

Yes they do.

And you are going to feel those consequences since your libertarian credentials went out the door when you started whoring for Authoritarian Orange Jesus.

Yes, I am voting for Trump. He has outperformed my every expectation despite being spied on and villified nonstop for 4 years. He has eliminated reams of federal regulation and red tape across the board. He's cut taxes across the board and simplified the code. He's extricating our troops from foreign wars and hasn't started any new wars. He's executing a succesful peace strategy in the mid-east. He's appointed constitutionalist judges. He's building the wall. He will get even more done in his second term. He's been a great libertarian.

Hell yes I'm voting for him! And I won't lose a minute of sleep over it.

PS- All you have are puerile insults and irrational anger. Over consumption of booze does that......I hope you get help for your problem.

Is there anyway to make it to where one has to vote in a poll to take part in a thread?

Like if I were to start a thread entitled, "Who will win the 2020 Presidential Election". I would post a question "Who will win the Presidential Election" and post the choices of Trump and Biden.... what would happen is that some people would pick Biden, some people would pick Trump and some would comment who voted. But Many would comment without voting. Thus defeating the reason for posting a poll. You'll note that Gallup/PPP/Zogby etc... don't often have a "no response" option on their polling data.

What I would like to see happen is to make it to where someone can't take part in a thread unless they vote in the poll. They see the Title, they see the question, and they see the options....

But only those who take part can see the results, can post comments, etc....

If you're going to have a "Post a Poll" option, why not make it to where those who wish to take part can do so without the trolling that almost always goes along with it? Like Lakhota posted a poll today....

67 replies
11 votes (responses to the poll).

I wouldn't expect there to be 67 votes--people comment multiple times in the threads--but I would expect there to be a lot more votes than 11.

Anyway, I think it would elevate some of the conversation if the respondents have to lay down a marker.
8 years later, I knew you cared no matter how much bullshit post you made
Texans have more ways to vote now than they did before.

Elections have consequences.

Yes they do.

And you are going to feel those consequences since your libertarian credentials went out the door when you started whoring for Authoritarian Orange Jesus.

Yes, I am voting for Trump. He has outperformed my every expectation despite being spied on and villified nonstop for 4 years. He has eliminated reams of federal regulation and red tape across the board. He's cut taxes across the board and simplified the code. He's extricating our troops from foreign wars and hasn't started any new wars. He's executing a succesful peace strategy in the mid-east. He's appointed constitutionalist judges. He's building the wall. He will get even more done in his second term. He's been a great libertarian.

Hell yes I'm voting for him! And I won't lose a minute of sleep over it.

PS- All you have are puerile insults and irrational anger. Over consumption of booze does that......I hope you get help for your problem.

Whenever Toro is destroyed in a thread he's all .......

Is there anyway to make it to where one has to vote in a poll to take part in a thread?

Like if I were to start a thread entitled, "Who will win the 2020 Presidential Election". I would post a question "Who will win the Presidential Election" and post the choices of Trump and Biden.... what would happen is that some people would pick Biden, some people would pick Trump and some would comment who voted. But Many would comment without voting. Thus defeating the reason for posting a poll. You'll note that Gallup/PPP/Zogby etc... don't often have a "no response" option on their polling data.

What I would like to see happen is to make it to where someone can't take part in a thread unless they vote in the poll. They see the Title, they see the question, and they see the options....

But only those who take part can see the results, can post comments, etc....

If you're going to have a "Post a Poll" option, why not make it to where those who wish to take part can do so without the trolling that almost always goes along with it? Like Lakhota posted a poll today....

67 replies
11 votes (responses to the poll).

I wouldn't expect there to be 67 votes--people comment multiple times in the threads--but I would expect there to be a lot more votes than 11.

Anyway, I think it would elevate some of the conversation if the respondents have to lay down a marker.

Actually, "no opinion" IS an option in a lot of professional polls. But they have more than ONE question..

Nope.. There used to be an option for having to vote BEFORE you could view the poll results.. THAT maybe still there. And curiosity is a BIG motivator. But we're about discussion.. And maybe folks dont want to SCREAM their choices when the choices are this defective or controversial.

Don't know why what any one person on USMB THINKS who is gonna win is even a big deal.. Maybe they're honest and DONT KNOW.. But still want to analyze it..
Is there anyway to make it to where one has to vote in a poll to take part in a thread?

Like if I were to start a thread entitled, "Who will win the 2020 Presidential Election". I would post a question "Who will win the Presidential Election" and post the choices of Trump and Biden.... what would happen is that some people would pick Biden, some people would pick Trump and some would comment who voted. But Many would comment without voting. Thus defeating the reason for posting a poll. You'll note that Gallup/PPP/Zogby etc... don't often have a "no response" option on their polling data.

What I would like to see happen is to make it to where someone can't take part in a thread unless they vote in the poll. They see the Title, they see the question, and they see the options....

But only those who take part can see the results, can post comments, etc....

If you're going to have a "Post a Poll" option, why not make it to where those who wish to take part can do so without the trolling that almost always goes along with it? Like Lakhota posted a poll today....

67 replies
11 votes (responses to the poll).

I wouldn't expect there to be 67 votes--people comment multiple times in the threads--but I would expect there to be a lot more votes than 11.

Anyway, I think it would elevate some of the conversation if the respondents have to lay down a marker.
8 years later, I knew you cared no matter how much bullshit post you made

Try again, in English please.
Is there anyway to make it to where one has to vote in a poll to take part in a thread?

Like if I were to start a thread entitled, "Who will win the 2020 Presidential Election". I would post a question "Who will win the Presidential Election" and post the choices of Trump and Biden.... what would happen is that some people would pick Biden, some people would pick Trump and some would comment who voted. But Many would comment without voting. Thus defeating the reason for posting a poll. You'll note that Gallup/PPP/Zogby etc... don't often have a "no response" option on their polling data.

What I would like to see happen is to make it to where someone can't take part in a thread unless they vote in the poll. They see the Title, they see the question, and they see the options....

But only those who take part can see the results, can post comments, etc....

If you're going to have a "Post a Poll" option, why not make it to where those who wish to take part can do so without the trolling that almost always goes along with it? Like Lakhota posted a poll today....

67 replies
11 votes (responses to the poll).

I wouldn't expect there to be 67 votes--people comment multiple times in the threads--but I would expect there to be a lot more votes than 11.

Anyway, I think it would elevate some of the conversation if the respondents have to lay down a marker.

Actually, "no opinion" IS an option in a lot of professional polls. But they have more than ONE question..

Nope.. There used to be an option for having to vote BEFORE you could view the poll results.. THAT maybe still there. And curiosity is a BIG motivator. But we're about discussion.. And maybe folks dont want to SCREAM their choices when the choices are this defective or controversial.

Don't know why what any one person on USMB THINKS who is gonna win is even a big deal.. Maybe they're honest and DONT KNOW.. But still want to analyze it..

Seriously.... okay. Whatever.

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