Post Christian ethics

We have a society that is more secular than the eras in which those atrocities occurred. And there's no state sanctioned slavery today, far less forced sterilization, no mutilation of people as property, no executions for being gay, no criminalization of homosexuality, no banning of contraceptives, no wholesale slaughter of native Americans, far less state sanctioned segregation, no prohibitions of women voting, no state sanctioned rape.

When you go back into our past when Christianity's influence was stronger, you see MORE atrocities. When you move into our present, where Christianity's influence has waned and secularism has more influence than in the have LESS atrocities.

Why then would I want more Christian influence, given that slavery and child rape was perfectly compatible with a society with a strong influence of Christianity.......when either are forbidden in our society with a weaker Christian influence and a greater secular influence than in the past?

Repeat, repeat, repeat, just ignore everything that I've said, zero response to anything I've said. You're really not worth 'discussing' anything with.
We've been seeing post Christian ethics for some time now, willfully blind monkey.

It is now cool with certain Christians to cheat on three wives. You get MULTIPLE mulligans for that.

It is now cool with certain Christians to fuck porn stars.

It is now cool with certain Christians to steal the life savings of the elderly at a fake university.

It is now cool with certain Christians to make your fortune by exploiting every human weakness, particularly with gambling houses, vodka, and contests of the flesh.

It is now cool with certain Christians to bust into the dressing rooms of women to catch them naked.

It is now cool with certain Christians to sexually assault women.

It is now cool with certain Christians to covet married women for sex.

It is now cool with certain Christians to bear false witness against others on a daily basis.

I really don't understand how you have not noticed all this by now.

All in the name of making America great again. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

None of that is true. :dunno:
Perhaps in your warped mind, not in reality.
Wow! There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.

Trump has done all those things and yet he is the front runner for the presidency.

There is a large swath of Christians who are totally cool with his complete depravity, thievery, and hellbound behavior.

An alarming number of secular citizens are gravitating towards supporting elective euthanasia for the mentally ill and poor.

Understandable really since morality 50 shades of Marxist gray for many secular humanists.

How many here support it as well?

Secular humanism is better than the bronze age, 3000+ years old biblical morality. If an adult wants to die due to a horrible disease that is causing them unbearable suffering, then that's their prerogative. I do believe they should first receive counseling, to see if there's another option, but if there isn't, maybe they should have the right to end their existence assisted by a medical professional. As sad as that is, that's the world we live in, which your deity supposedly created. A world full of suffering. You Christians are doing everything possible to increase that suffering with your irrational anti-science ideals and worship of the rich and powerful.
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Wow! There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.

Trump has done all those things and yet he is the front runner for the presidency.

There is a large swath of Christians who are totally cool with his complete depravity, thievery, and hellbound behavior.

Your 'take' on why he's supported, or why he shouldn't be supported just isn't accurate. :dunno:
Your 'take' on why he's supported, or why he shouldn't be supported just isn't accurate. :dunno:
He is supported by a lot of Christians in spite of being a thoroughly evil person.

So some Christians are obviously cool with his evil deeds, even though they have a lot of other Republicans who are far less evil to choose from.
He is supported by a lot of Christians in spite of being a thoroughly evil person.

So some Christians are obviously cool with his evil deeds, even though they have a lot of other Republicans who are far less evil to choose from.

That's your opinion, which apparently isn't held by a lot of other people.
Repeat, repeat, repeat, just ignore everything that I've said, zero response to anything I've said. You're really not worth 'discussing' anything with.

Again, you've been able to demonstrate zero moral utility for Christianity, equating its historical performance to any other moral system.

So by your own admission, Christianity doesn't really serve a purpose as a moral system in society.

I'd argue is far worse than that. When you go back into our past when Christianity's influence was stronger, you see MORE atrocities. When you move into our present, where Christianity's influence has waned and secularism has more influence than in the have LESS atrocities.

Why then would I want more Christian influence on society? You don't have an answer. I can't think of a single reason either.

An alarming number of secular citizens are gravitating towards supporting elective euthanasia for the mentally ill and poor.

Understandable really since morality 50 shades of Marxist gray for many secular humanists.

How many here support it as well?

Sounds insane to me. Who are these "Marxists"?

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