Post-Birth Abortion

Liberals believe that expecting parents to support their children is unfair. That obligation belongs to the village. The parents are nothing more than occasional baby sitters.

who takes care of them? do you know how much welfare a mother gets for a child? If the right stop doing away with government job training programs and subsidies for childcare, more women could get off welfare and work. the Right put them on welfare and keep them there. and then complain because they are on welfare? :confused:
The way things appear today I think abortions should be legal until the "baby" is about 16 years.By that age you can generally determine if the "baby" is going to grow up meathead, tranny, Nazi or religious nutbag.
As the horse said, "Neigh." Mr. Douger, if it breathes and you kill it, it's legally murder if and when you get caught and convicted.
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Dr Ezekiel Emannuel, brother of Rahm, and advisor to the Idiot-In-Chief on healthcare believes that rationing will be essential in the wonderful universal health care system that the left salivate over. His considered opinion included:

The over 65s being the bottom of the list.
Children under the age of 3 are not "fully formed human beings" (his words, not mine) and are therefore at the bottom of the list, along with the over 65s.

That's what the left worship. Picking not on need but on 'value'. Sick freaks.
The Nazis considered handicapped people miscreants and went after them for elimination from the Aryan race. That is unconscionable in my book.
If the baby was already born, Republicans don't care what happens to it. We already know that from their policies.

Like I have said if the Right forces me to have a baby I don't want or cannot afford they damn well be willing to take care of it. For 18 years.

And how did the government force you to have a child you don't want? I support abortions in the case of rape, but just because the government doesn't give you everything you want doesn't mean they give you nothing. The government doesn't force you to have sex. The government doesn't prevent you from using condoms and other forms of birth control. If you don't want a baby, don't have a baby. But if you say that the government forces you to have a baby just because they won't let you kill it is as idiotic as me saying that the government forces me to have parents just because I can't murder them.
You gotta almost admire the nerve of the radical left's argument. It's so full of holes and racial bigotry that it's an embarrassment but the radicals stick with the concept that manslaughter shortly after birth is better than living in freedom in the greatest Nation on earth. The radical left is an embarrassment.
Why not? The partial abortion procedure is so finely tuned legally that there is perhaps half a second between the time the baby would have been born but the fetus is (successfully?) stabbed in the back of the head without anesthesia and it's brain's sucked out with some Frankenstein contraption invented by abortionists. Why not cut out all the tension and the covered up cases of manslaughter when the baby accidentally slips out and is killed anyway? Stab them to death on the table on the table, what's the difference? Why not film it so reality show fans can use the grotesque procedure for entertainment disguised as education. Maybe they can bet on how long the baby screams before it is put out of it's misery.

Do you even know WHY a woman might need a partial birth abortion? I guess not, because you sound completely ignorant on the subject.

And also, partial birth abortion is illegal in the US, so why the fuck you lifers keep bringing it up is beyond me.
If the baby was already born, Republicans don't care what happens to it. We already know that from their policies.

Like I have said if the Right forces me to have a baby I don't want or cannot afford they damn well be willing to take care of it. For 18 years.

But they wouldn't. They have to prevent fetuses being killed. They don't care about the newborn babies whose parents can't afford them.
Liberals believe that expecting parents to support their children is unfair. That obligation belongs to the village. The parents are nothing more than occasional baby sitters.

who takes care of them? do you know how much welfare a mother gets for a child? If the right stop doing away with government job training programs and subsidies for childcare, more women could get off welfare and work. the Right put them on welfare and keep them there. and then complain because they are on welfare? :confused:

I have a step granddaughter that's bringing in $5k a month in public benefits so yes I know how much they get. I also know women who have been insulted by the suggestion that they go to work.
The much vilified Catholic church has supported women in trouble for hundreds of years. Say what you want about priests diddling children which is terrible..but if you do you'll be confusing the issue.

There are MANY charities and organizations that help pregnant women and indigent families.

Saying that pro-lifers don't care is complete bullshit.

They don't give a shit about the baby once it is born, and put a fetus over the life of the woman. The church is well known for its anti woman stance.
‘After-birth abortion’: Can they be serious? - She The People - The Washington Post

Two ethicists in the Journal of Medical Ethics.

This is the road pro-lifers knew was coming.

From your article.

“We expected that other bioethicists would challenge either the premise or the logical pattern we followed, because this is what happens in academic debates. And we believed we were going to read interesting responses to the argument, as we already read a few on this topic in religious websites.

“However, we never meant to suggest that after-birth abortion should become legal. This was not made clear enough in the paper. Laws are not just about rational ethical arguments, because there are many practical, emotional, social aspects that are relevant in policy making (such as respecting the plurality of ethical views, people’s emotional reactions etc). But we are not policy makers, we are philosophers, and we deal with concepts, not with legal policy.”

Now, a question. Didn't Rick Santurum opt to have no intervention for one of his newborns, and allow her to die? What are the ethics associated with that?
The much vilified Catholic church has supported women in trouble for hundreds of years. Say what you want about priests diddling children which is terrible..but if you do you'll be confusing the issue.

There are MANY charities and organizations that help pregnant women and indigent families.

Saying that pro-lifers don't care is complete bullshit.

They don't give a shit about the baby once it is born, and put a fetus over the life of the woman. The church is well known for its anti woman stance.

The new lib meme (at least it pops up more frequently of late) is "they don't care about the child AFTER it's born." This bullshit gets applied with a broad brush to all lib opponents.

It is a dishonest and baseless claim.

But it is also a very trite silly "argument" to make.
o please......what about the bumperstickers yall love.....if you can feed them dont breed them.....

its like so two faced.....and you know this is true....

i still hate your fucking guts btw over kiva
The answer is very simple. Any child born to a woman who wants to foist support for that child to the public should have the kid taken away.
o please......what about the bumperstickers yall love.....if you can feed them dont breed them.....

its like so two faced.....and you know this is true....

i still hate your fucking guts btw over kiva

A bumper sticker that says if you CAN feed them (then) DON'T breed them?

I don't know anybody who even has that bumper sticker, much less loves them. I think your editing skills are funny. You must have taught TderpM.

On the other hand, I DO subscribe to the notion that it IS rather irresponsible to have kids if you can't properly provide for their care. Not a thing in the world "two faced" ABOUT THAT.

As for kiva: take your angst out on them. I'm not the one charging immoral usurious rates to lend small amounts of money to people who can't really afford it.
‘After-birth abortion’: Can they be serious? - She The People - The Washington Post

Two ethicists in the Journal of Medical Ethics.

This is the road pro-lifers knew was coming.

Don't look now, but it's not just those crazy Aussies pushing this crap.

Taking Life: Humans, by Peter Singer

peter singer is lying scum who wrote the book Animal Liberation and has stated catagoricaly that it is ok to lie to advance your agenda.

Libtards should love him then.

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