Post A Message to The Future Here.

The whole shit and shaboodle probably means about as much to you folks in the future as the complex relationship that Andrew Jackson had with America means to us in 2015.

Are taxes fair yet? Have you reached the stars yet?

Are you still trying?​
Don't be this guy

The Unknown Citizen
W. H. Auden, 1907 - 1973
(To JS/07 M 378
This Marble Monument
Is Erected by the State)

He was found by the Bureau of Statistics to be
One against whom there was no official complaint,
And all the reports on his conduct agree
That, in the modern sense of an old-fashioned word, he was a
For in everything he did he served the Greater Community.
Except for the War till the day he retired
He worked in a factory and never got fired,
But satisfied his employers, Fudge Motors Inc.
Yet he wasn’t a scab or odd in his views,
For his Union reports that he paid his dues,
(Our report on his Union shows it was sound)
And our Social Psychology workers found
That he was popular with his mates and liked a drink.
The Press are convinced that he bought a paper every day
And that his reactions to advertisements were normal in every way.
Policies taken out in his name prove that he was fully insured,
And his Health-card shows he was once in hospital but left it cured.
Both Producers Research and High-Grade Living declare
He was fully sensible to the advantages of the Instalment Plan
And had everything necessary to the Modern Man,
A phonograph, a radio, a car and a frigidaire.
Our researchers into Public Opinion are content
That he held the proper opinions for the time of year;
When there was peace, he was for peace: when there was war, he went.
He was married and added five children to the population,
Which our Eugenist says was the right number for a parent of his
And our teachers report that he never interfered with their
Was he free? Was he happy? The question is absurd:
Had anything been wrong, we should certainly have heard
To the AVG-Girls & Boys who’re ‘working on internet’: Kudos! That fucker is THE game changer!

We are fair and simple tax codes away from watching our grandkids begin to explore the stars!


Are you kids there yet? :) Have you reached the stars?

You kids ROCK!! :rock:

I'm still long in every market and betting the farm that Momma’s Little Bastards are going to survive and thrive :thup:
Sorry....we tried to preserve the Rights defined in the Constitution but the left wing grew too powerful...they were willing to do anything to achieve power and the political party that should have stopped them was too lazy, incompetent and too sympathetic to their left wing agenda........they had control of the entertainment industry, the education system and the government was too much to overcome.....

You won't be reading this...because the internet will be tightly controlled by the government by the time you are reading this......good luck....

Don't get on the train cars...they don't lead to anywhere good....and since the left has control of the education don't know the death toll of left wing socialism...and how they use train cars......
One day, every single one of us posting here will be....dead.
leave your partisan bullshit at the door.....forget the left versus right paradigm. I want to know how you really feel about the direction of this country in the last 36 years and how you feel it has gotten better, gotten worse. Leave your political affiliations at the door explain what you see is happening and why.........most of us remember the Nixon and Carter days. We have seen the change.........

My personal believe is that we are in serious trouble and I am talking about the kind of trouble that will make the orchestrated crash of 1929 seem tame by comparison....wanna talk me off the ledge? Please do so.....

I'll try Brother, but for this to be success, you're going to need to want to come in off the ledge.

America is still kicking ass and taking names on a Timeline that leads to the stars. :thup:

We may still have issues but The United States Constitution is a goal and we are one hell of a lot closer to living up to the ideals of fairness and participatory governance set forth in that document than were the men who wrote that plan for how a nation should look.

Baby steps... It took a bloody civil war to make the national political decision that the freedoms, fairness and tolerance outlined in The US Constitution would be forced and enforced from Washington DC if necessary, despite the whining of economic special interests that profit from the cheap labor of slavery and other forms of abuse and the squeamishness of self-righteous religious special interests over homosexuals and other weirdos among their neighbors who're attracted to the concepts of freedom and the legally enforced tolerance that such freedoms imply.

Look at the big picture... The men who wrote The Constitution knew that the humans of their lifetime could not live in accordance with the ideals for personal liberty and responsible freedom for ALL that were laid out in The Constitution - hence their compromise as a government over slavery in spite of the words in The Constitution they'd just sworn to uphold. It took a bloody a Civil War to decide that the Republic would have the right to overrule democratically elected officials to correct injustice, and the paperwork for that political decision and victory didn't get filed until 1965. Truth be told, the paperwork for that decision remains a work in progress....

Baby steps to the stars :thup:

In 150 years school children will read their history tablets and try to imagine life on a world still rife with violence and religious terrorism in the streets, and a point in Time when economic abuses and unfairness in commerce were still both common and tolerated. They'll look back on a world getting better with Time, as evidenced by the election of President Obama. They'll probably be just as amazed as we are that he took office less than 50 years after the Civil Rights act was finally passed, completing the paperwork on The Civil War.
Time waits for no man, resources be damned.

Time cannot be wagered, purchased, borrowed or stolen.

If Momma's little bastard Monkeys have a Father, His name is Time.

Another trip around the star on a gifted ticket of limited punches - so far, so good.

An eventful ride. Surprise, surprise, surprise!! Change happens. Sometimes good change happens.

In spite of what you may have learned about life on earth in the twenty-teens, this average Joe remains decidedly optimistic.

Have you little bastards reached the stars yet?

To whom it may concern,

If you are reading this, the world has survived the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States. I am sorry for the damage he has done and the people harmed; I hope very much the Constitution of the United States and democracy still exist in America, and the United States of America became once again united, one nation, and with liberty and justice for all.

If was clear to us by the second month of 2017 that his promises were false and his concern for the working men and women was nothing more than demagoguery. He focused on day one to pack his cabinet with billionaires and cronies, and his inner circle with members of his family, political hacks and members of the Alt. Right. He attacked the free press, Democrats, liberals and progressives and jailed undocumented working men and women sans due process, and without concern for their children - many born and free American Citizens.

With regrets to all,

Wry Catcher
It's okay. No need to be sorry on my behalf. I am not seeing this as you are anyhow. :)
To those who come after us, once the planet is reinhabitable:

don't screw up like we did. Don't get caught in petty left-right circles. Be practical, use common sense and love your neighbors. And don't build nuclear weapons. It's what did us in.

Oh, and when your archeologists discover pop-tabs, no, they are not holy relics. They are just pop-tabs.
Dear Future denizens

as you can see the earth is still here despite all the apocalyptic prognostication that included burning up from climate change, nuclear was started by donald trump or widespread terrorism

so don't believe anything you read in the papers or see on TV or the internet and have a good time

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