Posobiec: The Left is Demonizing Anyone Who Calls for the Biden Admin to De-Escalate Tensions with Russia


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
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the same liberals who claim they want world peace call you treasonous if you advocate actual peace with Russia or Saudi Arabia, or North Korea, etc, as Trump did in his term

Trump didn't want peace with those nations, he was looking to see if he could soak them for money for himself while selling out this country. Why else do you think he invited Russian diplomats to the Oval Office and disclosed classified information to them?
Trump didn't want peace with those nations, he was looking to see if he could soak them for money for himself while selling out this country. Why else do you think he invited Russian diplomats to the Oval Office and disclosed classified information to them?
you can do both. Trump sold America, and kept the world at peace at the same time. what's not to like?
the same liberals who claim they want world peace call you treasonous if you advocate actual peace with Russia or Saudi Arabia, or North Korea, etc, as Trump did in his term

Remember when Obama and the left roasted Romney for saying Russia was a threat ?
LOL. And how would this genius propose doing that? :auiqs.jpg:
Why the fuck is this idiot relevant???
Why else do you think he invited Russian diplomats to the Oval Office and disclosed classified information to them?
And? How much of a threat is ISIS to the middle east anymore?

Does it chap your ass that the US Deep State and the other associated allied intel agencies can't use that as a policy tool?

the same liberals who claim they want world peace call you treasonous if you advocate actual peace with Russia or Saudi Arabia, or North Korea, etc, as Trump did in his term

You’re calling for surrender. Not peace.
the same liberals who claim they want world peace call you treasonous if you advocate actual peace with Russia or Saudi Arabia, or North Korea, etc, as Trump did in his term

This is not about liberals. This is about right wing Putin puppets who ignore the fact that Russia started this. They invaded Ukraine.
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