POS trump criticizes Four Star General who captured Bin Laden

More embarrassment for President Donald Trump, who suggested that Navy SEAL McRaven should have found Bin Laden sooner.
McRaven was in charge of smoking (not finding) Bin Laden.

Former CIA deputy director Michael Morrell pointed out on Twitter that McRaven’s forces had nothing to do with locating bin Laden. Morrell said it was the CIA that did the “finding” and McRaven’s forces that did the “getting,” moving out within days of receiving the order.
Trump’s attack on retired admiral who led bin Laden raid escalates a war of words
Trump continues to misinform, lie and disrespect veterans by promoting and pushing his own fake news. McRaven, the Commander of Navy SEALS who heroically went after terrorist leader Bin Ladin in Pakistan after being given a green light and orders from President Obama, but was not tasked with actually finding where bin Laden was hiding. Navy Seals under the leadership of McRaven had the job of getting him, not finding him. America's intelligence community, particularly the CIA had the job of finding him.

Trump, pissed off that McRaven has spoken out about Trump on a different topic, has gone on an attack of McRaven and shown his willingness to lie and deceive, slander and disrespect anyone, even a veteran, a Navy SEAL, and used a total provable blatant lie to promote his lies and deceit.
"Of course we should have captured Osama Bin Laden long before we did. I pointed him out in my book just BEFORE the attack on the World Trade Center. President Clinton famously missed his shot. We paid Pakistan Billions of Dollars & they never told us he was living there. Fools! We no longer pay Pakistan the $Billions because they would take our money and do nothing for us, Bin Laden being a prime example, Afghanistan being another. They were just one of many countries that take from the United States without giving anything in return. That’s ENDING!" - President Trump
"Of course we should have captured Osama Bin Laden long before we did. I pointed him out in my book just BEFORE the attack on the World Trade Center. President Clinton famously missed his shot. We paid Pakistan Billions of Dollars & they never told us he was living there. Fools! We no longer pay Pakistan the $Billions because they would take our money and do nothing for us, Bin Laden being a prime example, Afghanistan being another. They were just one of many countries that take from the United States without giving anything in return. That’s ENDING!" - President Trump

I agree. All Americans wanedt that mans head on a platter the day they learned who was responsible.

We missed him a Tora Bora because they didn't have enough troops to cover all the escape routes.

So what Trump said was the Truth. It was just to bad we couldn't have gotten him sooner.

That's no reflection on the SEAL commander. Its the simple truth.
Why is it always "blasts" when the President voices an opinion? Maybe they should have captured Bin Ladin sooner. The burial at sea certainly was bizarre.

I agree and every American wanted that man's head on a platter as soon as they found out who was responsible.

They almost had him at Tora Bora but didn't have enough troops to cover every escape route. Too bad.

Trump spoke the truth. We all wanted him dead sooner.
The General didn't take down bin laden. Obama did.

This is yet another example of why QUEER-O being a closeted sissy matters. The issue is credibility, and QUEER-O has none.

Everyone here who thinks Osama bin Laden was captured in that raid has one question to answer....

WHY are there NO PHOTOS of "Osama" in Saudi???

Several other issues to consider. As QUEER-O has a trail of dead bodies covering up his cocksucking gayness, ALL of the "seal team that got bin Laden" are now DEAD....


Like Jamal Khashoggi, if you knew "Osama" was really Col Osman, QUEER-O, W and Israel want you DEAD....


When Osama Bin Laden was a CIA Agent named Tim Osman
Boy, Trump really stepped in it this time. It's like he is trying to turn everyone counts on against him.
I would have criticized him too.... Bless President Trump!:113:

this piece of crap McRaven was on the short list to be Vice- President with the witch Clinton in 2016

he is a Hillary fan he kisses her ass....he is another globalist piece of dirt!

what scum!

Clinton-McRaven in 2016?
Bush should have carpet bombed Toro Bora from the onset and killed everything in the dang valley............would have saved us 2 decades of War.
Bush should have carpet bombed Toro Bora from the onset and killed everything in the dang valley............would have saved us 2 decades of War.

And then W admitted that was not "the priority...."

because the ONLY PRIORITY of George W Bush was to SELL OUT AMERICA to the ZIONIST LOBBY
We have a U.S. Army Lt. General awaiting sentencing after being forced to plead guilty because he ran out of money for a defense when he was caught up in the democrat sponsored political coup but lefties are hysterical over a minor criticism of a retired Navy Admiral by the President. Go figure.

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