POS trump criticizes Four Star General who captured Bin Laden

Trump blasts retired Navy SEAL, saying he should've caught bin Laden sooner

What a POS this man is...the orange coward attacks anyone who disagrees with his lying ass....

Clown, a SEAL is US Navy, the Navy doesn't have Generals.

Fucking moron

So, what do you think of trump bashing the admiral? Let me help out: one dedicated his life to this country, the other dodged the draft and dedicated his life to diddling whores while his wives sat at home with babies.
REREAD the quote. At no time did he bash the Admiral he simply made an observation that it would have been nice to catch him sooner, be SPECIFIC and quote the attack part?

Stupid shit didn't read the actual quote he read a lie of a thread title and ran with it
That is not what he said. Here is what he said-

Trump, pointing to the bin Laden raid, added, "wouldn’t it have been nice if we got Osama Bin Laden a lot sooner than that, wouldn’t it have been nice?"

Do you disagree it would have been nice to have gotten him sooner?

Fake News once again twists it around to fit their resist Trump narrative.
Trump blasts retired Navy SEAL, saying he should've caught bin Laden sooner

What a POS this man is...the orange coward attacks anyone who disagrees with his lying ass....

Clown, a SEAL is US Navy, the Navy doesn't have Generals.

Fucking moron

So, what do you think of trump bashing the admiral? Let me help out: one dedicated his life to this country, the other dodged the draft and dedicated his life to diddling whores while his wives sat at home with babies.
REREAD the quote. At no time did he bash the Admiral he simply made an observation that it would have been nice to catch him sooner, be SPECIFIC and quote the attack part?

The POS couldn't hold the ADMIRAL'S left nut!
Trump blasts retired Navy SEAL, saying he should've caught bin Laden sooner

What a POS this man is...the orange coward attacks anyone who disagrees with his lying ass....

Clown, a SEAL is US Navy, the Navy doesn't have Generals.

Fucking moron

So, what do you think of trump bashing the admiral? Let me help out: one dedicated his life to this country, the other dodged the draft and dedicated his life to diddling whores while his wives sat at home with babies.
REREAD the quote. At no time did he bash the Admiral he simply made an observation that it would have been nice to catch him sooner, be SPECIFIC and quote the attack part?
Of course, Trump is lashing out because he's a sensitive babyman.
Trump blasts retired Navy SEAL, saying he should've caught bin Laden sooner

What a POS this man is...the orange coward attacks anyone who disagrees with his lying ass....
Bill Clinton and the missed opportunities to kill Osama bin Laden

We had plenty of chances to get bin Landen. Bill Clinton gave a speech
on 9-10-2001 about how he could have killed bin Landen. Guess what
happened the next day?

Why be so deceiving in your post? Why leave out the rest of his comments and important parts to the story DJT?

HERE is a link we can get in to without having to pay on it and it depicts quite a different story on what you seemed to imply.

Bill Clinton: 'I could have killed' Osama bin Laden in 1998

"I nearly got him. And I could have killed him, but I would have to destroy a little town called Kandahar in Afghanistan and kill 300 innocent women and children, and then I would have been no better than him."

"And so I didn't do it," the former commander in chief says.

Hours after Clinton spoke of his role in the 1998 decision to not attempt to kill Bin Laden, the 2001 terror attack was underway in the United States.

The latest recording is more than just a historical irony or a sad footnote. There have long been complaints in some conservative quarters about Clinton's actions in failing to neutralize Bin Laden.

The 1998 incident was previously known but the tape is the first known recording of Clinton speaking about the decision. The Australian recording was made by a local official who told Australian news outlets it was made with permission of the former president.

Bin Laden had been a target for U.S. officials for his role in the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Tanzania and Kenya. The U.S. government launched missile strikes in August 1998, but Bin Laden was not injured.

By December 1998, intelligence indicated that Bin Laden was staying at the governor's residence in Kandahar, according to the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, otherwise known as the 9/11 Report, released in 2004. According to the report, the missed chance made some lower-level officials angry, but later information showed that Bin Laden had left his quarters.

"The principals' wariness about ordering a strike appears to have been vindicated: Bin Laden left his room unexpectedly, and if a strike had been ordered he would not have been hit," the commission wrote.

U.S. officials again considered a missile strike against Bin Laden in May 1999 – but decided not to act because the intelligence seemed unclear. The situation was complicated by the accidental bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade during the NATO war against Serbia, the commission said.

"This episode may have made officials more cautious than might otherwise have been the case," the commission's report stated.

Bin Laden was eventually killed in a 2011 raid by U.S. Special Forces in Pakistan.
Yeah, what was Trump doing during the years leading up to 9/11? Fighting his war against STDs, going into bankruptcy 4 times, and running to Russian oligarchs for financing because the friggin deadbeat could not get a loan in the US.

Trump isn't fit to wipe McRaven's ass.
Alas, you aren't fit to wipe Trump's ass. Maybe Hillary's. Maybe.

No one wants to wipe his fat, orange ass....
Well...deplorable trumpanzees want to. To them, it's an.................."honor".
Trump blasts retired Navy SEAL, saying he should've caught bin Laden sooner

What a POS this man is...the orange coward attacks anyone who disagrees with his lying ass....

Clown, a SEAL is US Navy, the Navy doesn't have Generals.

Fucking moron

So, what do you think of trump bashing the admiral? Let me help out: one dedicated his life to this country, the other dodged the draft and dedicated his life to diddling whores while his wives sat at home with babies.
REREAD the quote. At no time did he bash the Admiral he simply made an observation that it would have been nice to catch him sooner, be SPECIFIC and quote the attack part?
Watch the video, starting at around 2.30

he said the general was a Hillary Clinton supporter.... blah blah blah

the Admiral wrote this regarding Trump's lie

Feud Between Retired Admiral and Trump Intensifies

The tit for tat between President Donald Trump and Retired Adm. William McRaven intensified on Sunday as the admiral lashed out at the president on CNN after Trump dismissed him as a "Hillary Clinton backer."

"I did not back Hillary Clinton or anyone else," said McRaven, who has been a fierce critic of the president. "I am a fan of President Obama and President George W. Bush, both of whom I worked for. I admire all presidents, regardless of their political party, who uphold the dignity of the office and who use that office to bring the nation together in challenging times."

Trump downplayed McRaven's significance during an interview on Fox News. When Fox’s Chris Wallace tried to point out McRaven’s credentials, including commanding “the operations that took down Saddam Hussein and that killed Osama bin Laden,” Trump brushed off the accomplishments, saying "OK, he's a Hilary Clinton backer and an Obama-backer, and frankly ... wouldn't it have been nice if we got Osama bin Laden a lot sooner than that?”

McRaven told CNN in response that he stands by “my comment that the president's attack on the media is the greatest threat to our democracy in my lifetime. When you undermine the people's right to a free press and freedom of speech and expression, then you threaten the Constitution and all for which it stands."

Read Newsmax: Retired Adm. William McRaven Lashes Out at Trump | Newsmax.com
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Trump blasts retired Navy SEAL, saying he should've caught bin Laden sooner

What a POS this man is...the orange coward attacks anyone who disagrees with his lying ass....
Why can’t a person criticize a four star general?
Why can’t a person criticize a person who uld criticized a four-star general?

So, let's see...you certainly don't have a problem criticizing a President, his wife, his kids...but criticizing a four-star general is off limits?
Some has been general trash talks president Trump and Trump bitch slaps him. Next liberal faux rage.

Amazing how you sheep love the military till one of them says something 'bad" about your savior in the White House and then they are not worth pissing on if they are on fire.
Some has been general trash talks president Trump and Trump bitch slaps him. Next liberal faux rage.

Amazing how you sheep love the military till one of them says something 'bad" about your savior in the White House and then they are not worth pissing on if they are on fire.

I am the military.
Rump is spending just like every other Prog.
Any questions?

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