POS trump criticizes Four Star General who captured Bin Laden

Where is the sympathy on the left for General Flynn who might face prison time for "lying to the FBI"? What happens when the FBI lies to us? Flynn lost his home and his savings fighting a trivial charge that some Agents claim he isn't guilty of. He was coerced into entering a plea to avoid prison when he ran out of money and now a federal judge might put him in the slams anyway. Meanwhile the left is hysterical about a retired Admiral (not a General) who was mildly criticized by the President.
The following from the article.
Wouldn’t it have been nice if we got Osama Bin Laden a lot sooner than that. Wouldn’t it have been nice?"
living in Pakistan right next to the military academy, everybody in Pakistan knew he was there. And we give Pakistan $1.3 billion a year and they don’t tell him, they don’t tell him ... for years.
Wallace asked if Trump would give McRaven's team credit for "taking down bin Laden."

"They took him down but — look, look, there’s news right there, he lived in Pakistan, we’re supporting Pakistan, we’re giving them $1.3 billion a year,
There was this comment from Mcraven that kicked the whole thing off.
Trump's attacks on the press are "the greatest threat to our democracy in my lifetime."
I respect Mcraven and his long service to the country he has every right to criticize the president if he wishes and the President has ever right to respond in kind if he chooses that is what freedom of speech and expression is all about. No one is immune from criticism not the President of the United States Nor a decorated Navy Seal.
Yeah, what was Trump doing during the years leading up to 9/11? Fighting his war against STDs, going into bankruptcy 4 times, and running to Russian oligarchs for financing because the friggin deadbeat could not get a loan in the US.

Trump isn't fit to wipe McRaven's ass.

And sadly, bush, clinton, and obama aren't even worthy of trumps used toilet paper.

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