Pope suggests Catholic Church could bless same-sex couples

This "promise" has been around for quite a while. The "catch" is that they have to promise to be celibate.

Why are Lefties so naive when hearing what Pope Frank has to say? There has no change in Church doctrine. Homosexual sodomy is a serious sin. Always has been. Always will be.

What don't you get?
If you believe the spin from the two liberal babes who wrote the article you might lean towards something the Church considers a "blessing" but on the other hand he made it clear that the Church will not bless or recognize same sex unions.
I've seen enough from the Left wing Pope to know otherwise.
And look where that has led us. To a world where doctors butcher children in the name of “gender affirming care”, which of course is a total lie since you can’t change genders.

Jesus said those that harm children would be better with a millstone around their necks and thrown into the sea. Perhaps it’s time we upheld God’s expectations.
Yes you strike me as a witch burnerr. Sad.
This "promise" has been around for quite a while. The "catch" is that they have to promise to be celibate.

Why are Lefties so naive when hearing what Pope Frank has to say? There has no change in Church doctrine. Homosexual sodomy is a serious sin. Always has been. Always will be.

What don't you get?
Its a stepping stone. The church is moving to a more civilised position. Be happy.

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