Pope Repeats that Same-Sex 'Marriage' is "Anthropological Regression"


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Holy Father made comments in a private conversation, says Maltese bishop.

by Edward Pentin Friday, January 03, 2014

Pope Francis delivering a homily this morning on the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus at the Gesu church in Rome, 3 Jan. 2013.

In a recent private conversation, Pope Francis has reiterated his view that same-sex 'marriage' is an “anthropological regression”.

Read more: Pope Repeats that Same-Sex 'Marriage' is "Anthropological Regression" |Blogs | NCRegister.com
Holy Father made comments in a private conversation, says Maltese bishop.

In a recent private conversation, Pope Francis has reiterated his view that same-sex 'marriage' is an “anthropological regression”.

Why do you post some report hoping to get heightened reactions, but do not even bother to offer up your own opinion on this, or have some point to make?

This pope has his own sacred beliefs which I am guessing are too deep for you to understand. That may include that open promotion of gay marriage and gay living as being as ok as apple pie. But this pope also has been very sympathetic or apologetic towards those involved in homosexual affairs as well. Did he not say “Who am I to judge?” Not good enough for you?

Well he also said this in November, only to have been made public this week. It may not give to you all that you demand from him, but I think this pope is a blessing to all. It might behoove you to look a little further below the surface to understand God’s world.

Pope calls for new approach to kids of gay, divorced parents

Jan. 3, 2014. By Becky Bratu, Staff Writer, NBC News

Pope Francis called for a reassessment of the way the Catholic Church deals with the children of gay couples and divorced parents, saying that an effort should be made to not push them away from the church.

"On an educational level, gay unions raise challenges for us today, which for us are sometimes difficult to understand," Francis said in an address to the Catholic Union of Superiors General in November, according to Agence France-Presse.

Fragments of his speech were published on Italian websites Saturday.

Francis acknowledged that a growing number of kids today have divorced parents, while others are part of non-traditional families.

"I remember a case in which a sad little girl confessed to her teacher: 'my mother's girlfriend doesn't love me'," he was quoted as saying, according to AFP.

Due to the Church's opposition to homosexuality, same-sex marriage and divorce, these children may feel unwelcome, the pontiff -- who has garnered a reputation for his efforts toward greater inclusion -- indicated.

"We must be careful not to administer a vaccine against faith to them," Francis
Regression? Because gay marriage and/or homosexuality is a new thing? Mmkay.

"Evidence of gay relationships exists as early as 2400 B.C."
Evidence of gay relationships exists as early as 2400 B.C.

"Gay people can be found throughout recorded history, and the stereotypes about them may have been around just as long, Egyptologist Greg Reeder said in a speech in Dallas this weekend.
His proof: the tomb of Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep. The two men were royal court manicurists who lived about 2400 B.C. in the ancient Egyptian city of Saqqara and were buried together much like a married couple."
The fact that I posted this is a reflection of my own opinions.

As to this being "too deep" for me to understand, please expand - if you can. I have frequently stated that I believe homosexuality to be against the Laws of Nature and the laws of most religious beliefs.

The article is simply meant to bring to light the pope's beliefs which certain progressive elements of the Catholic church are trying to redirect for their own goals.

All Francis is saying is that, as Christians, we should love everyone, regardless of their beliefs. Atheists. Muslims. LGTBs. Everyone.

Now, I just wish I had the same tolerance and caring as he does.
The fact that I posted this is a reflection of my own opinions.

As to this being "too deep" for me to understand, please expand - if you can. I have frequently stated that I believe homosexuality to be against the Laws of Nature and the laws of most religious beliefs.

The article is simply meant to bring to light the pope's beliefs which certain progressive elements of the Catholic church are trying to redirect for their own goals.

All Francis is saying is that, as Christians, we should love everyone, regardless of their beliefs. Atheists. Muslims. LGTBs. Everyone.

Now, I just wish I had the same tolerance and caring as he does.

Ok thanks, my mistake. But not all of us reading are regulars here, nor do we know your own personal positions on moral matters.

But just from reading your top post, I do not get that you agree with the pope, nor do the headlines "Pope Repeats that Same-Sex 'Marriage' is Anthropological Regression" suggest what you have just said, (i.e. “All Francis is saying is that, as Christians, we should love everyone, regardless of their beliefs. Atheists. Muslims. LGTBs. Everyone.”)

It seems to say that there is a deviance about homosexuality regardless if the person is to blame or not. That is not the same as other comments of his such as the one I noted “Who am I to judge?” and others.

So I guess you and I are a lot in agreement after my understanding you better. Good.

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