Pope Francis declares evolution and Big Bang theory are right.

Pope Francis and Evolution.jpg
Pope Francis declares evolution and Big Bang theory are right and God isn't 'a magician with a magic wand'

Pope Francis declares evolution and Big Bang theory are right and God isn t a magician with a magic wand - Europe - World - The Independent

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Pope Francis is a breath of fresh air.

“When we read about Creation in Genesis, we run the risk of imagining God was a magician, with a magic wand able to do everything. But that is not so,” Francis said.
Old news. This Pope is just reaffirming the confirmation of Pope Pius XII.

Early contributions to the development of evolutionary theory were made by Catholic scientists such as Jean-Baptiste Lamarck and the Augustinian monk Gregor Mendel.

For nearly a century, the papacy offered no authoritative pronouncement on Darwin's theories.

In the 1950 encyclical Humani generis, Pope Pius XII confirmed that there is no intrinsic conflict between Christianity and the theory of evolution, provided that Christians believe that the individual soul is a direct creation by God and not the product of purely material forces.

Today, the Church supports theistic evolution(ism), also known as evolutionary creation, although Catholics are free not to believe in any part of evolutionary theory.

Catholic Church and evolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Who cares what he says? He is not a Christian, he's a satanist Jessuit who has a bench warrant for his arrest for the paedophile rape of two girls in Argentina - now women who are demanding for his arrest! The man is a criminal and half of Europe must know it by now! You must be kidding! As if this man had a shred of credibility left! Not on your life! He gives new meaning to the term "FALSE PROPHET"!

The Roman Catholic Church is Declared a Transnational Criminal Organization Scanned Retina Resource

By these remarks and policies, Bergoglio has not only ordered his followers to break the law but to commit treason in their own countries by violating child protection laws and undermining police agencies. The Pope, in short, is not simply facilitating international child abuse and human trafficking, but is heading a criminal conspiracy against the sovereignty of other states and the law of nations.

Under international law, such actions amount to an act of war; and those responsible are justifiably declared to be an enemy of peace-loving humanity.
Let it be known to the world, therefore, that Jorge Bergoglio, the head of the Church of Rome, is indeed such an enemy of humanity. Accordingly, on Thursday, August 1, 2013, a Bench Warrant Order was issued by the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels for the immediate arrest and trial of Jorge Bergoglio for these crimes.
They still to this date have yet to be able to arrest him as he hides behind the Vatican for cover!
One thing you can say for the RCC, they learned their lesson after Galileo. The person who came up with the BBT was a RC priest and they haven't said that Genesis was word-for-word true at least as long as I've been alive.
Quoting a Jessuit Satanist now, Guno? I believe the Jews had your number. You could not be Jewish. Do you realize who it is your quoting? That he has a bench warrant out for his arrest for the paedophile rape of two girls in Argentina now grown women - who are demanding his arrest - while others have filed charges also? Oh yes. Here's "your pope"... A friend of the Jews? I think not. A Jew? Definitely not.

read up.
The Roman Catholic Church is Declared a Transnational Criminal Organization Scanned Retina Resource
By these remarks and policies, Bergoglio has not only ordered his followers to break the law but to commit treason in their own countries by violating child protection laws and undermining police agencies. The Pope, in short, is not simply facilitating international child abuse and human trafficking, but is heading a criminal conspiracy against the sovereignty of other states and the law of nations.

Under international law, such actions amount to an act of war; and those responsible are justifiably declared to be an enemy of peace-loving humanity.
Let it be known to the world, therefore, that Jorge Bergoglio, the head of the Church of Rome, is indeed such an enemy of humanity. Accordingly, on Thursday, August 1, 2013, a Bench Warrant Order was issued by the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels for the immediate arrest and trial of Jorge Bergoglio for these crimes.
click link for big story - to cont' reading
One thing you can say for the RCC, they learned their lesson after Galileo. The person who came up with the BBT was a RC priest and they haven't said that Genesis was word-for-word true at least as long as I've been alive.

People just don't get the story of Galileo. The Church had no problem with Galileo's theory. The problem was that while admitting it was just a theory (not proven), Galileo wanted the Church to change original Biblical texts so that Bible reflected his theory. The Church said, "No, we're not changing the Bible." And the Church never did.

It appears that once it was proven (after Galileo's death) that the earth did orbit the sun, everyone seemed to forget the actual argument was over the Church changing Biblical texts to reflect Galileo's theory. What say you? Should the Church switch Biblical verses so that the Bible is in accord with Galileo's theory--or, should the Bible remain as originally written?

By the way, in 1950 Pope Pius XII, announced that the theory of evolution was not in opposition to the creation story. Pope Francis is just reiterating what the Catholic position has been for the past 65 years.
No Catholics are Christians according to you so what church do you go to anyway that you think you can tell who is a Christian and who is not?
One thing you can say for the RCC, they learned their lesson after Galileo. The person who came up with the BBT was a RC priest and they haven't said that Genesis was word-for-word true at least as long as I've been alive.

No they didn't! They told Galileo that all people must go through their religion as a mediator to have a relationship with God. They still insist this lie is true to this very day. What do you think this son of hell - Pope Francis is trying to do right now through his interfaith mafioso plot? He wants to unite a one world religion in which he is King. He's on the fast track to hell and trying to take everyone with him. If you want a relationship with Jesus Christ leave Catholicism - buy a bible and read it until you are saved. Let the Holy Spirit be your teacher - He needs no help and He never gets it wrong! Why? Because He is God! Jesus Christ does not need a Vicar and never asked for one - nor has Jesus Christ EVER appointed one - Pope Francis is a son of hell deceiving the people. Do not listen to a word coming out of that wolf's mouth! If your involved with the Roman Catholic Church? Get out of there fast!!!!!!!!!
a bench warrant for his arrest for the paedophile rape of two girls in Argentina - now women who are demanding for his arrest!

Jeri, give objective credible evidence or report yourself to the mods for being very, very foolish.
Below find the craziness of Jeri's source, scannedretina.com and Arnie Rosner.

The fact remains that every piece of legislation since 1862 is null and void. That even the very structure of the government in which the American people have come to believe is also a lie. This includes the executive branch, the judicial branch and yes…especially the legislative branch.
One thing you can say for the RCC, they learned their lesson after Galileo. The person who came up with the BBT was a RC priest and they haven't said that Genesis was word-for-word true at least as long as I've been alive.

People just don't get the story of Galileo. The Church had no problem with Galileo's theory. The problem was that while admitting it was just a theory (not proven), Galileo wanted the Church to change original Biblical texts so that Bible reflected his theory. The Church said, "No, we're not changing the Bible." And the Church never did.

It appears that once it was proven (after Galileo's death) that the earth did orbit the sun, everyone seemed to forget the actual argument was over the Church changing Biblical texts to reflect Galileo's theory. What say you? Should the Church switch Biblical verses so that the Bible is in accord with Galileo's theory--or, should the Bible remain as originally written?

Scripture doesn't need to changed. Genesis is acknowledged as an allegory, just as the parables of Christ aren't to be taken literally, but as moral lessons.
One thing you can say for the RCC, they learned their lesson after Galileo. The person who came up with the BBT was a RC priest and they haven't said that Genesis was word-for-word true at least as long as I've been alive.

No they didn't! They told Galileo that all people must go through their religion as a mediator to have a relationship with God. They still insist this lie is true to this very day. What do you think this son of hell - Pope Francis is trying to do right now through his interfaith mafioso plot? He wants to unite a one world religion in which he is King. He's on the fast track to hell and trying to take everyone with him. If you want a relationship with Jesus Christ leave Catholicism - buy a bible and read it until you are saved. Let the Holy Spirit be your teacher - He needs no help and He never gets it wrong! Why? Because He is God! Jesus Christ does not need a Vicar and never asked for one - nor has Jesus Christ EVER appointed one - Pope Francis is a son of hell deceiving the people. Do not listen to a word coming out of that wolf's mouth! If your involved with the Roman Catholic Church? Get out of there fast!!!!!!!!!

You're an agent of the anti-Christ. Repent before it's too late. The Bible clearly makes Peter the head of Christ's Church. I'll pray for your soul. :eusa_pray:

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