Poll to condemn or condone "the violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"

Do you support the "violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"?

  • I'm a GOP voter and NO I do NOT support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 35 33.3%
  • I'm a GOP voter and YES I do support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 11 10.5%
  • I'm a democrat and I condemn the 1/6 attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 37 35.2%

  • Total voters
I didn't see any video of the police letting protesters into the capital building. I see lots of videos of them busting through windows.
You see what you want to see. I posted 2 articles telling how Capitol Officers aided and abetted the rioters, how 5 have been fired for doing so and approx 30 are still under investigation for doing so.

Come back and talk to me when you have seen the videos and acknowledge these happened. Until then you have an uneducated opinion & are not qualified to intelligently discuss this.
I simply said I haven't seen any videos showing cops opening the doors into the capital and you haven't provided them. I see doors opening, I don't see cops.

Also, if some were helping the insurrectionists then they probably are on their side.

That doesn't change the fact that there are many videos showing them breaking in and others beating up cops.
Crimes were committed on 1/6.
There was no 'Insurrection'.
The ide of an 'Insurrection' is a political false narrative.
Sure, when you're attempting to down play it.

Truth be told the insurrectionists were violently trying to stop the peaceful transfer of power.
Again, you are trying to claim unarmed citizens who walked through Capitol doors being held open by Capitol Police, who wandered around, took selfies, and some who stole souvenirs 'Insurrectionists'.

Insurrection (Cambridge):
"An organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government and take control"

Despite the FBI warning the capitol police and Pelosi of pending violence, the bipartisan committee's report stated the violence began spontaneously, that people who entered the Capitol were not part of a pre-coordinated group that had planned to storm the Capitol.

The individuals were unarmed, took selfies, and stole souvenirs - hardly the actions of people who wanted to 'defeat their government'. Even Pelosi called them rioters who wanted to derail the certification of the election, not 'insurrectionists who wanted to defeat their govt'.

Democrats who forged the political false narrative of an 'Insurrection' and the snowflakes who parrot it are desperate to manufacture 1/6 into a 'weapon' with which to attack Conservatives, Trump, and Trump supporters.

The narrative itself is something an immature drama queen might come up with, as only snowflakes would believe Trump supporters would attempt to 'overthow the govt' through an unarmed raid on the capitol in which they take selfies and steal souvenirs.


In order to forge this false narrative Democrats and snowflakes are forced to bastardize / remake the meaning of the word 'insurrection' in the same way they have attempted to change the meaning of the word 'infrastructure'.


Yeah, putz, here they are, taking selfies and being let in by police...

Crimes were committed on 1/6.
There was no 'Insurrection'.
The ide of an 'Insurrection' is a political false narrative.
Sure, when you're attempting to down play it.

Truth be told the insurrectionists were violently trying to stop the peaceful transfer of power.
Again, you are trying to claim unarmed citizens who walked through Capitol doors being held open by Capitol Police, who wandered around, took selfies, and some who stole souvenirs 'Insurrectionists'.

Insurrection (Cambridge):
"An organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government and take control"

Despite the FBI warning the capitol police and Pelosi of pending violence, the bipartisan committee's report stated the violence began spontaneously, that people who entered the Capitol were not part of a pre-coordinated group that had planned to storm the Capitol.

The individuals were unarmed, took selfies, and stole souvenirs - hardly the actions of people who wanted to 'defeat their government'. Even Pelosi called them rioters who wanted to derail the certification of the election, not 'insurrectionists who wanted to defeat their govt'.

Democrats who forged the political false narrative of an 'Insurrection' and the snowflakes who parrot it are desperate to manufacture 1/6 into a 'weapon' with which to attack Conservatives, Trump, and Trump supporters.

The narrative itself is something an immature drama queen might come up with, as only snowflakes would believe Trump supporters would attempt to 'overthow the govt' through an unarmed raid on the capitol in which they take selfies and steal souvenirs.


In order to forge this false narrative Democrats and snowflakes are forced to bastardize / remake the meaning of the word 'insurrection' in the same way they have attempted to change the meaning of the word 'infrastructure'.


Yeah, putz, here they are, taking selfies and being let in by police...

I was going to post a video but was being lazy, thank you!

Poster you can keep whipping that RWNJ trope that all of the invaders were unarmed and merely tourist with a scant few lifting a souvenir or two.
It is silly.
Most everyone reading your diatribes realize it is silly partisan nonsense.
Amusing description of how I have posted facts and links to support what I have said, in response to snowflakes and others who continue to offer their proven uneducated opinions supported / substantiated by nothing.

'Tourists'? Hardly. These people were strong conservatives and Trump supporters. They allowed themselves to be 1) manipulated / incited into a mob mentality and 2) tricked, as Joy stated, by Capitol Police into entering the capitol, as Capitol police held the door open for some. Others did break windows and enter that way. None of these facts makes them 'innocent tourists'. It makes them trespassers, some guilty of breaking and entering, guilty of damaging government property, guilty of endangering lives, and every other crime that could be brought against them They broke the law, and they should be punished.

What is silly is calling a group of rioters who entered the Capitol, took selfies, and stole souvenirs 'Insurrectionists'.

Please tell me you do not think you believe unarmed, selfie-taking, souvenir-stealing strangers who did not know each other, many of whom were invited into the Capitol by the very Police who were supposed to be preventing the breech and protecting people planned on and were capable of overthrowing the entire United States government.

:auiqs.jpg: :itsok:

Even Joe Biden made it known that to do so would take an extremely powerful, well-armed military might.....
I simply said I haven't seen any videos showing cops opening the doors into the capital and you haven't provided them.
I have already given you both more than you had and more than you need to do your own investigating / digging to find the videos yourself. Be responsible for your own education - stop wanting others to spoon-feed you information for you to parrot. Get off your ass and educate yourself.
I simply said I haven't seen any videos showing cops opening the doors into the capital and you haven't provided them.
I have already given you both more than you had and more than you need to do your own investigating / digging to find the videos yourself. Be responsible for your own education - stop wanting others to spoon-feed you information for you to parrot. Get off your ass and educate yourself.
The videos I would have provided (and were provided by others) are well known.

The videos you showed allegedly showing cops opening doors was just doors opening I didn't see any cops actually opening them unless I missed the video. I'm not discounting that never happened I just haven't seen it. It doesn't change anything though because of all those other videos with the violence and stuff.

Poster you can keep whipping that RWNJ trope that all of the invaders were unarmed and merely tourist with a scant few lifting a souvenir or two.
It is silly.
Most everyone reading your diatribes realize it is silly partisan nonsense.
Amusing description of how I have posted facts and links to support what I have said, in response to snowflakes and others who continue to offer their proven uneducated opinions supported / substantiated by nothing.

'Tourists'? Hardly. These people were strong conservatives and Trump supporters. They allowed themselves to be 1) manipulated / incited into a mob mentality and 2) tricked, as Joy stated, by Capitol Police into entering the capitol, as Capitol police held the door open for some. Others did break windows and enter that way. None of these facts makes them 'innocent tourists'. It makes them trespassers, some guilty of breaking and entering, guilty of damaging government property, guilty of endangering lives, and every other crime that could be brought against them They broke the law, and they should be punished.

What is silly is calling a group of rioters who entered the Capitol, took selfies, and stole souvenirs 'Insurrectionists'.

Please tell me you do not think you believe unarmed, selfie-taking, souvenir-stealing strangers who did not know each other, many of whom were invited into the Capitol by the very Police who were supposed to be preventing the breech and protecting people planned on and were capable of overthrowing the entire United States government.

:auiqs.jpg: :itsok:

Even Joe Biden made it known that to do so would take an extremely powerful, well-armed military might.....
You're truly fucked in the head con. No one tricked them into storming the Capitol.
"No one tricked them into storming the Capitol."

I disagree only in detail with poster Faun's post above.
Some WERE fooled, foolishly fooled. Some normal solid good hearted but delusional GOP people who did come to the Ellipse and many marched in solidarity towards the Capitol. Some of them foolishly entered the Capitol because the mob ahead of them did.
If their mugs are caught on camera they will pay some price for their temporary loss of senses.


For many others, going to the Capitol to disrupt the transfer of power was what they had communicated with each other about, and made plans for tactical operations to effect (see Oathkeepers, Proud Boys, Three Percenters, etc).
They were NOT tricked. Not fooled. They were 'Believers'.
They were True Believers in the infallibility of Don Trump, and Rudy G., and Roger Stone, et al.

Those folks were not 'tricked' January 6th.
Don Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Trump Jr., Diamond & Silk, Roger Stone, Mo Brooks, Madison Cawthorn .......all stood on that stage on the Ellipse and urged action to stop the steal. And they said ...march to the Capitol, combat by arms, strength, yadda, yadda, yadda.

Notably, we all remember it was Don Trump in late December who urged his 75 million Twitter followers to Stop the Steal.....and come to DC on the 6th as "it will be wild".
"No one tricked them into storming the Capitol."

I disagree only in detail with poster Faun's post above.
Some WERE fooled, foolishly fooled. Some normal solid good hearted but delusional GOP people who did come to the Ellipse and many marched in solidarity towards the Capitol. Some of them foolishly entered the Capitol because the mob ahead of them did.
If their mugs are caught on camera they will pay some price for their temporary loss of senses.


For many others, going to the Capitol to disrupt the transfer of power was what they had communicated with each other about, and made plans for tactical operations to effect (see Oathkeepers, Proud Boys, Three Percenters, etc).
They were NOT tricked. Not fooled. They were 'Believers'.
They were True Believers in the infallibility of Don Trump, and Rudy G., and Roger Stone, et al.

Those folks were not 'tricked' January 6th.
Don Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Trump Jr., Diamond & Silk, Roger Stone, Mo Brooks, Madison Cawthorn .......all stood on that stage on the Ellipse and urged action to stop the steal. And they said ...march to the Capitol, combat by arms, strength, yadda, yadda, yadda.

Notably, we all remember it was Don Trump in late December who urged his 75 million Twitter followers to Stop the Steal.....and come to DC on the 6th as "it will be wild".
To clarify, when I said no one was tricked, that was in response to an imbecile claiming they were "tricked by Capitol police" into the building.

As I pointed out numerous times & has been confirmed once again:

The FBI knew in advance that there would be potential violence - they notified the Capitol Police & Pelosi

Trump DID suggest having a national guard presence, but the Sergeants-at-Arms for both the House & Senate rejected the idea based on 'Optics' - Pelosi & the DC MAYOR agreed.
- After the violence on 1/6 both Sergeantz-At-Arms were fired.

Despite knowing about the pending violence the FBI did next to nothing to prevent / prepare for the event. Instead they attempted to recruit former SpecOps members to infiltrate Conservative groups. Some of these infiltrators have been accused of helping initiate violence on 1/6.
- The night before / tge eve of 1/6 it was reported the FBI did a sweep of the area & removed several weapons caches and firebombs that had been pre-positioned...interestingly enough what has been seen before every Antifa/BLM violent event.

Most of what is being reported is not new, but media is just starting to report it....you can bet the fake news media will refuse to report it.

Again, the bipartisan commission's report on their I vestigation cited the Capitol Police as being responsible for the 1/6 breech if the Capiol.

5 Capitol Policemen have been fired for aiding the rioters on 1/6, and approx 35 are still being investigated.

The Sgts-at-Arms for the House & Senate hVe been fired after decades of service....

And Pelosi wants to run her own rigged investigation IOT revise history...

This was all a set-up to
- Lay the foundation for Pelosi's 2nd failed Impeachment attempt, which got exposed as being more bogus than the 1st

- Kill Trump's 2024 Presidential Election chances

- Demonize Trump supporters and conservatives

If Pelosi doesn't get to try to revise history o. This one, the bipartisan commission's report and more truth / evidence bound to come out will blow this whole thing up in the Democrats' / Pelosi's face!

(And the sane Democrats who never can debunk what is being reported - like this time - and can only try to laughably discredit the source can spare us the worn-out pathetic tactic o ce again.)
"Sullivan is a lefty."
Well, poster Correll, you can flog that mule all day.....but he ain't pullin' your plow.

Sullivan....and his brother......are 'demonstraton' gadflies, and as we saw in the Capitol videos, instigators of violence if it suits their purpose.

They hold themselves out as 'entrepreneurial journalists' whereby they attend or participate in potential conflict-situations between opposing parties.


He is a self identified waciam justice what have you. That makes him a lefty.

Your denial of this is retarded. Consider it dismissed.

My point stands. Their was at least one lefty infiltrator agitating for more violence and aggression. THus, anyone who tries to dismiss teh possibility of this as a conspiracy theory is flat out wrong.
Insurrection is defined by the goal of the actors.
Trying to alter the results of an election through physical disruption of the democratic process is an insurrection.

Please tell us, oh TDS-suffering, irrational hate-driven, Marxist Socialist talking points parroter, how unarmed, selfie-taking trespassers were going to alter the 2020 election?

Now compare that incident to the Democrat/foreign-supported domestic terrorists whose violent 'insurrection' caused the President and his family to be rushed to the WH bunker while agents from the FBI, DHS, & Secret Service along with the Capitol and Local Police were forced to engage and push back the violent terrorists, resulting in 14 Secret Service members being injured, the DC mayor ordering new security fencing be installed, the clearing of the park by police IOT put up that fencing, and another Debunked LIE / 'Conspiracy Theory' about Trump having something to d with the clearing of the park.

In the end, this is just another one of MANY incidents in which Democrats accuse others of doing what they have already done and of being who they are.
the reason Trump went to hide in his bunker last summer and setup barriers around whitehouse is that he wanted to shoot protesters, even the peaceful ones


The vast majority of republicans have voted to condemn the 1/6 rioters.

Your talk of "soft" is just you lying. Like the liberal you are.
whats the point of condemning them?
what really matters is a commission to investigate it.
two republicans voted for investigation.

The point is that people like you have been trying to smear all republicans with the actions of a tiny group.

That is people like you, using the 1/6 riot to divide this nation in order for partisan advantage.

YOu know that. THat is why you are doing it.
That's what y'all do. You did (and still do it) it with followers of Islam. Y'all do it with BLM.

just more Republican projection...

Did you forget that I was the republican that made a big deal about Trump increasing his black male vote?

Almost like I can distinguish between sub groups based on their behavior.

My point stands.

The point is that people like you have been trying to smear all republicans with the actions of a tiny group.

That is people like you, using the 1/6 riot to divide this nation in order for partisan advantage.

YOu know that. THat is why you are doing it.
Not even close. Nobody is asking for all Republicans to be thrown in jail, just the rioters. Nobody is trying to ban Republicans from entering the country like Trump tried to ban Muslims.

The only people I see “using” the riot are Trump wannabes. They are using it to make money.

Bullshit. The riot is being used to smear republicans and Trump supporters as a group. Hell, the meme right above does that. You posted in this thread, but didn't say anything about it. Do you support that behavior, or are you just remaining quite while other more partisan lefties do it?
Saying that the rioters/terrorists on January 6 were all Republican is a true statement. Saying that all Republicans are rioters and terrorists is not a true statement.

It is similar to the statement that not all Republicans are racist but most racist are Republicans.

1. Note that you had to quality "all rioters". How ironic. ANd you can't see it even now can you?

2. We have one admitted antifa guy who was there agitating. It is a plausible theory.

3. Your wace baiting is just you being an asshole.
1. My apologies. Let me rephrase. Not all Trumpsters rioted, but most of the rioters were Trumpsters.

2. Did you link to this alleged "antifa guy"? Who is this alleged individual?

3. Pointing out the undeniable fact that you are a racist isn't baiting, it's stating facts.

1. Plenty of rioters that are not trump supporters. Indeed, the vast majority are leftards.


"Sullivan, who has at turns identified himself as a racial justice protester and leftist documentarian,"

3. Your wace baiting is just you being an asshole.
1. Not on January 6th. That day it was all Trump supporters.

2. Fact Check: Was a member of Antifa arrested in the Capitol riot?

The Ruling​

None of the 230 people arrested for alleged participation in the Capitol attacks were linked to any left-wing movement. There is no evidence that Sullivan was a member of Antifa, Black Lives Matter or any other left-leaning group, especially a "leader" of Antifa.​

3. Just stating the fact that you are a racist. Facts are facts and not baiting. You believe yourself to be better and smarter than people with more melanin than you. (SPOILER ALERT...you aren't)

1. YOu assume.

2. Sorry. He self identifies as a "wacial justice" what have you. THat makes him yours.

3. Better? I never said better. That was the voices in your head, mr wacistbaiter.
1. We conclude based on ALL the evidence.
2. Not ANTIFA, not BLM, not the FBI. It was all Trumpsters
3. You believe you are more intelligent based on the color of your skin. You're not.

1. We have one proven example of a lefty infiltrator. That disproves your claim of "all" and raises the possibility of more.

2. You admitted that the iq gap is real. Now you are talking shit.
1. I debunked your "proven lefty"
2. I provided evidence that the ID gap doe as not mean whites are more intelligent than blacks as racists believe (and you, apparently...guess that makes you racist)

1. No, you didn't. He is a self identified "wacial justice" type. That makes him yours.

2. No, you argued for environmental causes. That does not negate the gap, it is just an attempt to explain it away. The gap is still there. your confusing on this is kind of sad.
1. Sorry, Trumpster, the January 6th riot is all on Trump cultists.

2. What is sad is your need to feel superior to people of color. (You aren’t superior in any way, shape or form) What you are is straight up racist.

1. That you would like about sullivan demonstrates that you and people like you, could be lying about others.

2. I've never claimed to be superior. That was something you made up in your head.
1. The scores of Trump supporters that have been arrested paint a different story. The riot on January 6 was Trump supporters.

2. That’s good because you aren’t. You aren’t more intelligent or superior in any way, shape or form.

1. You said all. Now you seem to be arguing majority. Are you walking it back? Sullivan is a lefty.

2. You missed my point on purpose in order to make a personal attack. That was you losing. My point stands. I don't judge personal worth by intelligence. That being said, ignoring the reality of the iq gap sets us up for failure.
1. Nope, not walking anything back. January 6th was a riot of Trump supporters, period.

2. Saying that you aren't superior to black and brown skinned people is only a personal attack if you're a racist piece of shit that actually feels they are superior in some way. (You are not)

1. Except for the self identified wacial justice "reporter", Sullivan. So, your statement is wrong. Why do you stand by a point you know has been debunked? Do you like looking like a liar?

2. ONly a liar would pretend that calling someone wacist in our society isn't a personal insult. YOu are being an asshole.

3. My point stands. you assumed shit that I never said, and you were an asshole based on your assumptions.

4. The education and IQ gaps are still real. That you want to have a fit about causes, is irrelevant.
1. Sorry, Trumpster, the January 6th riot is all on Trump cultists.

Again, the bipartisan committee and their investigation report say YOU ARE A LIAR.

I will believe the findings of this bipartisan committee over the BUTT-HURT FEELINGS & OPINION of a TDS-suffering, emotional, irrational hate-driven, Trump-addicted snowflake.
No it doesn’t. We all know the riot was by Trump supporters for Trump. It wasn’t ANTIFA, BLM or the FBI. Trump supporters rioted. Trump supporters were arrested. Trump supporters will go to jail.

Why are you denying that sullivan is one of yours?
Sullivan is a grifter...which makes him more like Trump.

Sullivan is a self identified wacial justice activist. That makes him yours. Your denial is retarded.

But keeping with the incredible dishonesty that we know is part of being a liberal today.
1. Sorry, Trumpster, the January 6th riot is all on Trump cultists.

Again, the bipartisan committee and their investigation report say YOU ARE A LIAR.

I will believe the findings of this bipartisan committee over the BUTT-HURT FEELINGS & OPINION of a TDS-suffering, emotional, irrational hate-driven, Trump-addicted snowflake.
No it doesn’t. We all know the riot was by Trump supporters for Trump. It wasn’t ANTIFA, BLM or the FBI. Trump supporters rioted. Trump supporters were arrested. Trump supporters will go to jail.

Why are you denying that sullivan is one of yours?
Sullivan is a grifter...which makes him more like Trump.

Sullivan is a self identified wacial justice activist. That makes him yours. Your denial is retarded.

But keeping with the incredible dishonesty that we know is part of being a liberal today.
he was kicked out of BLM months before jan 6th

youre the liar.
I want to know why an unarmed petite woman can be shot dead, and the shooter isn't made public, not to mention stand trial for murder.

Do you think that "unarmed petite woman" was practicing her rights as an American while she was trespassing?
The answer to trespassing is a no trespass warning (less than arrest), not the death penalty.
Apparently not, she dead. Stopped everyone else in their tracks, they got the warning they needed.
Murder is an effective warning mechanism. It’s just that people who do it are not supposed to be hidden from responsibility and not law enforcement.
The murderer was likely disguised as security and was a plant to kill someone to send the message “No protesting about results of election”

Hey dumbfuck, all the protesting was to be had outside. Not a single person had a gun pointed at them...outside.

A plant? You're a plant.
Hey, this thread was very successful, 2,000 posts and climbing. Poll worked well.

I'm not happy that only 80% of Republicans condemn the capital riot. But that's a solid majority.
I didn't see a lot of condemnation from the right, I saw excuses.
That is your confirmation bias warping your perceptions. The solid majority here, condemned it. What more do you want?
To stop making excuses for it. There is another thread started where the wingnuts are praising it.

Yet, you know that they are a small minority, and yet you want to define the group by them and their actions.

Meanwhile in the real world. There was a riot. It was an isolated event, with no mainstream support.

That should be about the end of it.
Insurrection is defined by the goal of the actors.
Trying to alter the results of an election through physical disruption of the democratic process is an insurrection.

Please tell us, oh TDS-suffering, irrational hate-driven, Marxist Socialist talking points parroter, how unarmed, selfie-taking trespassers were going to alter the 2020 election?

Now compare that incident to the Democrat/foreign-supported domestic terrorists whose violent 'insurrection' caused the President and his family to be rushed to the WH bunker while agents from the FBI, DHS, & Secret Service along with the Capitol and Local Police were forced to engage and push back the violent terrorists, resulting in 14 Secret Service members being injured, the DC mayor ordering new security fencing be installed, the clearing of the park by police IOT put up that fencing, and another Debunked LIE / 'Conspiracy Theory' about Trump having something to d with the clearing of the park.

In the end, this is just another one of MANY incidents in which Democrats accuse others of doing what they have already done and of being who they are.
the reason Trump went to hide in his bunker last summer and setup barriers around whitehouse is that he wanted to shoot protesters, even the peaceful ones


The vast majority of republicans have voted to condemn the 1/6 rioters.

Your talk of "soft" is just you lying. Like the liberal you are.
whats the point of condemning them?
what really matters is a commission to investigate it.
two republicans voted for investigation.

The point is that people like you have been trying to smear all republicans with the actions of a tiny group.

That is people like you, using the 1/6 riot to divide this nation in order for partisan advantage.

YOu know that. THat is why you are doing it.
That's what y'all do. You did (and still do it) it with followers of Islam. Y'all do it with BLM.

just more Republican projection...

Did you forget that I was the republican that made a big deal about Trump increasing his black male vote?

Almost like I can distinguish between sub groups based on their behavior.

My point stands.

The point is that people like you have been trying to smear all republicans with the actions of a tiny group.

That is people like you, using the 1/6 riot to divide this nation in order for partisan advantage.

YOu know that. THat is why you are doing it.
Not even close. Nobody is asking for all Republicans to be thrown in jail, just the rioters. Nobody is trying to ban Republicans from entering the country like Trump tried to ban Muslims.

The only people I see “using” the riot are Trump wannabes. They are using it to make money.

Bullshit. The riot is being used to smear republicans and Trump supporters as a group. Hell, the meme right above does that. You posted in this thread, but didn't say anything about it. Do you support that behavior, or are you just remaining quite while other more partisan lefties do it?
Saying that the rioters/terrorists on January 6 were all Republican is a true statement. Saying that all Republicans are rioters and terrorists is not a true statement.

It is similar to the statement that not all Republicans are racist but most racist are Republicans.

1. Note that you had to quality "all rioters". How ironic. ANd you can't see it even now can you?

2. We have one admitted antifa guy who was there agitating. It is a plausible theory.

3. Your wace baiting is just you being an asshole.
1. My apologies. Let me rephrase. Not all Trumpsters rioted, but most of the rioters were Trumpsters.

2. Did you link to this alleged "antifa guy"? Who is this alleged individual?

3. Pointing out the undeniable fact that you are a racist isn't baiting, it's stating facts.

1. Plenty of rioters that are not trump supporters. Indeed, the vast majority are leftards.


"Sullivan, who has at turns identified himself as a racial justice protester and leftist documentarian,"

3. Your wace baiting is just you being an asshole.
1. Not on January 6th. That day it was all Trump supporters.

2. Fact Check: Was a member of Antifa arrested in the Capitol riot?

The Ruling​

None of the 230 people arrested for alleged participation in the Capitol attacks were linked to any left-wing movement. There is no evidence that Sullivan was a member of Antifa, Black Lives Matter or any other left-leaning group, especially a "leader" of Antifa.​

3. Just stating the fact that you are a racist. Facts are facts and not baiting. You believe yourself to be better and smarter than people with more melanin than you. (SPOILER ALERT...you aren't)

1. YOu assume.

2. Sorry. He self identifies as a "wacial justice" what have you. THat makes him yours.

3. Better? I never said better. That was the voices in your head, mr wacistbaiter.
1. We conclude based on ALL the evidence.
2. Not ANTIFA, not BLM, not the FBI. It was all Trumpsters
3. You believe you are more intelligent based on the color of your skin. You're not.

1. We have one proven example of a lefty infiltrator. That disproves your claim of "all" and raises the possibility of more.

2. You admitted that the iq gap is real. Now you are talking shit.
1. I debunked your "proven lefty"
2. I provided evidence that the ID gap doe as not mean whites are more intelligent than blacks as racists believe (and you, apparently...guess that makes you racist)

1. No, you didn't. He is a self identified "wacial justice" type. That makes him yours.

2. No, you argued for environmental causes. That does not negate the gap, it is just an attempt to explain it away. The gap is still there. your confusing on this is kind of sad.
1. Sorry, Trumpster, the January 6th riot is all on Trump cultists.

2. What is sad is your need to feel superior to people of color. (You aren’t superior in any way, shape or form) What you are is straight up racist.

1. That you would like about sullivan demonstrates that you and people like you, could be lying about others.

2. I've never claimed to be superior. That was something you made up in your head.
1. The scores of Trump supporters that have been arrested paint a different story. The riot on January 6 was Trump supporters.

2. That’s good because you aren’t. You aren’t more intelligent or superior in any way, shape or form.

1. You said all. Now you seem to be arguing majority. Are you walking it back? Sullivan is a lefty.

2. You missed my point on purpose in order to make a personal attack. That was you losing. My point stands. I don't judge personal worth by intelligence. That being said, ignoring the reality of the iq gap sets us up for failure.
1. Nope, not walking anything back. January 6th was a riot of Trump supporters, period.

2. Saying that you aren't superior to black and brown skinned people is only a personal attack if you're a racist piece of shit that actually feels they are superior in some way. (You are not)

1. Except for the self identified wacial justice "reporter", Sullivan. So, your statement is wrong. Why do you stand by a point you know has been debunked? Do you like looking like a liar?

2. ONly a liar would pretend that calling someone wacist in our society isn't a personal insult. YOu are being an asshole.

3. My point stands. you assumed shit that I never said, and you were an asshole based on your assumptions.

4. The education and IQ gaps are still real. That you want to have a fit about causes, is irrelevant.
1. That’s a pretty ironic statement coming from you who completely ignores all facts and evidence in favor of your “feelings”. Sullivan is a grifter like Trump nothing more. He feeds off all chaos much like Trump.

2. I wasn’t calling you a racist in that statement. I said you aren’t superior to people of color. You seem to take that as an insult. It’s not an insult it’s a statement of fact.

3. I haven’t seen you make any points, only express your feelings.

4. The IQ gap is real but it isn’t based on intelligence. You aren’t more intelligent than people of color. I know that bothers you but it’s true nonetheless.
Insurrection is defined by the goal of the actors.
Trying to alter the results of an election through physical disruption of the democratic process is an insurrection.

Please tell us, oh TDS-suffering, irrational hate-driven, Marxist Socialist talking points parroter, how unarmed, selfie-taking trespassers were going to alter the 2020 election?

Now compare that incident to the Democrat/foreign-supported domestic terrorists whose violent 'insurrection' caused the President and his family to be rushed to the WH bunker while agents from the FBI, DHS, & Secret Service along with the Capitol and Local Police were forced to engage and push back the violent terrorists, resulting in 14 Secret Service members being injured, the DC mayor ordering new security fencing be installed, the clearing of the park by police IOT put up that fencing, and another Debunked LIE / 'Conspiracy Theory' about Trump having something to d with the clearing of the park.

In the end, this is just another one of MANY incidents in which Democrats accuse others of doing what they have already done and of being who they are.
the reason Trump went to hide in his bunker last summer and setup barriers around whitehouse is that he wanted to shoot protesters, even the peaceful ones


The vast majority of republicans have voted to condemn the 1/6 rioters.

Your talk of "soft" is just you lying. Like the liberal you are.
whats the point of condemning them?
what really matters is a commission to investigate it.
two republicans voted for investigation.

The point is that people like you have been trying to smear all republicans with the actions of a tiny group.

That is people like you, using the 1/6 riot to divide this nation in order for partisan advantage.

YOu know that. THat is why you are doing it.
That's what y'all do. You did (and still do it) it with followers of Islam. Y'all do it with BLM.

just more Republican projection...

Did you forget that I was the republican that made a big deal about Trump increasing his black male vote?

Almost like I can distinguish between sub groups based on their behavior.

My point stands.

The point is that people like you have been trying to smear all republicans with the actions of a tiny group.

That is people like you, using the 1/6 riot to divide this nation in order for partisan advantage.

YOu know that. THat is why you are doing it.
Not even close. Nobody is asking for all Republicans to be thrown in jail, just the rioters. Nobody is trying to ban Republicans from entering the country like Trump tried to ban Muslims.

The only people I see “using” the riot are Trump wannabes. They are using it to make money.

Bullshit. The riot is being used to smear republicans and Trump supporters as a group. Hell, the meme right above does that. You posted in this thread, but didn't say anything about it. Do you support that behavior, or are you just remaining quite while other more partisan lefties do it?
Saying that the rioters/terrorists on January 6 were all Republican is a true statement. Saying that all Republicans are rioters and terrorists is not a true statement.

It is similar to the statement that not all Republicans are racist but most racist are Republicans.

1. Note that you had to quality "all rioters". How ironic. ANd you can't see it even now can you?

2. We have one admitted antifa guy who was there agitating. It is a plausible theory.

3. Your wace baiting is just you being an asshole.
1. My apologies. Let me rephrase. Not all Trumpsters rioted, but most of the rioters were Trumpsters.

2. Did you link to this alleged "antifa guy"? Who is this alleged individual?

3. Pointing out the undeniable fact that you are a racist isn't baiting, it's stating facts.

1. Plenty of rioters that are not trump supporters. Indeed, the vast majority are leftards.


"Sullivan, who has at turns identified himself as a racial justice protester and leftist documentarian,"

3. Your wace baiting is just you being an asshole.
1. Not on January 6th. That day it was all Trump supporters.

2. Fact Check: Was a member of Antifa arrested in the Capitol riot?

The Ruling​

None of the 230 people arrested for alleged participation in the Capitol attacks were linked to any left-wing movement. There is no evidence that Sullivan was a member of Antifa, Black Lives Matter or any other left-leaning group, especially a "leader" of Antifa.​

3. Just stating the fact that you are a racist. Facts are facts and not baiting. You believe yourself to be better and smarter than people with more melanin than you. (SPOILER ALERT...you aren't)

1. YOu assume.

2. Sorry. He self identifies as a "wacial justice" what have you. THat makes him yours.

3. Better? I never said better. That was the voices in your head, mr wacistbaiter.
1. We conclude based on ALL the evidence.
2. Not ANTIFA, not BLM, not the FBI. It was all Trumpsters
3. You believe you are more intelligent based on the color of your skin. You're not.

1. We have one proven example of a lefty infiltrator. That disproves your claim of "all" and raises the possibility of more.

2. You admitted that the iq gap is real. Now you are talking shit.
1. I debunked your "proven lefty"
2. I provided evidence that the ID gap doe as not mean whites are more intelligent than blacks as racists believe (and you, apparently...guess that makes you racist)

1. No, you didn't. He is a self identified "wacial justice" type. That makes him yours.

2. No, you argued for environmental causes. That does not negate the gap, it is just an attempt to explain it away. The gap is still there. your confusing on this is kind of sad.
1. Sorry, Trumpster, the January 6th riot is all on Trump cultists.

2. What is sad is your need to feel superior to people of color. (You aren’t superior in any way, shape or form) What you are is straight up racist.

1. That you would like about sullivan demonstrates that you and people like you, could be lying about others.

2. I've never claimed to be superior. That was something you made up in your head.
1. The scores of Trump supporters that have been arrested paint a different story. The riot on January 6 was Trump supporters.

2. That’s good because you aren’t. You aren’t more intelligent or superior in any way, shape or form.

1. You said all. Now you seem to be arguing majority. Are you walking it back? Sullivan is a lefty.

2. You missed my point on purpose in order to make a personal attack. That was you losing. My point stands. I don't judge personal worth by intelligence. That being said, ignoring the reality of the iq gap sets us up for failure.
1. Nope, not walking anything back. January 6th was a riot of Trump supporters, period.

2. Saying that you aren't superior to black and brown skinned people is only a personal attack if you're a racist piece of shit that actually feels they are superior in some way. (You are not)

1. Except for the self identified wacial justice "reporter", Sullivan. So, your statement is wrong. Why do you stand by a point you know has been debunked? Do you like looking like a liar?

2. ONly a liar would pretend that calling someone wacist in our society isn't a personal insult. YOu are being an asshole.

3. My point stands. you assumed shit that I never said, and you were an asshole based on your assumptions.

4. The education and IQ gaps are still real. That you want to have a fit about causes, is irrelevant.
1. That’s a pretty ironic statement coming from you who completely ignores all facts and evidence in favor of your “feelings”. Sullivan is a grifter like Trump nothing more. He feeds off all chaos much like Trump.

2. I wasn’t calling you a racist in that statement. I said you aren’t superior to people of color. You seem to take that as an insult. It’s not an insult it’s a statement of fact.

3. I haven’t seen you make any points, only express your feelings.

4. The IQ gap is real but it isn’t based on intelligence. You aren’t more intelligent than people of color. I know that bothers you but it’s true nonetheless.

1. Sullivan self identifies as a wacial justice activist. That makes him one of yours.

2. I never claimed to be superior.

3. Bullshit.

4. You constantly try to make this personal. The point remains. The iq gap is real. That matters. It explains much that people like you want to blame on wacism.
Insurrection is defined by the goal of the actors.
Trying to alter the results of an election through physical disruption of the democratic process is an insurrection.

Please tell us, oh TDS-suffering, irrational hate-driven, Marxist Socialist talking points parroter, how unarmed, selfie-taking trespassers were going to alter the 2020 election?

Now compare that incident to the Democrat/foreign-supported domestic terrorists whose violent 'insurrection' caused the President and his family to be rushed to the WH bunker while agents from the FBI, DHS, & Secret Service along with the Capitol and Local Police were forced to engage and push back the violent terrorists, resulting in 14 Secret Service members being injured, the DC mayor ordering new security fencing be installed, the clearing of the park by police IOT put up that fencing, and another Debunked LIE / 'Conspiracy Theory' about Trump having something to d with the clearing of the park.

In the end, this is just another one of MANY incidents in which Democrats accuse others of doing what they have already done and of being who they are.
the reason Trump went to hide in his bunker last summer and setup barriers around whitehouse is that he wanted to shoot protesters, even the peaceful ones


The vast majority of republicans have voted to condemn the 1/6 rioters.

Your talk of "soft" is just you lying. Like the liberal you are.
whats the point of condemning them?
what really matters is a commission to investigate it.
two republicans voted for investigation.

The point is that people like you have been trying to smear all republicans with the actions of a tiny group.

That is people like you, using the 1/6 riot to divide this nation in order for partisan advantage.

YOu know that. THat is why you are doing it.
That's what y'all do. You did (and still do it) it with followers of Islam. Y'all do it with BLM.

just more Republican projection...

Did you forget that I was the republican that made a big deal about Trump increasing his black male vote?

Almost like I can distinguish between sub groups based on their behavior.

My point stands.

The point is that people like you have been trying to smear all republicans with the actions of a tiny group.

That is people like you, using the 1/6 riot to divide this nation in order for partisan advantage.

YOu know that. THat is why you are doing it.
Not even close. Nobody is asking for all Republicans to be thrown in jail, just the rioters. Nobody is trying to ban Republicans from entering the country like Trump tried to ban Muslims.

The only people I see “using” the riot are Trump wannabes. They are using it to make money.

Bullshit. The riot is being used to smear republicans and Trump supporters as a group. Hell, the meme right above does that. You posted in this thread, but didn't say anything about it. Do you support that behavior, or are you just remaining quite while other more partisan lefties do it?
Saying that the rioters/terrorists on January 6 were all Republican is a true statement. Saying that all Republicans are rioters and terrorists is not a true statement.

It is similar to the statement that not all Republicans are racist but most racist are Republicans.

1. Note that you had to quality "all rioters". How ironic. ANd you can't see it even now can you?

2. We have one admitted antifa guy who was there agitating. It is a plausible theory.

3. Your wace baiting is just you being an asshole.
1. My apologies. Let me rephrase. Not all Trumpsters rioted, but most of the rioters were Trumpsters.

2. Did you link to this alleged "antifa guy"? Who is this alleged individual?

3. Pointing out the undeniable fact that you are a racist isn't baiting, it's stating facts.

1. Plenty of rioters that are not trump supporters. Indeed, the vast majority are leftards.


"Sullivan, who has at turns identified himself as a racial justice protester and leftist documentarian,"

3. Your wace baiting is just you being an asshole.
1. Not on January 6th. That day it was all Trump supporters.

2. Fact Check: Was a member of Antifa arrested in the Capitol riot?

The Ruling​

None of the 230 people arrested for alleged participation in the Capitol attacks were linked to any left-wing movement. There is no evidence that Sullivan was a member of Antifa, Black Lives Matter or any other left-leaning group, especially a "leader" of Antifa.​

3. Just stating the fact that you are a racist. Facts are facts and not baiting. You believe yourself to be better and smarter than people with more melanin than you. (SPOILER ALERT...you aren't)

1. YOu assume.

2. Sorry. He self identifies as a "wacial justice" what have you. THat makes him yours.

3. Better? I never said better. That was the voices in your head, mr wacistbaiter.
1. We conclude based on ALL the evidence.
2. Not ANTIFA, not BLM, not the FBI. It was all Trumpsters
3. You believe you are more intelligent based on the color of your skin. You're not.

1. We have one proven example of a lefty infiltrator. That disproves your claim of "all" and raises the possibility of more.

2. You admitted that the iq gap is real. Now you are talking shit.
1. I debunked your "proven lefty"
2. I provided evidence that the ID gap doe as not mean whites are more intelligent than blacks as racists believe (and you, apparently...guess that makes you racist)

1. No, you didn't. He is a self identified "wacial justice" type. That makes him yours.

2. No, you argued for environmental causes. That does not negate the gap, it is just an attempt to explain it away. The gap is still there. your confusing on this is kind of sad.
1. Sorry, Trumpster, the January 6th riot is all on Trump cultists.

2. What is sad is your need to feel superior to people of color. (You aren’t superior in any way, shape or form) What you are is straight up racist.

1. That you would like about sullivan demonstrates that you and people like you, could be lying about others.

2. I've never claimed to be superior. That was something you made up in your head.
1. The scores of Trump supporters that have been arrested paint a different story. The riot on January 6 was Trump supporters.

2. That’s good because you aren’t. You aren’t more intelligent or superior in any way, shape or form.

1. You said all. Now you seem to be arguing majority. Are you walking it back? Sullivan is a lefty.

2. You missed my point on purpose in order to make a personal attack. That was you losing. My point stands. I don't judge personal worth by intelligence. That being said, ignoring the reality of the iq gap sets us up for failure.
1. Nope, not walking anything back. January 6th was a riot of Trump supporters, period.

2. Saying that you aren't superior to black and brown skinned people is only a personal attack if you're a racist piece of shit that actually feels they are superior in some way. (You are not)

1. Except for the self identified wacial justice "reporter", Sullivan. So, your statement is wrong. Why do you stand by a point you know has been debunked? Do you like looking like a liar?

2. ONly a liar would pretend that calling someone wacist in our society isn't a personal insult. YOu are being an asshole.

3. My point stands. you assumed shit that I never said, and you were an asshole based on your assumptions.

4. The education and IQ gaps are still real. That you want to have a fit about causes, is irrelevant.
1. That’s a pretty ironic statement coming from you who completely ignores all facts and evidence in favor of your “feelings”. Sullivan is a grifter like Trump nothing more. He feeds off all chaos much like Trump.

2. I wasn’t calling you a racist in that statement. I said you aren’t superior to people of color. You seem to take that as an insult. It’s not an insult it’s a statement of fact.

3. I haven’t seen you make any points, only express your feelings.

4. The IQ gap is real but it isn’t based on intelligence. You aren’t more intelligent than people of color. I know that bothers you but it’s true nonetheless.

1. Sullivan self identifies as a wacial justice activist. That makes him one of yours.

2. I never claimed to be superior.

3. Bullshit.

4. You constantly try to make this personal. The point remains. The iq gap is real. That matters. It explains much that people like you want to blame on wacism.
1. Sullivan shows up wherever there is conflict in order to sell footage. That makes him a grifter like Trump.

2. Good because you’re not. You’re not more intelligent either.

3. Sorry sweet cheeks that’s true shit.

4. The IQ gap is real but does not reflect decreased intelligence in black and brown people. Education is not a reflection of intelligence. You want to ascribe greater intelligence to single race. That’s junk science

Racism in education is real despite your repeated denials of facts and studies.

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