Poll: Only 49% Think Joe Biden Is Mentally Stable Enough to Be President


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
More and more people are beginning to see what a disaster biden is and how the democratic party knowingly cospired with the MSM to install someone that is mentally afflicted into the offal office.

How could even the democrats do something that is so detrimental to America?

I think they really convinced themselves that it would be alright as in as long as the party could control joe, hide him away as much as possible, trot him out for a few photo ops, never let him answer questions, and when he disobeys orders and starts to speak his own words---cut off the sound etc.etc.

They seemingly forgot what they should have known......you can fool some of the people some of the time but you cannot fool all the people; all of the time.

More and more people are beginning to see what a disaster biden is and how the democratic party knowingly cospired with the MSM to install someone that is mentally afflicted into the offal office.

How could even the democrats do something that is so detrimental to America?

I think they really convinced themselves that it would be alright as in as long as the party could control joe, hide him away as much as possible, trot him out for a few photo ops, never let him answer questions, and when he disobeys orders and starts to speak his own words---cut off the sound etc.etc.

They seemingly forgot what they should have known......you can fool some of the people some of the time but you cannot fool all the people; all of the time.

Since they poll Dumbocraps 2 to 1 Republican, then his real poll numbers are barely in the 20s....
They show some photos of him allegedly on a bicycle this past weekend. But it was a double as Joe can barely walk right and they'd never let him on a two-wheel bicycle.
johnlaw said:
LOL..Let’s take a look at the former guy:

he's not president right now....your guy is. And seeing as you put this one in office i hardly think you have the discernment to recognize the capability or otherwise of any other presidential office holder.
Neither Trump or Biden have what it takes to be president. 323M people and these 2 were the choices? Pathetic.
LOL..Let’s take a look at the former guy:

Well if you think Biden is normal.....you are an idiot............TRump was sharp.......remembered stuff, could fire questions. TOOK QUESTIONS.......Biden just drools and falls asleep.....when he is awake, he might get one good whif of female hair
Presssure needs to be brought on th
he's not president right now....your guy is. And seeing as you put this one in office i hardly think you have the discernment to recognize the capability or otherwise of any other presidential office holder.
Right on the money.....the dimocrat simpletons lack any analytical ability....simply mouthing the party line is all they are capable of.
The other 51% are liars.
That poll must not have included people who've watched over 3 of his speeches (regardless of length) or it would be higher, if valid. After viewing any 4 random tapes with Biden talking, it's a sad display of moderate to severe mental decline. Effective, high-dollar, short-acting drugs help reduce symptoms of mental decline, but cannot fully disguise it for long.

Yes, I question the truthfulness of the respondents as well, unless they've never seen Joe speak publicly and are die hard partisans regardless of specifics.

We'll have gizmos and gadgets available to the public within the near future to combat dementia (first available public options at extremely high prices for those who will be able to afford it), but the technology won't come out public in time for poor ole' Joe. IF it's true that information doubles every six months well....who knows what will be developed and released.
Well if you think Biden is normal.....you are an idiot............TRump was sharp.......remembered stuff, could fire questions. TOOK QUESTIONS.......Biden just drools and falls asleep.....when he is awake, he might get one good whif of female hair
Trump was as sharp as a thimble.
49% think Joe Potatohead is stable enough to be President???

My god that is a lot of really stupid people. No wonder the Democrats go away with stealing the election.
Neither Trump or Biden have what it takes to be president. 323M people and these 2 were the choices? Pathetic.
Trump stands head and shoulders above all our Presidents going all the way back to FDR.

Trump was a fighter, very smart, very articulate, media savvy and the White Working Class which built America, made it great and fought all of our wars....considers him their Champion and rightly so....first President to stand up for the White working class in decades.
More and more people are beginning to see what a disaster biden is and how the democratic party knowingly cospired with the MSM to install someone that is mentally afflicted into the offal office.

How could even the democrats do something that is so detrimental to America?

I think they really convinced themselves that it would be alright as in as long as the party could control joe, hide him away as much as possible, trot him out for a few photo ops, never let him answer questions, and when he disobeys orders and starts to speak his own words---cut off the sound etc.etc.

They seemingly forgot what they should have known......you can fool some of the people some of the time but you cannot fool all the people; all of the time.

2/3rds of the 49% are partisan Dems lying to the poll...

Everyone knows, which is why traitor Joe finished in 5th place in NH in the single digits with 100% name recognition....
Trump was as sharp as a thimble.

You're defending Biden? What kinda pitiful partisan HACK does a guy have to be to defend Joe Biden?


Fuck outa here.

Just because Trump was a blowhard who had his nose wedged up every Zio ass crack on the planet doesn't give you license to defend that senile lump of shit.

You don't defend guys like Biden.

Biden would sell you to the Chinese for a bowl of rice and then rape your daughter.

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