Poll: Nearly Half Of Americans Not Confident Presidential Elections Will Be Fair


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2015
Looks like the "vote by mail" scam isn't going over too well...

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 5:30 PM PT – Friday, August 21, 2020

As Americans across the country consider who they’re going to vote for this November, many voters have begun to realize how they’ll be voicing their stance could be just as important of an issue. According to a recent survey, more than four in 10 Americans are not confident this year’s elections will be conducted fairly and accurately.

The poll, which was conducted in late July and included responses from nearly 6,500 people, showed levels of concern about the integrity of the elections were similar across party lines and increased among voters who are older.

Of those planning to vote for Democrat candidate Joe Biden, 48% stated they are worried. 41% those looking to support President Trump responded similarly.

This report came before the USPS announced it could not guarantee all ballots cast for the general elections would be delivered in time, even if mailed by states’ deadlines. In addition to delays, voters have said they are also concerned their ballot could get lost.

“I don’t know, I’m scared it might get lost in the mail,” stated one resident. “I just want to make sure my vote is submitted, that it actually counts.”

Meanwhile, many people echoed President Trump’s worries about the potential for voter fraud after primary elections revealed outdated voter rolls and discrepancies connected to mail-in voting.

“At this point we have identified 119 applications that appear to be false,” explained Lake County elections supervisor Alan Hays. “We have turned over these documents to the sheriff’s department.”

And meanwhile, we find that those mailboxes aren't really that secure....

Trump is doing what he planned to do

Distribute misinformation to try to discredit the results to explain why he lost and set up a planned legal challenge to the results.

Last election, he claimed 3 million illegals voted without presenting any proof.
This time he is using the same tactic for mail in voting
I wonder why only 50% of the people are smart enough to see the massive potential for mail in voting fraud. Mail in voting is like some dude who thinks he could shoot up heroin just one time. They can't possibly end good.
I wonder why only 50% of the people are smart enough to see the massive potential for mail in voting fraud. Mail in voting is like some dude who thinks he could shoot up heroin just one time. They can't possibly end good.

Five states already have 100 percent mail in voting with no evidence of voter fraud.

Trump is creating a crisis without any evidence.
Breaking News! Drop Everything! Have a Cow!

Poll: Nearly half of Americans not confident that One America News Network (OANN.com) isn't just Fake News.. stay tuned.. for devilish details nowhere ever..
I wonder why only 50% of the people are smart enough to see the massive potential for mail in voting fraud. Mail in voting is like some dude who thinks he could shoot up heroin just one time. They can't possibly end good.

Five states already have 100 percent mail in voting with no evidence of voter fraud.

Trump is creating a crisis without any evidence.
That's just like the attitude of the dude who thinks he can shoot up heroin just one time. There are some very obvious indications that it will end badly. This is no time to experiment with new election systems, especially one that can be manipulated so easily.
I wonder why only 50% of the people are smart enough to see the massive potential for mail in voting fraud. Mail in voting is like some dude who thinks he could shoot up heroin just one time. They can't possibly end good.

Five states already have 100 percent mail in voting with no evidence of voter fraud.

Trump is creating a crisis without any evidence.
That's just like the attitude of the dude who thinks he can shoot up heroin just one time. There are some very obvious indications that it will end badly. This is no time to experiment with new election systems, especially one that can be manipulated so easily.
No experiment.
Mail in voting has been done for decades and is the norm in many states.

Got news for you. After people get used to it in this election, it will be the norm.
Looks like the "vote by mail" scam isn't going over too well...

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 5:30 PM PT – Friday, August 21, 2020

As Americans across the country consider who they’re going to vote for this November, many voters have begun to realize how they’ll be voicing their stance could be just as important of an issue. According to a recent survey, more than four in 10 Americans are not confident this year’s elections will be conducted fairly and accurately.

The poll, which was conducted in late July and included responses from nearly 6,500 people, showed levels of concern about the integrity of the elections were similar across party lines and increased among voters who are older.

Of those planning to vote for Democrat candidate Joe Biden, 48% stated they are worried. 41% those looking to support President Trump responded similarly.

This report came before the USPS announced it could not guarantee all ballots cast for the general elections would be delivered in time, even if mailed by states’ deadlines. In addition to delays, voters have said they are also concerned their ballot could get lost.

“I don’t know, I’m scared it might get lost in the mail,” stated one resident. “I just want to make sure my vote is submitted, that it actually counts.”

Meanwhile, many people echoed President Trump’s worries about the potential for voter fraud after primary elections revealed outdated voter rolls and discrepancies connected to mail-in voting.

“At this point we have identified 119 applications that appear to be false,” explained Lake County elections supervisor Alan Hays. “We have turned over these documents to the sheriff’s department.”

And meanwhile, we find that those mailboxes aren't really that secure....

Orange Potato says mail-in bad, Orange People say mail-in bad. Orange Potato should man-up for once.
I wonder why only 50% of the people are smart enough to see the massive potential for mail in voting fraud. Mail in voting is like some dude who thinks he could shoot up heroin just one time. They can't possibly end good.

Five states already have 100 percent mail in voting with no evidence of voter fraud.

Trump is creating a crisis without any evidence.
That's just like the attitude of the dude who thinks he can shoot up heroin just one time. There are some very obvious indications that it will end badly. This is no time to experiment with new election systems, especially one that can be manipulated so easily.
No experiment.
Mail in voting has been done for decades and is the norm in many states.

Got news for you. After people get used to it in this election, it will be the norm.
With the mess that they're predicting (and the election not being decided for a couple of months), I tend to disagree...
Democrats will do anything to win the election including cheating. There’s no way I trust vote by mail. Way to easy to cheat.

The Democrats are the party that allows rioting, looting and murder in our streets. Now they want to get rid of the police and take our guns.

Kamala Harris believed Joe Biden’s sexual assault accuser until he chose her to be his VP. Now suddenly she ignores the accusations. Democrats killed the #metoo movement.

Democrats tried to invalidate the votes of millions of Americans by conducting a BS impeachment trial. (We’re just a bunch of deplorables anyway)

Democrats wasted millions and millions of tax dollars on phony Russia and Ukraine investigations.

Democrats ignore the blacks getting slaughter in our inner cities while at the same time pushing a BLM false narrative. Democrats only care about blacks every four years during election season.

Worst of all, Democrats are weaponizing a pandemic to win an election. Democrats would shut down the entire country if they could to purposely tank the economy.

Democrats can’t trusted. Mail in voting would be a disaster. If Democrats can show up in person to protest for mail in voting, then they can show up in person to vote.
Democrats will do anything to win the election including cheating. There’s no way I trust vote by mail. Way to easy to cheat.

The Democrats are the party that allows rioting, looting and murder in our streets. Now they want to get rid of the police and take our guns.

Kamala Harris believed Joe Biden’s sexual assault accuser until he chose her to be his VP. Now suddenly she ignores the accusations. Democrats killed the #metoo movement.

Democrats tried to invalidate the votes of millions of Americans by conducting a BS impeachment trial. (We’re just a bunch of deplorables anyway)

Democrats wasted millions and millions of tax dollars on phony Russia and Ukraine investigations.

Democrats ignore the blacks getting slaughter in our inner cities while at the same time pushing a BLM false narrative. Democrats only care about blacks every four years during election season.

Worst of all, Democrats are weaponizing a pandemic to win an election. Democrats would shut down the entire country if they could to purposely tank the economy.

Democrats can’t trusted. Mail in voting would be a disaster. If Democrats can show up in person to protest for mail in voting, then they can show up in person to vote.
Democrats voted to remove a president who was caught trying to rig the election. In other words, stfu traitor.
Democrats will do anything to win the election including cheating. There’s no way I trust vote by mail. Way to easy to cheat.

The Democrats are the party that allows rioting, looting and murder in our streets. Now they want to get rid of the police and take our guns.

Kamala Harris believed Joe Biden’s sexual assault accuser until he chose her to be his VP. Now suddenly she ignores the accusations. Democrats killed the #metoo movement.

Democrats tried to invalidate the votes of millions of Americans by conducting a BS impeachment trial. (We’re just a bunch of deplorables anyway)

Democrats wasted millions and millions of tax dollars on phony Russia and Ukraine investigations.

Democrats ignore the blacks getting slaughter in our inner cities while at the same time pushing a BLM false narrative. Democrats only care about blacks every four years during election season.

Worst of all, Democrats are weaponizing a pandemic to win an election. Democrats would shut down the entire country if they could to purposely tank the economy.

Democrats can’t trusted. Mail in voting would be a disaster. If Democrats can show up in person to protest for mail in voting, then they can show up in person to vote.
Democrats voted to remove a president who was caught trying to rig the election. In other words, stfu traitor.
Seek help. You're delusional.
Poll: Nearly Half Of Americans Not Confident Presidential Elections Will Be Fair
Well yeah, we've got dOnald tRump screeching about voter fraud for 3+ years even though he can't find any at the same time as he's sabotaging the post office. Also don't forget that he is on record as saying he'd take help from foreign governments again.

He's doing his level best to poison the well.
For the last 4 years, the Democrat party has done one thing and one thing only -- try to overturn the results of an election by any means necessary. I think it is only natural to question their motives behind the push for vote by mail.

You mean other than the plague Trump caused making them afraid to leave their homes?

We send in out taxes by mail, we fill out the census by mail, we pay our bills by mail.

We can vote by mail. This isn't complicated.
I wonder why only 50% of the people are smart enough to see the massive potential for mail in voting fraud. Mail in voting is like some dude who thinks he could shoot up heroin just one time. They can't possibly end good.
Mail in voting has been happening for a 100 years with no serious problems.

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