Poll: Do You Agree With Dr. Rand Paul That Dr. Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress Regarding NIH Funding Gain of Function Research in Wuhan?

Do You Agree With Dr. Rand Paul That Dr. Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress Regarding NIH Funding

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Yet it is horse dewormer and has demonstrated ZERO effectiveness against covid.

Totally wrong.
Both India and Israel have had fantastic success with Stromectol, a brand name for human consumption.


An Israeli study from January shows ivermectin effective for treating COVID, so why is it not used as infections soar?​

Opposition to using the drug exists worldwide, not just in Israel where COVID vaccines are order of the day to defeat the pandemic


Ivermectin obliterates 97 percent of Delhi cases​

  • By Justus R. Hope, MD
  • Jun 1, 2021 Updated Jun 7, 2021
  • ...}
Gain-of-function” is the euphemism for biological research aimed at increasing the virulence and lethality of pathogens and viruses. GoF research is government funded; its focus is on enhancing the pathogens’ ability to infect different species and to increase their deadly impact as airborne pathogens and viruses.

You, of course, assume a nefarious purpose behind such research, rather than a preventive purpose.

Your link does not say what you think it does. It says don't self-medicate with ivermectin. It does not dispute anything Badger posted.

It says the study type that Badger posted is commonly used to test effectiveness. It says human trials are needed, as this is promising.

Your link is from April 2020. His is more recent, from October. You link references a completely different study.

Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19
Totally wrong.
Both India and Israel have had fantastic success with Stromectol, a brand name for human consumption.


An Israeli study from January shows ivermectin effective for treating COVID, so why is it not used as infections soar?​

Opposition to using the drug exists worldwide, not just in Israel where COVID vaccines are order of the day to defeat the pandemic​



Ivermectin obliterates 97 percent of Delhi cases​

  • By Justus R. Hope, MD
  • Jun 1, 2021 Updated Jun 7, 2021
  • ...}

Do you have any REAL sources? These are not scientific peer reviewed studies.

It is ridiculous to promote quack cures which are literally killing people, when real treatments and vaccines which have been scientifically studied, approved, and which work in saving lives, are available everywhere.

You fear and distrust science, and believe strangers posting on the internet. Stupid is as stupid does.
For any of this to matter you have to convincingly show that GoF research caused this pandemic

Get back to me
You, of course, assume a nefarious purpose behind such research, rather than a preventive purpose.

Except that it is more than just a little suspicious when the gain of function research site is also the break out site.
And those doing gain of function research should have first work on treatment protocols in case it ever did break out.
Do you have any REAL sources? These are not scientific peer reviewed studies.

It is ridiculous to promote quack cures which are literally killing people, when real treatments and vaccines which have been scientifically studied, approved, and which work in saving lives, are available everywhere.

You fear and distrust science, and believe strangers posting on the internet. Stupid is as stupid does.

That is silly.
India and Israel are not quacks and are doing peer reviewed science.
None of the Ivermectin studies have resulted in a single death.
Oh geez

“Dr. Rigby” our Kremlin Troll expounds again
For any of this to matter you have to convincingly show that GoF research caused this pandemic

Get back to me

So you think it is all just a coincidence the research and breakout both happened to be in Wuhan?

The point is Wuhan should have had contingency plans, treatment procedures, etc.
This should not have been kept in the dark once it broke out.
Here is one incontrovertible:

American Journal of Therapeutics

Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19​

Pierre Kory, MD,1,* Gianfranco Umberto Meduri, MD,2 Joseph Varon, MD,3 Jose Iglesias, DO,4 and Paul E. Marik, MD5



Meta-analyses based on 18 randomized controlled treatment trials of ivermectin in COVID-19 have found large, statistically significant reductions in mortality, time to clinical recovery, and time to viral clearance. Furthermore, results from numerous controlled prophylaxis trials report significantly reduced risks of contracting COVID-19 with the regular use of ivermectin. Finally, the many examples of ivermectin distribution campaigns leading to rapid population-wide decreases in morbidity and mortality indicate that an oral agent effective in all phases of COVID-19 has been identified.
So you think it is all just a coincidence the research and breakout both happened to be in Wuhan?

The point is Wuhan should have had contingency plans, treatment procedures, etc.
This should not have been kept in the dark once it broke out.
Again. Save your coincidence bullshit

Prove that GoF research caused the pandemic and you morons have a point.

Get back to me
That is silly.
India and Israel are not quacks and are doing peer reviewed science.
None of the Ivermectin studies have resulted in a single death.

The ivermectin studies are not peer reviewed scientific studies. The studies out of Israel have been debunked, and those pushing this theory are selling the drug, just like hydroxycloraqine. Have you seen or read these studies, or just read the reports about them on the internet?
Again. Save your coincidence bullshit

Prove that GoF research caused the pandemic and you morons have a point.

Get back to me

That is ridiculous.
The only people who could prove it are the researchers at Wuhan who can tell us what their genetic changes were.
They have been kept secret from us, to there is no way we could possibly prove it as long as they are keeping secret what they did.
The ivermectin studies are not peer reviewed scientific studies. The studies out of Israel have been debunked, and those pushing this theory are selling the drug, just like hydroxycloraqine. Have you seen or read these studies, or just read the reports about them on the internet?

Nothing can be peer reviewed yet.
There has not been enough time.
There are no peer reviewed studies of the mRNA vaccines either.

The studies out of Israel have not been "debunked".
Quinine has not been debunked either, and has been proven to be useful.

Anything and everything one reads is on the internet these days.
It would be a waste of trees for anyone to use paper.

This is NOT that complex.
We know that the virus is not killing anyone itself, and the only harm is coming from immune system over reactions.
And there are dozens of drugs which can easily suppress autoimmune responses.
It is absurd for people to be dying from this practically benign virus.
Except that it is more than just a little suspicious when the gain of function research site is also the break out site.
And those doing gain of function research should have first work on treatment protocols in case it ever did break out.
Who has confirmed that the Wuhan Lab was the breakout location?
Nothing can be peer reviewed yet.
There has not been enough time.
There are no peer reviewed studies of the mRNA vaccines either.

The studies out of Israel have not been "debunked".
Quinine has not been debunked either, and has been proven to be useful.

Anything and everything one reads is on the internet these days.
It would be a waste of trees for anyone to use paper.

This is NOT that complex.
We know that the virus is not killing anyone itself, and the only harm is coming from immune system over reactions.
And there are dozens of drugs which can easily suppress autoimmune responses.
It is absurd for people to be dying from this practically benign virus.
Tell that to the roughly 670,000 people who have died from COVID-19.
Tell that to the roughly 670,000 people who have died from COVID-19.

Lots of people die from autoimmune reactions, like anaphylactic shock, asthma, Lupus, diabetes, etc.
Are you implying you think the covid-19 virus has ever killed anyone?

What makes this important is that we do not have a lot of successful antiviral, but we have lots of successful immuno suppressants.
No one should be dying.
Lots of people die from autoimmune reactions, like anaphylactic shock, asthma, Lupus, diabetes, etc.
Are you implying you think the covid-19 virus has ever killed anyone?

What makes this important is that we do not have a lot of successful antiviral, but we have lots of successful immuno suppressants.
No one should be dying.
WTF ...stop babbling

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