Poll: Do You Agree With Dr. Rand Paul That Dr. Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress Regarding NIH Funding Gain of Function Research in Wuhan?

Do You Agree With Dr. Rand Paul That Dr. Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress Regarding NIH Funding

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Doctor Fauci’s advice was consistent with what medical experts were saying at the time

Trump’s pronouncements made experts go WTF?

Actually no!
There is no one with any medical knowledge that was suggesting that "flattening the curve" was a good long term strategy.
The only reason you might want to flatten the curve for a week or so, is to give yourself time to determine the lethality of the epidmemic.
If it is too lethal, you go full quarantine with contract tracing, like we did for Ebola. So you end it as quickly as possible.
If it is not too lethal, then you accelerate infection among volunteers. So you end it as quickly as possible.

There is no scenario where you try to continue to flatten the curve.
That just prevents herd immunity and makes the epidemic last forever, causing the largest possible death total.
Fauci is more politician than researcher.
So anyone who talks to actual doctors or researcher would know more than what Fauci was willing to say.
I say that because I think Fauci knew that "flattening the curve" was a bad idea, and he admitted it won't and can't end any epidemic that way.
So I think he already had bought into the vaccine idea, but just was not saying.
His vaccine tendency came from HIV-1 experience.
ShortBus, the pool size is less than 0.0000088235 of the nation. And almost everyone here saying Fauci lied is on the right while almost everyone here saying he didn't is on the left.
So when CNN does polls they take a tiny smidgeon of the population as well. So you said 90% error, please show the math and please show that this site has 3x more right wingers. Your words not mine, OCD ridden fat fuck.

Thank you
So when CNN does polls they take a tiny smidgeon of the population as well. So you said 90% error, please show the math and please show that this site has 3x more right wingers. Your words not mine, OCD ridden fat fuck.

Thank you
No, you fucking retard. When CNN takes a poll, their pool is the entire nation. You're seriously demented, ShortBus. :cuckoo:

And I've already demonstrated how this poll reflects a 3:1 ratio. You'd get it if you had a functioning brain.
>If Randy's accusation is deemed to be frivolous

Please. Paul laid out his evidence. It is quite convincing that NIH funded GoF research at Wuhan, and is by no means frivolous.

If you think it's frivolous, I think you are blinded by your political bias.
It's not a question of whether I recognize Randy's nasty outburst as being frivolous. Nor for ideological fanatics.

That is for experts in immunology to properly assess.

If Randy's slur is given credence by any recognized authority in that discipline, or even if normal fellow Republicans in the Senate and House join in Randy's alleged intent to submit the matter to the Department of Justice, it could be then taken seriously.

As it stands, Randy's whining about Fauci only elicits the frenetic pom pom flailing of hyper-partisan nut jobs.

Experts are siding with Dr. Anthony Fauci in the dispute with Sen. Rand Paul over whether experiments done on bat coronaviruses conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology constituted gain of function research.
Gain-of-function is a controversial research method that involves manipulating pathogens to give them a new aspect, such as making viruses more transmissible or dangerous to humans. Dr. Vincent Racaniello, a virologist at Columbia University, said the "key" to the research not being gain-of-function is the viruses the researchers started with could already infect human cells because they could bind to the ACE2 receptor, a protein that serves as the entry point for coronaviruses to infect human cells.
If you started with a bat virus that could not infect human cells and then gave it the ability to do so, that would be a gain-of-function. But that is not what they did there," Racaniello said. "They didn't give it a new property."

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It is quite convincing that NIH funded GoF research at Wuhan
Patently false.

"If you started with a bat virus that could not infect human cells and then gave it the ability to do so, that would be a gain-of-function. But that is not what they did there. They didn't give it a new property."
Dr. Vincent Racaniello, Columbia University Virologist​

If you can provide any contradictory accusation concerning GoF Wuhan experiments from any other legitimate authority, please do so.


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Hyper-partisans raving hysterically about the respected immunologist is of no import.

Until crackpot charges against Fauci are substantiated, he continues to be accorded the trust he has earned:

A survey released this week by the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania found 76 percent of respondents said they were "somewhat or very confident" in the veracity of information about the coronavirus coming from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and its leaders.
At the same time, 68 percent said they believed Fauci, a member of former President Trump's coronavirus task force and a top adviser to President Biden on the pandemic, has provided trustworthy advice.
Well good for them..This is yet another example of liberals screaming, “believe as we do, or suffer the consequences “… A liberal think tank says it so it must be true…pushing a narrative. Arent these the same pexpletive involved in “fact check”.org?
It's not a question of whether I recognize Randy's nasty outburst as being frivolous. Nor for ideological fanatics.

That is for experts in immunology to properly assess.

If Randy's slur is given credence by any recognized authority in that discipline, or even if normal fellow Republicans in the Senate and House join in Randy's alleged intent to submit the matter to the Department of Justice, it could be then taken seriously.

As it stands, Randy's whining about Fauci only elicits the frenetic pom pom flailing of hyper-partisan nut jobs.

Experts are siding with Dr. Anthony Fauci in the dispute with Sen. Rand Paul over whether experiments done on bat coronaviruses conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology constituted gain of function research.
Gain-of-function is a controversial research method that involves manipulating pathogens to give them a new aspect, such as making viruses more transmissible or dangerous to humans. Dr. Vincent Racaniello, a virologist at Columbia University, said the "key" to the research not being gain-of-function is the viruses the researchers started with could already infect human cells because they could bind to the ACE2 receptor, a protein that serves as the entry point for coronaviruses to infect human cells.
If you started with a bat virus that could not infect human cells and then gave it the ability to do so, that would be a gain-of-function. But that is not what they did there," Racaniello said. "They didn't give it a new property."

Do you have a link to the left wing report you just posted?
Well good for them..This is yet another example of liberals screaming, “believe as we do, or suffer the consequences “… A liberal think tank says it so it must be true…pushing a narrative. Arent these the same pexpletive involved in “fact check”.org?
Your hyper-partisan raving aside, if you can contrive any legitimate immunological sources that support Randy's hysterics, please provide them.
Why? You wouldn’t accept them anyway.
Why do you need to fantasize just because you can't contrive any legitimate scientific source that corroborates Randy's hysteria?

If you cannot accept credible, expert commentary, that is not my problem.
Patently false.

"If you started with a bat virus that could not infect human cells and then gave it the ability to do so, that would be a gain-of-function. But that is not what they did there. They didn't give it a new property."
Dr. Vincent Racaniello, Columbia University Virologist​

If you can provide any contradictory accusation concerning GoF Wuhan experiments from any other legitimate authority, please do so.
They didn’t give the circulating virus a new property. That does not exclude giving the non-circulating virus a new property.
Your quotes contradict each other, of course. And not one of those "experts" know what was going on in the lab, anyway. They can't know whether the transmissibility to humans was increased.

Some of your "experts", falsely, claim that the virus can't be the result of GOF because it was already transmissible to humans. This is clearly a lie since, as your first quoted expert explains, GOF is the act of increasing, not creating, transmissibility to humans.

Second, since no one has ever found this virus in nature, it's only known source being a lab, they cannot possibly substantiate a claim that it was "already" transmissible to humans. The only way to make such a claim is to have the virus from its natural source and prove transmissibility to humans.

What you're intentionally ignoring is that there are Josef-Mengele-style mad scientists still all around the world, Fauci clearly being one of them and being worshiped by them all because of his log-standing ability to deliver American taxpayer money, who want to continue their studies and research into creating end-of-the-world viruses and do not want massive public outcry against their evil.

Fauci's own documents prove his interest is in creating pandemics like this one - or even worse.
Receptor-binding enhancement also occurs naturally, as has been shown for LYRa11, the virus from the bat species that harbors SARS-CoV-2’s closest relative, RaTG13. It would be absurd to think that after seeing these results, they would just sit back stunned and marveling. There were military vaccines to get moving on.
No, you fucking retard. When CNN takes a poll, their pool is the entire nation. You're seriously demented, ShortBus. :cuckoo:

And I've already demonstrated how this poll reflects a 3:1 ratio. You'd get it if you had a functioning brain.
Their poll is "the entire nation"? Really? Usually it is around 1000 respondents. I hardly think they represent the entire nation. Please show how it is a 3:1 ratio. You said this board. So for every left winger there are three right wingers. Please show how you got those numbers. For example I am an Independent.

Thank you again, you OCD ridden fat fuck.
Their poll is "the entire nation"? Really? Usually it is around 1000 respondents. I hardly think they represent the entire nation. Please show how it is a 3:1 ratio. You said this board. So for every left winger there are three right wingers. Please show how you got those numbers. For example I am an Independent.

Thank you again, you OCD ridden fat fuck.
Holyfuckingshit, ShortBus. You're getting more retarded with every post you make. :cuckoo:

No, I didn't say they polled the entire nation. :cuckoo:

I said their pool was the entire nation, which is about 340 million. Whereas this poll's pool was USMB members who happened to stumble on this thread, which is less than 3K. Prolly just a few hundred.

Just throw out a number... any number... the number of times you're going to demonstrate for this forum why you're known as ShortBus.....
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Holyfuckingshit, ShortBus. You're getting more retarded with every post you make. :cuckoo:

No, I didn't say they polled the entire nation. :cuckoo:

I said their pool was the entire nation, which is about 340 million. Whereas this poll's pool was USMB members who happened to stumble on this thread, which is less than 3K. Prolly just a few hundred.

Just throw out a number... any number... the number of times you're going to demonstrate for this forum why you're known as ShortBus.....
Yes, the stats are skewed, though just because you’re not paranoid doesn’t mean there’s no commie virus coming for you, likely the Delta variant the commies could watch as they adjusted their protocols at the Wuhan lab (the esoterica part).
Yes, the stats are skewed, though just because you’re not paranoid doesn’t mean there’s no commie virus coming for you, likely the Delta variant the commies could watch as they adjusted their protocols at the Wuhan lab (the esoterica part).
The "stats" aren't just skewed, they're meaningless. An unscientific, non-probability online poll with a pool size of between a few hundred and an few thousand is utterly worthless in terms of whether or not Fauci lied. ShortBus just doesn't understand that ... well ... because he's ShortBus.

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